Hi ladies, how are all of you doing? I have been lurking around here still refusing to give up on you ladies and praying like the dickens that it is your turn too

I have been reading some of what you ladies have been saying and I would like to renew your hope a bit.
It seems that a lot of you are experiencing some cramping like AF cramps. Fortunately for me, I am on progesterone supplements, so I knew that AF would not be coming. So when I started getting AF like cramps a few days before I tested (11dpo) I decided to look up cramping as an early pregnancy symptom. Sure enough! cramping is an early pregnancy symptom. So just for a bit of hope to keep you ladies going...maybe those cramps you feel are a good sign of an impending BFP
Maria- you are not out yet hun

Your temps look absolutely wonderful

and 10dpo might still be a little too early for you. I wasn't too sure if my first BFP was really there since it was so light. Also, I was 15dpo yesterday and my BFP was still super light. I keep testing to see if my line gets darker even though blood tests show that my hCG is doubling like it should
Sma- I'm surprised that you tested at 7dpo and might have gotten a + already! That would be amazing if your super faint line really is a BFP. But since you are only 9dpo today, I would wait at least another 2 days before testing again...if you can hold out that long

As for the possible BFP followed by a BFN, I too have heard that it is very common when testing so early. I read that FRER's are kinda weird with their sensitivity levels. Sometimes they can read as low as 6.3mIU, but most of the time they read at about 15mIU. So maybe the first one you got was sensitive as low as 6.3mIU

and the second was 15mIU
And ladies, if none of this helps and you would prefer that I keep my opinions to myself just let me know. I only wish to help out and keep your spirits up. I just sometimes think that I am being more annoying than helpful, but I will never know unless I am told

Gosh I sound so damned sensitive