Plus-Size Pregnancy

Hi everyone!!

I can't believe I'm in single digits...its almost time for us. Well actually its any time for us now! I saw my WIC consultant today and she gave me some grief about my weight-im up to 25lbs gained. Meh. I had also drank about 32 oz of water right before I was weighed, so there's that. All my clothes still fit so I'm not concerned. They gave me some DVDs and booklets and told me I had to come back once the baby has been born, but I'm going to delay a month as that office is full of tiny germy children.

Anyway, don't feel guilty about not breastfeeding. There's a gazillion people out there who weren't and turned out just fine- you have to do what is best for you and the baby. KEslinger- have you tried mother's milk tea and alfalfa? That's what our consultant recommended to us. You should also see if there's a milk share/bank in your area- many women have too much supply and they donate to a bank that sterilizes the milk and distrutes it at a low cost.
Never heard of a breast milk bank. What a good idea, not for everyone but it's made safe by pasteurising it and if it means baby still gets breast milk :thumbup: My grandmother did a similar thing back in the 50's when my mother was born. Her milk was too rich for my mum and made her sick so she expressed it off and it was used for premie babies to build them up. Obviously formula really wasn't up to much then so having this extra rich breast milk really helped bulk the babies up.
hi i'd like to join.

i just had my first scantoday and i am now due on 30/11/2012

my midwife has scared me tho.. told me as i was a uk 18 i would have serious complications ... bit worried now

Just because you are bigger doesn't mean you will have complications. Any woman can have complications.
Yeah, don't be scared, whoever you saw was full of crap and trying to scare you into not gaining any weight.

CaliGinger- that's weird, I gained more than that when I was pregnant and never had the WIC lady or a Dr or anyone say anything different.

Kes- It's actually called Gripe Water, its a natural mixture with fennel and some other stuff in it, I got it at Safeway, they have two flavors, I got the apple one, its funny when he takes it cause he's like, wtf is this? I've been drinking nasty smelling formula all day. LOL
I'm going to try this one last time... I've tried posting like 3 times but nothing is showing up! =(

Hi everyone!!

I can't believe I'm in single digits...its almost time for us. Well actually its any time for us now! I saw my WIC consultant today and she gave me some grief about my weight-im up to 25lbs gained. Meh. I had also drank about 32 oz of water right before I was weighed, so there's that. All my clothes still fit so I'm not concerned. They gave me some DVDs and booklets and told me I had to come back once the baby has been born, but I'm going to delay a month as that office is full of tiny germy children.

Anyway, don't feel guilty about not breastfeeding. There's a gazillion people out there who weren't and turned out just fine- you have to do what is best for you and the baby. KEslinger- have you tried mother's milk tea and alfalfa? That's what our consultant recommended to us. You should also see if there's a milk share/bank in your area- many women have too much supply and they donate to a bank that sterilizes the milk and distrutes it at a low cost.

Can't believe you're in the single digits now! I was just 1 day ahead of you and imagined that count down!!! I never had another appointment with WIC, only the classes. My next appointment is an actual appointment AND class. It's in July. I'm dreading taking the baby in there. The other thing is, one of the ladies there told us we need to bring our vouchers back and exchange them for new ones since I've had the baby. Another lady there said no, we don't. So, now I'm trying to get in touch with person #1 to figure out what the heck to do!

Today I'm feeling a lot better about everything. I guess I just needed to shed a few tears since my plans were trampled all over. Both of them. Haha. Babies do run the show, and, there are plenty of things that we have no control over. I've only tried the fenugreek and today it does seem like I have a bit more. I do need to pump again right before noon so we'll see if I get any more than I usually do. I know it's still not enough for a whole feed for her but every little bit of mom juice is good. If the fenugreek is working I'll rent the pump through my maternity leave. If it doesn't work I'll continue taking it until it's gone, pumping what I have, and then return the pump back to Kaiser.

I did look into donated milk... at milk banks you're looking at $3.25-5.00 per ounce (usually 4-5 dollars is the norm). I also briefly looked into Human Milk for Human Babies but OH and I decided that I'll pump what I can and the rest she gets in formula. No harm done. I tried, and, am still trying and that's what matters. We've gotta get some weight on her!

hi i'd like to join.

i just had my first scantoday and i am now due on 30/11/2012

my midwife has scared me tho.. told me as i was a uk 18 i would have serious complications ... bit worried now


Don't be scared by that. I would actually, if you can, find a new midwife. I'm bigger than you and they made me aware of the risks but also explain that Jane Smith who is a size 4 can have all of the same complications as a bigger woman. Some people start out with higher risk profiles than others with diabetes, high blood pressure, etc, but nothing to freak out about. I did develop preeclampsia towards the end, I was induced at 37 weeks, but all was good until then. My step sister who is your "average" size girl, healthy, etc was also diagnosed with toxemia/preeclampsia in her pregnancy and had an emergency induction at 36 weeks. Anything can happen to anyone. Just remember to try and stay healthy. Being pregnant doesn't mean you get to join the eat-a-thon. Continue to exercise moderately and eat healthy but don't be afraid to splurge. Don't starve yourself. Your body will work it all out. ;) The only people who gave me a weight range in which to gain was WIC, not my doctor.

Yeah, don't be scared, whoever you saw was full of crap and trying to scare you into not gaining any weight.

CaliGinger- that's weird, I gained more than that when I was pregnant and never had the WIC lady or a Dr or anyone say anything different.

Kes- It's actually called Gripe Water, its a natural mixture with fennel and some other stuff in it, I got it at Safeway, they have two flavors, I got the apple one, its funny when he takes it cause he's like, wtf is this? I've been drinking nasty smelling formula all day. LOL

Oh Okay... I know there are a few different brands, I had never even looked at safeway.

Formula does smell quite disgusting. The Similac is the worst. Gentlease by Enfamil is right there with it. Alyssa won't eat either of those. The Similac she'd eat in the hospital mixed with breastmilk but made faces eating it. The Gentlease she'd eat mixed with breastmilk during the night but the next day she wanted nothing to do with it at all. She actually start vomiting everytime she ate it. Back to Enfamil Premium (Lipil) with no problems. Doctor said it could be just her gut maturing since she was early, and all babies go through some form of gassiness and what not. She seems to be doing well with it. We were also told to expect more spit up as they get older, that's normal, too.

I started out prepregnancy at 285, lost 10 pounds in the first trimester and kept it off through the second. During my third I got to 289 then 293 when I was admitted the first time for observation and that 24 hour urine test. Now, on a daily basis I teeter between 268 and 270. I want to lose about 40 more pounds. Can't wait to be able to start exercising and what not. I'm not one to over do it but I keep eyeing my exercise ball and keep thinking of the gym downstairs that's air conditioned. Even though I weigh less than prepregnancy some of my pants still fit weird. I attribute that to the spreading of the pelvis and what not. I'm sure it'll all go down in time. My stomach, still with it's "extra" curves, is a lot smaller than it was before I got pregnant. Now to keep it up. Hmmm.

I think the baby was going through some weird growth spurt or something yesterday. With the cluster feeds of 1 ounce every hour, then a 2 hour nap, then taking 2-3 ounces per feed. She normally eats 1.5-2 ounces. We let her wake up on her own last night, and she did, no more alarms for us. She got up every 3-4 hours which is just fine. Better than the every 2 hours I was having to set my alarm for before. Either that or she was just catching up on everything that she was behind on. And, we finally got another poopy diaper last night. A VERY full diaper. I guess her norm is one big poop every 2-3 days. She was like that in the hospital too, but, we get plenty of wet diapers which is a bit more important than the poopy ones. Her tummy is never hard and distended and she never seems uncomfortable so all is well there. I'm hoping for a 4 ounce gain by next week. I'd love for her to be back up to birth weight so we don't have to go to the doctors every week. Kaiser gets enough of my money as it is. Today she's back to 1.5-2 ounces every feed, we'll see if that picks back up or not.

State Disability sent me some stuff in the mail. Can't wait to start getting that income though, it'll be a big relief. Just getting the papers and seeing that I alone can afford rent (barely) is a huge relief to both of us. This month we couldn't really make rent. =\ We talked to the apartment manager and she said that it's totally understandable and hospitals want their money first without thinking of others, whether they can live or not. She said that because we've never been late before that she won't charge us a late fee. Yay!

I should get some laundry done but I almost want to leave it for OH. I cleaned the kitchen while she napped earlier... she's been doing a lot of that. And, I got to catch up on some hours letting her wake on her own. I don't make OH get up in the middle of the night. It's been hot as hell here and he works all day and is usually outside. He gives me a bit of a break and the option for a nap when he gets home (I usually don't take that offer for some reason). I get a nice long shower and what not at that point. The best part is, he acknowledges that taking care of the baby is work. He apologized for not helping much during the night, I told him that it's okay (though at first it pissed me off when I was tired and he was grouchy haha)... I know that he works all day trying to bring money in to get us from point A to point B. He said "I know, but you don't need to work all day AND all night!" It's nice to be recognized. I've adjusted really well to waking up in the middle of the night and everything. After I feed her here in the next 30-60 minutes I think we'll take a short nap. Shhhh. Don't tell anyone. ;)
Glad to hear you won't get charged a fee. Our landlords are pretty lenient on us as well but we still get charged. Last month we had to sign a promissory note or we would have gotten evicted since we have no income really either. Hubby gets enough for his monthly housing allowance to pay rent for June since he was in school all month for May but he doesn't start summer classes until July and so for July 1 we will get no school money so I have no idea how we're going to pay rent. Ugh.
Its so stressful, more so with a baby. We are behind on almost everything. Its this huge juggling act.
My OH can't find a job and they cut off his unemployment. If he doesn't go to school we don't get the monthly housing allowance from the military. So since he doesn't have a job our only choice is school, then hopefully while he's in school he can find a job that will work around it.
My OH can't find a job and they cut off his unemployment. If he doesn't go to school we don't get the monthly housing allowance from the military. So since he doesn't have a job our only choice is school, then hopefully while he's in school he can find a job that will work around it.

I'm sure you guys will get everything figured out. I try not to stress about it too much but it's always in the back of my mind. No job or a job that doesn't pay all the bills and either way you're royally screwed at the end of the day. Together he and I make too much to get help (even myself alone) but we don't make enough to make it. Together we get through, there are days where it seems like that's all it is, one thing after another, and then other days it makes us feel like we're stronger as a couple. I dunno. :shrug: I just know that we'll all get through it in the end.
I thought about going back to work a week early since hubby doesn't start school until July and he can be home to babysit for a few weeks, but I'd only be going back part time so it would be under $300 to go back a week early and honestly we're so broke that $300 isn't going to change a whole lot for us :(

Luckily we got a ton of money for food stamps so it allows me to be able to feed everyone and WIC gives us formula coupons so I can't complain, it could be worse. I have a lot of help from family too, we're scraping by. I'm trying to sell more signs too but its been really slow lately.
Sorry things are rough :/ That is never easy.. I know.

Kendra --what signs do you sell? Give me a link.. :)
I got my disability notice today, and 55% of my pay is shockingly low. We should be okay as long as we really budget since it's basically what I was getting paid before my raise. My company just notified me that they don't pay before you actually have the baby, so they denied my claim. I've been arguing with them because California considers you disabled at 36 weeks, and pays up to 4 weeks before the baby is born. I have to call back today and argue with them some more. :(
I got my disability notice today, and 55% of my pay is shockingly low. We should be okay as long as we really budget since it's basically what I was getting paid before my raise. My company just notified me that they don't pay before you actually have the baby, so they denied my claim. I've been arguing with them because California considers you disabled at 36 weeks, and pays up to 4 weeks before the baby is born. I have to call back today and argue with them some more. :(

This always irritates me! The disability money you are trying to collect is YOUR money! We pay into this weekly and we have to fight and beg for it! Grrrrrr makes me so mad!!:growlmad: Good luck!
Sorry things are rough :/ That is never easy.. I know.

Kendra --what signs do you sell? Give me a link.. :) and I only charge $5 shipping :)

Be thankful you're getting at least some kind of pay Cali, I know its hard to deal with half of what you were making but in Washington we don't get pregnancy disability. I believe the sole reason I went into labor was the day I put in my maternity leave, we found out that my husband lost his unemployment which was the sole income we were going to have while I was out. So we've been surviving on DSHS and money I got from my college graduation :(
We're going to have to budget really well, too. I am thankful that I get my money, though. I'm not going to get all of the disability because I was induced early... and there's a 7 day waiting period for it. I started my leave on 5/11 and had the baby on 5/19. I should be getting 6 weeks of disability, and then 6 weeks of PFL. Cali, I don't know if you already know this but the initial part of your disability is 55% of your pay, untaxed. If you're taking PFL after that it's the same amount, they don't recalculate BUT it's taxed federally (the state can't touch it). Things are still going to be really tight for us because we got so far behind, but, it turns out with my disability pay I'll be able to pay rent, just barely, but that will be one will be don't have to worry about. I need to figure out something cheap to do for OH for Fathers Day. And, since my delivery was uncomplicated I really need to start doing some simple exercises with my exercise ball. -- the only complicated part of that will be trying to find time in the day to do it.

Oh, so because I had the baby early, my WIC appointments changed. I now have to take my tiny little baby to the germ infested WIC office on WEDNESDAY! bleh! Then, she goes to the doctors on Thursday. I know they'll weigh her on Wednesday, that's the only bonus. We'll see if we're headed in the right direction. I also have to return the Lactina to them because the baby is out of the hospital. To my understanding I was able to keep it for up to a year. I guess we'll just have to continue renting the hospital one until I go back to work. I wonder if they'll give me a manual one or the Medela Pump In Style to use... I'll be sure to bring that up at my WIC appointment, that I'm still pumping for the baby.

She was cluster feeding between 10 and 2 today... taking a little less than 2 ounces every hour. Crazy. She was also wide awake between 10 and 12. Now she's napping. I had her sitting in her boppy... and my dog curled up at her feet. I was trying to figure out what she was doing... when I looked she had just her pointer finger going up and down through his fur.

I'm also catching grief from my cousin for not taking the baby to see my grandma yet. We really don't want visitors just yet and my dog doesn't like people around the baby. We need people that he knows to come over so he can start getting used to it. He loves my sister but he started barking at her when the baby started crying while she was holding her. I also prefer going to visit people because you're not stuck with them, you can leave when you're done. The drag is that my grandma smokes in her house. So my cousin said to let her or her sister know and they'd go over and spray febreeze and help clean up a little (the house is clean though, so I dunno about that). HOWEVER. Spraying febreeze doesn't take the smoke out of the air. It covers up the stink. If you go take a crap in the bathroom and spray, your stench is still there, it's just covered up. Instead of smelling poop, you're smelling a field of wild flowers with a port-a-potty in the middle of it. I had enough issues smelling Alyssa's onesie after OH's grandma was holding her. It's gross. Sorry if I offended anyone with that. I know how my lungs feel after I go to a house where people smoke. Even if they didn't smoke in it that day you can still smell it in the air. If it's bad enough it kills my lungs - one of the only things that triggers asthmatic type stuff in me. =\ This baby needs to wake up. Without TV and stealing someone's internet I'm bored! Haha

The worst part about the visiting thing is that I'm getting a guilt trip about it. (My grandparents on my dads side are divorced, grandpa remarried. My mom's side grandpa was killed in a motorcycle accident, grandma is still here) My cousin was going on and on about how hard it's been on my grandma since my uncles birthday (the one who passed away in December) and how seeing the baby would make her so happy, and how my grandpa is giving her a hard time about everything and blah blah. I get it. It's the FIRST great grandkid. And, I get that she wants to see her. (Where was she while I was in the hospital, and the baby was in the hospital for 5 days???) BUT! Things are rough right now. We barely have money to get by. Gas isn't cheap. I don't have a car and OH works 5-6 days a week. Day #7 is a Wednesday and typically we have at least 1 appointment to go to on that day. (This week we have one on a wednesday and one on thursday afternoon). We only see eachother when he gets home from work and we're eating and getting everything ready for the night. On his day off I like to spend time with him. I like to be a family and see how he is with our baby... I guess it's just hard to keep everyone happy.

On the brighter side my other grandma called me yesterday. She knows that we prefer Pampers Swaddlers (we have some huggies and some luvs in our closet from the shower... as well as 1 pack of up&up and parents choice) so she asked if we wanted some newborn or size 1... apparently they were on sale at target. (And, apparently I missed that sale because we just bought a 96 ct box on Saturday)... Because we just bought a pack of newborns and got a small package of up&up newborn diapers we're hoping to go to size 1 after we're out of them, we'll see though, baby runs the show. So she got us a pack of size 1's... I think there's like 136 of them or something. She also asked what formula we're feeding because Enfamil was on sale... Score. She said the tub refill was on sale so she was getting that for us, but we don't have the tub, just the canisters so she got us the tub, too! Score again! She said "that'll help you guys out for a little bit anyway". We haven't asked for anything from anyone. And, we try to do everything on our own. I also don't like a lot of "hand outs" from people, but having that kind of support actually felt good for once.
Kendra - I am on WA and we get short term disability pay for pregnancy. Maybe it is company specific?
I think it is. I know in Cali everyone gets it regardless of company.
Wow, I just assumed everyone would get it regardless of the company. I am curious now and will do some more research. It should be standard. Is it covered under the new Health Care law? I know well woman visits are starting in August so I wonder what it has to say about pregnancy. Time to put on my sleuthing cap!

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