Please Read - Obstetric Cholestasis

Hi ladies :flower:

I have had a blood test to check for this today.

I started with itching on my upper arms at the weekend and over the course of the week its spread to all over itching. It's worse at night and do bad I haven't been able to sleep for the past two and have scratched my skin raw on my arms and legs especially.

I hadn't seen this thread and put it down to 'one of those annoying but harmless pregnancy things' but last night my itching was so horrendous I googled pregnancy itching as much for suggestions about making it go away as anything and came across info of OC.

I called my doctor this morning and she got me straight in for a blood test. She said it could be a number of other things but wanted to rule out OC.

I'm feeling a bit worried tonight. There is a slim chance my bloods will be back tomorrow afternoon but its more likely to be early to middle of next week.

I'm especially concerned as I'm exhausted too. I always put it down to being pregnant and a toddler mummy but thinking about it I didn't even get a brief second tri let up with my fatigue during this pregnancy which is kind of weird x
Hi sethsmommy I had OC from 36 weeks with dd and it was intense itching on hands and feet. Doc took bloods and came back slightly abnormal and he said it's fine then few week later I saw consultant about my spd high was day before due date and she looked at results of bloods.and had me being induced next morning! Lol she earnt happy about my doc saying it was ok haha. He did give me some itch relief cream that helped enough to get me sleeping a bit more. X x x
thanks ladies :D

I just got my results... they came back as 4... so although not negative its within the normal range. My midwife is going to repeat the test at 28 weeks :)

starlight2801 I hope that will put you at ease a little too that you could be the same. I have the same problem with always being tired, iv never had a let up from it and no matter how much i sleep im always shattered.. i also have a toddler (just turned 3 on Tuesday) so im guessing its just running round after him all the time :haha:

wow matildasmummy thats real bad! My midwife was having a swearing fit about the hospital midwife when i went in lol she said i should have been asked to come into the hospital straight away for the test to be done! xxx
Thanks Seths mummy. I'm glad your results are within normal range and they've put you at ease a little. It's good to know that your midwife will keep an eye on things now too :flower:

I'm trying to put it to the back of my mind for the weekend. I phoned today and my results were not back (I had a suspicion that my Dr was being optimistic) so I will get my results on Monday at the earliest. It's hard to forget with this constant itching though :wacko:

It's exhausting being a pregnant toddler mummy isn't it? Got to say having a toddler is great fun though. My daughter gets more entertaining every day :) x
I had this with my first pregnancy from 26 weeks and although I'm currently 18 weeks I have started with the itching just recently :wacko:
Top of my arme chest and neck.....its driving me mad!!!
Spoke to my midwife this morning and she told me to ring my gp and get an emergency appointment today for a blood test don.....only the recepionist at my doctors dont see it as an emergency and told me to ring back tomorrow :( not sure what for the best really, if I ring tomorrow Its not for certain I will get in as its always busy, then the weekend, think I will just see if I can see my midwife on tuesday when shes at the clinic :wacko:
Does not having a gallbladder increase the risks of getting this? Thanks in advance.
Not sure weather I have this or not im 13 weeks tomorrow and I feel like crying im itv
itchy all the timr but worse at nite and I keep waking during the nite :( told midwife she said try cream but if not helping comr bk in week for bloods done but she thinks its to early....but iv had cream cold baths litrallu like no clothes and im still itching :( I know in my git its not normal
I've had this for all 3 of my pregnancies and back in 2002 with my first it really wasn't well known at all. I luckily had a switched on midwife.

The only way I can describe it is your hand and feet get hot, it's like lots of pin pricks or like little ants crawling under your skin predominantly on hands and feet. You will be shattered from not sleeping properly due to itching and you may scratch so much that you may break the skin (as I did on my hands without realising on the tube home - was too into my book to notice how much I was scratching!!)

If it is a little further along you may also look a little jaundiced (yellowing of the eyes etc).

After having it the first time, I knew literally as soon as it kicked off for my 2nd child and headed off to the hospital (after finishing my meal in the lovely restaurant!!:winkwink:.

Oddly my OC was worse when pregnant with the boys, but with my daughter it was not as severe?!

The links and info on the top post of this thread are very good :thumbup:

Had a message from midwife today to let me know my initial bloods have shown my Liver functions are raised. Can that be possible already?? Would being pregnant with twins make it jump up quicker?

Already dreading the increased amount of bloodtests now for this bloody OC, it took 6 attempts on my good arm just to get those bloods the other day :nope:.
I have been really itchy the past few weeks, it starts on my hands an feet most nights I get out of bed just to rub my feet on the carpet on the landing. Now I itch every were an its sooooo bad ibitch everywhere to the point I've ripped my skin open crying with the pain. I got an appointment at the doctors yesterday an he said its just hormones an email still in my honeymoon period of my pregnancy (15weeks) I looked at him an said there's a. Condition in pregnancy to do with the liver an it needs to be confirmed with a blood test he googled something an went okay get these tests done an gave some cream doublebase gel an said I will have the results nxt week. As I walked out the room nearly crying as he didn't take me serious I said to him you need to take people more serious as I maybe pregnant but am in so much discomfort, an your male an will never experienced or discomfort like this. I vote back into my car an rung my mum crying saying I can't handle it am sore tired an sore. I getvmy results back nxt week am scared so much but in away I need answers as to why I am so itchy. I have read every comment on this thread an its put me to ease a bit as am not over thinking it eghrating my itchiness xxxxx
I'm reading this thread for the first time and I've been itchy for about two weeks now. My "rash" doesn't look like hives or patches, but very much like bug bites. I have little red random bumps scattered across my arms, back, belly, chest, butt, legs and ankles. Ironically my hands and feet are nearly the on things NOT effected by the itch. I even had an itchy ear tonight! I've checked the bed for bed bugs, and the rest of the apartment for fleas, but I don't see any signs of either, plus my OH isn't effected. I haven't changed soaps or detergents recently. The itching is usually worse at night. I don't feel extra hot but I do notice that when I'm outside in the heat, I sweat uncontrollably (don't know if it's related though). I called my doctor today and she wants to see my ASAP to test for OC. I'm really scared because of course like an idiot I googled OC and read about the risks to the fetus. :( I really hope it's PUPPP or an allergy or something less serious.
Very interesting. I have been so itchy ths preg, though it is dry winter now. But I have been itchy for months and not just my arms...does that make a diff? I am anemic/ low iron so I can't use tiredness as a symptom.
Concerned because I am starting to get some itchiness on the soles of my feet. Surely it can't be OC this early? But feels just like it.

I have a midwife appointment in a few weeks so will mention it then and ask for some bloods, I think...
I am 18 weeks today and have been going crazy with itchiness especially on the soles of my feet. I have an appointment about it this afternoon so hopefully I'll get some answers one way or the other.
Well, I went to see the doctor yesterday and she did the liver function test and the bile acid test. She called me earlier today with my liver function numbers..

ALT is 201 (normal range is 0-31)

AST is 86 (normal is 0-32)

Bilirubin levels were normal at .2

I wont get the bile acid results until next week. Based on these numbers is it likely I will be diagnosed with ICP?
My second is a cholestasis baby. My MW refused to do any testing when I complained for 11 weeks about my symptoms. At 34 weeks I went for a second opinion. Sure enough she diagnosed me and my daughter arrived at 37w2d! If I had waited I would have lost my now beautiful 2yo daughter.

So here I am at 18 weeks and staring to have itching again. I changed OBs from my last pregnancy and updated him on my health issues with baby #2 since he knew all about #1. He prescribed me progesterone to prevent cholestasis and said I would not be allowed to deliver until 39+ weeks. Well 3 weeks ago he just was no longer practicing. Not a planned retirement.... So I am searching for a new OB. After deep diving A) Progesterone can make it occur faster. B) The latest for delivery is still 37 weeks not 39 + like he said. So I did an awful thing and quit the progesterone slowly. My symptoms are not as bad now but still there. Should I push to not be put back on progesterone and to stick with my trusted OB from the 2nd pregnancy? She rushed labs and all to ensure me I was not insane about the itching. Just jumbled and stressed right now.
I have a history of icp pregnancies so I'm having weekly bloods drawn my alt and bile acids are within normal range at the moment I have been told I just really hope I don't get it again this time although chances are I will x
Hi guys I'm petrified..
My doctor just rang asking me to visit him today I'm 23 weeks 2 days with a history of icp and there are concerned about my bilirubin I don't know what this is can anyone help thanks xx
Hi guys I'm petrified..
My doctor just rang asking me to visit him today I'm 23 weeks 2 days with a history of icp and there are concerned about my bilirubin I don't know what this is can anyone help thanks xx
Bilirubin is produced quite normally but is something that should be broken down and got rid of by your liver. If it isn't got rid of and stays in your blood, it's what causes the yellow colour in jaundice. When bilirubin in the blood is high it suggests the liver may not be functioning as effectively as it should. Good luck at the doctors.

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