Plus-Size Pregnancy

On the brighter side my other grandma called me yesterday. She knows that we prefer Pampers Swaddlers (we have some huggies and some luvs in our closet from the shower... as well as 1 pack of up&up and parents choice) so she asked if we wanted some newborn or size 1... apparently they were on sale at target. (And, apparently I missed that sale because we just bought a 96 ct box on Saturday)... Because we just bought a pack of newborns and got a small package of up&up newborn diapers we're hoping to go to size 1 after we're out of them, we'll see though, baby runs the show.

I was in my local Target over the weekend and ALL the Pampers Swaddlers were on clearance. Not just on sale, on clearance. I have no idea what that was about. I was checking the price of the Swaddlers sensitive, (which were not on clearance) and just happened to notice it.
On the brighter side my other grandma called me yesterday. She knows that we prefer Pampers Swaddlers (we have some huggies and some luvs in our closet from the shower... as well as 1 pack of up&up and parents choice) so she asked if we wanted some newborn or size 1... apparently they were on sale at target. (And, apparently I missed that sale because we just bought a 96 ct box on Saturday)... Because we just bought a pack of newborns and got a small package of up&up newborn diapers we're hoping to go to size 1 after we're out of them, we'll see though, baby runs the show.

I was in my local Target over the weekend and ALL the Pampers Swaddlers were on clearance. Not just on sale, on clearance. I have no idea what that was about. I was checking the price of the Swaddlers sensitive, (which were not on clearance) and just happened to notice it.

That's what my grandma was saying... I don't know how much she paid for them but we paid $25.00 for a pack of newborn swaddlers 96ct the day before.

I have a very fussy baby today. She also did the cluster feeding all night. Every hour. I noticed that while I'm pumping first thing in the morning I get 3-4 ounces combined (the rest of the day my supply blows, lol)... so I decided to put her to breast. She was doing really well, you could hear the big swallows and everything. She ate for a while, fell asleep. I tried switching sides, she had no interest. So, I thought she was full. 30 minutes later she was rooting, so I put her on the other side and she nursed in total after that for another hour and a half. That's when the tears started. Super hungry baby. I weighed myself, and weighed myself with her and it looks like she's gained some weight. Thank you formula. I only mix breastmilk in the day time bottles. We'll see how much she weighs tomorrow at my WIC appointment. I'm just glad she's thriving. =) OH told me to sleep when she sleeps today "you don't need to clean or anything, just get some rest" I was super tired last night, fell asleep on the couch, and then was up all night with her. That'd be cool if she slept today. LOL she's been up for about 4 hours. I put her in her swing and it looked like she fell asleep but then 5 minutes later she's crying. Must be one of those days.
Formula makes a huge difference in their weight. One of the reasons I feel better about going to it because I don't think my son would have put on over 2 pounds since birth without it!
Hey everyone. I have a question about when the dr measures you. Obv. I'm plus size and went to the dr on Monday and she said I was measuring 38? That seems really big to me but I didn't know if they go by how much u grow each week or the total number, since I'm plus size. I go for a growth scan in 2 weeks, and I guess I figured that she would say something if there was a problem...anyone know anything about this?
I think the fundal measurements can be really off. I was told I was a couple weeks ahead at 37 weeks but baby measured spot on when they did the ultrasound. I wouldn't put much faith in it :)
Target should do a price adjustment within 14 days, iirc.

Oh and I had no idea the PFL was taxed! :( it's been over two weeks since I went on leave and still no sign of any pay- thank god I worked 48 hours on my last pay period or we'd be eating ramen.
At 33 weeks I saw a nurse practitioner instead of my usual doctor because he was in an emergency C-section. When she measured my fundal height she said "Wow. You are measuring 41!" I was like, um... what does that mean? lol My Dr. never tells me the measurement, and I never thought to ask. I had just had an ultrasound and she said it was because I have a lot of extra amniotic fluid. I also know that baby has been measuring two weeks ahead for the last month or so, but they didn't do measurements of her at that ultrasound appointment, just checked my fluid. I'm hoping they measure her this Friday at my next ultrasound. I am HUGE, and I can def. tell that I have too much fluid. I can barely get around and I'm only 34w5d. I think my stomach will explode before I get to my due date. It is causing major swelling also, but my blood pressure has been fine, so they aren't worried.

I am glad I will be "full term" in a few weeks, and then I hope she just hurries herself up and comes before I am rendered 100% immobile.
Big box of goodies from my Mom yesterday! Got the Moby. Sweet! Also some onesies, gowns and a few sweaters. The first of many crib sets (sheets, comforter, etc.) and a little formula carrier with compartments that will hold 8 oz. of formula (in powder form) each. I love it.
I've booked 4D scan forfor 10th July.

I emailed asking about high bmi and anterior placenta and got this response:

What I advise is to book a growth scan for £99, and see what the quality is
> like on the day. Unfortunately a high BMI and anterior placenta can
> influence the quality of your picture.
> We always try our best to achieve the best image quality possible. So if we
> do get good views of baby we can then add extras like a dvd, usb or cdrom
> with images, key rings or colour prints.
> It would most probably be best to book on a tues,wed morning as I will be
> able to scan you myself.

to which I replied:

If we manage to get a decent image is it possible to upgrade to the better package on the day as its the 4D I am mostly interested in, does the £99 focus on the 2D measurements? Is the time slot the same so we can have the 4D is the quality is ok? I was looking at the £175 package and it would cost more to add the extras on afterwards wouldn't it?


All the 4d packages include a growth scan , it is a government guideline that all ladies receiving a scan after 24 weeks , should include a growth scan. Yes you will be able to upgrade on the day, the time slot is shorter, if you like a longer slot book a 4d growth scan . With the 4d growth scan you will get a complimentary return /rescan option or a refund on the day and you then only pay £99.


I thought ah well just go for it, Fingers crossed!!!
I've booked 4D scan forfor 10th July.

I emailed asking about high bmi and anterior placenta and got this response:

What I advise is to book a growth scan for £99, and see what the quality is
> like on the day. Unfortunately a high BMI and anterior placenta can
> influence the quality of your picture.
> We always try our best to achieve the best image quality possible. So if we
> do get good views of baby we can then add extras like a dvd, usb or cdrom
> with images, key rings or colour prints.
> It would most probably be best to book on a tues,wed morning as I will be
> able to scan you myself.

to which I replied:

If we manage to get a decent image is it possible to upgrade to the better package on the day as its the 4D I am mostly interested in, does the £99 focus on the 2D measurements? Is the time slot the same so we can have the 4D is the quality is ok? I was looking at the £175 package and it would cost more to add the extras on afterwards wouldn't it?


All the 4d packages include a growth scan , it is a government guideline that all ladies receiving a scan after 24 weeks , should include a growth scan. Yes you will be able to upgrade on the day, the time slot is shorter, if you like a longer slot book a 4d growth scan . With the 4d growth scan you will get a complimentary return /rescan option or a refund on the day and you then only pay £99.


I thought ah well just go for it, Fingers crossed!!!

So far I haven't met anyone big or small who hasn't gotten a good 4D ultrasound. As long as the technician is experienced and they use good equipment there should be no problem. Anterior placentas can play a roll in not getting a good image as it can block the baby, as can babys position. Our little girl was hard to catch on 3d/4d because of her position and she always had her hands in front of her face. Eventually we got it and we have a DVD with a lot of "looking" rather than good footage but we did get some good images of her. Even earlier in my pregnancy, I want to say it was at 15 weeks, we did a 3d/4d for gender and we were able to see her without a problem! They do warn against high BMI because they have to, but, keep in mind that anyone can have a 3d/4d that doesn't come out right due to positioning, not just because they're bigger. Remember to have something with sugar about 15 minutes before your appointment... (AND, bring juice, keep that sugar going!!!). Also, play with your belly now. Then you will know where to push on your belly to make your baby move. That really helped with mine but we had a really good ultrasound tech who took her time (someone else started out because I got a huge discount on mine, and that girl couldn't find ANYTHING, that's a majority of our DVD unfortunately). Good luck! xx
Anyone have plans for fathers day? My sister took the pictures after our baby was born, some of them are not so great... it looks like a monkey was behind the camera. =\ My friend is a photographer in another state so I had her edit a couple of photos for me (rough) and I picked one for her to fix up. I had her turn one of the photos of OH holding the babys hand after she was born (one where her parts aren't showing, his tattoo, and her not crying was hard to come by). I found one! LOL So, my friend fixed the photo, turned it black and what and we're having it printed on a 16x20 canvas for OH (and, it's a surprise, shhH! don't tell!) Because she's a photographer I got a great deal on it (@ wholesale + shipping). If any of you who have already had your baby wants something similar, get a photo of you and OH on canvas, or a photo you've taken of a vacation or something, cafepress is having a discount thing through facebook, if you go to their page you can "like" it on facebook and they'll send you the discount code... it's 73% off of a 16x20 canvas for the month of June, making it 29.99 plus shipping. Not too bad!

B&B won't let me upload pics right now, but it's my profile picture. Edited out are the nasal aspirator, detail of the blanket, chucks pad beneath her, bottom part of the tattoo on OH's arm and the umbilical cord clamp. In the blank area towards the upper right of the photo it says "DAD" and underneath that it says "a daughter's very first love" <3
Best part is, I showed him a "sample" one that she did, she edited everything out except for the babies hand holding his finger, in black and white. I had saved it onto my phone and he was asking if it was possible to get a print of it etc. I went on and on about how the quality of the photo isn't good enough, it'll be super grainy etc (which is true if I were to use that one because she edited the samples off of facebook photos decreasing the quality).

BTW, International Delights makes a ready to drink Iced Coffee -- the Mocha one is to die for (when you all have your babies ;)) OH wanted some coffee for the morning... and I was going on and on about iced coffee, it was on sale so we got it. It tastes like the Starbucks Frappuccinos that you can by in the store but BETTER. They have a Mocha, Vanilla and then just an iced coffee one. Part of me wishes we had a coffee pot, I could just brew coffee, stick it in the fridge and add chocolate milk to it for a lot cheaper. Things to think about. Haha I'm still trying to upload the photo on here... but, will abort the idea if OH gets home before it uploads. Can't give away all of my secrets. :haha: Darn.
No more iced mocha. =(
I'm sad. LOL, OH was drinking a bunch last night... I had the last of the little bit of it this morning. Man oh man, we need MORE!

If any of you wanted that cafepress thing (even a maternity shoot photo, maybe?)
To redeem your offer, go to and enter FBCANVAS during checkout.

73% Off Father&#8217;s Day Exclusive: $29 for 16&#8221;x20&#8221; Gallery-Wrapped Canvas. Only at CafePress
Expires June 30, 2012

Either Alyssa has a new routine or is still doing a growth spurt type thing. Yesterday she started taking 3 ounces at a time. Last night she got up every 3 hours and 45 minutes (like clock-work) then after getting up she's been eating 3 ounces every 2 hours & 15-30 minutes. That's a crazy amount of formula! And, she's actually hungry, not just wanting to suck. She's rooting and sucking on her hands, smacking her lips. Crazy. I'm happy with the sleep, though. Can't complain. ;)

I want to get another pack of bottles but I'll settle for more nipples... I don't know how little or long we'll be using 4 ounce bottles for.

I messaged my doctor, since I'm no longer pumping or breastfeeding I'd rather be on birth control that's more effective. The Nora-Be is only 92% (the mini pill), back to the stuff I was on before.
Soooo cute! I hope he adores it. I got my OH his birthday presents (6/28) but nothing for father's day. I told him the baby will be his present this year.
Soooo cute! I hope he adores it. I got my OH his birthday presents (6/28) but nothing for father's day. I told him the baby will be his present this year.

I told OH that was his present too. He also said he didn't want anything because we can't afford it (uh, yeah, haha). Last night we were going to bed and the baby was super cranky yesterday and last night (she's a lot better today thankfully!) and he thanks me for being such a good mom. I was like whaaaaaat? Alyssa skipped the first growth spurt and then had her 2 and 3 week ones kinda together. It looks like she's gained almost another pound. We weighed her on our scale here (by holding her and subtracting our weight so it's off by some guaranteed)... she came up 8.8 pounds (with clothes on so you have to minus a couple of ounces)... which comes out to 8 pounds 12.8 ounces (minus the diaper and onesie)... crazy. If I grew that much in so little time I'd be cranky too! She sleeps really well when she's swaddled, well it's hot as hell and we don't have central air, just one in the living room and we have to keep the cats out of the bedroom so the bedroom was hot. I think halfway through the night I brought her to our bed, I only wrapped her from the waist down in our swaddle blanket and she seemed to do okay but she was up every hour or two eating again and just generally not happy. She falls asleep fast if my face is right near hers. Back to the crib all night tonight.. I'll make sure the room is nice and cool.

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