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Please be my WTT buddie

Kksy- sending huge hugs I would be really hurt by how your DH handled that and glad he apologised ive got everything crossed for you that he really does put thought into it and not be selfish.
Flueky- yea he mainly talks about it beucase he knows I have to communicate about everything or my anxiety sort of kicks in as my ex was abusive and would refuse to talk about anything especially having a family which is a good thing we didn't but how it was handled was wrong.
As for me
I'm currently late for auntie Flo which is weird as I'm normally early and just feeling generally abit rubbish super tired which isn't unusual but I'm super super hungry which is and then feeling rather sick at night come about 8:30pm for about the last week which is weird i feel sick daily but it's normally in the morning. We did slip up with pull out method this cycle on one app it was my first fertile day but on another app it said I had ovulated like 2 days before. So sort of toying with the idea that the wait could be over but one app is saying I'm 3 days late and the other I'm only a day late as should have arrived today but it hasn't I'm normally bang on with the app that says I'm 3 days late and normally early for the app that says I'm due today so you never know could be or could be stress over my sister's wedding.
Miss, I'd take a test to be sure. Stress can certainly delay O which in turn delays AF. Hope you get the outcome you want :)
Well aunt flo is in full swing right down to mega cramps and it's right round into my back so here is full force. Currently sat at my mum's waiting for my other half to come get me and take me home to ours. Ready to feel sorry for myself and drink chocolate milkshake.
Rehersal went well for my sister's wedding today not long now till the big day
Miss I'm sorry when wtt it ttc AF is extra cruel. Enjoy a treat!! Glad the rehearsa went well :)
Hey, ladies! I'm back home now. My training was intense, but went well and we had a lovely vacation! I could write a whole post about every destination. Italy has won my heart and I look forward to going back. I only studied Italian for 1 year and Spanish for about 12 years, and I feel guilty for loving Italy more than Barcelona lol

I have just one birth control pill left and then I'm officially done! Ah! I'm just a bit confused about when to start charting and wearing my Ava bracelet now. Because I don't know when I'll get my first period, it may look like I've had an unusually long cycle and throw off my data. Thinking about ordering some OPKs.
LadyVictoria, woohoo for being done with bcp. I think it's good to get in tune with your body and let it regulate before ttc. Did you decide to use AVA bracelet this cycle?

Glad you had a great time!! So nice to take a break from "life" sometimes.

AFM AF arrived today. It really sucks because my dad left back for WI, DH has to work both jobs, and I had to work. I knew yesterday AF was coming and with everything else I just felt depressed. Feeling a lot better now though.

So here's hoping that I get a bfp at the end of the month or the start of July as I'm back to officially ttc :)
Fleuky - Yeah I haven't wrapped my mind around being off just yet. I'm so used to taking my pill at the same time that I found myself checking the time at dinner last night and then thought, "Duh! Not doing that anymore!" I set up my Ava yesterday and used it last night! It worked just as it should and it's cool to see all the different parameters. I know I didn't sleep the best last night and it said 42% of my sleep was light and 58% was deep/REM.

And yes, it was amazing being away! I have so many pictures. I'm thinking of making a blog post recap of it all since I've been getting a lot of questions about our cruise experience. Sorry to hear that AF is also with you! Fingers crossed for your BFP!
Well I found out I have Vit D deficiency. Normal is 30 to 80. Mine was 18. I researched and low Vit D can affect fertility!! I'm wondering if this is why it took awhile to ttc #1. I'm feeling more energetic already though and feeling more optimistic about ttc.
Hey Ladies

Little late to the thread, but WTT buddies would be awesome. We are waiting till May 2019 to start, well I plan to take my arm implant out in May. I have been broody for a few years now so I totally understand the feeling. I am 28 will be 29 when we start trying. DH is 3 years younger than me though. I have PCOS but it's not really done anything to affect my ovulation or cycles so I hope that means it won't be too worrying to conceive. My mum has it also but conceived me within a year and my brother took two years to conceive. She was also 29 when she started.

LadyVictoria cruises are the best way to holiday! I am trying to convince DH to do one with me. I went on a cruise around Australia in 2011, it was amazing. I highly recommend cruising to anyone wanting a proper holiday..

Flueky, time to get some sunshine in!! Sorry it's so low but it's a good excuse to enjoy some sunshine. I am solar powered my hubby says lol
Hi ladies sorry I've been absent
Lady v so glad you had a great time
Two2tango welcome along.
Sister's wedding went so well the day went without a hitch even the weather held out. My other halfs friends keep congratulating him thinking that we got married I'm quite offended seeing as the only picture he posted was the two of us me in my bridesmaids dress so rather offended they think that was my wedding dress lol.
I've had my birthday also in the time since the wedding so officially 28 now so I'm the same age as my other half untill his birthday on the 19th.
We are still waiting to try but he is getting teased something awful at the moment it's quite funny because I caught the bridal flowers at the wedding
Two2Tango- Welcome to the group! While we enjoyed where the ship took us, the best moments happened on land! lol But I would do another cruise in the future. I just felt like you're nickled and dimed every bit of the way... Everything is an upcharge! We've been spoiled by some awesome all inclusive resorts in the past, though.

MissWaiting- I'm glad you had a nice time at the wedding, and happy belated birthday! You caught the bouquet so that means wedding bells will be ringing for you! lol
Two2Tango- Welcome to the group! While we enjoyed where the ship took us, the best moments happened on land! lol But I would do another cruise in the future. I just felt like you're nickled and dimed every bit of the way... Everything is an upcharge! We've been spoiled by some awesome all inclusive resorts in the past, though.

MissWaiting- I'm glad you had a nice time at the wedding, and happy belated birthday! You caught the bouquet so that means wedding bells will be ringing for you! lol

Wow that would make me cautious to go in the future, I did a all inclusive cruise package, cost a bit upfront, all in all came in at 4k pp for 10 nights 11 days. Loved it!
Hi ladies sorry I've been absent
Lady v so glad you had a great time
Two2tango welcome along.
Sister's wedding went so well the day went without a hitch even the weather held out. My other halfs friends keep congratulating him thinking that we got married I'm quite offended seeing as the only picture he posted was the two of us me in my bridesmaids dress so rather offended they think that was my wedding dress lol.
I've had my birthday also in the time since the wedding so officially 28 now so I'm the same age as my other half untill his birthday on the 19th.
We are still waiting to try but he is getting teased something awful at the moment it's quite funny because I caught the bridal flowers at the wedding

Happy Belated Birthday!! Getting married is fun, I got married 2 weeks ago
Hey, I'd like to be your buddy too.

Personally, I've been WTT since my son was born. My pregnancy went fairly well and I want a least a few kids, so I'm more than ready to do it all over again. :)
Hey, I'd like to be your buddy too.

Personally, I've been WTT since my son was born. My pregnancy went fairly well and I want a least a few kids, so I'm more than ready to do it all over again. :)

That's wonderful! I plan to have my babies close together too, seeing that I want a large family. 4 or 5 children and starting at 29yrs old I am going to have them pretty soon after each other.
Two2tango, welcome!! I do hope it's a good sign you won't have difficulty conceiving. I took my fertility for granted and it made ttc 1 painful at times. I feel much more hopeful about ttc 2. The month before we conceived I was at Disney for a week so lots of sunshine. In hindsight I wonder if this was my issue, lack of Vit D. Anywho, congrats on your recent wedding!!

Pretty is your SO wanting to ttc then?! I hear you, I've had baby fever since like 3 months pp!! We did try but not "hardcore" try since February.

Still glad her wedding went well. That's so cool you caught the bouquet :) maybe your OH will want to ttc sooner :) haha sorry I'm a bad influence :blush:

LadyV, I've never been to an all inclusive resort. I bet that's lovely. I'm rather frugal with my money so unless I win the lottery it's not happening.

I went for a 30 min walk outside in the sun. I'm really feeling better after almost a week of supplements and spending more time outside. V had 1 yr check up yesterday. She'sin 90th percentiles and was 5 weeks early. Oh and that's by her actual age not adjusted.

She was in a good mood this morning before I dropped her off. I was a bit worried since she had her shots.
Congrats two2tongo
Yea we had a little chat about trying sooner and if we get pregnant awesome if not then I can still go for my infusion.
I sort of hope he does as I'm totally open with him about how mad being broody is sending me right now. I'm in my fertile window at the moment so it's the time it's the worse for me when I'm in the rest of my cycle it doesn't bother me as much. Gonna talk to him more about it tonight as poor bugger has been on night shifts past 2 nights so I haven't seen him and I picked up a bug so I've not been well feeling dizzy and sick so it's been a few days in bed hugging the mop bucket as I can't find our sick bucket . He didn't have a sick bucket till he met me lol he now loves it as he gets alot of heart burn and reflux so he has the bucket when it's bad trying to get him to the doctor about it.
I suggested we ntnp to which he said we could take a few risks lol so need to talk more about it really.
Flueky - I wouldn't say he's "wanting" to, but he's made comments about kind of wanting to not use condoms when we DTD. He's knows I'm not on any kind of BC and I haven't gotten my period since having our son.
Oh fingers crossed pretty that you can get ttc soon.

As for us we had the mention on ntnp the other day and well the last 2 days we have not prevented the other halfs choice he knows I'm in my window and knows we have a good chance as my natural cycles says I ovulated the day before the first oops and then my other app says I ovulate tomorrow so I have to grab him tonight and have a chat told him earlier if we are moving onto ntnp then we need to get some folic acid ect for me to take just incase so never know I could be moving to ntnp

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