PCOS Club!

Courtney - I have caught up with pretty much everyone I think. I just thought may be I missed a page or so :dohh: So do you think you had a late O or not at all this cycle?

Lady - have a great time! It's raining in the south of england right now and is quite cool. So pack a brolly and a raincoat!
I didn't take any of the opk's or the thermometer which I think helped me relax a bit! I couldn't help but go by the family planning section in Walgreen's though :dohh: I was thinking that may be pg tests are cheaper in the US - they are not at all! May be even a tad more expensive!

Lady - Boots in England are currently doing Buy one get one Free on First Response pg test and ovulation tests - they are meant to be the best so worth picking some for home :thumbup:

hahaha test more cheaper than there i think not everything here is expensive! thats y i HATE buying pg test, i buy them from the 99 cent store now or just got to the docs and have them do 1

im glad u had a good vacation how was vegas and where did u guys stay there ?
i've been looking at some books regarding pcos and ended up added several to my basket lol.

i'm just not sure which books to get -

The PCOS Protection Plan: How To Cut Your Increased Risk Of Diabetes, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure And Obesity - Colette Harris; Paperback

Managing PCOS for Dummies - Gaynor Bussell; Paperback

PCOS Diet Book: How you can use the nutritional approach to deal with polycystic ovary syndrome - Colette Harris; Paperback

PCOS And Your Fertility: Your Guide To Self Care, Emotional Wellbeing And Medical Support: Your Essential Questions Answered - Colette Harris; Paperback

The Ultimate PCOS Handbook: Lose weight, boost fertility, clear skin and restore self-esteem - Colette Harris; Paperback

what i'd like to get out of the books is to learn more in general and to begin to understand the journey we will have to make whilst trying to conceive

i'd really appreciate it anyone could recommend any of these books from personal experiences
Courtney - I have caught up with pretty much everyone I think. I just thought may be I missed a page or so :dohh: So do you think you had a late O or not at all this cycle?

No, I am completely out this cycle. I have continued to temp and nothing has happened.

I have an appointment with the FS tomorrow to talk about FSH shots. Then I will have another week before I can start taking the Provera to bring on AF. Unless of course, I can convince him that there wasn't a chance that I ovulated and maybe he will allow me to start the Provera early. Also, I am going to tell him that I want an HSG and I want DH to have another SA.

But I do have good news! DH talked to our insurance company to find out a bit more about fertility coverage and what he found out was AWESOME!!! Apparently our insurance will pay all but 10% for IVF and IUI procedures :happydance: The billing woman from our FS had told us that nothing was covered for fertility and we found that strange since they had been covering other tests for fertility from before. So she didn't even call them and ask, she just assumed because everyone else's BCBS insurance wouldn't pay, that ours was the same.

It seems that just when my hopes are dashed yet again, something else comes along to boost them again. I just wish that "something else" would be a baby this next time around!
i've been looking at some books regarding pcos and ended up added several to my basket lol.

i'm just not sure which books to get -

The PCOS Protection Plan: How To Cut Your Increased Risk Of Diabetes, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure And Obesity - Colette Harris; Paperback

Managing PCOS for Dummies - Gaynor Bussell; Paperback

PCOS Diet Book: How you can use the nutritional approach to deal with polycystic ovary syndrome - Colette Harris; Paperback

PCOS And Your Fertility: Your Guide To Self Care, Emotional Wellbeing And Medical Support: Your Essential Questions Answered - Colette Harris; Paperback

The Ultimate PCOS Handbook: Lose weight, boost fertility, clear skin and restore self-esteem - Colette Harris; Paperback

what i'd like to get out of the books is to learn more in general and to begin to understand the journey we will have to make whilst trying to conceive

i'd really appreciate it anyone could recommend any of these books from personal experiences

Have you looked at your local library to see if these were there?
doni- i totaly know the feeling. i was basically told the same thing and that im too young to have hormone issues like i told the doc it had to be. after 8 months of NO period something had to be wrong it wasnt untill they sent me to the specialst and she knew in about 10 mins what it was....they also put me on metformin and provera to start me off the the next month i started on a 38 day cycle yay! i just cant bring myself to bump up the metformin eventhough i know i need to...aggghhhh i just hate it. good luck with everything and i betthat did take some time to read through all these pages

You should talk to your doctor, maybe there is a reason you are extra sensitive to the metformin, maybe there is another medicine that they could try with the same results? It is worth asking i suppose...
Yes exactly my new doc knew in 5 minutes! crazy stuff! the metformin was hard for me too and im not sure it does anything but i just take it right before bed so if i get a tummy ache its when im sleeping, that helps alot! im thinking about asking my doc if there is anything else we can do even though this will only be my third month ovulating but still i have swore i was preggo the last two! Thats the worst part, its easier when you dont think you are! Gotta keep up hope...:happydance:

You probably thought you were pregnant because you are not used to O. The vast majority of the symptoms we feel before AF shows are also just like pregnancy symptoms. And if you haven't had O in a long time, or since you started ttc, then you will probably be noticing more things that you never noticed before. So it is probable that you are just observing normal post O/premenstrual symptoms and associating them with pregnancy symptoms. We all do it and it completely sucks! Sometimes I wish that there was nothing posted on the net for pregnancy symptoms because they are so much like impending AF symptoms and it confuses the dickens out of is.

Oh and btw, I can't believe you read through all of this post! I remember a lot of the messages and also that there are a lot of really long ones posted by me. You have got to be crazy :hugs: It must have taken a good hour and a half to read :dohh:

Haha it took me a few days! But it was easy and i learned alot from you girls so now i have hope if things dont work out this way there are other things to try without having to have alot of money!
Well, I'm back girls!!! Missed you!!

Doni - my GP could have diagnosed me 4 month sooner than they did!!! My bloods and symptoms were clearly PCOS yet the GP said it just takes a while for the pill to come out of my system. Grrr! I went to see a great gyni 4 months later (privately as cudnt deal with lack of periods anymore) and he diagnosed me within 5 minutes! Now I just had my 2nd round of Clomid which didn't work this time I'm afraid.

Any bfp's on here girls while I was gone? We haven't had one for aaaaages!

I wonder why it didn't work the second time? That scares me, im sorry to hear that its hard to try when we arn't even in the running!
Hi everyone, has anyone in the UK been prescribed metformin on the NHS?

I too was diagnosed with pcos by a specialist after 18months of my GP telling me that it was just where i'd come off the pill and my hormones would sort themselves out!!

I've taken 3 cycles of clomid and not responded so am trying to treat my pcos naturally, has anyone got any tips on what to do? I have only had two natural 'periods' in nearly two years. My bmi is 20, and I eat pretty healthily.

I know they say low carb diets etc can help, am prob going to start one in the next week or so. Ive just bought some apple cider vinegar as appartently that can help lower insulin resistance
Hi everyone, has anyone in the UK been prescribed metformin on the NHS? Ive been looking it up online and it seems that it can be as effective as clomid?

Although ive got pcos im not sure if im insulin resistant, were any of you tested for blood sugar levels etc on diagnosis? Im not sure whether it comes hand in hand as in if you've got pcos then you are insulin resistant?

I too was diagnosed with pcos by a specialist after 18months of my GP telling me that it was just where i'd come off the pill and my hormones would sort themselves out!!

I've taken 3 cycles of clomid and not responded so am trying to treat my pcos naturally or in any other way!! Has anyone got any tips on what to do? I have only had two natural 'periods' in nearly two years. My bmi is 20, and I eat pretty healthily.

I know they say low carb diets etc can help, am prob going to start one in the next week or so. Ive just bought some apple cider vinegar as appartently that can help lower insulin resistance
Hi Firefox, I'm on metformin prescribed on the NHS. My bmi is 26 so my insulin resistance is questionable.

I ovulated on the 1st Clomid cycle but not the second so am just waiting for af to start the 3d round.

I think a few girls on here take soy for ovulation. Also why don't you ask you FS about alternative stimulants like letrozole? That's what I'll be doing if Clomid doesn't work in a couple of months
Hi there, I have been ttc for 2 yrs and this past yr finally took the steps to seek help i have what the dr said is "skinny" pcos and that is why i havent be able to conceive. I have been taking provera for months and just finished my 1st round of 50mg clomid which it didnt work so i was put on metformin on top of provera and 100mg clomid this month. I read metformin causes miscarriages and i dont really need to be on it bc my insulin level is fine yet was prescribed it. Looking for anyone who has taken the meds or any success stories.
Update on me girls:

So I start my Prometrium tonight and will take it for seven days. I will then have to wait for AF to show. Once she does, then I will have to go in for an ultrasound sometime between CD1-3 to check for cysts. If there are no cysts, then I will take 100mg of Clomid CD3-7 and 75 units of Follistim CD7-10. I will then have another ultrasound on CD10 as well as an HSG. What follows after that is up to the results from CD10.

So that is where I stand.
so the weird spotting is over and now i have a slightly sticky CM. i have to say this is the weirdest cycle ive EVER had...i have no clue whats going on this time around
Hi Firefox, I'm on metformin prescribed on the NHS. My bmi is 26 so my insulin resistance is questionable.

I ovulated on the 1st Clomid cycle but not the second so am just waiting for af to start the 3d round.

I think a few girls on here take soy for ovulation. Also why don't you ask you FS about alternative stimulants like letrozole? That's what I'll be doing if Clomid doesn't work in a couple of months

Thanks maria,

When I spoke to my FS she said that the only thing available to me would be more clomid after the ovarian drilling on the NHS. I think again it depends on your location as to what treatment you get - totally unfair. Think they have overlooked the pcos and are just focusing on my inability to ovulate which is fine but treating the pcos may help!!

Its good that you have been prescribed metformin, will yout 3rd cycle be the first time of tying it with the clomid?
Hi there, I have been ttc for 2 yrs and this past yr finally took the steps to seek help i have what the dr said is "skinny" pcos and that is why i havent be able to conceive. I have been taking provera for months and just finished my 1st round of 50mg clomid which it didnt work so i was put on metformin on top of provera and 100mg clomid this month. I read metformin causes miscarriages and i dont really need to be on it bc my insulin level is fine yet was prescribed it. Looking for anyone who has taken the meds or any success stories.

Hey butterfly, how did you know that your insulin level was fine? was your GP able to test this?
Firefox - they can give you a blood test to check insulin resistance. I'd ask your FS about it.

I've been on Met for nearly 5 months now. Started it 3 months before Clomid as it takes a few months to work. I'm on 1500 mg a day of the Extended release one. Have you actually asked your FS about Met and other stimulants? What about IVF? They have to offer you at least one IVF attempt on the NHS! Often they won't offer you things themselves but if you ask they'll just agree to them.

Nothing new from me girls. I've been getting nasty twitches in my ovaries for about a week now - all for nothing! Stupid Clomid! Grrr!! Can't wait for the next cycle to start again.

I'm feeling down today actually... Met with a colleague last night whose wfe's about to pop and all he was talking about was the pram and the nursery and the baby :( Then another friend posted fresh photos of her baby on FB. It's sooo painful to know everyone around you has kids yet your body is broken :(

I'm sure we'll all get there but this waiting game is the toughest thing.
I'm feeling down today actually... Met with a colleague last night whose wfe's about to pop and all he was talking about was the pram and the nursery and the baby :( Then another friend posted fresh photos of her baby on FB. It's sooo painful to know everyone around you has kids yet your body is broken :(

I'm sure we'll all get there but this waiting game is the toughest thing.

I know what you mean. And there is also the pressure from the family once they find out you are ttc. Last night my mother-in-law tried to give me the "just relax" speech. She didn't make a whole lot of sense (I'm guessing due to the 5 beers), and didn't tell me anything new; it was so irritating. She kept saying "your too stressed" and "relax and it will happen". GAH!! You think I don't know that :dohh: And then she pressured me about timing and whatnot. I told her we would try for another 2 or 3 years and if nothing has happened by then, then we will look into adoption. She continued to pressure me about time and it seems that she was pushing us to start the adoption process now :shrug: And all of this is coming from the woman who told me last Christmas, "don't worry, you're still young and have plenty of time". WTF :wacko:

I sometimes wonder if it all stems from the fact that she could never have children of her own. She too suffered from PCOS, though they didn't know it at the time. But it is almost like she doesn't want us to have children because then she will feel that she was just a failure :cry: I don't want her to feel that way, but I can't help but think that that is how she feels :shrug: Could she truly be jealous? Or is that just what I assume she feels because I know I would feel that way if I were her?

Oops lol :haha: Sorry for the rant. I guess it bothered me more than I thought :dohh:
Courtney, so is your hubby adopted? On the one hand I think it's great that your MIL has been through a similar experience when she was younger. You'd think she can give you support and advice....But it doesn't sound like that's what she is doing.
Surely she must still remember HOW bad it feels to know you have problems with fertility! So pressuring you is the last thing she should be doing :shrug:
I think that unless you feel you are getting her full support I would not bring her into ttc at all....

My Mum's a bit like that. She also had mild PCOS (so I know it runs in the family) but got pg after first sex with my Dad :dohh: She lost that baby unfortunately. Then got pg with me 6 months later. She also had problems with her cycles but nowhere near as bad as me.
She KNOWS we've been trying a year and I only ovulated 3 times. She KNOWS Im on Clomid and had lots of other things done to me to help. She KNOWS how low I feel about it. But again, all she can say is don't worry! Of course you'll get pg! And sooner than you know it! She thins because she did, I shouldn't have too many problems!!

Before our holidays she said Im not pg yet because we didn't really want it...WTF :wacko: She said we were too preoccupied with buying a house and then planning the Cali trip. And now that we are settled and don't have many other plans Ill be pg in October and November!
Im afraid I had bad news for her that Clomid didn't work this month so Oct is already out of question! She still didn't get it! I think next time she brings up the subject Ill just say we are looking into IVF as I can't get pg myself....Hopefully thatll wake her up :growlmad:

What about IVF for you? Can you get at least one round for free from the state?
Hi there, I have been ttc for 2 yrs and this past yr finally took the steps to seek help i have what the dr said is "skinny" pcos and that is why i havent be able to conceive. I have been taking provera for months and just finished my 1st round of 50mg clomid which it didnt work so i was put on metformin on top of provera and 100mg clomid this month. I read metformin causes miscarriages and i dont really need to be on it bc my insulin level is fine yet was prescribed it. Looking for anyone who has taken the meds or any success stories.

Hey butterfly, how did you know that your insulin level was fine? was your GP able to test this?

Thank you for responding! i was tested 2 times bc my testosterone was high so she thought it had something to do with my bloodsugar/insulin. However my results came back fine insulin level is 6. So i said could i be on metforin bc last month she said it would help me get preg faster. i had no idea what it was or the use of it until yesterday. Sorry i do not know the shorten words besides ttc lol silly i know. So im on provera to get a cycle then clomid to ovulate and now metformin which im hesitate to take. i had no idea the struggle and challenges pcos would have in ttc. Thank u again for responding and any advice/exp anyone has I'd really appreciate. xo

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