PCOS Club!

Hey everyone!

Just to update you on my scan on Wednesday (sorry for the late reply) :blush:

We saw the gestational sac and yolk sac and that was it. 6 weeks + 2 days, I was but I am not sure if that was based on the measurement of the sac or LMP. I was told everything was on track but to go back in 2 weeks' time for another scan. This made me slightly worried because I thought if everything was alright, I shouldn't still be under "treatment" in Early Pregnancy Unit. BUT we shall see what happens on 19 Oct - I should be 8 weeks + 2 days by then.

The doc also saw a corpus leteum in right ovary measuring 34mm. Oh and some minimal fluid in pouch of douglas??? I only read the results paper after we were out of the hospital because he verbally told me everything was fine!

Thank you for all your replies and concerns and thoughts. :hugs:


Tonsornin -- it's best if you get a blood test and ultrasound to confirm if you have PCOS. But from what you said, you might do ... not all women have the standard general symptoms (which are irregular periods, access hair, overweight, imbalance hormones). Some may have cystic ovaries but no physical symptoms. Some have symptoms but no cysts in ovaries!
I had a scan at 5w5days and I have to go back at 6weeks and 5 days. Its scaring me b/c all I want to see is the heart beat and a lot of me is worried its too soon for them to see. I am only supposed to have two ultrasounds (one for placement and one for heartbeat) at my fertility specialists before they turn me over to a regular OB.

My nurse also told me everything was fine and progressing nicely for me. I had something going on with my ovaries as well. It looked like it was taking a while for my follicle to go back to normal but the doc said everything was fine.

I will breathe easier once I see the heartbeat. But I think nerves are normal especially after enduring so much to get pregnant.
Well AF fully showed up today so I'm out this month, since doctor didn't give me refill on Clomid I'm guessing I have to call and let them know?? Hopefully next month I will have better news :)
Hey everyone!

I'm new to the forums here, and to the thread...so um...hi? Lol.

I was diagnosed with PCOS March of 2011, and put on BC for three months to see if it would kickstart my ovaries into regulating themselves. Then life happened, and my husband and I ended up moving across the country and away from my great doctor. Now we've just finally gotten settled in here and back into financial shape enough to start considering TTC again. I'm nervous about finding a doctor here because there aren't any private practices, only regular clinics, which I've never been to.

Unfortunately, although the BC did help in the beginning, after going off of it I had three cycles of 28 days like clockwork (Seriously, nearly to the hour!), before things started getting...delayed. The next cycle was a week late...then three weeks late -- with "Hey, you never know" symptoms to boot. I'm on CD3 of this one, so...well I guess we'll see. My previous doctor recommended BBT charting, and since we are gearing up for/starting TTC again I've started charting seriously for the first time ever. I figure the more data I have for my doc when I schedule that first pre-TTC appointment (December 1st is when my insurance kicks in), the better...any of you guys know if it's actually effective for us PCOS-ers? Or is it one of those "Depends" kinds of things?
Thanks for the reply - I did have blood tests - it showed all my hormone levels as "normal" and that I wasnt insulin resistant and my ultrasound did show many follicles on my ovaries

I also have had at least 1 cyst that was diagnosed 7cmx6cmx4cm on my one ovary

But I have a slew of the symptoms that come along with it

my dr agrees I most likely am non traditional PCOS - but wont do anything since I am TTC

I want something done
1 to get me preggo
2 to make my PMS better - it is wretched!
Hey everyone!

I'm new to the forums here, and to the thread...so um...hi? Lol.

I was diagnosed with PCOS March of 2011, and put on BC for three months to see if it would kickstart my ovaries into regulating themselves. Then life happened, and my husband and I ended up moving across the country and away from my great doctor. Now we've just finally gotten settled in here and back into financial shape enough to start considering TTC again. I'm nervous about finding a doctor here because there aren't any private practices, only regular clinics, which I've never been to.

Unfortunately, although the BC did help in the beginning, after going off of it I had three cycles of 28 days like clockwork (Seriously, nearly to the hour!), before things started getting...delayed. The next cycle was a week late...then three weeks late -- with "Hey, you never know" symptoms to boot. I'm on CD3 of this one, so...well I guess we'll see. My previous doctor recommended BBT charting, and since we are gearing up for/starting TTC again I've started charting seriously for the first time ever. I figure the more data I have for my doc when I schedule that first pre-TTC appointment (December 1st is when my insurance kicks in), the better...any of you guys know if it's actually effective for us PCOS-ers? Or is it one of those "Depends" kinds of things?

Riliye, I'm on the pill right now, also hoping to get a few regular cycles after stopping it. I've previously been on it for 7 years and I did get 6 more-or-less regular cycles after stopping it last year, but then nothing. The thing was - I didn't know I had PCOS back then and actually didn't try for a baby for 3 months after stopping the pill, because I read that's what one's supposed to do :shrug: And by the time I caught up with all TTC essentials (like OPK, charting, CM and so on), I was no longer ovulating at all. I have tried practically every food supplements, diet regime, vitamin, Soy, Agnus Castus, Metformin, but nothing at all had any effect. If anything, things were just getting worse. Mind you, I don't actually have much any PCOS symptoms, aside from being overweight (not too bad and I don't carry weight in my belly area).

Anyway, just thought I'd share my story with you. But here's about BBT charting! I found mine to be rather unreliable, but in the 6 months I've charted I never ovulated. I'm sure if you DO ovulate, you should be able to trust your chart. Anyway, my temps had a tendency to create spikes that didn't match CM or OPK readings and FertilityFriend (charting site) kept telling me I've ovulated, based on temps only. I found it very frustrating, always in doubt, always hoping and then getting reality checks. I did find that OPK work for me (I did start using them while I was still ovulating). But the positive must be obvious. The test line should almost immediately turn darker than control line. However if your CD3 LH level is very high, OPK might not work so well.

The problem with PCOS cycles that are ovulatory but irregular is always timing sex. It's easy if you know when to expect ovulation, but if it could be this week or next or two weeks from then, then eventually planned sex becomes a drag. Well, at least to me it did. So it's essential to find what signs of impending ovulation you can trust. Whether it's CM, or OPK, or charting or pain in ovaries or increased sex drive.

Keep in touch! I'm on the pill for another month and then fingers crossed! ;) Kinda hoping to get pregnant first month off the pill this time, but if not, I have my first fertility appointment in the end of December.
Riliye, I'm on the pill right now, also hoping to get a few regular cycles after stopping it. I've previously been on it for 7 years and I did get 6 more-or-less regular cycles after stopping it last year, but then nothing. The thing was - I didn't know I had PCOS back then and actually didn't try for a baby for 3 months after stopping the pill, because I read that's what one's supposed to do :shrug: And by the time I caught up with all TTC essentials (like OPK, charting, CM and so on), I was no longer ovulating at all. I have tried practically every food supplements, diet regime, vitamin, Soy, Agnus Castus, Metformin, but nothing at all had any effect. If anything, things were just getting worse. Mind you, I don't actually have much any PCOS symptoms, aside from being overweight (not too bad and I don't carry weight in my belly area).

Anyway, just thought I'd share my story with you. But here's about BBT charting! I found mine to be rather unreliable, but in the 6 months I've charted I never ovulated. I'm sure if you DO ovulate, you should be able to trust your chart. Anyway, my temps had a tendency to create spikes that didn't match CM or OPK readings and FertilityFriend (charting site) kept telling me I've ovulated, based on temps only. I found it very frustrating, always in doubt, always hoping and then getting reality checks. I did find that OPK work for me (I did start using them while I was still ovulating). But the positive must be obvious. The test line should almost immediately turn darker than control line. However if your CD3 LH level is very high, OPK might not work so well.

The problem with PCOS cycles that are ovulatory but irregular is always timing sex. It's easy if you know when to expect ovulation, but if it could be this week or next or two weeks from then, then eventually planned sex becomes a drag. Well, at least to me it did. So it's essential to find what signs of impending ovulation you can trust. Whether it's CM, or OPK, or charting or pain in ovaries or increased sex drive.

Keep in touch! I'm on the pill for another month and then fingers crossed! ;) Kinda hoping to get pregnant first month off the pill this time, but if not, I have my first fertility appointment in the end of December.

Soili, how is the pill treating you? Did you have any of the negative symptoms that everyone always swears BC will give you? My experience with it was *entirely* pleasant (it actually helped me lose weight, instead of gaining it, and I felt more mentally stable than I have in my entire life, along with increasing my libido and just all around making me more pleasant. Which would have been lovely if it helped me conceive -- :haha: )

I have yet to be put on any medications besides BC for PCOS, but from what I can tell, I have pretty much every symptom there is to be had, haha! When I was diagnosed, I was technically slightly overweight, but since then I've lost 30 lbs and now fall into the "normal" category. I have the excessive hair, although I'm lucky (and thankful) that it shows up in places that aren't noticeable in everyday life. Before I went to the doc, I'd have about 4 cycles a year, usually two back to back and then a good 6 month or so break before the next two.

I think I read somewhere that charting for PCOS-ers is normally unreliable, like you said, Soili, so I guess I'm charting out of hope and habit now. Plus I really left my doctor before too much was found out about exactly whether or not I'm ovulating, so I have no clue what to expect. At least this way I feel marginally like I'm in control of *something*.

I'm relatively new to all the bells and whistles of trying to conceive -- haven't used OPK's or anything really besides the "Oh hey it's about time let's get jiggy with it" kind of approach. When that didn't work we decided to see a doc about my cycles before anything else, just to be sure it was actually safe for us to try in the first place. I haven't been in depth enough with my body to really know the signals yet, so for the next few cycles (however many years that might take, =P) I'll be fumbling through the dark.

A note on weird temperatures: I'm using Fertility Friend to chart as well, and I got a weird spike this morning (know it's not ovulation since I'm only on CD4), but can't that happen when AF leaves? Aren't your temps normally lower then?

December is when I'll be going back to the doc as well, for a pre-TTC checkup and for a sort of second opinion/intelligence gathering on the PCOS. I'm really hoping I don't get some jerk doctor who just hands me a pamphlet and says "Figure it out yourself."
Girl, the pill is a BLISS for me!! ;) I can think straight, I don't freak out at every little thing, no crazy mood swings, and yes, just like you, I find it that it's a LOT easier to maintain and loose weight on the pill. Unfortunately it does kill my sex drive ;)

About charting! Single temp spikes are normal and not to be worried about. But mine used to do those 3-day shifts that FF needs to confirm ovulation. Now that was pain in the ass. When I tried Metformin in August, my temps went to 98F zone and stayed there practically permanently. Was driving me insane!

Hun, don't get your hopes up too high about doctor's knowledge of PCOS. There are PCOS specialists out there, of course, but the majority of OB/GYNs follow the standard protocol when it comes to PCOS. Diagnosis (CD3 blood work for LH/FSH ratio and testosterone, CD21 for progesterone, scan for polycystic ovaries), then HSG/SA, then Clomid/Femara, then assisted conception. It's best that if you find out that there's a particular something you wanna try (like Metformin), you come prepared and let them know. I was expecting my doctor to explain me in details what PCOS means and what are my options (I was seeing my private doctor until found out that insurance here doesn't cover infertility), but was just sent off with "Do this, do that, everything will be peachy!".
Hiya girls!!

Wondering if u could all cheer me up after a depressing day!

I started my 1st round of Clomid this month and went 2 hv my CD21 Progesterone test yesterday-got my results today and it was NO OV!!
I'm gutted....the specialist assured me this could be perfectly normal for someone like me who has long cycles??

Pls tell me there is someone out there who has experienced the same thing....I hv 2 go back nx wk for another Progesterone test to see if I did the big O!!

Any reply would be highly appreciated xx
Hiya girls!!

Wondering if u could all cheer me up after a depressing day!

I started my 1st round of Clomid this month and went 2 hv my CD21 Progesterone test yesterday-got my results today and it was NO OV!!
I'm gutted....the specialist assured me this could be perfectly normal for someone like me who has long cycles??

Pls tell me there is someone out there who has experienced the same thing....I hv 2 go back nx wk for another Progesterone test to see if I did the big O!!

Any reply would be highly appreciated xx

If you have longer cycles then you may ovulate later on. Dont give up yet!!!!!

Johnson, aw no chick :hugs: call that doctor and see what they say about another clomid round!

Yellow/Wantanerd - Im glad the scans went ok, try not to worry, you are both so early that there isnt really a lot to see anyway, being called back in a few weeks is just to check things are progressing ok. Good luck for your next scans :dust:

Candifloss, what days did you take the clomid and what cd did you have the blood test?? Im on clomid and i generally dont ovulate till cd 18-20 so a cd21 blood test would probably show i didnt ovulate whereas im having mine today, cd 26 which will hopefully be more reliable. Could you ring and book another test for a few days time?? Can you feel your ovaries swelling??

Soili, how are you my dear?? You are being so patient chick, doing the right thing though and i really hope that when you come off that pill that you dont have any trouble falling pregnant :hugs:

Good luck ladies xxxx
Hiya girls!!

Wondering if u could all cheer me up after a depressing day!

I started my 1st round of Clomid this month and went 2 hv my CD21 Progesterone test yesterday-got my results today and it was NO OV!!
I'm gutted....the specialist assured me this could be perfectly normal for someone like me who has long cycles??

Pls tell me there is someone out there who has experienced the same thing....I hv 2 go back nx wk for another Progesterone test to see if I did the big O!!

Any reply would be highly appreciated xx

If you have longer cycles then you may ovulate later on. Dont give up yet!!!!!

Thx Chiles!! I really hope so....how r u getting on?

Johnson, aw no chick :hugs: call that doctor and see what they say about another clomid round!

Yellow/Wantanerd - Im glad the scans went ok, try not to worry, you are both so early that there isnt really a lot to see anyway, being called back in a few weeks is just to check things are progressing ok. Good luck for your next scans :dust:

Candifloss, what days did you take the clomid and what cd did you have the blood test?? Im on clomid and i generally dont ovulate till cd 18-20 so a cd21 blood test would probably show i didnt ovulate whereas im having mine today, cd 26 which will hopefully be more reliable. Could you ring and book another test for a few days time?? Can you feel your ovaries swelling??

Soili, how are you my dear?? You are being so patient chick, doing the right thing though and i really hope that when you come off that pill that you dont have any trouble falling pregnant :hugs:
Good luck ladies xxxx

I went today and got 100mg dose, if this doesn't work I will go on femura plus hcg shot next month:) glad he's moving the process along fast and I don't have to wait, but hopefully this month will work :)
Clobo: Thanku 4 ur reply! It was tested on CD 22 (Day 21 fell on a Sunday)

I'm goin in again on Monday-CD 29 so fingers x, can defo feel something goin on....and had EWCM on CD 23 and 24,do u think that's a gd sign??
Hey Candi, yes i think perhaps cd 22 was just too early, hopefully the test on cd 29 might show something different! Plus if its your first go on the clomid it may take your body a bit of time to figure out what to do!! Good luck!

Johnson, yes thats really good that they are moving things along quickly, good luck chick xxx
Yeah DEFO-thx Hun-I feel so much better now :)

I was jus reading u should Ov 5-10 days after the last pill and I took it days 2-6 so I was panicking!!
And ur right,the specialist said if I hvnt Ov then we will jus up the dose to 100,g!!

How long hv u been on Clomid and wot days do u take it?
Hey Candi, yep thats not ture at all. However some women probably do but some of us take a bit longer, hopefully that means that those eggys are much stronger! Im on my 5th clomid cycle so next one is the last one, arg!! I take mine 2-6.

Hey Candi, yep thats not ture at all. However some women probably do but some of us take a bit longer, hopefully that means that those eggys are much stronger! Im on my 5th clomid cycle so next one is the last one, arg!! I take mine 2-6.


Ahhh that really has given me so much more hope,Thanku Hun :thumbup:

Are you takin 50 or 100 mg? Are you Ov??

Fingers x for this month for you-my neighbour was jus about 2 give up hope and conceived on her 5th cycle....also hv u read the Jules Oliver book?? It's amazing!!

I'm debating whether 2 go private and pay for a Lap and Dye test,just for piece of mind-hv u had one done?

I had a scan last week and they say I am deffo PCOS, now I just have to wait for my next FS appointment next month. Did they just put you straight onto clomid?

Do any of you have metaformin aswell?

I'm dubious that I will ever get pregnant naturally due to my tubal issues.

CandiFloss; I have had 3 laps, 2 of them Lap and Dyes so if you want to know anything let me know. Take it you've had a HSG?


Candi, i was on 50mg and that worked but the FS think it was too much so this cycle i took 25mg and i think it still worked although i ovulated two days later than normal!!

I was on the list for a lap but thats when i fell pg and then had the mc so i havent had one yet, think thats next on the list if the clomid doesnt produce a BFP! I looked into private as the wait at the time was 18 weeks and it was going to cost around £3,000!!!

Becca, good luck at the FS appointment, hopefully they will be able to give you more help now that they have identified one of your problems chick :hugs:



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