PCOS Club!

thanks hun! just feels like forever till my september FS appt x
thanks hun! just feels like forever till my september FS appt x

I totally understand.
My doctor tole me it would take over a year for me to see a FS once I get referred. I hope it doesnt come to that but it all depends on if I need clomid and if my doctor will prescribe it
yay for the clear tubes!!
as for the smaller people who are put on metformin...i wonderd the same , thats y i wrote that cuz i just dont get it .
for my case ive had the lap and it wasnt showing cycst on the outsides or abnormal but havnt had the u/s to check the inside if thats possible. i bet almost anything there has to be something in there from not having a period for over 8 months at a time then now only with pills maybe every 55 +days. its taken me over a yr1/2 to get them to do this testing to even find out im isuline rest.
SUCCESS, ive managed to get my doctor to put me on Metformin, i have PCOS, and doing research on Insulin Resistance, seem to match most of the Signs/Symptoms. Bloods being done on Friday, then hopefully next Wednesday i will be put on Met. YAY !!!!!!
Ok ladies, I think I have become very discouraged this month :nope: I know I have not had as long of a cycle as some of you ladies, but I just can't take it much longer :( I am on CD46 with no sign of O yet. I have never had a cycle this long :wacko: The last 3 days I have had cramps resembling AF cramps and today as I checked my CM, I found spotting and my temp dropped down significantly. I am assuming that this means :witch: is coming. And to think that I thought this would be my month :dohh:.

I hate sounding like such a cry baby, but I am just so darn frustrated. I keep reading about all of these tests being done for you ladies and I wonder why haven't I had any of these tests done? HSG? Lap?

Sure I had the blood work for my hormone levels, but I was never told the results...I was just told that my androgen levels were elevated. :shrug:

I also had blood work done a while back to check my progesterone levels after O. At first my doc said that my levels were too low and that I needed to take Prometrium to help build up the lining and sustain a pregnancy. After I took the pills and then had a period, she told me to take another round starting on CD28....mind you this was a cycle with Clomid which caused me to O on CD17. From what I read, you should take the Prometrium 3 days after you O, but she wanted me to take it on CD28. When I started my period 3 days after I started the Prometrium, I went to see her about it. She then told me that it worked how it was supposed to. She said that the Prometrium was supposed to help me "start" my period. So what the heck? First she tells me it is supposed to help sustain a pregnancy and then she tells me that it is supposed to start a period? :shrug:

I guess my question for you ladies is what have you been told about Prometrium or other progesterone supplements? Should I have started my period while still on it and was it supposed to "start" my period?
Well ladies, I have an underactive thyroid and have had for 10 years. Recently after a blood test, they said I was taking too much thyroxine and asked me to reduce it to 175mcg, so I did. Then on Tues I was told that my TSH level is 87!!! which is so high, and it has made me so unwell. With the tsh being so high, it means that that my body hasn't got enough thyroxine, even though i'm taking my thyroxine supplement daily.
Anyway, I have just bled for 14 days after i got a positive pregnancy test, that turned negative.
I was told when i was 18 that i had pcos, but it wasn't treated and they said it would go away by itself.

Anyway, today, I have some swobs done for infection etc and an internal exam. She said she could feel a swelling on my right side and she said that there maybe something there.
I'm also waiting for an ultrasound scan and a trans vaginal scan, so that will confirm it.

What do i do now? Anyone else experienced anything like this?
i am lucky in that i have regular cycles but it looks like i am not ovulating. the met isnt working for me but i havent been tested for IR yet!
Hazelnut - i also have thyroid probs. i feel knackered at the mo and like its all out of whack! cant wait to see the endo next week x
Ok ladies, I think I have become very discouraged this month :nope: I know I have not had as long of a cycle as some of you ladies, but I just can't take it much longer :( I am on CD46 with no sign of O yet. I have never had a cycle this long :wacko: The last 3 days I have had cramps resembling AF cramps and today as I checked my CM, I found spotting and my temp dropped down significantly. I am assuming that this means :witch: is coming. And to think that I thought this would be my month :dohh:.

I hate sounding like such a cry baby, but I am just so darn frustrated. I keep reading about all of these tests being done for you ladies and I wonder why haven't I had any of these tests done? HSG? Lap?

Sure I had the blood work for my hormone levels, but I was never told the results...I was just told that my androgen levels were elevated. :shrug:

I also had blood work done a while back to check my progesterone levels after O. At first my doc said that my levels were too low and that I needed to take Prometrium to help build up the lining and sustain a pregnancy. After I took the pills and then had a period, she told me to take another round starting on CD28....mind you this was a cycle with Clomid which caused me to O on CD17. From what I read, you should take the Prometrium 3 days after you O, but she wanted me to take it on CD28. When I started my period 3 days after I started the Prometrium, I went to see her about it. She then told me that it worked how it was supposed to. She said that the Prometrium was supposed to help me "start" my period. So what the heck? First she tells me it is supposed to help sustain a pregnancy and then she tells me that it is supposed to start a period? :shrug:

I guess my question for you ladies is what have you been told about Prometrium or other progesterone supplements? Should I have started my period while still on it and was it supposed to "start" my period?

Courtney you have every right to be frustrated with your cycle. Before I was diagnosed with PCOS I called my doctor when I was in the mid 40's CD because I knew it wasnt normal for me (thats when she started doing some blood tests).

I am surprised that after 3 years TTC that you are not getting any help. My doctor started helping me at like 8 months when we realised something was up, and told me to come back again around september (which will be 14 months) as I am trying to lose weight on my own first.

As for the progesterone.....It is given to those trying to sustain a pregnany AND to start AF.
When you are pregnant, your progesterone levels stay up. When they drop that tells your body that you are not pregnant and that is why AF arrives.If your levels are too low to sustain a pregnancy they give you progesterone for that reason.
If you want AF to arrive....you take progesterone ( like Provera) to get the levels up high...then you stop taking them, which then they will drop signaling your body to have AF
Well ladies, I have an underactive thyroid and have had for 10 years. Recently after a blood test, they said I was taking too much thyroxine and asked me to reduce it to 175mcg, so I did. Then on Tues I was told that my TSH level is 87!!! which is so high, and it has made me so unwell. With the tsh being so high, it means that that my body hasn't got enough thyroxine, even though i'm taking my thyroxine supplement daily.
Anyway, I have just bled for 14 days after i got a positive pregnancy test, that turned negative.
I was told when i was 18 that i had pcos, but it wasn't treated and they said it would go away by itself.

Anyway, today, I have some swobs done for infection etc and an internal exam. She said she could feel a swelling on my right side and she said that there maybe something there.
I'm also waiting for an ultrasound scan and a trans vaginal scan, so that will confirm it.

What do i do now? Anyone else experienced anything like this?

hi again hazelnut :)
I think that it is ridiculous that they said that it would go away. My SIL was diagnosed when she was about 13 (10 years ago) and was told then that she may never get pregnant; or that it will be really hard; because of it.
At the time they put her on BCP
If you want AF to arrive....you take progesterone ( like Provera) to get the levels up high...then you stop taking them, which then they will drop signaling your body to have AF

My problem with this is that I started AF while still on them...I had been taking them for 3 days when I started....I guess that could be because they weren't in my system yet, but why wait until CD28 then? If I were pregnant that cycle and my progesterone was low, then you would think that I would have started the Prometrium earlier to help sustain that pregnancy, not wait until the end of my cycle when it would be too late.

You see the doctors here in my town seem to not want to deal with infertility, but they have to for the first year before they can send us anywhere. But my issue is that the 2 doctors that I had, before my current one, left town to practice somewhere else, so I pretty much had to start over each time I got a new one. I have been with the one I have now for a little over a year and she was the first to give me Clomid. She gave it to me right off the bat after I explained what had been done by the other doctors...which is nothing. So I thank her for that, but as far as other testing, she wanted to wait until I did six cycles of Clomid before she would have anything else done. Dumb, I know and probably a waste of my time and money.

So now that a year has passed with her, I can now go and see a FS. Now I wait for AF to officially start and for Aug. 13th to come. Lol, that reminds me. I am not all that superstitious, but imagine....my appointment is Friday, August 13th! And it is at 1:00pm which is 1300 hours 8-[. Yikes! So do I take it as a bad omen or as others tell me to take it...everything else seems bad luck so then maybe bad luck things are good luck for me?

Thanks for the support :hugs:. I guess I just hit that time in between cycles when I realize it isn't meant to be this time and I just need to vent and get it all out.
to some people.....13 is actually a lucky number! I say go with it. :)

Sounds like she is trying to make you have a 28 day cycle and wanted you to take it to start AF if it hadnt arrived by then......who knows
Hey Sma- I was in your same boat when that first doctor I went to told me that. I laughed at him. Then went to two other doctors who told me that I did have PCOS but not the insulin resistants. You know they still put me on met. Then when I took my self off because of all the problems I was having with it. He tried putting me on the pill and I told him to go screw a cow cause I was trying to have a baby and the pill wasn't going to help me with that. LOL!!!!!.

MrsBarrowMan- Congrats hun you are on the right tract.

Courtney- Wow hun you sound so derperssed today or yesturday anyways. I was never put on that combo before. But from being a nurse I know that Prometrium is like progestrone and you were you are suppose to start taking in three days after you O. I think she made a mistake and covered it up by lieing to you. I happens all the time. Which is really said. The doctor will say one thing and then trun around and say something else to cover up what he first said. I use to tell my patients to bring a type recorder to every visit. That way you have what they said and then when they try to cover it up you play back what they orignally said and then you should get some straigh answers. I hate doctors if you have not noticed. Are you on anything right now for your periods.

Hazelnut- Wow sorry about every thing you are going through. Again why did they not do the scan that day. Some doctors are so weird. And no your PCOS will not go away all on its own it will never go away. The doctor who told you that should not be a doctor today. GL.
Courtney- Wow hun you sound so derperssed today or yesturday anyways. I was never put on that combo before. But from being a nurse I know that Prometrium is like progestrone and you were you are suppose to start taking in three days after you O. I think she made a mistake and covered it up by lieing to you. I happens all the time. Which is really said. The doctor will say one thing and then trun around and say something else to cover up what he first said. I use to tell my patients to bring a type recorder to every visit. That way you have what they said and then when they try to cover it up you play back what they orignally said and then you should get some straigh answers. I hate doctors if you have not noticed. Are you on anything right now for your periods.

No I'm not on anything. I have never had issues with my periods being this long...the longest I had was a 47 day cycle and that was a few months ago when I was off Clomid for a cycle. Before I tried Clomid and then went off of it, my cycles were 28-35 days long. As of right now, I am looking at a 59 day cycle if I were to ovulate today and still have a 12 day luteal phase. But I am fairly positive that this cycle is going to be annovulatory, but I still hope it isn't.

I was thinking about going back to my doc and asking for something to start one so I can have one more natural try before my FS appointment, but I am still hopeful that I might ovulate this cycle. You see, I am still having most of the ovulation signs, albeit the +OPKs. My cervix is high and soft and somewhat open and my CM is getting closer everyday to EWCM. I would hate to get something to start a period if I still had a chance to O this cycle.
As far as being depressed yesterday, I am sorry I took it out on here. My sister was due on Tuesday, but still hasn't gone into labor. She called me yesterday morning and told me that she was scheduled to be induced tomorrow morning since her doc expects her to have a larger baby. I guess it all just hit me and got me thinking and then depressed because I won't be having a baby tomorrow.

Ha ha, silly me!:haha: Oh the joys of TTC while the rest of the world moves on around us; clueless to our dilemas.
redrose, isnt it just crazy what you have to go through just to get an anwser?
ahhh im so fed up with it but im trying to work this one out and see how it works. im fine with 2 of the 550 mg pills but the 3x a day makes me sick. i know for sure i have IR. i knew it before they even did the blood test so im really hopeing this helps with everything.oh ya and all they were doing was putting me on the damn progestrin so finally i got tired of it and said " no im not going on that crap you need to find out the problem and not keep covering it up with these pills" figure out the problem! same here im not going on b/c like they wanted me to its going to do nothing for me just like before and now were ttc i dont think so
hi girls...how r u dealing with this....everyday seems harder...i would cry for any news of pregnancy.to the point...that my mom tries to avoid them these days...

Hi courtney hun...sorry that this is so difficult :hugs:...ovulation is like the basic thing and without that happening i knw how depressing it can be....dont knw wat to tell u.im there myself...but :hugs::hugs:...im here if u want to talk.

redrose....now that wait begins....soy is making me depressed...i cant stop crying...GL!!!

All the others...:hugs: and take care...we r all in the same boat..battling the same issues...lets support each other through this.:hugs:

As ffor how I am doing.....
I was looking to take PGX....but it is just too expensive.

I have started taking EPO since I rarely have fertile CM and have only had EWCM a couple timed. I am taking Omegas (flaxseed and fish oil) for the second half of the cycle when I stop taking EPO.

I am also taking chromium which is supposed to help with IR and blood sugars for those with diabetes. I am nearing Pre diabetic so I am gonna get ahead of it now.

I am also taking some extra calcium because I have been worried about my bones, plus some extra vitamin D.

And of course my prenatals
Hi NG..i actually meant emotionally...ttc itself is hard...with conditions like ours...its an emotional struggle...:nope:
Courtney- I didn't mean any thing about you being depressed just that I am sorry about it. If you can't vent to us then who can you go to. We probably understand better then any one else what it is like. I hope you do O. I was told once that with a longer period meaning a longer wait to O was a good think casue your egg has pleanty of time to mature and your lining has pleanty of time to thickin so it could hold a pregnancy better. So I hope this is your month hun. I would be BDing every other day if not every day right now for the next week just to make sure.

Sma- I feel you girl. I wouldn't go any of it either. I hope the met works for you and you get your BFP soon. Actually I hope all of us get are BFP soon.

Jewlmel- I am sorry to hear the soy made you depressed but it could be your hormones as well trying to level them selfs out. How are you feeling after stopping it. I have had some strong O pains for the last two days and as the day went on it has stopped. Are you temping yet I did the last two mornings. We will see. Oh yea for the first time I mean ever I had a negative OPK test. I couldn't beleve it. Before they were all postive so now I know that something is working right.GL to you to.

NGRidley- You can get the PGX for $16 on myvitanet.com. Have you tried taking cinnamon as well for the IR. I hear it does great thing for sugar. The pharmist told me about it the other day. Which is funny cause I am taking it for my periods. How do you like the EPO. I love mine. GL
Courtney- I didn't mean any thing about you being depressed just that I am sorry about it. If you can't vent to us then who can you go to. We probably understand better then any one else what it is like. I hope you do O. I was told once that with a longer period meaning a longer wait to O was a good think casue your egg has pleanty of time to mature and your lining has pleanty of time to thickin so it could hold a pregnancy better. So I hope this is your month hun. I would be BDing every other day if not every day right now for the next week just to make sure.

Sma- I feel you girl. I wouldn't go any of it either. I hope the met works for you and you get your BFP soon. Actually I hope all of us get are BFP soon.

Jewlmel- I am sorry to hear the soy made you depressed but it could be your hormones as well trying to level them selfs out. How are you feeling after stopping it. I have had some strong O pains for the last two days and as the day went on it has stopped. Are you temping yet I did the last two mornings. We will see. Oh yea for the first time I mean ever I had a negative OPK test. I couldn't beleve it. Before they were all postive so now I know that something is working right.GL to you to.

NGRidley- You can get the PGX for $16 on myvitanet.com. Have you tried taking cinnamon as well for the IR. I hear it does great thing for sugar. The pharmist told me about it the other day. Which is funny cause I am taking it for my periods. How do you like the EPO. I love mine. GL

Hey girl...no diff other than being more depressed..but im going back on AG cos that does wonders to my mood.I started temping today...put up the chart on ur signature ..i dont see it...u r just amazing ...got this whole thing under control...GL :thumbup:to ovulating soon!!!

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