I have done quite alot of research on Ovarian Drilling. the stats are very very good, most women 80% fall within the first 3-6 cycles.
i had mine done on the 7th june 2011 (ovarian drilling, Laparoscopy, Hsg), i have had 2 cycles thereafter, almost no pain with AF and my cycles are getting more and more regular. I just came from my doc now (today 15thJuly 2011), he done my internal exam and said everything looks great... no cycst, tubes clear and open ! he gave me 3 months to conceive

..... i just pray he is right !!!
I even lost some weight after the operation.... so i feel great and look good....
I cant say what you MUST do, but i definatelyy recommend this procedure,,, its make one more fertile as well..... esp when they pass the dye through your tubes....
there are a few forums here where you can read about all the other ladies who went through this procedure and have wonderfull successful pregnancies.
good luck hun, i wish you all the baby dust possible....