Hi, I had OC with both my daughter and son. I knew nothing about OC. I had sever itching to the point I thought I was going mad, I actual came across this site at the time when I put in my symptons and it had mentioned you should ask your MW about it. So when I saw my MW I explained my symptons, said It could be something it could be nothing dont be worrying about it its prob only the heat! The itching got worse and on a hospital visit my OH mentioned to the doctors about my symptons because I wouldn't I didn't want them thinking id been stupid because my MW said not to worry about it. The took some blood and said they'd ring if there was anything up.
Two days later I was in work when I got a call asking me to come for a scan, I went up to the hospital where I was told I had OC my liver function levels were over 500! I also had PE, I wasn't allowed out of hospital, I was put on medication and monitored, I was in hospital for 2 weeks they also were giving me steroids to develop baby's lungs. The medication didn't work and my LF continued to rise, they decided I had to deliver asap though I had actually gone into labour. My daughter arrived safely but I keep thinking how badly it could have gone if my OH hadn't informed the doctors at the hospital at that time.
When I had it with my son, my LFT weren't as high but still high enough, the were only over 300, they didn't give me medication as they thought it wouldnt have any effect again, I was more aware what to look out for this time, I delivered my son at 36 weeks, he also arrived perfectly.
Just make sure you are all monitored closely.