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Whooo Miwi is doing a great job. Poor must be so hungry though :(. shame

Gas guy as been and gone and now we have heat :) whooo no more kettle baths x
Thanks for the updates, Seth! I hope Miwi is doing great. Hopefully she is holding her LO soon! :hugs:
After I got 20 minutes of sleep last night, DS is being such a little shit today that I have spent the past hour sobbing in bed and just letting him do whatever. His whatever though seems to be just hovering and making sure he'd just about in eyesight while doing something naughty. Swear I'm having some sort of breakdown.
DH is pressuring me into home schooling. He doesn't see days like today where I struggle to even communicate with him let alone teach him.
Today needs to be over. Right now.
Go miwi Go miwi!!! U can do it lol.

1 more week Seth, maybe less. So exciting, I wish I was third lol
Deep breaths Cottlestonpie, is there no where you can put him safely? Just so you can have a 10 min break? Hugs.

Hope its all go thete Miwi!

Had my hair highlighted today, needed it so badly.
Ohh jealous! I desperately need my hair done. I've got about 4 inch roots lol

Turns out the reason I was being ratty and felt sick, AND the reason Toby was being so mental was because DH left the hob on this morning so the house had been filling up with gas all day (for 10 hours) and going to our heads. EEEEEK. Poor guy feels soooo guilty, I almost didn't want to tell him because I knew how bad he'd feel.
I thought I smelt something earlier but dismissed it because everyone tells me I have an oversensitive nose which picks up on stuff that isnt even there. :dohh:

So yeah, I've sent Toby to my mums for an hour so I can open all windows and doors to get rid of it. Dont want him any more exposed than he already has been. We've got to keep an eye on his behaviour, keeping an eye out for headaches and sickness in the next few hours and if either of us get worse, we're to go to A&E. Maternity Assessment at my hospital seem to think babies will be fine though. They got a 2nd opinion from a doctor while I was on the phone so I'm going with that. The first hint of getting worse though and I'm going to get monitored.


Any Miwi updates? Seths hun, how are you and Ethan? Still hanging in there? xx
Had my appointment today and got stuck in traffic holding my pee for over an hour because the president flew into our base and all routes home were freaking blocked! Either way my tummy is measuring 27 weeks and im 26 tomorrow. I gained weight finally... kinda embaressed it went on so fast but ive been drinking so much tea and eating fairly fatty so whatever! 6 pounds gained thus far. Oh and I am super excited I get another ultrasound in 4 weeks this is a first for me they changed it here!
hey ladies.. god cottleston hope your ok!!

Miwi Update - she had had to have an epidural put in place. Baby Maisy's heart rate dropped really low so they needed to turn her drip right up (cnt remember if i said she was put on drip) to get her laboring faster. She is being assessed again at 7pm and may have to go for a c-section. Will try keep you guys updated tonight if i can. I feel so bad that shes having a rough time but told her how proud of her i am :)

me update - well after 3 rounds of sex and dh doing a home sweep kind of thing.. nothing.. then i thought my waters went at 2:15pm. So midwife came out.. did a speculum said she didnt think theyd gone.. then did an internal.. cervix is firmly shut! so off to hospital for them to do a fancy swab thing.. deff not my waters.. trace was good and ethan started moving after being put on it.. it picked up 2 tightenings whilst i was on it (20 mins). My period cramps have gone :( So I give up lol.. no more trying to make him come. It's mad to think this time next week I will have my little man in my arms!

USAF - glad your app went well and woot for another scan :happydance:

sorry ladies i did have a big reply in mind there but now cant remember what everyone has said lol.

awww poor Miwi. Hopefully upping the dose on the drip will help. She must be in alot of pain to get the epi-.. I hope things start moving for her so she doesnt need to get a section :(...

AFM: after doing all that keeping to day ive got a sore back so im planning on having a bath later. now that my heating is bath on dont have to wait for the kettle xx
Ohh jealous! I desperately need my hair done. I've got about 4 inch roots lol

Turns out the reason I was being ratty and felt sick, AND the reason Toby was being so mental was because DH left the hob on this morning so the house had been filling up with gas all day (for 10 hours) and going to our heads. EEEEEK. Poor guy feels soooo guilty, I almost didn't want to tell him because I knew how bad he'd feel.
I thought I smelt something earlier but dismissed it because everyone tells me I have an oversensitive nose which picks up on stuff that isnt even there. :dohh:

So yeah, I've sent Toby to my mums for an hour so I can open all windows and doors to get rid of it. Dont want him any more exposed than he already has been. We've got to keep an eye on his behaviour, keeping an eye out for headaches and sickness in the next few hours and if either of us get worse, we're to go to A&E. Maternity Assessment at my hospital seem to think babies will be fine though. They got a 2nd opinion from a doctor while I was on the phone so I'm going with that. The first hint of getting worse though and I'm going to get monitored.


Any Miwi updates? Seths hun, how are you and Ethan? Still hanging in there? xx

It badly needed doing, id not had it done since July, 5 inches of roots were there, and many a split end, I feel much better for it now, just got to condition it and treat it a lot, as it's a bit dry with this pregnancy.

I would flip my wig if hubby did that here. At least you found out before anything worse happened :/
Are you feeling better from it yet?

Had my appointment today and got stuck in traffic holding my pee for over an hour because the president flew into our base and all routes home were freaking blocked! Either way my tummy is measuring 27 weeks and im 26 tomorrow. I gained weight finally... kinda embaressed it went on so fast but ive been drinking so much tea and eating fairly fatty so whatever! 6 pounds gained thus far. Oh and I am super excited I get another ultrasound in 4 weeks this is a first for me they changed it here!

wow that's really good gain :)
I have another scan on Thursday, love being able to see baby more often.

hey ladies.. god cottleston hope your ok!!

Miwi Update - she had had to have an epidural put in place. Baby Maisy's heart rate dropped really low so they needed to turn her drip right up (cnt remember if i said she was put on drip) to get her laboring faster. She is being assessed again at 7pm and may have to go for a c-section. Will try keep you guys updated tonight if i can. I feel so bad that shes having a rough time but told her how proud of her i am :)

me update - well after 3 rounds of sex and dh doing a home sweep kind of thing.. nothing.. then i thought my waters went at 2:15pm. So midwife came out.. did a speculum said she didnt think theyd gone.. then did an internal.. cervix is firmly shut! so off to hospital for them to do a fancy swab thing.. deff not my waters.. trace was good and ethan started moving after being put on it.. it picked up 2 tightenings whilst i was on it (20 mins). My period cramps have gone :( So I give up lol.. no more trying to make him come. It's mad to think this time next week I will have my little man in my arms!

USAF - glad your app went well and woot for another scan :happydance:

sorry ladies i did have a big reply in mind there but now cant remember what everyone has said lol.


Poor Miwi :( I really hope this comes to an end for her soon, whichever exit baby takes, she must be so fed up.

Oh maaaaaaaan, so close though. You can;t say you didn't try hun.

awww poor Miwi. Hopefully upping the dose on the drip will help. She must be in alot of pain to get the epi-.. I hope things start moving for her so she doesnt need to get a section :(...

AFM: after doing all that keeping to day ive got a sore back so im planning on having a bath later. now that my heating is bath on dont have to wait for the kettle xx

Good lord it would take me forever to run a bath with a kettle, would be cold before I got in it lol. You need the heating on in the weather though, bloody freezing bbrrrrrrr.

I was quite crampy earlier, very low down pressure, it's been relieved by having a lay down though, but think im going to lay down soon for the night.
lol i have a shower to which is done by eletric which helps to make a bath but takes to long to fill lol. Going to run one soon feeling being poopy lol.

Just feeling bloated today. :( so a nice relaxing bath is in order for me lol.

I seem to get those period crampy pains in the night only. but now i have to get up and go pee again lol havent needed to go that in so long. cant make it through the night no more haha.

Hope Miwi is doing some what better now. Keeping her in my prayers and hope its not to long for her now xxxxx
LADIES --- :wohoo: Miwi had Maisy last night!! All I will say is that her and baby are both doing well. :wohoo: I will leave the proper announcement for Miwi when she is feeling upto getting onto BnB or unless she asks me to do it for her :) She ended up having a section though poor miwi. I'v sent her every bodies love.

Cottleston how are you and Toby feeling today?

how is everybody else feeling today? Iv nothing today.. no signs or anything.. but only 6 days to go :wohoo: xxx
Yaaay for the arrival of lil Maisy! Congrats Miwi xx
Sorry to hear about the c-section... But glad mum and baby are doing well xx
Can't wait for pics :happydance: :happydance:

Your turn Seths! :D

Feeling much better today thanks hun. Toby was in my bed from about
1:30 so we mostly had broken sleep but I liked that I could keep an eye on him. He seems much better too thank god and both babies have moved this morning so all is ok xx
She did so well :) I know she was exhausted but at least she has the perfect birthday present (its her birthday today). Im hoping she can get her Chinese in the hospital tonight hehe.. she was so looking forward to it.

haha i know.. so scary to think its my turn next! 5 days till i am in there. But i will make sure I text miwi so she can update you guys on how i am going.. and john is going to log in once he gets home to update things too.

I am so glad your feeling better hun. I bet your dh felt absolutely rotten... but im so glad you realized what was going on before something much worse happened :hugs:

Omg best birthday present ever! Happy birthday Miwi and Maisy!
I bet she was knackered... And starving! Fingers crossed for Chinese
If I had to stay in hospital I think I'd be tempted to send DH to dominos :haha:

Can't believe I've still got another 13 weeks to wait. Eesh. Hopefully it'll fly by.
Huge congrats to Miwi and family, and happy birthday too. We are all looking forward to her birth announcement and pics :-D

Not long to wait at all Seths squeeeeeeeeee :-D

Im stressed out today. My ten year old thinks its ok to steal from his family, 2nd time he has done it now, and lied about it too. So his x box is gone, no treats and 6pm bed times. What he doesn't know is we have a policeman friend who goes to the same kickboxing gym as hubby, and we are going to ask him over to our house, in his uniform to give leo a telling off.

I struck a low blow, I was so mad with him. I said if he continues to make bad choices he would end up like Dean, Dean is Leo's bio dad, who left when I was 3 months preg and has never paid a penny or seen leo. There is Ben who is another of Deans children that he left, Bens mom found me on fb over a yr ago and now we are as good as family. Ben is 14 and I think il ask him to give leo a telling off too.

Plus today I have to go into my old work and harras my boss for my smp1 form again!

Sorry for the rant.
:happydance:Whay hey Miwi:happydance:

Happy birthday to you both also. What a lovely present. Bet she is well chuffed. Sorry to hear about the section though but probs for the best in the end since it was taking forever lol.

Ohh yes sneak a chinese in will fill her right up lol

Seth looks like your next lol. I've still got 5.5 weeks until due date but right now i think ill go over lol. Everyone seems to be loosing their plug i know some people dont but who knows lol. Im hoping to pick up one of those balls today to help this little miss out.

Aww Jenny sorry to hear your little rascal is misbehaving. sounds like a good idea to bring the policeman around though give him like fright maybe.

I was caught when i was younger nicking sand out of the work man area lol as we were doing turns each and i was dying for a pee. Got right telling off :( and nearly pee'd myself. :(

So fingers crossed it works lol. xxx
thank you seth for the update hun.

Congrats on ur lil Girl Maisy miwi :wohoo: & wishing you a very happy birthday :cake:

seth ur turn next woop woop :happydance:

lol @ cherry for getting caught stealing sand that my me giggle :haha:

jen sorry ur boy is being a bit naughty, i think the policeman coming around is a good idea... i do love a man in uniform :blush:

im hoping i only have 5-6 weeks to go ladies :dohh: i reallydont want to wait 8-9 weeks to see my lil girl, is that selfish :dohh:
cottleston it will fly by hun. Seems like yesterday i was saying i had that long left!

Jenny - i know.. im so excited but scared at the same time lol.

So sorry your 10 year old is causing so much trouble. I hope the police guy works! My ex's son was like that too, we tried the whole police thing but it didn't bother him one bit. Only after his mother ended up putting him in care did he realise he was out of control.
I saw on FB too that your son was telling you the police cant do anything as hes 10. Tell him in England you are responsible for your own actions from the age of 10.. im sure thats the law anyway.
Urgh and you have to deal with your old work too :dohh: Sounds like a very stressfull day hun!! xx

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