Hey ladies, Wow i feel like i dont have much time for this any more lol.
Paige is being a bit funny when we put down to sleep

. Sometime she will sleep like normal 4-5hours but around 3am this morning and yesterday at mums and today. She done an hour sleep then 2 or more hours awake. I dunno if this is her getting herself into a rhythm of being more awake through the day and having short naps and sleeping normal-ish at night.
Last night i woke her up just after 9pm to have a bath after being asleep since 7.30pm lol. She went down after 10pm to bed and slept until 2.40am then is was an hour awake hour asleep 2 hours awake 2 hours asleep.

got to 7.30am and i just got us both up lol. I pop her into the car seat but not strapped in as im sitting right next to her. She has been doing this awake sleep thing since 7.30 i think she's now in a deep sleep

which i only put her down before 2pm. We're heading to ryans mums around 4pm. So im hoping she'll sleep it out a bit lol.
she has already gave me a huge poop explosion and omg it goes everywhere

I have to look after her again tonight as ryan got out later from work this morning and missed his bus home. He got in at 8am been sleeping since got up once but wont be able to function tonight to look after her.
He defo needs better job like.
Those pills i listen were of my discharge form i was given. Ive still got full packet of the iron tablet i guess ill just bin them but seems like a waste

i was told not to take them from the first midwife that came out to see me. Maybe she should have took them from me lol
I should be napping along with paige but i just cant lol house work needs doing ive still not put washing out yet because i dont wanna leave paige in the house while ryan is sleeping i know id be right outside but even still that to far for my liking.
Anyways ladies sorry for my um rant..
seths how cute are your boys lol
Cottle your lo is a cutie to lol