sma - sorry about af, babe

But - loving your PMA

It's reall good news that you ovulated and had a 29 day cycle! Onwards and upwards from here. And good thing DH is on the same page.
I just had a call from the clinic to say that DH's SA results are "absolutely fine"

He had to produce another sample yesterday and we got the results the next day!! So we can go full steam ahead with the IUI cycle
Firefox - here's the approximate costings: drugs would be about £150, scans are £90 each and Ill need about 3-4. The procedure itself is £300. So all in all about £700-800. With NO WAITING - and to me that's priceless
Also yesterday we had to pay £320 for the first consultation, scan and SA. This is a one off cost and everyone has to bear it for their first appointment Im afraid.
My Mum will be helping us through the treatment and Im reall greateful to her
Ladies - 2010 hasn't brought all of us that longed for BFP, but we've met each other on here, has become stronger and wiser and are so much closer to our babies - so I sa 2010 was a GREAT YEAR! And 2011 will be even better! I wanted to sa a huge Thank You to all of you for being there for me. I don't think I could have coped without you, ladies

So here's wishing you a
Merry Christmas
a Happy New Year