Plus size & pregnant join here

mmm cocktail sausages i want some now lol. ooo what have you got coming hun? Sorry im so nosy haha. We just spent almost £100 on ethan :D got a voucher for joining sky and it came through tonight so we went straight on and spent it :haha: Got the cutest pramsuit every.. its a me to you one and it has ears and everything hehe

most of it was me to you actually :winkwink: xxx

Oooh that sounds so cute!! I have a Winnie the pooh one for lil miss, I wasn't sure whether to get a thick pram suit or not given that it'll be march, but I thought better safe than sorry! That's just reminded me actually, we were meant to get a £50 love to shop voucher when we signed up to talk talk and we never got it :growlmad: Grrrrr!

Oh I don't have too much exciting stuff coming, I've got two things of after shave for OH and some perfume for me, and some hand cream and a nail file lol. Not bad for £20!! I've an order in for the next brochure already and I swear I must be the queen of Avon bargains cuz I've spent about £15 in that book and I'm getting a long long list of stuff lol. :happydance:
Well 2 hours after eating my reading was 5.0, needed to be below 7.0. Just need to keep it up now!

this is the pramsuit. Well i thought it will probably be cold still in March and if its not too bad then can always just put on a vest and then the pramsuit :)

That sounds really good, i remember my friend used to buy loads from avon every time and never ever spent over £20. We dont have an avon person around me otherwise i probably would order things too. awww iv seen the winnie the pooh all in ones :) I have a blue one in 6-9 months that was seths but he never ever fit into it properly lol.

Gz on good numbers krafty! xx
oh and id get in touch with talk talk hun! IF theyv not sent it then they are failing their side of the contract! x
Seths- Hun I have no idea what that would be here in the US >.< I forgot meds though gah my preggo brain sucks!
Seths, I didn't realise you had hip problems. That sucks... Can't believe the doctor blamed weight especially 4 months after having a baby. I had a similar issue where I went to the doctor with depression. Suffered on and off since I was 11 years old so I knew it wasn't weight related but because I didn't want to take this one particular anti depressant he said "oh well maybe you're just depressed because you're fat" and prescribed me slimming pills?! Moron.

Well done on the good sugar levels girls!

My hips have been a lot better today. I went from not walking yesterday to hobbling around Santa's grotto today so there's a definite improvement! DH has been better too. We're clashing a lot lately but I'm putting it down to pregnancy and his reluctance to be understanding/sympathetic recently.

Oh yea... Quick question... At my stage of pregnancy did you guys get like a vanishing bump? When I lie down, until a day or two ago, it's been a nice solid bump... But at the mo it just feels sort of flabby? Dunno if it's babies changing position or if it's something to worry about. Assuming/hoping it's the former, obviously. Im finding it quite hard to find their lil heartbeats lately but at only 16 weeks (almost), I'm expecting it to be a bit tricky sometimes.
Cottlestonpie - sorry dh has been hardwork past few days, hopefully he'll cheer up and be a bit more thoughtful soon. Glad your sviata has eased

Seth - ouchie hope it improves soon. Loving the car it looks fantastic fun!

Koala - sorry you failed the GTT but sounds like great levels so far!

I've been suffering badly from sinus this week but still not much pregnancy symptoms. Just looking forward to finishing work Monday and mw on new years eve
USAF i never thought of that.. hehe you might not get it in the usa.. but hopefully they have something that a little one can have for a cough.

Cottleston - yeah thats completely normal hun its to do with how the babies are positioned because they can still move right to the back of your womb :) Glad your hips are feeling a lot better :) mine are today too it just seems to be night time thats the problem at the moment.. after 30 mins of lying on one side im in really bad pain so got to switch over all the time. As for the dh issue.. me and mine are exactly the same so i wouldn't worry about it :hugs: I must have been pretty lucky with my depression as i got anti-depressants straight away and the doctor was really nice. Thankfully never suffered from it for a few years :thumbup:

Jellycat - sucks to have sinus trouble. only 2 days to go! hehe thanks i love the car too :D cant wait to take him outisde in it :happydance: xx
Hi ladies! Sorry that everyone seems to be having some kind of ailment. The sugar test, the hips, diabetes and all. Hopefully everything turns out better sooner than later. Other than the pregnancy woes, I hope everyone is doing good.

I have updated news today! I went for my scan yesterday and remember I said I wasn't telling anyone before my guy... so I couldn't wait to tell him so I could tell u ladies :winkwink:

I am joining Team ....... :blue: :happydance:

It was so funny how I found out because in the beginning the babies back was to us so it wasn't looking too good on finding out the sex. Then the tech said something funny and I laughed. I was like "oops sorry" and she said "dont be, laugh again cuz the baby will move". I laughed again and that leg popped open and there it was lol. Very hard to miss. Lol. I was so happy.

I think u all call the men DH, not sure but he was thrilled when I told him.
the baby weighs 1 lb. Idk if that means he'll get big but the tech said it's nothing bad. After the excitement the Dr came in to tell me everything looked good and guess what. My BP was EXCELLENT! I was shocked yet happy :happydance:
I think u all call the men DH, not sure but he was thrilled when I told him.
the baby weighs 1 lb. Idk if that means he'll get big but the tech said it's nothing bad. After the excitement the Dr came in to tell me everything looked good and guess what. My BP was EXCELLENT! I was shocked yet happy :happydance:

Congrats!!! how exciting!! Welcome to team blue! :happydance:

DH = Dear Husband (or Damn Husband, depending on your mood at the moment.... :haha:)
Other terms you'll see are FOB (father of baby)
SO (significant other)
OH (other half)
Well, today I'm writing from work. :xmas21: lol, I was so looking forward to being off. Oh well!!

The last couple days were very busy. DH, my mom and I primed and painted the living room, dining room, kitchen, hall way and the ceilings. :xmas22: By the end of each day, I was so tired and my feet were soooo swollen! But it's nice to have that done! Now we just have to get some new carpet put in, and hubby's going to tile the kitchen and dining room floor, and our renovations on the house will almost be done. At least we got the oven/cooktop hooked up so I can finally cook again! Try spending almost 3 months without anything but a microwave and a toaster! :dohh: No wonder I had trouble maintaining my weight gain. lol

Hubby volunteered me to make beef enchiladas for his family's side of Christmas yesterday. So after painting all day, I then had to spend 2 hrs cooking, then do Christmas with his family. :xmas1: So tired today!! It's going to be a struggle not to want to take a nap at work.

Next doc appointment is the day after Christmas. I'll be getting my swab done then for Group B Strep, I believe. After that, it's weekly appointments until LO arrives!! I can't believe how fast it's going! Hubby has been on me all week to pack my hospital bag, and I still haven't gotten to it yet. lol

Wow, ladies with the GD and the SPD! Sorry for you gals, that's rough! :hugs: Hope you all can cope with it!

I hope you all have a very happy and safe holiday weekend, and a Merry Christmas!!

:xmas8: :xmas9: :xmas6:
I think u all call the men DH, not sure but he was thrilled when I told him.
the baby weighs 1 lb. Idk if that means he'll get big but the tech said it's nothing bad. After the excitement the Dr came in to tell me everything looked good and guess what. My BP was EXCELLENT! I was shocked yet happy :happydance:

Congrats!!! how exciting!! Welcome to team blue! :happydance:

DH = Dear Husband (or Damn Husband, depending on your mood at the moment.... :haha:)
Other terms you'll see are FOB (father of baby)
SO (significant other)
OH (other half)

Oh ok... I guess I can't use Dh right now. Not til March. Thanks a ton!!!
realbeauty86 congratulations on joining team blue :D And 1lb is pretty standard i think.. mine was 1lb bang on at 21 weeks :) i love that when you laughedbaby moved :haha:

kalyrra sounds like you have had a very very busy few days.. i hope you get to put your feet up a little! My gosh haha i feel for you... i went a long time when i first got my own home where i had a microwave and toaster only :haha: lived off baked potatoes and toast lol

good luck with your strep B test hun. You dont have long left :happydance: i loved hitting the weekly appointment mark with Seth hehe means its close.. this time round i am now already onto weekly appointments.. so its going to make it feel longer lol

I would pack your bag soon :p Although i have no room to talk i have nothing really for my bag yet apart from the bag and sanitry pads!

I hope you have a really nice christmas too hun! xxxxx
oh and just to have my little moan.. i apologize in advance

So my friend was here this evening.. the one that was getting pushy about what was happening with the baby and being in the room when he is born. I told her i got my definite yes for my C-section and she moaned "so i took 2 weeks of in march for nothing"... umm well i never asked you to take 2 weeks off work! then its "so what happens now then?" so i said not much you can still come to the hospital but not till the day after he is born.. the only ones coming on the day will be mum and dad.. niky will be asked to come the day after too"... so then she moans about coming the same day as my sister" :S grrr bloody annoying Bitch sometimes! For one there was no saying that he would have even come during those 2 weeks she had off... and why she needed to take 2 weeks off i dont know because despite her best thoughts she is not spending every day at my house when i have had him. Plus i highly doubt i will be letting her visit before my sister gets to visit!

I swear down if she carries on with all of this crap she will be banned completely. Then when i said id found my bath changer unit.. "oo you can give me that once your done with it" :S i swear to god she has said this about all of my baby things!! I am not giving them away for nothing when i have spent a fortune buying them... she can think again if she thinks i am funding her damn baby when she has one. Now dont get me wrong i probably would have been nice and given her perhaps the swinging crib for nothing but now shes demanding everything i swear down she is getting nothing!

sorry again but iv no1 else to moan to lol
Hey ladies. Having a pretty rubbish day today. I'm very tired, just been to the inlaws and sat there gritting my teeth while they ate shortbread and chocolates. Feeling very sorry for myself. Also, went to Starbucks and had a bistro box for my lunch - an hour later my blood sugar was 8.1!! I'm livid because it was only 25g of carbs and didn't even fill me lol. So I guess there just wasn't enough protien or something. That's my first time over my limit of 8.

Anyway. Hope you're all doing ok - I'll catch up on your posts tomorrow :) I'm grumpy so prob not the best time right now lol. Oh, on the plus side, OH has promised that if I nudge him awake tomorrow morning he'll come down and make me something to eat so I don't have to get up early (I always get up cuz I'm starving, then when Ive eaten I'm falling asleep again!) so hopefully an hours extra sleep after I eat will help me feel better! I can't sleep properly at night anymore :(
oh and just to have my little moan.. i apologize in advance

So my friend was here this evening.. the one that was getting pushy about what was happening with the baby and being in the room when he is born. I told her i got my definite yes for my C-section and she moaned "so i took 2 weeks of in march for nothing"... umm well i never asked you to take 2 weeks off work! then its "so what happens now then?" so i said not much you can still come to the hospital but not till the day after he is born.. the only ones coming on the day will be mum and dad.. niky will be asked to come the day after too"... so then she moans about coming the same day as my sister" :S grrr bloody annoying Bitch sometimes! For one there was no saying that he would have even come during those 2 weeks she had off... and why she needed to take 2 weeks off i dont know because despite her best thoughts she is not spending every day at my house when i have had him. Plus i highly doubt i will be letting her visit before my sister gets to visit!

I swear down if she carries on with all of this crap she will be banned completely. Then when i said id found my bath changer unit.. "oo you can give me that once your done with it" :S i swear to god she has said this about all of my baby things!! I am not giving them away for nothing when i have spent a fortune buying them... she can think again if she thinks i am funding her damn baby when she has one. Now dont get me wrong i probably would have been nice and given her perhaps the swinging crib for nothing but now shes demanding everything i swear down she is getting nothing!

sorry again but iv no1 else to moan to lol

Wow thats ridiculous!! How cheeky! Both that she demands to see your baby as soon as you've had him, and the fact that she wants all your stuff!! What on earth lol. Has she never heard of being invited or offered things? Manners woman! Sheesh lol :dohh:
Hey ladies. Having a pretty rubbish day today. I'm very tired, just been to the inlaws and sat there gritting my teeth while they ate shortbread and chocolates. Feeling very sorry for myself. Also, went to Starbucks and had a bistro box for my lunch - an hour later my blood sugar was 8.1!! I'm livid because it was only 25g of carbs and didn't even fill me lol. So I guess there just wasn't enough protien or something. That's my first time over my limit of 8.

Anyway. Hope you're all doing ok - I'll catch up on your posts tomorrow :) I'm grumpy so prob not the best time right now lol. Oh, on the plus side, OH has promised that if I nudge him awake tomorrow morning he'll come down and make me something to eat so I don't have to get up early (I always get up cuz I'm starving, then when Ive eaten I'm falling asleep again!) so hopefully an hours extra sleep after I eat will help me feel better! I can't sleep properly at night anymore :(

omg hun so sorry you have had such a rubbish day! Totally sucks that your numbers were high especially after not that much carbs... :( I hope dh sticks to his word and gets up to make you some breakfast :)

I know she is such an ignorant, self centered cheeky cow :S I really dont know what happened with her! I know she always used to be self centered but she was never like that with me. She is really starting to bug me, she told me today it will be a month before they come to visit again and to be honest im damn glad! I just can't stand to be around her at the moment.

I hope you get a good night sleep tonight hun.. if not then just think i am sharing your unsleepness lol i am up at least 6 times for the toilet... then having to turn every hour or so because my hips sore so dont get much sleep.. oh the joys of pregnancy. :dohh:
Miwi - aww, sorry you've had such a rough day! I hope your OH keeps his word on making you breakfast, you deserve it!! :hugs:

Seth - wow, your friend sounds like a real winner... lol Next time she says something like "you can give me that when you're finished", tell her that you plan on selling anything that you want to get rid of to get some of the money back that you spent. Tell her she's welcome to have first dibs on purchasing it, but that you can't afford to give it all away after having bought it!
Miwi - sorry for a rubbish day yesterday, hope you have a nice brekkie this morning in bed!

Seth - some people 'just don't get it', last time my friends were great I said I'd text when ready for visitors and they gave me my space. Dhs friends not so (think its more to do with dh to be honest) but they were round late at night on day 3 out of hospital or his family round all day keep on taking MY baby off of me and walking off. I hit the roof, I've said it will be different next time as it effected me trying to get breastfeeding working as people were making me feel guilty when I took JJ upstairs to try and feed etc. My family wouldn't hold the baby unless they asked whereas mil woke him in his crib in hospital........ It still makes my blood boil now also doesn't help with hormones being all over the place.

I'm assuming your friend hasn't had many friends with children before then?

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