PCOS Club!

Lian, did your cycles just change or did something happen? Im not sure about soy but its a natural, tamer version of clomid and i know clomid makes me ovulate cd 18 as it gives your eggys a chance to grow. Are you seeing a specialist chick?? I think you need to see your doctor and et them to diagnose you. Dont worry though, there are plenty of options for you either way.

Babyforme, i really hope you are able to get on with the Metformin, ive heard good things about it. Hopefully the clomid will help you too :hugs:

Kermy and Maria, wow thats amazing that it can change things like that, hopefully that bodes well for conceiving too, :dust: for you both.

Hi Ladies,

I am new to this forum. I was diagnosed with PCOS when i was 18, I am now 22. My husband and i were TTC, then it just got to stressful so we are taking a rest for a while. The Clomid makes me a total head case. Ha Ha.. However, I have been doing some reading and i am going to see a new dr bc i feel as if my current dr doesnt care. I am going to see about metformin. I do not think i am insulin resistant, But ive heard it works for people like me too. Has anyone had any success with metformin regulating their cycles? I will go months without mine. As of today i havent had one since Late Feb Early March. Please share any encouraging stories.

Hi Erika, I'm new here too. I too was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 18. Doctor put me on Yasmin as at time I wasn't ready to start having kids. Now I'm 27 and me and dh have been TTC. I haven't had a period since March 2010 when I came off Yasmin. Doctor said to give it a few months for my body to get used to being off BCP. But my cycle just never came... Since then I've been passed around from doctor to doctor and had test after test until finally I've been prescribed Provera, Metformin and Clomid. I've just finished taking my last Provera pill so I'm waiting for AF. I did start taking Metformin but I was finding the side effects so uncomfortable. I've promised myself I'll knuckle down and start taking them again as of this week. I've heard some pretty encouraging stories about Metformin so it could def be worth a try.. xxx

Im somewhat in the same boat as you. But i havent seen AF since my last round of clomid which was Feb March 2011.. Finished my provera and now AF showed her ugly face. UGHHH Cramping so bad and i just want to cry... Its very painful im assuming bc it has been so many months since last cycle. Hope yours is better than mine. I will be going to the dr this friday to see about Metformin. Hopefully that helps me out. has it helped you or did you stop before you could tell?
Lermy - there's a thread on Ovarian Drilling in the success stories of this forum. But in short, yes the OD does reduce the levels of your testosterone drastically and within days.

I am very fair so when I was on the pill and my hormones were normal I hardly had any hair only legs. Then when I stopped the pill almost 2 years ago I suddenly started getting lots of it :wacko: not being used to it I was very shocked. Plus I had acne! Lots of horrible sore painful acne :nope:All over my face and back.
Then it's now been 5 months since the OD my hair on the legs has almost disappeared and skin in visibly clearer! I'm still not pg but I'm certainly hopeful :thumbup:

I am so chuffed about this, so far all the pain, stiffness and soreness has been worth it. I am so glad to hear things could continue to get better. All i need now is a BFP to make me the happiest woman alive and i wish u all the same.

I am really glad things are clearing up for u maria. I am really hopeful for u too maria. How long ago did u have the drilling? How has it been with your periods and other PCOS symptoms?

Thanks maria you have been a great source of info.
@ Erika - By the sounds of it I'm in for a lot of pain... can't imagine what a first period in over a year will feel like! As for Metformin, I only took it for a week. It made me feel bloated and sick with an upset tummy. I only went a week before stopping but I'm gonna stick it out and hope I see the benefits... Oh I also felt really really tired on it... I'm not sure what that's about...
@ Erika - By the sounds of it I'm in for a lot of pain... can't imagine what a first period in over a year will feel like! As for Metformin, I only took it for a week. It made me feel bloated and sick with an upset tummy. I only went a week before stopping but I'm gonna stick it out and hope I see the benefits... Oh I also felt really really tired on it... I'm not sure what that's about...

Well let me know how you are doing when everything starts happening for you. Good luck. I feel like crap right now. I just wish i was NORMAL... I hate this bull i have to go through.. ;(
Hi everyone, I was recently diagnosed of PCOS. Does anyone here know whether the OPK'S will still work if I have it? I do get positives every month but I'm not sure if I can still rely on them given my condition. My cycles are 29-38 days.:hugs:
Hey ladies,

Just a quick update. I've got my 1st FS appt tomorrow morning! I'm really nervous and am trying my best to manage my expectation. I am on CD11 today so maybe FS will ask me to get CD21 blood test? or prescribe me with Clomid straight away? I don't know...

Wish me luck!
Hi there Yellow

Good luck today chick, really hope they get the ball rolling properly for you. Mine did give me clomid straight away as we had already had all the tests to confirm PCOS so we knew tht was my problem. I think clomid is pretty common so hopefully they prescribe it now ready for you to take when your next cycle starts. :dust:

Sunshine, hi there, thats not a bad cycle length for someone with PCOS but i guess the irregularity means you dont know when exactly you are ovulating. OPKs can work, they do for me. If they are saying that you ovulate around 14 days before your next period then id say you can rely on them. Good luck to you xxx
*sigh* more blood tests for me. No clomid for me until the next appointment which will most likely be in 6-8 weeks!

how much does private OBGYN costs in the UK?
Hi there Yellow

Good luck today chick, really hope they get the ball rolling properly for you. Mine did give me clomid straight away as we had already had all the tests to confirm PCOS so we knew tht was my problem. I think clomid is pretty common so hopefully they prescribe it now ready for you to take when your next cycle starts. :dust:

Sunshine, hi there, thats not a bad cycle length for someone with PCOS but i guess the irregularity means you dont know when exactly you are ovulating. OPKs can work, they do for me. If they are saying that you ovulate around 14 days before your next period then id say you can rely on them. Good luck to you xxx

Hi there Clobo, I was as bit confused because yesterday (CD 10), I had a darker line (but not as dark as the control) in the morning and very very faint line in the afternoon. I thought maybe it had gone away but it's a little early for me to have ovulated already. This morning I did it and it was darker than yesterday afternoon but still a lot lighter than yesterday morning. I'm just wondering if this is due to PCOS or it's normal for everyone to get such changes.
Sunshine, hmmm thats confusing, if i were you i would keep doing them and just keep having the :sex: and then you wont have missed it when you do ovulate, good luck :dust:

Yellow, aw no, what are they testing for now? Has hubby had an SA?? Hopefully they will give you the clomid next time ... actually hopefully you wont need it!!

:wave: Ladies!

Im new to BnB and def first time posting on this thread! Exited to be here!

My doctor has told me I am borderline PCOS and has since prescribed me a first round of clomid, problem is my AF still hasnt showed up for me to start taking it- typically my cycles range from 23-35 (hence irregular, hence borderline PCOS) but its now day 36 and nothing. Pregnancy test came out :bfn: I just dread being in limbo- either come or test say I'm pregnant. I think its stress and excitement induced since before this month, AF always came, maybe sometimes late or early but always came and def never came after day 35...

any suggestions on what to do? how to stay calm? etc

Hey Babyforme83! :hugs:
Hi everyone, I was recently diagnosed of PCOS. Does anyone here know whether the OPK'S will still work if I have it? I do get positives every month but I'm not sure if I can still rely on them given my condition. My cycles are 29-38 days.:hugs:

My cycles are irregular as well and I am borderline PCOS, but my doctor recommended that if I do use OPK's then I should also be recording my temperatures (even if it works retroactively) and checking my cm because that way you are 'covering all your bases' so to speak:thumbup:. I have read, however on the boxes of the tests that anything after a 35 day cycle is probably not the best to rely on, so I guess that goes back to my first point. :dohh:

Hi everyone, I was recently diagnosed of PCOS. Does anyone here know whether the OPK'S will still work if I have it? I do get positives every month but I'm not sure if I can still rely on them given my condition. My cycles are 29-38 days.:hugs:

My cycles are irregular as well and I am borderline PCOS, but my doctor recommended that if I do use OPK's then I should also be recording my temperatures (even if it works retroactively) and checking my cm because that way you are 'covering all your bases' so to speak:thumbup:. I have read, however on the boxes of the tests that anything after a 35 day cycle is probably not the best to rely on, so I guess that goes back to my first point. :dohh:


Hi ladye, pcos is a drag. I can totally understand your frustration. Keep trying despite your wiat. Maybe you haven't ovulated yet this cycle? Fxd for ya
its been a while since i have been on i needed a couple weeks break to recover mentally from a devistating miscarrage at 6 weeks. its amazing how you can go from being so excited to so scared with in seconds. but i am back in the saddle and have an appt with my fertility specialist on friday to discuss my next step.

LadyE, if I were you I would wait a few days, it might be that you are pregnant but not high enough HcG to detect yet, or your cycle could just be being even more iffegular than usual. Have you tried temperature charting?? Its a brilliant way of knowing whats going on with your cycle. :dust:

Court, aw chick Im so sorry to hear of your loss, I have been there and know how difficult it is, I have found it much easier to cope with since starting to TTC properly again. Hopefully our next beanys will be sticky ones :dust:
Hi everyone, I was recently diagnosed of PCOS. Does anyone here know whether the OPK'S will still work if I have it? I do get positives every month but I'm not sure if I can still rely on them given my condition. My cycles are 29-38 days.:hugs:

My cycles are irregular as well and I am borderline PCOS, but my doctor recommended that if I do use OPK's then I should also be recording my temperatures (even if it works retroactively) and checking my cm because that way you are 'covering all your bases' so to speak:thumbup:. I have read, however on the boxes of the tests that anything after a 35 day cycle is probably not the best to rely on, so I guess that goes back to my first point. :dohh:


Hi ladye, pcos is a drag. I can totally understand your frustration. Keep trying despite your wiat. Maybe you haven't ovulated yet this cycle? Fxd for ya

thanks sunshine! That's what I was thinking too, since im so irregular so I took a pregnancy test yday and it was neg. so Im just gonna wait this out for either af or a positive result, if in a week af doesn't come my doc said she's start me on provera (whomp whomp)

LadyE, if I were you I would wait a few days, it might be that you are pregnant but not high enough HcG to detect yet, or your cycle could just be being even more iffegular than usual. Have you tried temperature charting?? Its a brilliant way of knowing whats going on with your cycle. :dust:

Court, aw chick Im so sorry to hear of your loss, I have been there and know how difficult it is, I have found it much easier to cope with since starting to TTC properly again. Hopefully our next beanys will be sticky ones :dust:

Hi Clobo, yeah, Im gonna wait til tomorrow or so and take another test, bc I feel af symptoms but they also say that early preg symptoms is similar to af...

Ive temp charted for the first time last month and it was all over the place- im thinking im doing it wrong, lol!
its been a while since i have been on i needed a couple weeks break to recover mentally from a devistating miscarrage at 6 weeks. its amazing how you can go from being so excited to so scared with in seconds. but i am back in the saddle and have an appt with my fertility specialist on friday to discuss my next step.

:awww: Im so sorry for your loss. But, I am glad you are able to get back and move on in ttc. Good luck with your specialist on friday!

Hey guys, I hope you don't mind me joining :) I have one rather urgent question and I really need opinions. I found out for sure that I had PCOS in March this year, although I suspected it for a few years (but being on the pill, didn't have any confirmation). Anyway, ever since I found out, I've been struggling to decide whether or not to tell my mom about it. She knows we're TTC for a bit over a year and first couple of months she asked me if we had any news. The last time she asked was long time ago and at that time I snapped a tiny bit, basically I sort of jokingly said that there could only be news once a month, but I probably did sound bitter back then already and she never asked since than. She asks me every now and then, if everything's fine with my health and I just keep answering that it's all fine. I might have a good chance to tell her tomorrow, but I really need to decide if I'm doing it or not, because whenever I thought of just bringing it up in the middle of conversation, I'd find it that I'd rather just not. So I'll need to do the whole "There's something I need to tell you" bit, if I'm really going for it.

My main reason for telling is basically just so that she knows. I'm not particularly looking for support or someone to feel sorry for me. It's just so that she knows not to be expecting any news any time soon. I'm getting a bit sick of lying that everything's fine. And knowing that she must be wondering which one of us is "faulty".

My concern is... that she'll try to convince me to do some treatment that I don't want. I've been going to private doctor when I got diagnosed, but chose not to see her anymore, because apparently even diagnosing fertility issues doesn't get covered by insurance (and she wasn't that good either). So as of right now, I'm trying this and that to see if it'll make me ovulate and just started checking what public health system can offer.

I'm finally at the place where I made MY fragile peace with PCOS and I'm afraid telling my mom would take that peace away. I'm also afraid that the general question about my health would be replaced by "Are you ovulating yet?" or "Any luck with weight loss?".

Have you guys told your family? Are you happy you did it or regret it?

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