PCOS Club!

well since you have already been tested for pcos just tell them you want to be tested for IR and they will most likly put you on metformin if your test shows that u r IR.....

do you have any problems with weight gain/loss? mid section weight or being tired right after you eat, specially sugary foods or like pasta or potaos ? if you do i would tell them about it because thats what they pointed out to me and in 10 mins i already knew thats what i had before i even had the bloods done...... just a warning though after u drink the sugary drink u will feel like crap all day

thanks sma, yeah I do have problems maintaining my weight, although im a healthy bmi I do think that I eat a lot less than what I should do to be the weight that I am if that makes sense?!

I feel soo lathargic after eating sugary foods and sometimes I feel really faint a couple of hours after I have eaten if I have had sugary stuff. I cant say that ive noticed it after eating pasta, rice etc..

When they tested you, did you request the test or did they just suggest it? I would like to be tested for IR but as I've already been diagnosed with pcos i doubt they will. The doctors where I go arent very forthcoming in testing for anything or getting to the route cause of a problem and I dont want to see like I am self diagnosing if you know what I mean?

Maybe I should go and say what I have said above about the sugary foods etc and see if they will suggest it from that?! They'll probably just tell me to avoid sugary food!
Firefox - I have amenorrhea. Nothing really helped me except Prover - but that wasn't a natural period of course. Just a forced bleed.

Clomid did work for me on the first cycle and I had a 34 day cycle. Now Im on CD28 and will be forcing another period in about 10 days.

I tried lots of natural medicines like evening primrose oil, vitex, starflower oil. Im also on Metformin for 5 months now - I react well to it but it's not really doing much for me....

Have you considered the next steps like IUI and IVF?

Hi Maria

Hope the clomid works for you this cycle!

I have considered IVF but only as an option when all else fails, we'd have to pay alot for it and I'm hoping that the ovarian drilling and a bit more clomid will work for us...prob a long shot but got to keep hoping I suppose!!

How long have you known that you have amenorrhea? Its the worst feeling isnt it knowing that there is absolutely no chance of conceieving naturally!!
i've only recently been diagnosed with pcos so have most of the health checks and medication yet to come - which i'm already researching and getting a little worried about

i have told my parents and my oh's parent's that we will be trying once we know all the ins and outs. my oh's sister knows because she's having to go through ivf herself atm and has been a good support.

my work know i have pcos and am having tests because i will need time of work because of my crazy shifts.

i don't think i'll be going into any details with anyone else though, esp not when we eventually get our bfp, not until the second trimester anyway

Good luck Anna, hope you dont have long to wait to see a consultant? I had to wait 18months before my GP would refer me to see a consultant, he was adament that my problems would 'sort themselves' out and I would get a natural cycle back after coming off the pill......no such luck!!!
Does anyone else have amenorrhea (no periods/ no ov) or has anyone overcome this? Its really getting me down that there seems to be absolutely nothing that will kick start my cycles and make me ov.

I had to loose weight, go on metformin and up my dose to 100mg of clomid over the course of a year and a half before i actually ovulated! Hopefully you will figure out the right combination for you! Don't loose hope :thumbup:

Thanks donicaan! good luck to you too, its brill that you know that the clomid is working now! Were you really on clomid for a year and a half?! That seems like such a long time! Ive been told that I can have a another 6 months worth after the ovarian drilling (ive had 3 already).
well since you have already been tested for pcos just tell them you want to be tested for IR and they will most likly put you on metformin if your test shows that u r IR.....

do you have any problems with weight gain/loss? mid section weight or being tired right after you eat, specially sugary foods or like pasta or potaos ? if you do i would tell them about it because thats what they pointed out to me and in 10 mins i already knew thats what i had before i even had the bloods done...... just a warning though after u drink the sugary drink u will feel like crap all day

thanks sma, yeah I do have problems maintaining my weight, although im a healthy bmi I do think that I eat a lot less than what I should do to be the weight that I am if that makes sense?!

I feel soo lathargic after eating sugary foods and sometimes I feel really faint a couple of hours after I have eaten if I have had sugary stuff. I cant say that ive noticed it after eating pasta, rice etc..

When they tested you, did you request the test or did they just suggest it? I would like to be tested for IR but as I've already been diagnosed with pcos i doubt they will. The doctors where I go arent very forthcoming in testing for anything or getting to the route cause of a problem and I dont want to see like I am self diagnosing if you know what I mean?

Maybe I should go and say what I have said above about the sugary foods etc and see if they will suggest it from that?! They'll probably just tell me to avoid sugary food!

when i had mine done they checked my chelostrol from 5 yrs ago and that was a red flag from ther as it was high. then she asked me a few questions ( do i have a hard time loosing weight? do i get tired right after i eat? and any hair growth?) basically they both go with pcos and IR so she had blood work done and my chelostrol was high again as well as th sugar levels in my blood after drinking the sugar drink they were really high so it was showing it didnt break down the way it should. she said usually with pcos u have IR and that causes the no periods. maybe you can just say you noticed that your really tired after u eat and your weight seems to stay about the same no matter what you do so you looked it up and IR sometimes runs with pcos if they can do the blood test and the sugar test to see if you have that. they also put metformin with clomid sometimes to help O if the clomid doesnt do it by it self
Heya ladies

I have posted this in another area but was hoping for advice from over ladies with PCOS. Over the last couple of weeks I have been scouering the posts and have bought myself a little 'collection' of suppliments.

I know I know it's better to be natural but I haven't had af visit in over 14months and neither have I ovulated. I've got PCOS and I'm currently waiting for my next gyne app, so I thought I might aswell give things a go if they don't do anything for me well then at least I've tried ehh.

My suppliments are -

Boots Vitamin D 25
Boots Vitamin B complex
Vitabiotics Pregnacare Conception
Holland and Barrett Soya Isofavones 750mg (12mg diadzin & daidzein, 7mg glycitin & glycitein, 2.5mg genistin & genistein, 23mg soya saponins)

I've also bought a Low Gi diet book, started exercising more and given up smoking lol - really trying to get myself right and give myself the best chance possible before I get given any other sorts of medications.

I'd appreciae your help with dosage and anything else which might be worth a go?
i wish i could help you hun but im not taking any of those other than the soy but its a different mg...

i just orderd clomid so if i dont get a proper period in the next few weeks im going to take provera again and then the clomid days 3-7. i know the docs r just going to put me on it anyways but this way its going to save alot of money by not having OH tested right away and it will save us some time as well. im tired of the docs just saying give it 4 to 6 weeks more for EVERYTHING. they tell me this to wait for my period and any thing i go in for then they just do what i asked them for anyways so i will take into my own hands now
Heya ladies

I have posted this in another area but was hoping for advice from over ladies with PCOS. Over the last couple of weeks I have been scouering the posts and have bought myself a little 'collection' of suppliments.

I know I know it's better to be natural but I haven't had af visit in over 14months and neither have I ovulated. I've got PCOS and I'm currently waiting for my next gyne app, so I thought I might aswell give things a go if they don't do anything for me well then at least I've tried ehh.

My suppliments are -

Boots Vitamin D 25
Boots Vitamin B complex
Vitabiotics Pregnacare Conception
Holland and Barrett Soya Isofavones 750mg (12mg diadzin & daidzein, 7mg glycitin & glycitein, 2.5mg genistin & genistein, 23mg soya saponins)

I've also bought a Low Gi diet book, started exercising more and given up smoking lol - really trying to get myself right and give myself the best chance possible before I get given any other sorts of medications.

I'd appreciae your help with dosage and anything else which might be worth a go?

I am not sure how the supps will work for you as I am taking different ones.
Soy never worked for me....but the ones I was taking were 50mg of soy isoflavones per pill. I was taking up to 200mg a day and it wasnt working so I stopped.

I am currently taking Omega 3, calcium + vitamin D (not necessarily for the PCOS), prenatal vitamin and chromium. Chromium is supposed to help with insulin resistance (my bottle actually says "Chromium for Diabetic Support") I just take whatever it says on the bottles to take.

I think the GI diet is a good idea. It was suggested to me by my doctor as it is a diet suggested to those with diabetes. When I was on it before, within a week I just felt better. Not sure how to describe it but I just felt healthier and more energetic. I need to get back on that.

Congrats on quitting smoking!!! :)
Thanks for the advice sma. Im going to do that and see if they will test. If I am ir and they wont prescribe metformin I'll get some online. Least I'll know a bit more about what could be the problem, seems like ir might be why I cant get a cycle at all! Did you have regular cycles before the metformin? Know what you mean about all the waiting, its horrendous and forces people into self mediating! Have you tried natural progesterone cream? I need to have a cycle to start it!
Thanks for the advice sma. Im going to do that and see if they will test. If I am ir and they wont prescribe metformin I'll get some online. Least I'll know a bit more about what could be the problem, seems like ir might be why I cant get a cycle at all! Did you have regular cycles before the metformin? Know what you mean about all the waiting, its horrendous and forces people into self mediating! Have you tried natural progesterone cream? I need to have a cycle to start it!

your welcome, most likely they will give you metformin because they give alot of people that to help them with there cycles. but if you cant get them to prescribe you any and they have it online then ya i would do that too. i take 500 mg tablets but have to take 3 a day( i havnt made it that far and its been 3 months) my cycles were all over the place if i even had a new cycle. my cycles were anywhere from 55 days to over 100+ days, they even tryd to give me progestrone pills but i wouldnt start a new cycle untill 3 weeks later every time and that was only a withdraw bleed. i never tried the cream because not even the pills worked for me and thats y i was sent to the RE because my gyn ran out of options....if you want you can PM me if you have anymore questions incase i forget to check this thread
Just thought I'd update.

Cycle one clomid (50mg) was a BFN...Obviously didn't ovulate despite a postive OPK and all the symptoms because I didn't get a period and am currently doing a week of BCP to start a period and then start Round 2 of Clomid (100mg)....wish me luck. I'm very hopeful that the increased dosage will be the key to my success =)

Best of luck ladies
Does anyone else have amenorrhea (no periods/ no ov) or has anyone overcome this? Its really getting me down that there seems to be absolutely nothing that will kick start my cycles and make me ov.

I had to loose weight, go on metformin and up my dose to 100mg of clomid over the course of a year and a half before i actually ovulated! Hopefully you will figure out the right combination for you! Don't loose hope :thumbup:

Thanks donicaan! good luck to you too, its brill that you know that the clomid is working now! Were you really on clomid for a year and a half?! That seems like such a long time! Ive been told that I can have a another 6 months worth after the ovarian drilling (ive had 3 already).

Not the entire time, but most of it! I found out later that you are only supposed to have so many cycles and then a break and that it was pointless because he never upped my dosage! With a new doc i got everything figured out so far, just waiting to see if it works a third time, doc says i can take six cycles as long as everything seems ok so fingers crossed!
Just thought I'd update.

Cycle one clomid (50mg) was a BFN...Obviously didn't ovulate despite a postive OPK and all the symptoms because I didn't get a period and am currently doing a week of BCP to start a period and then start Round 2 of Clomid (100mg)....wish me luck. I'm very hopeful that the increased dosage will be the key to my success =)

Best of luck ladies

Good luck, thats what worked for me! :happydance:
Hello all...I thought i would come and join the PCOS club. I was diagnosed in August and have been TTC for 10 months.
On my second round of clomid..First cycle of which i didnt ovulate so had to increase the dosage. Going in for blood work tomorrow to confirm that i did Ovulate...Im pretty sure im about 5DPO now though as im about 90% sure i did ovulate (Due to temps, CM and CP. and cramps like bad cramps in my left ovary)..and now tender nipples which i have never had in my life besides with provera but wasnt as bad then.

Good luck TTC ladies and hoping for BFP's. xxxx
Thanks for the advice sma. Im going to do that and see if they will test. If I am ir and they wont prescribe metformin I'll get some online. Least I'll know a bit more about what could be the problem, seems like ir might be why I cant get a cycle at all! Did you have regular cycles before the metformin? Know what you mean about all the waiting, its horrendous and forces people into self mediating! Have you tried natural progesterone cream? I need to have a cycle to start it!

your welcome, most likely they will give you metformin because they give alot of people that to help them with there cycles. but if you cant get them to prescribe you any and they have it online then ya i would do that too. i take 500 mg tablets but have to take 3 a day( i havnt made it that far and its been 3 months) my cycles were all over the place if i even had a new cycle. my cycles were anywhere from 55 days to over 100+ days, they even tryd to give me progestrone pills but i wouldnt start a new cycle untill 3 weeks later every time and that was only a withdraw bleed. i never tried the cream because not even the pills worked for me and thats y i was sent to the RE because my gyn ran out of options....if you want you can PM me if you have anymore questions incase i forget to check this thread

Thanks! I'll let you know how my doc appointment goes, im going to book one next week
your welcome, yah let me know how it goes..so either i totaly forgot or im really blonde, but i just noticed you were on clomid, did that not help at all or what was going on with that? i ordered some and im just waiting for it to get here and get a new cycle going.
my last "period" was more like break through spotting with a tiny bit of red but all negative prego test. so when i get my clomid im going to take a test at the doc,start my provera and start the clomid...
also... how r they going about checking your blood too see if u have O'd was it only checking your blood or by US too. i noticed when they did my blood it was on CD21 too but i O'd after cd 14 so it didnt pick up..i know i had to of O'D that time too..
I was 100% sure I O'd as well...but I obviously didn't, no period, no pregnancy= no ovulation.
I'm one my last day of BCP and will get my AF in approx. 4 days then I will start all the magic again....lol.
I am not worried or stressed like I thought I would me. God has got me feeling an intense feeling of peace and confidence.
Best wishes ladies. This is our month for BFPs!
im so confused as to where i am in my cycle now or whats even going on....my RE said that my spotting with a tiny bit of red wasnt considerd a new cycle, but my CM hasnt really changed so i think when my clomid gets here im going to test at the docs then take my clomid.

does anybody know what days r best to take it? im going to start off at 50mg this time then 100mg if needed the next month

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