mmm cocktail sausages i want some now lol. ooo what have you got coming hun? Sorry im so nosy haha. We just spent almost £100 on ethangot a voucher for joining sky and it came through tonight so we went straight on and spent it
Got the cutest pramsuit every.. its a me to you one and it has ears and everything hehe
most of it was me to you actuallyxxx
Oooh that sounds so cute!! I have a Winnie the pooh one for lil miss, I wasn't sure whether to get a thick pram suit or not given that it'll be march, but I thought better safe than sorry! That's just reminded me actually, we were meant to get a £50 love to shop voucher when we signed up to talk talk and we never got it

Oh I don't have too much exciting stuff coming, I've got two things of after shave for OH and some perfume for me, and some hand cream and a nail file lol. Not bad for £20!! I've an order in for the next brochure already and I swear I must be the queen of Avon bargains cuz I've spent about £15 in that book and I'm getting a long long list of stuff lol.