please give me hope and advice>>>

Been anxiously waiting to hear - congratulations, she is definitely a wee fighter, looking forward to more details soon x

here she is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Congratulations, she really is a wee miracle, hope she's doing well and you too!
Congratulations and I am so happy to hear things are going well right now!

Welcome to the world, Beautiful girl! :)
Wow what a hard journey you've already been through. She's beautiful and such a little toughie :) Goodluck with your next journey (the hospital). You've already been through so much. Keep your chin up, it won't be long and she'll be trashing your house and keeping you up all night xoxoxoxoxox
Wow wow wow thats a great pic
she's beautiful. Congratulations again! x
i no u all probs get sick of me asking but do you mind telling me what gestation u had ure kids and how long they had to stay in hospital im sure u can understand i jsut want her home with me and carnt imagine me doing this for 2 months im going crazy now arghhhhh just want her home and shes having no problems no CPAP etc shes doing everything herself i held her at 3 days old and now get cuddles everyday and shes putting lots of weight on each day and her feeds are being upped both formula and breast all they keep saying to me is shes really small :( i want her home
howmuch weight has she put on.... it's different in every country as to how big they need to be before they can go home
Kaysha, Andrew was born 11 weeks early and spent 11 weeks & 1 day in NICU. But that was mainly because he was ventilated, then cPap, then on oxygen and only came off oxygen after 10 days. I had to stay in overnight to prove that we had a robust method of feeding - in fact, I stayed twice, once b/feeding which was unsuccessful, and then bottle-feeding EBM. The key target in our NICU was a weight of 2kg before discharge.
I know how hard it is being in scbu - I've done it twice now!
Mikayla was born at 33 weeks and spent 29 days in scbu and came home weighing 4lb 3oz! x
shes nearly 1lb 12 now and was born 1lb 10 8 days ago she seems to be steadily putting on weight but the hpital said today that they wont go off her weight it will be how well shes feedn etc i jsut want some sort of time scale as my due date of exactly two months away seems so hard and long away and plus i have my other babys at 37 weeks so hopefully they will take that into consideration :( jsut want her home xx
i had my Lo @ 25 weeks and we are still in the hospital this is week 5 and yes i am still going crazy everyday
Rather than tell you how long my boys were in hospital, i'll tell you how long before their due date they got out because i think that's what you really want to know :) My son was 13 weeks early and got out 2 weeks before his due date. My second son was 8.5 weeks early and he got out 3.5 weeks before his due date. The only reason they were in so long is they wouldn't suck which meant i couldn't feed them. Had they mastered the feeding earlier they both would have come home quicker. It will pass in a blink, just hang in there.
i hope so shes doing really well again at the moment a few days ago she contracted an infection and it was awfull she had to go back on the nose canula for 24 hours and that was jsut as she was destating all the time but shes ok now thank god..
shes still tolerating her feeds and are going up everyday as she gains weight..
her current weight is 1lb 14 1/2 oz the half is v improtant lol..... shes lost a few grams here and there over the days but gradually put it all back on ...shes beautfull :) shes on 5.40ml of feeds every hour:) :) shes doing well thanks again for all your replys xxxxxx
i no u all probs get sick of me asking but do you mind telling me what gestation u had ure kids and how long they had to stay in hospital im sure u can understand i jsut want her home with me and carnt imagine me doing this for 2 months im going crazy now arghhhhh just want her home and shes having no problems no CPAP etc shes doing everything herself i held her at 3 days old and now get cuddles everyday and shes putting lots of weight on each day and her feeds are being upped both formula and breast all they keep saying to me is shes really small :( i want her home

Sophie was in hospital for 12 weeks and 1 day - she came home 6 days before her due date. She was 7 weeks in intensive care, 3 in high dependency and 2 in special care. She was on CPAP for most of that time though so Summer is doing a lot better in that respect. She was put into a heated cot when she reached 4lb and they kept an eye on her to make sure she was holding her temperature. She went into a normal cot 2 weeks before she came home. They didn't go by weight in our hospital - it was by whether they were off CPAP, holding their temperature and feeding. Sophie didn't try feeding until she was 9 weeks old, which would have been 36 weeks gestation. She was still desatting a lot until she reached 38 weeks then suddenly stopped. By the sound of things, Summer just needs to put on weight and get the feeding mastered - at least she isn't on CPAP etc which was one of the biggest hurdles Sophie had to overcome. Sophie was putting on an average of 1oz per day after the first week or two. xxxxx
thanks again for msgs summer is now 2lb 2 oz :) theyve put her on low birth weight milk so hopefully thatll make a huge difference and shes also showing signs of wanting a bottle shes sucking like mad on her feeding tube and trying her hardest to turn he head when she feels something brush against her cheek ..
i mentioned this to the nurse and she said they make consider start bolus feedings to prepare her for the bottle and as far as i know up to now the nurse did 1 at 9 am this mornin and thats all i know as when i phoned the nurse who is looking after her was buzy and normally i go in at 12 but due to babysitters and no cash we just going in tonight at 6 its the first time ive missed a 12 visit but it needed to be done so kept buzy cleaning house from top to bottom carnt wait to see her tonight :)
has anyone got any advice about the bolus feeds and how they work and for how long it would be until they tried her on a bottle thanks again xx
woohoo went into 6 o clock visit to find my beautifull lil girl in a heated cot with clothes on and a dinky pink hat hahaha im over the moon 3 weeks 1 day into heated cot seems like weve stumbled hundreds of miles to get to this point so going to enjoy every moment lol woohoooo

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