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I shouldn't see you taking Coby being a problem hun, I'v had Seth at every single one of my appointments whether dh has been there also or not. He's usually really well behaved :) Last time he showed the midwife where to find The heartbeat.. and he was right :haha:
Good luck with the appointment though hun, I hope it goes well. Do you think you will get your 12 week scan date whilst you are there?
That sandwich sounds so good! I'v just had a cheese sandwich mmmmm. I now really, really want a chocolate covered cream donut lol. Shame its not pay day till tomorrow :haha:
I'm glad you got a really good sleep hun :) Always makes things a lot better.

I'm quite looking forward to walking to the midwife today.. the sun is gorgeous and hopefully its heated up now so my arms wont be red raw by the time i get back like they were this morning. haha was colder than i thought it looked :dohh: xxx
Nah, I'll no doubt get the scan date a week before in the post! I don't want any screening so I'll prob either be 10-11 weeks or be nearer 14 weeks so they can fit those in between who want screening. Though by LMP I'm 9+4 already so I'd sway towards 13/14 weeks by LMP (12-13 by dates).
Ooh good luck at the MW appointments ladies... I take Toby to my appointments. I think they understand that you can't always get babysitters for every appointment.

Little man keeps disturbing me while I'm trying to reply so I'll catch up later! lol
Morning everyone.

Im a grumpy dragon today. Mostly due to my 10 year old son acting like a 3 year old, fun!!
And iv got to take both kids with me to midwife appointment today too.
oh wow Noo, my scan was booked at my booking appointment.. she phoned the antenatal clinic up whilst at my house.

I agree with cottleston - surely they should understand if you need to take your children. Although i do know with our scans you cant take children unless there is an extra adult to watch them. Which is a lot of damn good if you cant get a babysitter.. i was almost in that position as dh was working but got laid off the week before my first scan :dohh:

oh no Jenny, i feel for you! 10 year old boys are seriously hard work!! My ex's son was a horror when he was 10 :devil: And i really mean a proper devil child. Thankfully he's calmed down now and actually realised he needs to stick in at school and stuff.

Well im annoyed at the nursery. Picked seth up and asked if he had been to the toilet, they said yeah but he didnt do anything. so i took him to see if he needed... he'd already had an accident and had been left! The poor boy stank :growlmad: Not a happy mummy. But on a nice note they made cakes today which he enjoyed and he has brought home 'Talk Time Teddy' so i have to write a little diary to say what Seth and Teddy get upto for the rest of the day.. haha will need to write loads since it'll come to the midwife with us.

Leo isn't so bad, he just expects me to entertain him all holiday, qhen he has an x box, a ds and loads of dvds and toys. And he nags constantly for snacks. By the end of the day my brain is mush.

My dad has offered to take me to my appointment, thank god.

Well done to Seth, he must of been a very good boy today :-D
hehe Jenny - im lucky that way.. seth entertains himself most of the time.. prefers to play by himself. and well if iput him on xbox he wouldnt come off of it all day :haha: thats good that your dad can take you to your appointment :thumbup:

he must have been :D then again they always say he is good as gold while he is there :wohoo:

argh my sister might be coming to visit tonight.. oh no.. but i suppose that means shes coming before iv gutted so i wont get so snappy at the kids if they make mess. .. UNLESS they go to mess with Ethans swing or bath unit since it has the nappies etc in it already. Ooo fiunny... when i was putting things in it yesterday i asked Seth to take the nappies from the cot and but them in the 'bath thing' ...... que me forgetting the bathroom door was open... hahahaha he had been putting them in the bath :haha: xxx
My youngest son is called Leo :)

Ive only had to take the boys to one appointment as they're generally at school when I have them luckily.

My pram was delivered into the shop today so I've picked it up so my FIL can take it home with him later, my hubby thinks I'm mad but I can't have it in the house until sprout is here, its currently in the car!
Seths- Round ligament pain sucks! I have definitely been taking my time standing up, especially when getting out of bed. Doing the registry was fun but SO tiring. I have always loved going to baby showers, I think they are so much fun. The thought that I will actually be having one of my own seems quite surreal to be honest. I thought it was way too early to be getting swollen feet... I'm not even 22 weeks!! I thought I'd get them maybe about 30 or 35 weeks... no such luck!

Did DH make it through the night, or did you push him out of bed? haha...

Realbeauty- hope that you're feeling better and that the pains get better. So funny about OH looking at your feet-- I am sure by the end mine will look like elephant feet, too. They weren't the tiniest of feet to begin with!

Jelly- Thanks for the info. I have been trying to drink MORE fluids... I have been drinking about 3L a day, but apparently that isn't cutting it. It's hard for me to move around while at work b/c I have a desk job but I make frequent trips to the ladies room! haha

That'll be nice when you return to work to only work 4 days but get full pay. How much longer do you have at work?

Cherry- Glad to hear your foot is ok, but sorry about the leg cramps. Those are the worst. I got a charlie horse about a week ago and it was one of the worst pains ever! :( You are almost all done with work. How exciting! I wish I had the option of taking off a month before LO arrives. If I can, I will be working up until LO arrives. Unless the doctor pulls me out, in which case I will get disability pay for it. Hopefully you get to your bath soon. I would love one, but I haven't had one since before I got pregnant. I love them extremely hot, and would prefer not to hard boil baby girl! :haha:
I had 4 extra kids in the house yesterday, it was manic, bit they were playing upstaors most of the time. And I make the kids clean and tidy their own rooms, evil mom lol.

All was fine at the midwives, not seeing her again till 36 weeks now. Probably be the last time I see her before baby is here.

Leo is an awesome name, my Leo came out roaring. :-D
All booked and official. I think I was her quickest booking appt in history (I'd filled everything in and just handed it to her!) Just need to wait for my scan and consultant appt in the post.
Jen I'm working until 35 1/2 weeks so got another 11 weeks at work yet!

Noo Hillarious can just imagine you going in and handing everything already done :)

Jenny are you having a c section ? As I thought you'd see the mw at 38/40/41 weeks - or that's what it is where I am
Woot krafty :D Pram arriving is so exciting. hehe my MIL had a go at me with seth because i had the pram in the house from around 20 weeks.. this time iv had it since i was 11 weeks.

jen dh was fab last night.. only had to nudge him once so it was a good sleep :D Aww i hope you have a really nice baby shower.. i dont have enough friends to have one even if i wanted :haha:
hmm keep an eye on the feet hun, i know it can get quite bad during pregnancy.. think i have been quite lucky to be honest with mine. Oh yes, stand slowly.. haha i got myself this morning. Something fell and made a huge bang.. so me thinking it was seth falling out of bed i jumped up and ran... wasnt seth.. and then i was in killer pain for a few mins. not nice :dohh:

jenny - glad to hear all was good at the midwife hun :D omg 4 extra kids... you must be mad :haha: and your not evil.. seth is made to clear up his own mess and i always was as a child. When hes big enough seth will be making his own bed too. I think its a good thing teaching them to clean up from a young age :thumbup:

Noo - woot.. haha i bet she was shocked. Although it must be nice to have someone who knows everything already lol. save them filling in loads of forms etc. But then again id filled in my notes before my booking appointment lol. Just handed the midwife them and she only had a few little bits to fill out. I hope your scan/consultant date comes through quickly :D

Jelly - it wont be long before it seems like no time at all till you finish

AFM - midwife went well. bp was 130/76 and urine only had trace protein. Found ethan straight away! Im now only measuring 2 weeks ahead instead of 4 weeks so hopefully no massive baby for me :D Took seth to the park on the way home and he loved it since there was a little girl there :) xxx
Hope your apps went well..

Talking over sandwiches i really want a bacon/sausage one now lol.
Seths that doughnut i had early was so yummy the creme inside was like mashmallow-ish lol was so yummy my dad helped himself to a second one lol. Wish we got a krispie kreme years ago. Made my day.

jen1019: oh i do love my bath nice and hot to lol. but i would hate to think i made them over hot and cook her like you said lol.
I seem to get odd pains everywhere these days. I left work ok until i got to the main road and i got this really sore pain right around my bump and around my back. Had to walk to my bus stop holding my wobbly bit and the button of my bump and wobbly along lol. it soon went away once i had sat down on the bus. I aint sure how im going to cope when the contraction start lol im not good with pain and im only going to try gas and air lol.

Well it's my last day tomorrow at work and then i start Mat leave :dance:dance:

So happy but i have to go and see one of the managers before leaving and one person in HR guessing they all wanan say good luck and good bye lol wonder if ill get cards lol i was talking to someone today about getting cards turns out one of the managers on my floor is leaving tomorrow to lol but he's going back to his own country lol.

Hope to get some cleaning gear in on saturday to help me out when i decide to give the oven good clean and the deep fat fryer(chip pan) lol seems to get greasy :( and i cant shift it.
I think just giving the house one good clean in genral will help me keep busy lol.

Well im heading off for tonight ladies hope you all sleep well. (ive been having good sleeps and not wanting to get up lol) xxxxx
Jen I'm working until 35 1/2 weeks so got another 11 weeks at work yet!

Noo Hillarious can just imagine you going in and handing everything already done :)

Jenny are you having a c section ? As I thought you'd see the mw at 38/40/41 weeks - or that's what it is where I am

Yeah im having a section, im not sure if I have to go have those final appointments at hospital or not, no one tells me anything lol.

Woot krafty :D Pram arriving is so exciting. hehe my MIL had a go at me with seth because i had the pram in the house from around 20 weeks.. this time iv had it since i was 11 weeks.

jen dh was fab last night.. only had to nudge him once so it was a good sleep :D Aww i hope you have a really nice baby shower.. i dont have enough friends to have one even if i wanted :haha:
hmm keep an eye on the feet hun, i know it can get quite bad during pregnancy.. think i have been quite lucky to be honest with mine. Oh yes, stand slowly.. haha i got myself this morning. Something fell and made a huge bang.. so me thinking it was seth falling out of bed i jumped up and ran... wasnt seth.. and then i was in killer pain for a few mins. not nice :dohh:

jenny - glad to hear all was good at the midwife hun :D omg 4 extra kids... you must be mad :haha: and your not evil.. seth is made to clear up his own mess and i always was as a child. When hes big enough seth will be making his own bed too. I think its a good thing teaching them to clean up from a young age :thumbup:

Noo - woot.. haha i bet she was shocked. Although it must be nice to have someone who knows everything already lol. save them filling in loads of forms etc. But then again id filled in my notes before my booking appointment lol. Just handed the midwife them and she only had a few little bits to fill out. I hope your scan/consultant date comes through quickly :D

Jelly - it wont be long before it seems like no time at all till you finish

AFM - midwife went well. bp was 130/76 and urine only had trace protein. Found ethan straight away! Im now only measuring 2 weeks ahead instead of 4 weeks so hopefully no massive baby for me :D Took seth to the park on the way home and he loved it since there was a little girl there :) xxx

Well I went to the park with one of the moms from school, and she had 4 kids with her, plus my two, it was a mad house lol. Was all fine till Bo (my siamese cat, who is friendly, but doesn;t take any shit) got pissed off and gently clawed Lilah, she wasn't bleeding though, but being 3 years old she was a huge drama queen lol.
Even when the kids were younger, id make them help me tidy their toys etc... the work never stops though, my two never wana tidy still lol.

Iv been watching obem series 1 on netflix, and now I never wana see another delivery lol.
cherry - i want one! they look so good! Plus i seen a pic of a huge angel cake by mr kipling today! So of course i want that too! I LOVE angel cake :cloud9: Gonna have to get some tomorrow.
I love hot baths too.. and iv not let being pregnant stop me either. my bath is a silly little half size thing so theres no way on earth i could cook ethan lol. Sorry to hear youv been having pains though hun but woop for one day left :dance: Sleep tight hun :flower:

Jenny - im just seeing midwife for my last appointments. Saw consultant at 36. and my 37/38 week apps are with midwife :thumbup:
Poor pussy cat lol I think all 3 year olds are drama queens.. including Seth. lol i know what you mean.. iv gutted the living room tonight.. but can guaruntee seth will trash it tomorrow! I have found someone to take my coffee table from me.. and my sister is buying my hi-fi so that gets those out of my way :D They dont get used and just take up room :dohh: next on my list is the kitchen but that wont take me too long. Then its my bedroom then the boys room and lastly the big cupboard.. not looking forward to that one. I did have it all nice and tidy.. but as per when dh went looking for something he just threw stuff all over the place so its a tip and you cant even get into it anymore!

Hi ladies! I hope you're all doing well. It's been absolutely ages since I was around properly to post! Whoops!!

Just thought I'd give you all a little update on me and LO before I jump back in to the thread :) I had a hospital appointment yesterday (Thursday) and while being examined the dr told me in 2cms dilated and she could feel baby's head!! Yey! She never mentioned how effaced I am though.

Long story short I'm being taken in for induction on Monday morning if I don't go into labor on my own this weekend! Eeek, I'm excited! She says it should only take a pessary to get me going so fingers crossed.

I'm going to try and catch up with how you're all doing over the weekend while I'm (trying to) relax :haha:

Oooh and here's my 38+1 bump. Will have to take the last one on Sunday night!!
Good morning ladies :)

MIWI WAKEY WAKEY haha im excited! Hope you managed to get some sleep last night hun? Took me forever to goto sleep after our chat i was so excited :haha:

I had an ok sleep last night, dh behaved BUT my silly hips and shoulders didn't. every hour on the dot i was up with pain in my hip and shoulder that i was lying on... so had to switch.. and urgh is that such a mission now :dohh: Tried lying on my back for a little but that just caused pain so had to flip back onto a side.
It's pay day today ... and.... im going to get an angel cake... num num so looking forward to it

I hope you all managed to have a good night sleep and there aren't too many aches and pains this morning :hugs: xxxxx
Miwi!! That's so exciting! THREE DAYS AAAHHHH!!! :D

Seths. Sorry to hear you had a rough night. I seemed to wake up every 5 minutes with all manner of aches and pains too. And DH had a fart attack which even woke him up at one point :haha:

Enjoy your angel cake hun!
Ahhhh I think I've gotten your hopes up Seths lol. I think I will be still here on Sunday night so lets not get too excited ;)

I keep waking in the middle if the night, it's not nerves I think my sleep pattern is just a bit messed up . . . Oh well, no point trying to fix it now lol.

How are you Cottles Hun?? Xxx

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