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kalyrra - lol i said that to her hun.. i just looked straight at her and said its not going for free "ooo mates rates then" i laughed and said its going nowhere for less than £50 since its costing me £100. Like you say i cant afford to fork out all this money then just give it all away... not a chance.. I will be making money back to go towards christmas or birthdays or something like that.

Jellycat - omg hun thats awful how they just took baby off of you! I hope you put your foot down this time and people respect your wishes... especially dh.. he should be putting across the same wishes as you! When i had Seth i had no visitors for 2 days.. i had told in-laws they were not allowed to the hospital but my folks came down on the sunday and took me home. As soon as my mum walked into the room her words were "gimme" lol but i didnt mind she looked so proud and id had by 1 day bonding with him. I wont be having anybody around late.. if people are still here at 7pm they will be asked to leave. I just cant believe they would just walk off with baby especially when you were still trying to establish breast feeding! My MIL didnt see seth till he was 3 days old.. and tbh shes not seen a lot of him since lol we do not get on.. and id rather she came nowhere near Ethan when he is born bbut no doubt i will have to put up with a visit. But to say im having a section they can just wait a while before they come. I'm not having them up until i can get around easily and deal with Ethan by myself.

No she has one friend who has a baby and thats it. I lived over 100 miles away when i had seth so she didnt see me through pregnancy or until he was a few weeks old.. and even then it was only once. We moved back up scotland when he was 2 months old. Even with his things she was like "ooo your keeping them for me aren't you"... and i said no im selling them to whoever wants to buy them actually or i gave bits away to people/family who needed them hense why i have so much to buy this time round. She has other "friends" who are due babies but she doesn't see them a lot. I cant wait till she finally manages to get pregnant and i hope she has someone thats as in her face as she has been with me. She thinks she is owed everything in life.. her and her boyfriend are like that. I'v lost count of the amount of times they have come to visit and stayed well past tea time so if we have had a take away we have had to buy for them too... and not once have they bought one back in over a year! So now we just don't even bother offering them one. They both live with her mum and she kicks off about giving her mum £100 a month towards bills and things... Her bf gives her mum nothing towards bills yet they have both lived together there for years. They spend all their money on their cars.. her bf is sometimes real nice and buys a lot of seth.. infact he spoils him which makes her jelous. lol imagine being jelous of a toddler! It's going to be even worse with Ethan here as once Ethan is old enough he will probably spoil him too. She has never been faithful to her bf and has cheated on him with 4 other men, including married men with pregnant wifes!! I'm afraid she is in for one hell of a shock when she finally moves our or her mum kicks her out with how much life actually costs. If shes gonna moan about handing over £100 a month for bills... i cant imagine what she will be like paying out 2/3 times that much just for rent!

argh sorry that turned into a right rant.. i guess she has been more annoying than usual lately :haha: respect to you laides if any of you read right through that lol.

Miwi- did you get your breakfast made huni? xxx
Hey seths. No I made my own lol. I had shocking heartburn so I thought a bit of toast at 4:50 am may help . . . It didn't haha. I feel so sick and acidy. Taken gaviscon but it's not doing much. I hope this isn't it for the next 10 weeks lol.

Hope all you ladies are doing well :) I'm being a bit rubbish with my replies but I'm reading everything and wishing you all well - I'm just too grumpy/sick/tired to say anything constructive lol. Xxx
I am so stressed out ladies! I have BV and I was given a medication and told its not safe for breastfeeding. However I went to another doctor and asked and they said its fine? There are no studies saying its bad nor good for breastfeeding then I had a ton of ladies suggest I still nurse and take this medicine I go in today when my hubby gets back to try and be re seen at another place. I was given Flagyl btw and I am also having back and from soreness! I feel like my lips and mouth are going to crack from dryness and I am stressed because my 19 month old does not want to wean so if this is my only option I am not going to have a good week. I want to cry atm and I hope my little girl is ok inside me since the BV can cause preterm labor and such.
Miwi- that sucks hun! Heart burn sucks.. i get it a lot too :( Dont you worry about keeping up with replies hun just concentrate of keeping well :hugs:

USAF - omg hun that seriously sucks!! I cant believe you cant get a straight answer about whether its safe or not! :hugs::hugs: I've never heard of Flagyl so i couldnt give any advice hun. you really are not having a good time of it this week which is real sucky since its coming up Christmas. Have you tried using lipsyll or Vaseline on your lips? Are you trying to wean little one off breast or onto solids? It's really hard to start with but i promise it gets easier if its the solids you mean. And i hope the BV clears up without any problems

I'm flying over to England tomorrow for Xmas and just spilt water over my letter from GP saying I can fly lol. It's a messily letter anyway saying something really short like 'Miwi is fit to fly over the Christmas period, she will be 30 weeks pregnant'. I can't imagine this is enough? It's not on headed paper or anything just typed by dr and has contact details at the top. Looks even worse now it's all wrinkled lol. F*****!!!
Wonder if I can suck the bump in a bit and not be asked? Have visions of being turned away from the plane. Don't even have my maternity notes as they took them off me now I've GD even though they knew I was flying. Ughhhh.

That being said I'd rather be not allowed to fly at all than get there ok but not be allowed to fly back lol. If I wear a baggy hoody I'm sure I can just make myself look fat . . . Though I'd rather look nice than frumpy. Hmmmm.
oh dear lol. I wouldnt have thought you would need a letter to fly to the uk since its a really short flight?? I'd go with the wearing a baggy top and see whether they notice lol. Plus i think the cut off is 35 weeks.

Why did they take your notes off of you hun? Surely they should leave you with them incase you go away (which you are) and for your midwife visits.. i mean where else is your midwife going to write all the info they are meant to write :S that is so stupid.

oh dear lol. I wouldnt have thought you would need a letter to fly to the uk since its a really short flight?? I'd go with the wearing a baggy top and see whether they notice lol. Plus i think the cut off is 35 weeks.

Why did they take your notes off of you hun? Surely they should leave you with them incase you go away (which you are) and for your midwife visits.. i mean where else is your midwife going to write all the info they are meant to write :S that is so stupid.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks its stupid lol. Though in this case I'm not sure my notes would help as I now have a fluorescent sticker on them saying 'mother at risk' haha. Not sure that would help my case to fly ;)

Actually debating not going tbh and going to the inlaws for Xmas as I feel so crap today. We'll see!

How're you Hun? Xx
awww lol im sure when you said its GD they would be fine lol.

aww i hope you feel better hun! Would the people your meant to be going to be upset if you didnt show? If not then id go ahead and just stay home :hugs:

I'm good :) my hips are really sore but apart from that and some indegestion/heartburn i am good :) John and I have had a good day again today so im in a good mood. Getting tired now though.. seth didnt go down till midnight last night.. then between the wind (it was horrendous), peeing, changing sides, cleaning up the glass that smashed at 5am due to the wind, settling seth back down at 7 when he woke up but was still shattered .. i am beat :coffee:

I am rather EXCITED though! 2 sleeps to go!! Seth now knows the presents under the tree are for him and he really wants into them lol xx
Oh bless you, that's the worst. It was awful last night here too with the wind. I'm pretty sure the bin that was in our driveway this morning was from 5 houses down haha. Mental!

Aw bless Seth that's so exciting! It must be lovely at Christmas when you have a little one,the look on there face in the morning must be amazing :) Glad you and John are having a good time too!

Erm, they probably would be upset yea but I'm not actually sure I'm up to it. Well, I wouldn't have been if I'd had to go today, though maybe tomorrow I'll be ok - it came on all of a sudden so hopefully it'll leave quickly too. I'm only going for Xmas day (coming back boxing day evening) so part of me thinks I should make the effort no matter what, but then I'm not so sure lol. Ive been a total homebird since getting pregnant xxx
I got a cream instead to put in the foof safer im told so im getting that in an hour!
:xmas6::xmas5::xmas3::xmas1::xmas2:wanted to wish you ladies a happy holiday. :xmas4::xmas9::xmas11::xmas13::xmas15::xmas16::xmas17:. :)
been doing homework all morning and hubby has been wrapping Christmas gifts for the kids this morning will they are at there grandparents
:thumbup: that sounds good USAF :) Better to use something that you know is safe than to have to question everything. How is the weaning going?

Miwi.. huni if you feel that bad i would just stay home.. i am sure they will understand :hugs: It is magical seeing their face.. well i say that seths 1st christmas he was only 2/3 weeks old.. his 1st proper christmas and last year he wasn't really interested in presents and got bored within 5 minutes.. this is the first year where he has actually been excited for "santa" coming.

Sw33tp3a Merry christmas to you to hun :happydance:

Merry Christmas to you all, I really hope everybody has a magical christmas :kiss:

I am looking forward to getting in the bath tonight if seth eventually gives up screaming and falls asleep. put him to bed 20 minutes ago and hes still refusing to sleep.. cant go for a bath till he is sleeping or he will want in too lol. Lots of house work to get done tomorrow to make sure everything is perfect on christmas day for if my folks show up like they are supposed to. xxx
I am not forcing it because I am still ok with him nursing but he has only nursed once since 4am :) I am going to for sure night wean if he keeps up doing good like this. Then just gradually before June have him totally weaned. He is loving whole milk.
aww :D glad he is doing better with it hun. :thumbup: means a less stressed out mummy :hugs: And well done on BFing this long hun :) I know its a real milestone

my lil guy loves his whole milk too lol.. still need to warm it up and have it in a spouty bottle though as he wont drink it from a cup.
Hello ladies! I hope you are all having a good Christmas eve! I decided to travel, and im feeling a lot better except for a random pain im my lower left side - gets worse when I walk but it's not unbearable. Any ideas what this could be? Im a bit nervous about something going wrong but I figure as Im back on the 26th evening its very unlikely that anything will happen in 2 days!! Lol. Anyway, I hope you all are doing ok, and MERRY CHRISTMAS :) xxx
glad you are feeling a bit better Miwi :D I think it either sounds like a trapped nerve or related to hip pain?? I get pains right up my side sometimes when hips are bad so thats why im thinking one of those.

i have had a good day today... gutted the living room, kitchen and bathroom ready for mum and dad tomorrow.. just an hour left till we try get seth to goto sleep lol I need a shower and an early night ready for tomorrow.

Merry Christmas for tomorrow ladies, I hope we all have an amazing day :hugs: xx
today i woke up with the worst migraine( mind you i have homework to do due today, baking to do, and my nephew and hubby are playing gun fighting war games on the Wii with it blasting loud.) i had to baricate myself and nap most of the day to try and get my headache to subside just so i can focus on homework and just finished few. hope yall have a nice evening.
Hope you're feeling better sweetpea.
Sorry I've been a bit quiet the past few days ladies... Been a bit manic!
First consultant appointment today went swimmingly. Twins have taken priority over weight it seems as my weight wSnt mentioned, i wasnt weighed or anything... Just blood pressure, doppler and "any questions". The nurse looking for heartbeats was in totally the wrong place and had the doppler aimed pretty much at my bladder lol, so the consultant got out the portable scanner and we saw the babies punching each other. Aww.
I've got my GTT booked for 22 weeks. Not got another consultant appointment booked though- not sure if I was meant to book it or not so I'll check when I'm back there on Friday.

Anyway, back to bed I go. Santa has been and I want to be able to wake up when Toby comes into my room in the morning!

sorry to hear your not feeling great Sw33tp3e I hope it has gone away so you can enjoy Christmas.

Miwi - glad your appointment went well! It must have been so funny to see the twins punching each other :haha: I dont think the consultant will weigh you! I'v never been weighed yet. Only the anesthetist asked if i knew how much i weighed and that was it. I would deffo check when you are back, my next appointment i normally have to book on the way out the door. I hope you Toby and DH have a good christmas!!

I've had 1 hours sleep :S hope i am kept busy all day otherwise I'm going to drop down in a heap lol. DH left me alone at 1:45 lol then he went straight to sleep while i looked at the wall :dohh: got to sleep then had to go pee... repeat cycle.. so 5:30am hit and i thought fk it im up lol. Thought id check all my ladies first before i go start peeling potatoes. Seth didnt goto sleep till 11pm so its going to be 8/9am before he gets up. the wait is going to kill me lol xxxx
Just a quick pop in to say..

:xmas16:Merry christmas to all the wonderful ladies on this thread:xmas9::xmas12:

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