PCOS and ttc ladies

Airy - im so so sorry to hear your news :( my thoughts are with you
If you ever need someone to talk to im here as I know sometimes its easier to talk to someone different when times get tough!
I hope new year will bring good news in future
Big hugs
Hey Everyone

I ended up miscarrying yesterday at 4 weeks 6 days :( Going to take soy, red raspberry leaf and baby asprin to help my lining as my Ob suspected was the cause of the m/c. SO wants to try again this cycle, I'm not so sure I'm ready...its been so long since I've had a m/c I'm not really handling it well

That must be heartbreaking. So sorry :(

I got my period yesterday after a 31 day cycle, weeks of sore boobs and high temps. I was devastated. Not the way I wanted to finish 2012 and start 2013. But on the up side, my body did start this new cycle by itself for the first time without provera since being diagnosed with PCOS. It was also the shortest cycle length yet and I had a definite temp dip and rise that indicates I may just have ovulated. Maybe things will start looking up... I can only hope... this TTC is so hard! :hugs:
Hey Everyone

I ended up miscarrying yesterday at 4 weeks 6 days :( Going to take soy, red raspberry leaf and baby asprin to help my lining as my Ob suspected was the cause of the m/c. SO wants to try again this cycle, I'm not so sure I'm ready...its been so long since I've had a m/c I'm not really handling it well

So sorry for your loss Airy! You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Jillie89 sorry to hear about af- but as you said on the up side it wasyor natural and shortestvaf :)

I would like to give you all a bit of good news about my frend, she has just concieved naturally her second baby with pcos :) with her first just only being one :) she is veryy very lucky, but can give us all a lil hope :)
Jillie89 sorry to hear about af- but as you said on the up side it wasyor natural and shortestvaf :)

I would like to give you all a bit of good news about my frend, she has just concieved naturally her second baby with pcos :) with her first just only being one :) she is veryy very lucky, but can give us all a lil hope :)

Got my next 300mg round of clomid at the chemist today.... ready to choke down 6 tablets each day (on top of all my other pills) from CD5-9 again. I am being ruthless with my hubby telling him to give up the jocks as much as he can and take extra menevit to help his swimmers lol. Anything that may just help us this time if I do ovulate seeming we are both a bit dud in the baby making departments... hopefully one day we will be lucky.

A distant relative just had a baby today too... that got me down a bit... just want it to be my turn already! My 90 year old grandmother told me that she isn't allowed to die until I have a baby... no pressure or anything?!?! And every time one of my cousins falls pregnant she says to me, "you were meant to be the one having the baby next." :dohh:
That sounds like a good idea, anything to get these baby making idea go to plan :) good luck :)

And i know its so so hard, i can imagine how hard it is with your nan telling you these things, Its the same for me, when i went home to Wales for xmas I have my 3 closest friends around me where one is 6 months pregnant and the other two have new borns one 2 weeks and one 4 weeks, and my cousin has a 5 month old. But dont get me wrong i love them all, and i will be one broke god mother with all the gifts.
But now its my turn to have my own :)

As always good luck to all of you :)
Hi there hunnie. I am 19 (almost 20) I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was just 11. We tried to conceive our first child alone and failed. So we got given clomid 100mg and after three months I was carrying my beautiful son. Were now longing for baby #2 and given our success with clomid for baby #1 am hoping if we fail naturally this time round that we have the chance with the meds again. I would just like to wish you good luck and would like you to know that a lot of women with PCOS manage to concieve naturally <3
Hi there hunnie. I am 19 (almost 20) I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was just 11. We tried to conceive our first child alone and failed. So we got given clomid 100mg and after three months I was carrying my beautiful son. Were now longing for baby #2 and given our success with clomid for baby #1 am hoping if we fail naturally this time round that we have the chance with the meds again. I would just like to wish you good luck and would like you to know that a lot of women with PCOS manage to concieve naturally <3

Thank you very much LongingForNo2, it is always good news to hear that someone else suffering with pcos has had a baby :)
I hope you do concieve soon naturally, and you will have to keep us updated, how long are you going to try for until you start clomid again? xx
Hi I am 23 and ttc #1 and I got diagnosed with PCOS 2 days ago after blood test, HyCoSy test, scans etc its been a long 14 months! I only have 1 period a year so I have to take provera to bleed and my GP has given me clomid to start in the next few weeks so I've got everything crossed for some positive news for a change!!

best of luck to you all xx
Hi there hunnie. I am 19 (almost 20) I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was just 11. We tried to conceive our first child alone and failed. So we got given clomid 100mg and after three months I was carrying my beautiful son. Were now longing for baby #2 and given our success with clomid for baby #1 am hoping if we fail naturally this time round that we have the chance with the meds again. I would just like to wish you good luck and would like you to know that a lot of women with PCOS manage to concieve naturally <3

Thank you very much LongingForNo2, it is always good news to hear that someone else suffering with pcos has had a baby :)
I hope you do concieve soon naturally, and you will have to keep us updated, how long are you going to try for until you start clomid again? xx

We agreed we would try for a year. Closely monitored periods and going to start charting when next period arrives. I really hope you get your BFP soon hun x
Hi I am 23 and ttc #1 and I got diagnosed with PCOS 2 days ago after blood test, HyCoSy test, scans etc its been a long 14 months! I only have 1 period a year so I have to take provera to bleed and my GP has given me clomid to start in the next few weeks so I've got everything crossed for some positive news for a change!!

best of luck to you all xx

When are you starting clomid? I am doing my 5th round (2nd round on 300mg) starting tomorrow (CD5). Good luck with it all :hugs:
Hi girls!
Very quick bit from me, I have PCOS and have been on Metformin for four years. Worked brilliantly for me and I conceived after three months of having the drug. Is nobody else trying this? Sounds like you have all bee ttc for a while?

Lots of luck x
Hi girls!
Very quick bit from me, I have PCOS and have been on Metformin for four years. Worked brilliantly for me and I conceived after three months of having the drug. Is nobody else trying this? Sounds like you have all bee ttc for a while?

Lots of luck x

Hi Leylalou,

Congratulations :) I am still not on any drug as i have been ttc for two cycles now, and the doctor has said i have to be ttc for a year before i will receive treatment! Are you still on the metaformin? x
Hi girls!
Very quick bit from me, I have PCOS and have been on Metformin for four years. Worked brilliantly for me and I conceived after three months of having the drug. Is nobody else trying this? Sounds like you have all bee ttc for a while?

Lots of luck x

Hi Leylalou,

Congratulations :) I am still not on any drug as i have been ttc for two cycles now, and the doctor has said i have to be ttc for a year before i will receive treatment! Are you still on the metaformin? x

What is the reasoning for a year before you can receive treatment? I know if you have been TTC for a year and are not pregnant, then they will look into things to check for any factors contributing, but if you already have PCOS shouldn't they be doing something now? I went 6 months before i started questioning my cycles and made a GP refer me for tests. I was diagnosed and OBGYN started me on provera and metformin (which I had to stop taking) to regulate my cycles in an effort to help with ovulation straight away. After 2 cycles of that, he started me on clomid and after 3 rounds of it not working (different dosages) he did ovarian drilling and back on clomid again. All within 6 months of first seeing him.
Yep on it for life! I stopped when I conceived my daughter four years ago but went back on after breast feeding her.
Fingers crossed you will do it without. Are your cycles normalish?
I hope you don't mind me joining this group, I've just read the entire thread!

I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was abut 21, after coming off the pill and nor getting a period for a year. However, since then my periods have been 'regular' (vary between 28-40 days but still I'd say that's regular?!)

Anyway, I'm now nearly 26, married and have been ttc since April to no avail. At first I refused to even think about attributing it to PCOS but am now beginning to accept it might be related. I went to the Drs and they told me they wouldn't do anything until it had been at least a year.

What I find so frustrating is never knowing when/if I am ovulating. I tried those ovulation tests which were constantly negative, and I never know if I am 'late' or not because my cycle varies so much. (E.g. based on the 'average' number of days in my cycle, I should have got AF yesterday, but it's not unusual for me to be 40 days). ANNOYING.

My friend from uni has just announced her pregnancy; my neighbour is 16 weeks...I feel like it's happening for everyone apart from me. And if one more person tells to me "just relax because it will happen when you least expect it" I'm going to go mad! I'm ALWAYS expecting it!! I'm desperate!!

I don't even know what all this medication people are referring to is, my Dr didn't mention any of it.

It's so hard to stay positive isn't it?
Hi I am 23 and ttc #1 and I got diagnosed with PCOS 2 days ago after blood test, HyCoSy test, scans etc its been a long 14 months! I only have 1 period a year so I have to take provera to bleed and my GP has given me clomid to start in the next few weeks so I've got everything crossed for some positive news for a change!!

best of luck to you all xx

When are you starting clomid? I am doing my 5th round (2nd round on 300mg) starting tomorrow (CD5). Good luck with it all :hugs:

Well its all a bit complicated! I have to wait until tuesday 8th to take a pregnancy test to ensure I am not pregnant then I have to take 7 days of provera and then when I start af I can take clomid 50mg twice daily from day 2-6! How do you find the Clomid? I am a bit nervous for side effects etc! :hugs: x
Hi I am 23 and ttc #1 and I got diagnosed with PCOS 2 days ago after blood test, HyCoSy test, scans etc its been a long 14 months! I only have 1 period a year so I have to take provera to bleed and my GP has given me clomid to start in the next few weeks so I've got everything crossed for some positive news for a change!!

best of luck to you all xx

When are you starting clomid? I am doing my 5th round (2nd round on 300mg) starting tomorrow (CD5). Good luck with it all :hugs:

Well its all a bit complicated! I have to wait until tuesday 8th to take a pregnancy test to ensure I am not pregnant then I have to take 7 days of provera and then when I start af I can take clomid 50mg twice daily from day 2-6! How do you find the Clomid? I am a bit nervous for side effects etc! :hugs: x

First 3 rounds of clomid I felt nothing - no different in any way (it never made me ovulate either.) The 300mg I had some dizziness when I was taking the tablets and I won't know for sure whether I ovulated or not til end of January when I get my blood results back. But looking at my temp drop and rise and my sore sore sore boobs that I had before AF, I have a feeling it may have just worked in helping me ovulate and have a 'normalish' cycle. Some ladies experience hot flushes and nausea on clomid and it can affect your CM, but luckily I had none of that.

Metformin on the other hand, even on the lowest dosage and on the slow release ones made me sick within hours. I was running to the loo every 30 minutes and could barely eat as it made me so sick. :growlmad: It was starting to affect my work so OBGYN stopped me on it. Was so frustrating because I know how much it can help and my body was rejecting it no matter what I tried. :cry:
Hi girls!
Very quick bit from me, I have PCOS and have been on Metformin for four years. Worked brilliantly for me and I conceived after three months of having the drug. Is nobody else trying this? Sounds like you have all bee ttc for a while?

Lots of luck x

I concieved my daughter on 2000mg of met and 80mg of soy on cd 3-7. After I had her, my body rejected met and I havent been able to take it since. My cycles are regular now, every 29 days. I'm taking soy again this cycle to see what happens. I may try met again, idk...have to see what my endo says when I go labs this year.
Hello Babiesonbrainwelcome :flower:

To girls with PCOS who have been told to wait a year before getting any treatment I would definatly go get a second opinion or push for something else to be done because that dosent sound right at all!

Unfortunately a lot of GP's are not clued up about PCOS and don't realise its full effects. The one year rule should only apply to couples without problems! If you are not getting positive OPK's or your charts aren't showing ovulation I would go and say that you suspect that your are Anovulatory due to PCOS and you want to see a gynocologist or fertility specialist.

My GP referred me when we had only been ttc for 6 months even though I had no diagnosis of PCOS at the time but because I told her how wacky my cycles were (she is a very good doctor though).

I wouldn't accept wait for a year with PCOS because you will prob need help and its very frustrating trying and not getting anywhere!


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