Please be my WTT buddie

Lady - your mum is just awesome.
I'm not telling my mum till we are pregnant want it to all be a surprise for her.
Kksy- oh you go 40 lbs is an awesome loss. I hope you have an awesome time on the trips you have planned.
I already have a care plan so far for normal treatment but when I go for my next infusion I'll be telling them then that I plan on trying and what they suggest during pregnancy to be fair I have friends with fibro who haven't experienced any higher risks due to fibro as it's a chronic pain condition just the other symptoms are the killer for it as it can effect mobility and all sorts there are over 200 symptoms. I've to change doctors to as ive moved away but I'm hoping I can keep my pain team back home because I'm the case study the doctor is using for the infusion I get local anestisia ( sorry if that's not spelt right) through an IV really helps so haven't changed doctors yet so I don't lose it so hoping he will let me keep having it there or hopefully be able to tell me if I can get it where I live now. I wasn't going to change doctors till we decided to ttc anyway as the care I get is awesome I do pretty much get left to it because I did all the pain management courses they put people on and I refuse stronger pain meds so I don't need that much monitoring really I just go once a year when I need another infusion and I contact them through my GP for that. To be fair they have said I've taught them new things about managing the condition as although many people have it they still don't know what causes it or how to treat it they are just trying things at the moment.
I'm in for a bit longer of a wait but I'll be your WTT buddy too! We're WTT #1 June 2019 but right now I'm leaning towards getting my IUD out in April/May 2019 so I can have a cycle before we really start TTC. I'm attempting to keep myself busy and distracted while waiting but I also hope that I can slow down and enjoy this time with just the two of us.
Yay kbk totally join us doesn't matter that your waiting longer at least we can distract each other untill our time comes because it's a bloody hard wait
I keep finding names I like at the moment think I need to write a list or I will forget them all trying not to throw them all at the OH at the moment but once we get our bfp then it shall begin haha poor man.
misswaiting- sounds like you have a great team in place! i hope that as you transition to a new doctor you are still able to find the same level of care! What are some of the names you've found that you like?

kbk- welcome! i'm waiting until the end of 2019 so you're not alone on a longer wait! The time will pass faster than you think so you have the right idea to sit back and enjoy it! Do you have any fun things planned over the next year?

AFM- DH was asking tonight about what kind of timeline I am thinking and how it relates to my fitness goals. It didnt go beyond that but I am still excited that he was asking! I feel like it it a toe inch in the "lets have one more baby" direction lol
misswaiting: I just started a list of names I like yesterday for the same reason that I was scared I would forget what they all were.

kksy: Thank you! We're going to the beach this summer and are hoping to go to Denver as well. A good friend of our's is getting married this winter and that should be a fun wedding and probably my last before TTC. Also, my SIL and her husband are adopting their first this summer so hopefully I will have lots of nephew pictures in the meantime.
Yea my doctors are awesome I'm so gutted I have to change as I'm scared I won't get the same level of care as it really does improve my quality of life. I will push though to get the same quality of care I won't take bullshit from them I know what works for me and I know exactly what I'm entitled to the plus side to me having worked in care for the past 7years myself 😁 so doctors get taken aback by me because I walk in and tell them straight but politely of course.
My name's so far are ....
Evelyn- OH agreed so our first girl will be called Evelyn
Tobias - OH doesn't like this one
Dylan ( pronounced dull Ann Welsh name)
I love Aubrey but that's my OH last name well part of it he's double barreled
Also yay for the little chat it's awesome that you hubby is open kksy.
Kbk that's amazing such an exciting time for the whole family
misswaiting, I hope you can find great doctors where you are now. I know they can make a world of difference. Those are all really great names! I keep coming up with so many more boys names than girls names even though I'm pretty sure we would name our first son after my late father (given the permission of my mom and sisters). We are all so excited for the new little one! My SIL and her husband have been trying to have a child through various means for at least 5 years. He will be the first grandchild on DH's side.
Yea as you can tell there is a theme they are all names more commonly used in the 40s and 50s other then the Welsh names. I live in England now though so not sure on using Welsh names as they will never be pronounced correctly and it will drive me insane.
I have more girls names popping up then boy names but ive had a prediction that I will only be blessed with girls which is fine as long as they are healthy I don't really mind.
It's so amazing that they get to have a child
Kksy - Yes, my mom has a great sense of humor and she's truly excited for us. I can't imagine being team green, as it's more commonly called where I'm from! I want to know the sex right away so I can start using their chosen name, and it will definitely influence the things I buy. I never knew until recently, but my mom didn't know what she was having when she was pregnant with my older sister because they could never get a clear image of her nether regions when she went in for scans! So she was involuntarily team green.

My baby names so far are:
Cecelia Rose - We agreed on Cecelia together, and Rose is for my grandmother Rosie.
Alessandra Victoria - I don't know how he feels about it. I love the name Alessandra and his mom's name is Sandra; my middle name is Victoria and I love it and want to pass it down.
Christian Salvatore - Christian is set in stone for me, but we're not 100% committed to the middle name. I love Salvatore and my husband has an uncle by that name, so it's meaningful.

MissWaiting - She's the best! My mom will be one of the first to know. I know she can keep a secret. I want to make it a special announcement and surprise her when the time comes.
LadyV- yea my mum and his mum will be first to know but will be sworn to secrecy as I already know how I want to announce that we are pregnant which will be fun.
There is a trend here where you announce with a picture then you get another with bump then another with baby so hoping to do that but with a twist as I already model but I model vintage fashion so 40s to 50s but get the odd historical shoot to it's a hobby get a couple of shoots a year but don't make money from it so would love to include my love of vintage in there
MissWaiting- I know my mom can keep a secret, but MIL will be ready to tell the world, so I plan to wait longer to tell her... Probably 12 weeks at the earliest. I look at announcement ideas all the time! I definitely plan on doing something cute for our immediate family and even want to surprise my hubby. Then I'll probably think of a creative way to announce on social media, and do a maternity shoot when I have a bump. I also do some modeling! My husband got me into acting as well. That's awesome :)
See it's my mum that will want to tell the world but his mum will keep it secret for as long as we ask her to but my mum god love her will slip up so I'm going to wait a few weeks to tell her but need to think of a way to break it to my mum and his mum and also him would love to do something special for him which will be hard because if I sort something now so I'm ready he will find it haha I can't even hide stuff in my draws because he goes in there when I need him to grab stuff for me
bkb- the beach sounds like fun! Do you mind me asking what area you're going to? I'm planning a surprise girls trip to a beach...somewhere, no idea where yet.... with my mom and niece for next year to celebrate my Mom's 60th. I live in Missouri so about as far from the ocean as you can be and always looking for suggestions lol. It sounds like it's going to be a fun year with the wedding and a new little nephew! Will this be your first time becoming an aunt?

Lady- I definitely couldn't wait to find out the sex with my oldest. There is so much uncertainty as a FTM that getting to find out and properly prepare helps bring a lot of peace! With my second, my DH really wanted to wait to find out so we kept it as a surprise. It actually wasn't hard to do (because my toddler kept me busy lol) and that moment when DS2 was born was extra special. I think if we go for #3 I want to wait to find out again. I love your names and naming them after people makes it extra special. My oldest is named for both of our fathers and my seconds middle name is one of my BIL's name (his godfather as well).

misswaiting-that is great that you are your own advocate! i learned years ago that your doctors work for you and it's their job to listen to you. If they don't, then they aren't the right care provider for you! What do you do for work? Evelyn is a beautiful name! How many children are you hoping to have? The vintage photo shoot sounds like a great idea! Those will be really special memories to look back on one day to help connect your pregnancy and baby to another area you are passionate about.

AFM- we got to go out on a date tonight! it's only our 3rd since the baby was born (he is 16 months next week). In the past month he has started the process of self-weaning so I can leave him for a few hours at a time now. We are pretty much down to first thing in the morning, before each of his two naps and before bed (about 50% of the time he wakes up once overnight for a quick 15-20 min feed). Sounds like a lot but its significantly reduced from a month ago . I'm definitely fine with taking weaning nice and slow (it took 6 weeks with my oldest). Gives my body time to adjust lol. I am hoping by 18 months he is 100% weaned.

Hope you ladies have a great start to your week!!
Yea I love Evelyn and OH does to. We want 3 but it depends on how my body copes basically. The doctors I have I used to work with one he was the doctor the attended the nursing home I worked in then the other is the pain team consultant. I don't work at the moment I've just moved 40 miles away to a new city but it was to far to travel back and to to my last job because my travel costs aswell it wasn't worth it so we haven't decided yet if it's worth me finding a job now with us being so close to ttc because I'm going to stay home with baby
MissWaiting - There are so many cute ways to announce to the future grandparents! I've seen cute frames for the ultrasound pictures or onesies that say they can't wait to meet their grandparents, etc.. And you can get so many things custom made on Etsy! That is my plan for my husband. I think I'm going to get a onesie made that says "Baby OurLastName" on it and put the positive pregnancy test and a note with it saying, "Good job, daddy!" :) I have a lot of good hiding places, fortunately! He never finds his hidden gifts.
lady- that is a cute idea! i saw one announcement on Youtube where they mailed the test and little gift to the dad so that they couldn't find it in the house. She played like she didn't know what was in the package and he thought he just had a random gift from someone until he opened it up
That's awesome I don't know how I'll do it need to get searching.
He had abit of a shock today we met up with friends had a day out in the sun walking round an island that you can get to when I tide goes out on foot but then we quickly nipped to day hi to 2 of his friends I hadn't had chance to meet yet who are a couple and he mentioned we were planning to try for a baby next year and his guy friend totally dropped on hi that they were currently trying but in the not trying not preventing way and had been for a long time so it's made him think more about us having a baby in a very good way
Announcing is sooo much fun! I shouted at DH to come and look at the test. Too excited to hold it in. I want to surprise him next time.

I told work for my personal safety the next day. Well only my supervisors. I was 12 weeks when we told our parents and all the family. We announced on Christmas day. Had a "card" saying "best christmas gift ever!" We added baby "....." due July 2017. The center of card had an ornament shape which is where we had scan photo.

We didn't think it was right to tell one parent and not the others. Feelings might get hurt. My mom was busting to post on facebook lol. His mom was excited but it better with secrets.

I think we will probably have a onesie for V saying "promoted to big sister _________". A little cliche but I like it.

Gender reveal was fun too. I think we will find out gender again. I think I'd like black balloons with either pink or blue paint inside. Then throw at a white canvas. We did smoke "grenade" last time. It was nice but I want sonething different.

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