Pet Peeves

When people say assed instead of asked!!!

YES! And "criss" instead of "crisps".

I hate when people tell me to enter my PIN number. PIN stands for Personal Identification Number. So basically, you're saying, "Enter your Personal Indentification Number number." No. It's your PIN.

When people say, "I itched my foot." No, your foot was itchy, so you SCRATCHED it. And "I learned him that." No, he learned it, you TAUGHT it to him. I think I'm a bit of a grammer Nazi. :blush:

:rofl: i do the 'criss' thing :blush:
Unannounced visitors. Grr! Don't turn up at my house without phoning first x x
Teeth grinding.
Loud eating.
Yappy barky dogs.
Scrapiron men.
Rude oldies.
Unwiped sides.
My glass cuboard being out of order.
Washing on radiatiors.
Men who shout shit at me in the street.

I could be here all day :haha:
Oh dear I have a few,

Mess of any kind, my house being a mess, or the kids being dirty after food and my mothers handbag leaves me with the shakes, I have to have things organised lol.

Bad drivers

People parking in disabled or mother and toddler who don't need them.


No one replacing the toilet roll!
People that spit

Litter bugs

People that let their dog crap and leave it

Drivers in their mobile or not wearing a seatbelt (usually both at the same round here)

The lazy bints in their 4x4's (always a 4x4!) who park in the White lines outside nursery illegally so it's unsafe for others to cross the road

People who smoke when pushing their LO in a buggy (theirs a pregnant lady near me that always has a fag in her mouth whilst pushing her toddler daughter in her buggy)

Michael McIntrye
Ooh, I have a few, haha :laugh2:
People who talk to me with a mouth full of food and expect me to understand them
People who stand chatting in the supermarkets and block everyone's way
People who squeeze each loaf of bread in the supermarket to find the 'perfect' loaf and leave everyone else with squashed bread
People who give me stupid and ignorant parenting advice, especially DH's family
People who cannot park and take up two spaces on busy days

The list is endless! :haha:

Oops I'm a bit guilty of squeezing the loafs in the shop, I try to be gentle though hehehe :haha:
People who don't indicate, people who don't say thanks when you give way to them. And my biggest one, backseat drivers!!! Seriously, if you don't like the way i drive then get out and bloody walk.


Haha agreed, my brother is a backseat driver, I usually tell him if he does not like my driving, I will drop him off at the next bus stop!! :haha:

My pet peeve is people who park wonky in the shopping centre car park on a day when the carpark is full, taking up 2 bays or parking so badly it is impossible to park next to them without bashing your door Grrrr!
love this thread!

What's wrong with washing on the radiators. How else do you dry clothes in the winter?
Ooh, I have a few, haha :laugh2:
People who talk to me with a mouth full of food and expect me to understand them
People who stand chatting in the supermarkets and block everyone's way
People who squeeze each loaf of bread in the supermarket to find the 'perfect' loaf and leave everyone else with squashed bread
People who give me stupid and ignorant parenting advice, especially DH's family
People who cannot park and take up two spaces on busy days

The list is endless! :haha:

Oops I'm a bit guilty of squeezing the loafs in the shop, I try to be gentle though hehehe :haha:

Hahaha :lol: My dad, nana and grandad do tho as well - I think it's a pretty widespread thing! :haha: x
love this thread!

What's wrong with washing on the radiators. How else do you dry clothes in the winter?

I'm wondering this too, I always dry my washing on the radiator too :D

I have a clothes horse thing but it takes too long to dry, live in a highrise flat with no balcony :nope:
Slow walkers, especially when there's two of them walking side by side.
People tailgating
Loud messy eaters
People smoking in public, especially if I have to walk behind them :grr:
Elderly people who think it's okay to forget their manners
People who litter
I hate loud slurpers and eaters too!
& people that don't say thankyou when you hold a door open for them, just bad manners in general really!
People blocking aisles in shops to have a chat! Grrr!
When people push infront of you in a queue!
People sneezing or coughing and not covering their mouths!
So many things get on my wick! Haha
I have so many
-People using lifts when they are perfectly able to use the stairs
-Bad/lazy drivers taking up 2 parking spaces
-When a driver doesn't indicate when you are waiting to cross the road

I will be back to list more lol
open mouthed slapping gum chewers - JULIE on BB enough said.
loud eaters
teeth grinding
nail biters/chewers
fat boy from eastenders slang ganster talk cant stand people who talk like that - you get me?

this is a bit of a weird one but..... condiments - my husband has millions of jars and bottles of things spicy sauces and they stink look messy and erghhhh i just hate my fridge door full of condiments - i would love to throw them all away! maybe thats more ocd than a peeve...?....

my list could go on but those are the mains!
when shop assistants talk to each other while serving you. that drives me up the wall, it's the rudest thing ever and is so common where I live.

This is my number one pet Peeve too!! :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:


-People who just stop walking right in front of you in the street.

-Bad manners in general.

-People smoking in the doorways of shops/restaurants so I have to walk through the smoke on my way in/out.

-People who smoke in cars with their kids in the back..In fact this is not so much a pet peeve, as something I find so bloody selfish and disgusting!

- People using lifts when they are able to use the stairs.

-People who push their way in to the front of a queue.

-People who do not wash their hands after using the toilet (saw this 4 times this week in a supermarket toilet! 4!!) :wacko:

-John Barrowman (in general).
The smoking near doors/entrances thing does my head in too and I'm an ex smoker! We were at the hospital on Friday and they have smoking shelters dotted around the grounds, we came out of the maternity unit and there was a man standing outside smoking a cigarette - there was a smoking shelter literally 10metres away! I made a point of coughing and spluttering as we walked past. Wouldn't have batted an eyelid if he was in the shelter but I just couldn't get over how lazy and inconsiderate people can be sometimes.

He was also standing next to a sign telling people to show consideration for pregnant mothers and babies coming in and out of the building and to only smoke in a designated shelter:dohh:
when shop assistants talk to each other while serving you. that drives me up the wall, it's the rudest thing ever and is so common where I live.

This is my number one pet Peeve too!! :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:


-People who just stop walking right in front of you in the street.

-Bad manners in general.

-People smoking in the doorways of shops/restaurants so I have to walk through the smoke on my way in/out.

-People who smoke in cars with their kids in the back..In fact this is not so much a pet peeve, as something I find so bloody selfish and disgusting!

- People using lifts when they are able to use the stairs.

-People who push their way in to the front of a queue.

-People who do not wash their hands after using the toilet (saw this 4 times this week in a supermarket toilet! 4!!) :wacko:

-John Barrowman (in general).
Lmao! I love how you threw John Barrowman in at the end! He's miles better than Louis Spence! Don't get me started on Louie Spence!
when shop assistants talk to each other while serving you. that drives me up the wall, it's the rudest thing ever and is so common where I live.

This is my number one pet Peeve too!! :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:


-People who just stop walking right in front of you in the street.

-Bad manners in general.

-People smoking in the doorways of shops/restaurants so I have to walk through the smoke on my way in/out.

-People who smoke in cars with their kids in the back..In fact this is not so much a pet peeve, as something I find so bloody selfish and disgusting!

- People using lifts when they are able to use the stairs.

-People who push their way in to the front of a queue.

-People who do not wash their hands after using the toilet (saw this 4 times this week in a supermarket toilet! 4!!) :wacko:

-John Barrowman (in general).
Lmao! I love how you threw John Barrowman in at the end! He's miles better than Louis Spence! Don't get me started on Louie Spence!

:haha: I've not watched enough of Louie Spence for him to annoy me yet.
People who say somethink instead of something especially on the tv!
when im on the tube/train etc with hubby and people know we are together as we are chatting will put themselves between us as we get off so i end up losing him on the underground!!!!

middle lane drivers we drive in the left lane in this country im sick of driving at snails pace because i cannot undertake you and cannot overtake as there are twenty middle drivers poodling at 50mph so i cant fit through!!:growlmad:

people driving in the left lane to go right round a roundabout

people piling in the lift when i have a buggy even though there is an escalator 6 feet from the lift:dohh:

I cant stand people eating with their mouth open:sick:

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