Please tell me I'm not the only one who is a nervous wreck


Ethan's mommy
Dec 29, 2013
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Hi again, I feel like every time I've posted in this section its me worrying about something. UGH. I'm so afraid of a blighted Ovum now. My Ectopic worries have passed and moved on to an empty sac. I don't know when I will get my first scan, I go next week for my consultation visit and then I can hopefully schedule an exam the following week because My insurance will have kicked in. I am going to mention my fear of a Blighted Ovum Wednesday and hopefully get some reassurance. From what I've googled (google will be the death of me) there are no real symptoms of a blighted ovum and that scares me to no end. I really don't want to go into get a scan and them tell me its an empty sac or theres no heartbeat.

For those of you who had Blighted Ovums, First of all I'm so sorry that you had to go through that, but were there any signs before the ultrasound revealed there was no baby?

Also is there anything that causes the baby to stop developing or for its heart to stop? Like not eating right or skipping prenatals because I'm guilty of both. Nausea is really bad for me at the moment and I've been skipping my prenatals and my fiber/calcuim. I know I'm not really eating the best but I pretty much eat whatever I can keep down. Which is fruit and for the past few days potatoes (french fries and mashed potatoes)
I'm scared that I could be doing some harm to my little one, I think I read that your body stores a lot of stuff for months so if thats the case then he or she should be fine since its feeding off my stored protien and vitamins right?
I'm trying to stay positive throughout this, but I think until I see my little one and hear a heartbeat I will continue to fear the worst. I have awful anxiety anyways.
First, I can tell you I was just like you. I worried about ectopic, that passed, then I worried about the blighted ovum. All I can say is please be happy and know that whatever happens, no matter how joyous or difficult, is what is meant to be. Just breathe and pamper yourself :hugs2:

And as for the prenatals, some people don't even know their pregnant for 8+ weeks and their babies are healthy. This is NOT an excuse to skip them. However, some women do research and choose not to, that is totally their respectable decision.

My techy said that if I get extremely sick to try the gummy prenatals and to take two of them. They are sold at grocery stores. I stuck with the ones I already ordered but always keep those in the back of my mind!!
Hi Hon

I was a complete worrier for my first pregnancy. Is there a reason you are worrying or is it just being a vigilant mumma? :flower:

You will have stores of vitamins in your system. My naturopath actually told me its the 3 months prior to conception that are the most important so if you were eating healthy then thats what will make a big difference.

The main thing you need to try and get into your system is folate... so if you can force the prenatal down that would be good (if you can) as they always have folate in it. Folate is also found in green leafy vegetables so perhaps try and eat them if you can. However folate is also stored in your body from what you were eating before getting pregnant- you just dont want to use all those stores up and have nothing left.

I am sure everything will be ok. The bottom line is if its a strong little bean it will find a way to stay in there. Women of the past werent taking prenatals and looking after our health the same way we are now and still had healthy pregnancies.

Also I have had many friends who were hospitalised during first trimester due to severe morning sickness and couldnt even keep water down and their babies were fine.

Sending you lots of love xoxoox
I'm totally the same!!! All I do is worry. First I was worried about a chemical, now I am worried about ectopic or blighted ovum. It's horrible. I worried just as much with #1, and they actually thought I did have a blighted ovum as I went in at 5+4 with spotting and they only saw a sac with nothing in it. I think it is impossible not to worry, and even though you think you will stop worrying once you get to a certain point, you just never stop- your worry just changes. Once the baby is born you worry about SIDS etc. It's awful lol! I keep reminding myself that statistically we have more of a chance of a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby than anything bad. m/c rates are about 25%, but get less as the weeks go on, and I think the biggest risk is right around the time of your period. So you have already passed that and your chances of a healthy pregnancy is even better! Lets try to stay positive!!! :flower:
Oh my god this is me! I only found out a couple of days ago and this is ny third so I'm convincing myself I've been so lucky in the past so now I should worry. I Google for reassurance but it just puts more ideas in my head! I'm neurotic!!! So I completely get where you're coming from. With my first I was totally laid back with my second I was equally as crazy as I am now! And all was perfectly fine. Worry is a completely unproductive emotion! H&H 9 months I am sure you will be fine. Be positive xx
Oh my I could have written your post myself. I have just gone past the "scared of ectopic" phase and am now in the "scared of blighted ovum" phase. I am paying for an early scan at 7w5d, and am terrified it will be bad news. I am trying not to think about it until then!
Wtbam how much is your private scan? I'm tempted to have one! Had one with my second as I was just as terrified at about 7w and his little heart was pounding away happily. It was the best scan out of all three as the relief was immense!!!
It's £75 and they do it from 7 Weeks. This is the website I booked on but I think that might be just for the area I live it. There are lots about. You even get to keep a picture (all being well!!)
I totally get it... For me, it's more that I can't believe I've been lucky enough for a baby to choose ME after we tried so long without any luck
Well ladies, no matter how long you try, I believe babies choose their mothers. Adopted or biological. That's just me though
Yes!!! I am that crazy, worried pregnant lady!!y poor husband tries to ease my worry, but I have felt like a tight ball of anxiety since
I got my positive test!! This is my first pregnancy, so of course everything I feel or don't feel is a worry! I do believe we have a better chance of having a healthy pregnancy than not, but until I see that sweet bean and hear the HB, I will be a nervous wreck!!!
I am so glad I'm not the only one, this is my first pregnancy too. When we were trying Every time AF would come I would sob because I thought for sure something would be wrong with me and I couldn't get pregnant. Then Luckily after month 3 I got my BFP and now I'm praying that this goes smoothly and that I don't loose this baby.
Luckily I've been taking Prenatals for 2 months so if my body has stored it away then I feel much better about that. I've been taking the gummy prenatals, I can't swallow pills x) the only other problem with the prenatals is I guess since my taste buds are more sensitive or something, that they don't taste as good as they did a few months ago. They taste like those rubber worms for fishing smell. I had to switch brands last time I bought them because they didn't have the spring valley. I'm going to hopefully get those back and hope they taste better, I've also thought about getting Flinstone vitamins and taking those for Iron help.
I know exactly how you feel as I am the same. If it isn't a chemical, ectopic, blighted ovum or silent mc, etc, there is always something I read about that freaks me out and starts me worrying. However the one thing to try and remember which helps me, is reminding myself of how many women I know who have several babies successfully and they definitely outnumber those who haven't so the odds are on your side.

Talk to your GP about your worries and they might be able to suggest some relaxation methods to help you through until you get a scan

I am in the same boat. My hubby outlawed a doppler because he is an ultrasound tech and he says it is too many sound waves going toward the unborn baby but I finally got him to cave night before last. He said that as long as I use it in moderation that I could have it. It should be here tomorrow! I made that promise though so I hope I can keep it. Hoping when I can hear the hb I can settle down a bit. Maybe that would help you?
Just so glad there are so many other worrying about the same things (and to the extent) as I am!!! I thought I was being neurotic!!
Yeah I'm going to talk to my OB Wednesday about my fear. I had to fill out a questionnaire thing and it asks what my concerns are so I did write down Blighted Ovum. DH was reading over it last night and was like "what in the heck is that?" Maybe they will schedule me a week or two after that visit to kind of calm me down.
I downloaded a doppler app on my iphone. I'm a little scared to use it Especially since I'm only 8 weeks and Over weight. Most of the reviews say around 12 weeks is when they heard a HB. Don't worry, You turn it on Airplane mode so the cell phone doesn't have any signal and no chance of waves and stuff.
Wow I didn't know you could download an app! Well I am going away next week for a week and I am going to try my best to relax! When I get back I will be 6 weeks and half way through this horrible wait! Have midwife at 7 weeks and plan to ask for a dating scan as my last af was irratic and lighter than usual so may actually be 8 weeks and not 4 (wishful thinking) and they may do dating scan. Fingers crossed

For any of you having scans please post how you got on! And best of luck I'm sure none of you will need it and all will be fine!
Yeah they have a lot of them, most of them are for pay but I'm using unborn heart. They actually have a doppler like product that you hook up to your phone but I got the version that just uses the phones microphone. Its supposed to work like a stethoscope so I think you have to wait a bit to use it. (lame) Which is why I haven't freaked because I couldn't tell if I was hearing my baby's heart beat or just random stomach noises.
Wednesday can not get here fast enough. I hope they work with me about getting a scan earlier than my second trimester. Like...I don't want to wait until the end of May to have my very first scan. That will either be my gender scan or close to it. And to me that is BS.
Hi ladies! Just so you know I got a good sonoline b Doppler and could not hear baby til over 14 weeks. There were a few times after that I had a hard time finding the hba1c, and one time at 17 weeks I could not find it at all and freaked out as I was bleeding. Everything was fine. I'm thin but my Dr told me I gave a deep pelvis. It was a blessing for me as I had tons of bleeding and am a worrier, but don't get scared if you can't find it right away!! Luckily my Dr does scans at every appt and told me to come in anytime I was spotting or bleeding for a scan to put my mind at ease. I'm keeping him as my doctor even though I moved 45 min away because I need to have someone like that!! If you can, try and find a good Dr who cares about your peace of mind! It makes a world of difference!!!
Just went to the OBGYN registration class, it was basic stuff plus filling out paper work. I found out that they are not doing an ultrasound until 20 weeks -.- That annoys me and my husband knows someone who works at the hospital and she said I only get 2 ultrasounds in total. Super annoyed about that- My next appointment is May 21 so in about 3 weeks and they will look for a heartbeat which will hopefully put my mind at ease. What I don't understand is why they aren't giving me one around 10 weeks to see if I'm as far along as they think I am or if I'm farther along. They were just like "We estimate your due date from your last menstrual period but the babies due date is when the baby is born."

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