Oh I know the feeling. My sister got married 11 months ago, got pregnant within two months and her due date is tomorrow! I am assuming that is why I am so irritable today.
And my friend is pregnant and she is due Aug 9th.
One of the girls I work with hooked up with her boyfriend as soon as he got out of prison (yeah, tell me about it), got pregnant within a month, and she brought him in for me to see....I can never turn down a chance to see and hold a baby lol.
One of my manager's daughters just had her baby boy and brought him into the store for all of us to see.
So needless to say, I am a bit emotional and annoyed at all that is going on around me.
I had 2 + OPKs, one was 3 days ago and the other was 2 days ago, yesterday's was negative. If I remember correctly, you usually O about 12-48 hours after your first OPK...meaning I would have ovulated yesterday. But I am looking on the upside and hoping that I will ovulate today and have that wonderful big temp spike tomorrow morning. All day today I have had cramps but they have not been on any specific side. I am worried because these cramps feel like AF cramps and I usually get them just beforecomes. Ugh...days like these, I just want to crawl in a hole and die because of all the frustrations I feel. I am glad we have each other's shoulder to cry on.
Courtney - Keeping my fingers crossed that you O this cycle!!!
red rose - You know you can still lose weight and not cut things totally out of your diet. You should still eat carbs, but just stick to the healthy ones. My doctor suggested to me to follow the GI diet, and after the first week even though I didnt lose very much, I felt so much better. Healthier and more energy.
jwelmel - for me the eating issue is boredom. If I am sitting at home doing nothing but watch TV, I am always in the kitchen looking for food.
As for me....I think AF is on her way
I was hoping that I wouldnt have to go past 1 year TTC, but once I move onto te next cycle it will be month 13
hey jewl.....
im doing ok just trying to get the hang of taking my pills on time and taking them everyday...although i finally got what i wanted (AF) now i want it to go away..it hurts sooo bad but i know im on my way to a bfp hopefully and i wont mind the pain from that. as far as dropping the weight i had lost a few lbs like maybe 4 and it just seems to stay there. im not so happy about not dropping it fast but it hasnt went up so thats good. i think the provera made me want more sweets and stuff to so that doesnt help
Hey Jewlmel,
I know how you are feeling about the weight lose stuff. It can be hard. I am struggling every day with mine but I keep telling my self the will be no baby if I don't do this. I have cut out a lot of things. Carbs, Sugars, Caffiene, etc. Bascially I went a no P, B, S diet. I cant have any thing that starts with those letters. I am donig good so far. I wish I had more time for excerising casuse with PCOS I know if you excersie it makes you feel really great plus it helps with lowing your insulin levels.
And you are right we do have each other. I hope this helps you. Oh and I have been doing this for about 5 weeks and have lost an amazing 12 pounds. I weigh in on mondays I think we all sould report are loses on mondays. What do you girls think.
yeah I am trying to get motivated to start working out again. I cleaned out my basement.....I have my videos and my wii ready to go....I just have to do it.
I became so lazy after shattering my leg that I got used to not moving.....now I just gotta get off my ass!!! I just gotta think that it will get me my baby
I wish soy worked for me![]()
I am having ribs for dinner.....not very diet friendly....but SOOOOOO good![]()
I wish soy worked for me![]()
Maybe it works only for norma ladies...not pcos..im just trying it cos dr wont try a cycle of clomid and i just wanted to see whether i can ovulate sooner...have a regular cycle,instead of 40-50 day cycles.
have u tried softcups and preseed.heard some good things abt it.
I wish soy worked for me![]()
Maybe it works only for norma ladies...not pcos..im just trying it cos dr wont try a cycle of clomid and i just wanted to see whether i can ovulate sooner...have a regular cycle,instead of 40-50 day cycles.
have u tried softcups and preseed.heard some good things abt it.
Not sure....i definitely tried it before I knew I had PCOS because I hated Oing at like CD21.
I tried 100mg and didnt even O at all that cycle
I tried 200mg and I spotted for pretty much the entire cycle (38 days)
I am thinking of trying conceive plus one, because I dont get much EWCM, and I think reg lube gives me YI (for those days when we are not baby making).
I dont know if I can be bothered with softcups. I dont think I could get one in without standing up, but if I stand right away then it just all runs out of me LOL
Hey Sma- I am taking a butt load of other things. They seem to be working so far so I will keep at it until I get my BFP or notice that they are not working any more.
Hey Jewlmel- How have you been. Yeap today is the last day of soy. I didn't temp today cause I over sleep thats what I get for getting to sleep any ways. Well I have decided to queit my second job YAH!!!!!!. My bills are all paid off and I think that may be one reason I have not gotten my BFP casue of lack of sleep. Well last night was my last night. So I will start temping in the am when I get up to go to work.
Hey did you notice any symptoms with soy. I think I had hot flashes but wont know for sure if that is what caused them until later this week. Hey have you tried EPO.
Did u get that from the website.I have to do that too.I thought walmart sells those.But the one near us doesnt have that.I have ordered so soft cups to this cycle I hope they work and We get are BFP this month would that not be supper great.