Hello girls I posted this in Clomid Club, but I know some of you in here have taken clomid and as I have PCOS it may be better placed here!! anyway at my appointment with the FS he said they like to see progesterone over 30 to show ov happened (UK) mine was at 19 on day 21 so he prescribed clomid 50mg days 2 - 5, so I did this last cycle and the results are in and my level is 39.... the lady at the clinic who gives us our results said they like to see it between 40 -100 so we are increasing the dosage to 75mg next cycle... do you think ive ovulated?? I detected the surge and by my account am 8dpo, I couldnt resist but POAS and it was a BFN but it is still super early I guess, or am I out? oooh god this is soooooo long-winded and confsuing!