Plus size & pregnant join here

big hugs cottleston :hugs::hugs: sounds like just one of those days. its annoying when your in a mood for no reason and cant get yourself out of it lol.

best go again.. battling with a screaming ethan who doesnt seem to want anything :shrug: i WILL get him to sleep eventually lol. x
Tried to talk to women in the GD thread they ignored me. :( I don't know how to explain my numbers in what I guess would be UK numbers I see stuff like 7.5 and I am like what? *sigh*
Is there some sort of online converter or chart? Usually if I get stuck between uk and us measurements, I turn to google. It's basically my best friend for converting numbers!

Hi! I'm plus size! 5'4", 230 lbs, size 22 pre-pregnancy. Lost 30+ lbs before I became pregnant and have gained 8-10 lbs so far! I'm 26 w 4 d with a baby boy due July 23rd!
Hi grieving30

Cotttlestonpie :hugs:

Seth - hope Ethan manages to gain some more weight at next weigh in

Hi! I'm plus size! 5'4", 230 lbs, size 22 pre-pregnancy. Lost 30+ lbs before I became pregnant and have gained 8-10 lbs so far! I'm 26 w 4 d with a baby boy due July 23rd!

Welcome hun and congratulations on your pregnancy :D :hi: How are you finding it so far??

Thanks Jelly, he needs to take 25oz a day in total and hes almost been meeting it every day. I have to keep a diary of his feeds and how much he takes.

USAF - that sucks hun :S not very nice of them to ignore you!

Ok soooo... i did a google search for comparisons and couldnt really find anything but what i did find is this.

in the USA before a meal your bs is supposed to be 70-130 mg/dl
in the UK before a meal your bs is supposed to be 4-7 mmol/L

In the USA after a meal your bs is supposed to be under 180 mg/dl
In the UK after a meal your bs is supposed to be under 9mmol/L

I have no idea if that helps you any hun but i couldnt find anything better.

How are you all doing today? Cottleston i hope your feeling a bit better today hun.

My wubanub came yesterday :D I love it.. so here is a piccy plus one or 2 others seth practicing the moody teen look already! child labor lol who knew washing the dishes could be so fun :haha:
Aww gorgeous pics hun! When is Ethan's next appointment/weigh in?

I think I've entered the "I'm an uncomfortable moany old hag" phase of pregnancy.
DH bough a new motorbike. Sold his old one and was left with a couple of hundred quid... So of course, the new motorbike wasn't enough and he's gone and bought a second one "for spares and parts and tinkering with"
Sooooo I'm indoors trying to rearrange our bedroom to make space for a cot, looking at the mountain of washing that also needs doing knowing that once I take it downstairs I'll have to tidy the kitchen which looks like a bombs hit it, all while entertaining a toddler...., while he's outside in the sunshine playing with the new toy he bought with the money I thought we needed for baby stuff.


Yep that sounds like men!

My dh was good he got a bonus at work bought a tv then gave me the rest for baby which I was surprised about.

I keep worrying now that as I've got such a flabby lower stomach still they are going to find it difficult to monitor baby's hb in labour
cottleston - thats a bit crap! Id have MADE him hand over some money for baby things.. i do that with John. For Example.. he got given £300 just before last christmas that his grandad had left him and i gave him the choice to either go spend £100 on seth for christmas OR hand me £100 so i can go do it. Otherwise he would have spent the whole lot on himself.. he got a new xbox with the rest of the money. Id send Toby outside to "help daddy". Oh and why on earth isnt he helping you re-arrange... i ask that thinking to myself... stupid question lol. My DH didnt lift a finger when i was swapping the bedrooms over and didnt help with packing/unpacking when i was preg with Seth. We moved right before my due date and i was even lugging the bed up the stairs by myself.
Thanks hun :D Ethan's next weigh in is Wednesday and im keeping a diary of his feeds, hes meant to take 25oz a day.

Jelly - dont worry hun if they can find the heartbeat in a normal trace then they can do it through labour.. plus by the time labour comes around normally the hb is found up higher in a lot of cases. And if they cant then they will fit a clip onto babies head when they are low enough. Thats what they did with me anyway when i had Seth x
Thanks seths! They finally responded to me and pretty much my numbers are fine other then the first day they were a bit high due to stressing out I assume. Here is an issue I have though. I passed my two glucose tests for the 1hr ok. The ultrasound tech wanted my to test again because my baby was measuring larger in her chest a little. So they refused to let me do another 1hr test and sent me on my way to a class to do this bs... I am on this diet and I have to poke myself 4 times a day my fingers are bruised btw... I am not dying but I am not happy and I can't see how the bloody hell this is going to tell them if I am diabetic they are having me test my effing sugar at 1hr verse two AND its a diet for Christ sakes how is that testing my sugars? Would I not need to eat my own damn food to see if it causes me spikes? -_- I want sweet tea! I want to have a sweet here and there! I want to drink juice that is not 1/2 cup. I HATE SKIM MILK! I don't want 3 snacks a damn day... I just want to be normal again. I love this baby inside of me but I truely feel I was being judged for being fat... This is my 3rd child I have NEVER had GD I tested higher on the one hour last pregnancy but still passing and I never had ultrasounds later in my pregnancy how the f^ck can they just waltz in and auto say its prob gd. My first was 6lbs 10oz my second 7lbs even! Why can it not just be that my 3rd might get closer to 8lbs? Why is it her legs are measuring way behind but all he saw was her chest measuring a mere two weeks ahead she was only 4lbs 9oz! That is normal! GRRRRRRRR! Sorry im pissed tonight about this trying to just vent it out and not flip my chips.
wow im afraid i would have refused! If you have passed both tests then there is no need... i got told its normal for baby to measure 2 weeks ahead/behind at some points! Ethan was measuring like Fallon is hun.. his chest was 4 weeks ahead and his legs were 2 weeks behind! And he didnt come out huge. Id question it hun or just point blank refuse to do it. They cant put you on the diet and then go off those results to see whether you have GD... they need to see your normal sugar levels for the decision! I can 100% see why you are so pissed hun.. i know i would have been too! xxx
Btw after my dinner tonight my sugar is 111 or 6.1 to you guys I am trying not to cry right now because I feel so mad at them.
tomorrow hun eat what you normally would and test your sugars.. sod what they say. At least that way you will know properly what your sugars are like. xxx

or should i say today. haha i have no idea what time it is for you but its 11:30pm here and i am just about to head to bed. Sending you lots of hugs hun :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Urghhh i really don't see the point in what they're doing hun, I can totally understand why you'd be pissed off. It's just unnecessary. Is be tempted to do what seths said and test while having a day of your usual diet and see what the readings are like.

My feet swelled to epic levels today. And so quickly. Forgot how painful it can be. I took my blood pressure just to be sure (tho my hands are fine... Dunno about my face) and its 144/81. I'm not sure if that's really bad but it's a bit of a jump from my usual 120/70. I'm going to do it again tomorrow after resting because it's bound to be inaccurate tonight after spending 2hrs down A&E with a little man who popped his elbow out the socket :dohh:

Fingers crossed my swelling goes down and BP is pack to normal by morning. I don't like the sweating that comes with increased blood pressure... Yuck.
Sorry if it seems iv not been replying much, my internet keeps going super slow on my phone grrrr.

Sounds like some of these men need a right whipping!! Don't stand for their crap!

Does make me realise what a good'en iv got though.

Everyone is of out kickboxing then visiting family today. Im going to spend my day getting the last bits of cleaning done, and check my bags for hospital Tuesday. Won't get chance to do it Monday as mother in law is coming over from Ireland at 7am.

Hey I got 5 hours sleep in a row last night. My best record for weeks!!

Freya has another cold and is all snotted up, so im guessing il of caught it just before I go in for the section Tuesday :-( im REALLY worried about having a newborn with a cold. How will she feed, or even breath??
oh my gosh Cottleston how on earth did Toby manage that? I know my niece did it when she was around the same age. Poor boy. I hope the swelling has come down today hun. anything over 160/90 is a worry hun so your kind of just below but its normally the bottom number they watch. or thats what i was told anyway.

Jelly - OMG its almost time!! :wohoo: :happydance: woot for getting a good stretch of sleep hun! That must have felt amazing hun :D
Oh no, make sure that you have some nasal saline drops/spray and a nasal aspirator hun. Both Seth and Ethan got colds as newborns and were very stuffy.. with seth i used Nasosal nasal drops and with Ethan Calpol nasal spray... i must say the spray is much better at helping to clear the mucus away.
how are you feeling hun, are you excited? xx
Hey ladies-- gosh, it has been like 50 years since I have posted here and I'm sorry for that. Life has been a bit crazy, and I just haven't made it on to BnB much lately. I hope that everyone is doing ok! I am going to read through and catch up as to how everyone is doing but wanted to post before I got busy. Today is 30 weeks for us which is super exciting. Can't believe how soon little Caitlin will be here! <3

I am so in love with her already. Next week is the baby shower that my family is throwing which should be a lot of fun. I am really looking forward to it. I was going to wait to buy any clothes, but we have a discount store by us that had a huge sale and I got a couple of cute outfits for like $2 each!

How is everyone else feeling? :hugs: I have my moments. Sleeping is uncomfortable most of the time, but I generally just move around a lot trying to get in a good position. I was struggling with migraines and have started having a cup of coffee every morning which has helped a lot of with those, I was at the point of getting 3-4 a week and just wasn't functioning. The doctor thinks Caitlin might be a little big, I've been measuring ahead for a couple appointments now. Good news though: she's growing, but at 30 weeks I have only gained 7 pounds! So happy about that :happydance:

Anyway, just wanted to drop in and say hi. Happy Sunday!
Tobys a little bit better this afternoon. He dislocated it when he was playing in his playhouse... He didn't want to use the door so DHs cousin lifted him in through the window and it just happened.
He seemed fine last night but woke up this morning and couldn't push himself up off the mattress... I was woken up by him lying face down next to me crying "mummy I'm stuck" :(
So back down the hospital and he's been given one of those foam neck/wrist support things to keep his elbow bent and since wearing that he's a lot happier and in less pain. If he's not better by Thursday we have an appointment with the fracture clinic just in case the X-rays missed anything last night.
Thing is, he's such a cheeky rough n tumble sort of toddler that the support doesn't look out of place on him! :haha:
Hey ladies, Wow i feel like i dont have much time for this any more lol.

Paige is being a bit funny when we put down to sleep :(. Sometime she will sleep like normal 4-5hours but around 3am this morning and yesterday at mums and today. She done an hour sleep then 2 or more hours awake. I dunno if this is her getting herself into a rhythm of being more awake through the day and having short naps and sleeping normal-ish at night.

Last night i woke her up just after 9pm to have a bath after being asleep since 7.30pm lol. She went down after 10pm to bed and slept until 2.40am then is was an hour awake hour asleep 2 hours awake 2 hours asleep. :| got to 7.30am and i just got us both up lol. I pop her into the car seat but not strapped in as im sitting right next to her. She has been doing this awake sleep thing since 7.30 i think she's now in a deep sleep :| which i only put her down before 2pm. We're heading to ryans mums around 4pm. So im hoping she'll sleep it out a bit lol.

she has already gave me a huge poop explosion and omg it goes everywhere :|.

I have to look after her again tonight as ryan got out later from work this morning and missed his bus home. He got in at 8am been sleeping since got up once but wont be able to function tonight to look after her.

He defo needs better job like.

Those pills i listen were of my discharge form i was given. Ive still got full packet of the iron tablet i guess ill just bin them but seems like a waste :( i was told not to take them from the first midwife that came out to see me. Maybe she should have took them from me lol

I should be napping along with paige but i just cant lol house work needs doing ive still not put washing out yet because i dont wanna leave paige in the house while ryan is sleeping i know id be right outside but even still that to far for my liking.

Anyways ladies sorry for my um rant..

seths how cute are your boys lol

Cottle your lo is a cutie to lol

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