Plus size & pregnant join here

It's 10:20am in the uk!
The GTT is a glucose test... It checks your blood sugar levels to test for diabetes. You have to fast for 10 hours beforehand, then have a gross sugary drink followed by two hours of boredom then another blood test. Tons of fun!
Oh wow... sorry u have to go thru that. I had a test done similar but I didn't have to fast or wait so long, I just waited a hr they took blood and found out results were fine at the next appointment. I hope everything turns out good for u (fingers crossed for good results and a normal sugar level). Time for me to go back asleep Lol. Ttyl
I think we have something similar for a screening test, and if it shows an issue you have to do the longer one- but if you have a high BMI they book you straight in for the long GTT...

All done now- she said I there's a problem they will call me today or Monday. If I get through Monday with no call- I'm fine. Fingers crossed!

I'm now off home to sort through an amazing bundle of baby clothes I bought off this forum for a bargain price!! What's everyone else up to today?

Seth - yeah, I was a 38D when I got pregnant... I think I'm up to a 42DD now! :dohh: I can find good regular bras, but not good nursing ones that big. Sorry the nurse made a mess of your arm! Ouch! Hope your blood pressure stays down. So you're getting a section done then? The only thing that'd be nice about it is knowing exactly when your LO will be here... instead of playing the guessing game! :haha: How's potty training going?

Cottleston - Bert and Ernie :rofl: That's cute. Sorry you're hurting, hope the pain goes away soon!

Mazzle - I never got a call on my GTT. I had to wait until my next appointment, which was almost 4 weeks later. I just assumed that I had passed, figured if I had GD, they would have called right away. My doc confirmed that it was good at my appointment. Congrats on team blue!! :happydance:
Well, I'm at work... for the next 12 hrs. Then I get the weekend off, can't wait! I go back to midnight shift this next week. I normally don't mind it, but being 8 months pregnant makes night shifts hard!

Mazzle - I bought a ton of baby clothes from someone probably about 3 months ago, and I still haven't gone through them all! lol I literally got about 8 laundry baskets full of the stuff... everything from 0-3 months up to 3T. Have fun sorting, and when you're done, come do mine! :haha:
cottleston thats great hun i am glad he had a really good christmas :D And also great that Toby has been sleeping really well. Seth didnt get up till 9:45am today and he was asleep for 8:30pm last night. He had a good day christmas.. didn't get a great deal but he is more than happy with what he got.

Mazzle glad your GTT went well hun... ooo i love getting clothes lol we bought £100 worth from marks and spencers (an expensive shop over here.. well i class it as expensive lol) and they came yesterday... felt like christmas all over again :D

kalyrra im sure glad im not BFing then if you cant find any nursing bras lol i was a 42F when i got pregnant. My boobs have'nt grown though so im safe lol. Its stopped again.. we were out for 5 hours yesterday so he was basically in a nappy most of the day... and today i got up and dh has a nappy on him so looks like i have to start it all again tomorrow :dohh: I hope you dont struggle too much with the night shifts.

I slept till 11:30am today. Thoroughly enjoyed it but needed it too, i feel like crap from my whooping cough jag :( Also when i sat down DH looked at me and says " got a message off daz today" (his friend from down south)... so i looked at him and said "mhm"..... "he says they are coming to get me next month im going for a night out" ..... hahahahaha :haha::haha::haha::dohh::dohh::haha::haha: I nearly peed laughing. They have another thing coming if they think he is going out for a piss up! He went down there for his stag night for the weekend.... then he went out with my lot for another stag night.... then he got pissed at our wedding. They can fuck off if they think he is going out again especially when i am this far gone and we dont have the damn money for him to go for a night out. Tell me if im being out of order.. but the way i see it is why the hell should we fork out for him to go away for the weekend and spend all that time getting pissed when a)we still need baby things b) I have not been for a piss up in a long long long time c) i sometimes struggle with my hips so would be useless without him being here. ARGH really peeved me off d) we need to save any spare money we have for ethan coming! just because his friend went and shagged another girl and then his gf found out so they split up and now he is single he expects my dh to treat me like shit and go on ANOTHER night out. This the same man that sent him a message a few days ago on facebook saying.. Get online i have a proposition for you... how do you fancy going to work on a cruise ship.. its 4 months away on the ship and 2 months home.. starts in February. :S i fucking swear down just because he fkd up his relationship he expects my dh to leave me so they can live the single life..... and you know what made me laugh even more.. when i mentioned it to my parents i got "well its a job" YEAH I ALSO GET A FKN C-SECTION IN 9/10 WEEKS AND HAVE A 3 YEAR OLD TO DEAL WITH AND GET BACK AND FORWARD TO NURSERY AND SHOPPING UP AND DOWN STAIRS! Damn i could cry.. why the hell ... :dohh:
Oh dear sethsmummy- I would have hit the roof!!!!

I would tell DH that if his mate wants a night out, he can pay for it all, and it can be ONE night out, where YOU are- not a weekend away! I hate it when people try to get DH out drinking before 'his life is over'.... He always points out that this baby is planned, wanted, loved....and if he wanted to be going out on the piss still, he wouldn't have chosen to become a father!
WHAAAAAAAT!!! Seths, I'd be beyond pissed off. I hope your DH is thinking of you and isn't expecting to be able to continue going on lads weekends away. And the cruise ship thing? Omg. I can't even.... Really?! He's told his friend it's not gonna happen right?

As for the bra thing... Lordy, I know the struggle. Pre-preg I was 34-36J/JJ depending on the brand and style. All the wires are now popping out of them because my boobs have gotten bigger and the bras can't deal with it :haha: I doubt I'll find a nursing bra that'll fit so I'm just going to get refitted at 38-ish weeks and get a cheap bra until I work out what my post-preg size will be.
Luckily I'll most likely be formula feeding so I don't need to find nursing bras in crazy sizes.

Kalyrra... I hope you find a way to pass the time at work. Is it worth going back to the doctors to try getting signed off again?
Kalyrra... I hope you find a way to pass the time at work. Is it worth going back to the doctors to try getting signed off again?

Unfortunately, it probably wouldn't go anywhere. For me to get short term, I would have to have a medical reason that I couldn't physically do my job. Unless I start having blood pressure issues, pre-e, etc... then it probably won't happen. I sit in a chair for 12 hrs, so I can't really be restricted from doing anything, as technically I already have a "sedentary" kind of job.

If I push, I might be able to get them to let me stay on the day shift, and have someone else work the night shift... but then I'll end up on a completely opposite shift schedule as my husband, & I'd rather stay on the same schedule in case things start happening and I have to go to the hospital!
Hi girls!

Seths- Oh my word I would have gone mental. At his mate and at the reaction from yor parents. Yes, it's a job, but not all jobs are worth taking!! Good god. And his mate sounds like a complete dozer when it comes to understand anything to do with family life! Ugh. I'm mad for you lol. I hope your DH told him where to go! How did Seth like his car?

Kalyrra- I'm so sorry you are STILL at work. You are amazing for sticking it out! I hope the time flies for you, I know there's not really any ideal solution for you right now other than LO coming! Not long now, it's so exciting!!

Cottles- How are you doing hun? :)

I'm doing ok. I had my second appointment at the diabetes clinic yesterday, and everything is looking good. I saw a different doctor and he looked back at my last scan and the plotted graph of size and the last dr was wrong - LO is not measuring big at all. She's actually a few days behind. He said it must have been crossed wires but I clealy remember her telling me she was big! Lol. Anyway shes now measuring fine, has a good amount of fluid and the flow of blood to the placenta is great :) So I'm a happy camper. And still no drugs for me :)

The Dr also said that my test results were odd. So I have a feeling I really have been misdiagnosed. But hey, I'm quite enjoying the two weekly scans!

I have suddenly started having terrible pains at night when I lift one leg up (like to get changed) or climb the stairs. I feel like my lower back and hips are going to just spilt open. OH had to help me out of bed this morning . . . I'm a cripple lol. And it came on so suddenly! Weird!

Anyways, I'm spending the next few days finally sorting the last of Little Miss's room and unpacking the rest of our stuff from storage. Then it's time to veg and be officially on maternity! Xx
Ps Seths did I see you had your whopping cough jab? I had mine yesterday and my arm is really sore and there's like a lump under the skin where the needle went in . . . Did you get this too? It's pants! Xx
Well i dont actually know what he said exactly about the cruise ship thing but he said no. As for this night out after me having an emotional break down while out today and crying walking to the supermarket he sent him a message when we got back saying he cant before baby comes as we have so much to do to get ready.. his friends reply .. we can come up there. Ummm we still aint going to be able to afford it! Seriously you wouldnt think this man has a child himself!! he should remember just how expensive it is to get ready for baby... AND to top it off when his ex was pregnant they refused to come to seths christening because she had 10 weeks left to go... yet he wants dh to go down there when i have less than that left :S I told him the only way any of it is happening is if they had a drink in the house or went to the local pub... but then that means me having 4 drunk people (including one i have never met before) in my home when i am 30+ weeks pregnant making loads of noise and waking seth up. I hate telling him no because i feel like i am trying to control him but its just simply not fare! Plus i told him i know fine well if he went down there and got pissed with his mated the one that asked him to go down would try get him to cheat on me (I read some messages they had sent each other on fb a while back.. dh knows) as he wants dh to be single too.

I have felt so drained today because of it all.. if im not stressing over money, im stressing over my friend being too in my face... if its not that its me and dh arguing.. if its not that its something my parents/sister have said... and if its not that its worrying about pregnancy and birth and afterwards.. its never ending.. no wonder my bp is on the damn rise.. i looked like a right idiot walking up the street trying not to cry.

haha reading all this bra talk ... we are a bunch of big busty women :haha: :holly:
Ach Seths I'm sorry. Try not to let them get to you, though I know that's easier said than done. Youre hubby will stick up for what's best for your family, and everything will eventually fall into place with money and work etc. These things always work out. :hugs: And as far as that eejit your DH is friends with goes - he's not worth your raised bp!!
Back after a week in Anglesey for christmas, very relaxing! Diabetes wise my morning fasting numbers are higher than they should be which is a bit worrying :/
Glad you had a good time Krafty! When is your next appointment? Try not to worry, they'll get you sorted, may just be a matter of eating something before bed, or maybe taking slow acting insulin before bed :hugs:
hey miwi i never saw your reply.. we must have been posting at the same time lol.

seth loves his car! we had it out in the car park whilst we waited for my folks to arrive.. lol i wish id took the camera out as his grin was huge! Woot for baby measuring fine :) has this doc said anything about retesting? :haha: although id leave it be just for the extra scans lol
Ohh no your getting as bad as me huni! I cant lift my right leg to put my leg into my pants lol i have to take the pants to the leg :dohh: awww i want piccies once her room is sorted lol. I really need to pull my finger out with the boys room and sorting Ethans stuff out.

as for the jag hun.. yep!! I have a little lump and my arm kills from shoulder to elbow :( i also feel rotten and im guessing its the jag that is to blame. ooo the things we go through for our little beans. :hugs:
Aw bums I'm not looking forward to that jab then!
Feel your pain with the hip thing... I'm now at that stage where the middle front of my pelvis hurts too so when in getting in and out of the car or bed I have to keep my knees together. Not quite at the stage where I can't pull myself up to sitting yet but it won't be long at this rate. Good times!

I'm having a day of feeling sorry for myself. DH and I wanted two kids so I know this will be my last pregnancy. MIL got over excited last time and made the first purchases for Toby when I was 6 weeks pregnant (and bleeding and expecting a mc)... So this time I was really strict. I said I wanted nobody buying ANYTHING until I was 20 weeks and I wanted to make the first purchase. DHs aunt has so far bought a travel cot, bumbo, high chair and 2 vests. I'm so upset that I will never ever get to make the first purchase for any of my babies. DHs family have taken that from me both times after I specifically asked them not to.
And I know that's petty and stupid but it's how I feel.
The same aunt that's bought the stuff is the same one who claims to have been the person to find Toby's first tooth when I said "omg his first tooth has cut... Look!" and she pretty much grabbed him and was all "I found it I found it me me me!"

Ughhhh they take all the special stuff and leave none of those moments for myself and my babies.
:hugs: family's can be such a pain at times. Completely understand where you are coming from.

Krafty koala - hope your sugar levels sort themselves out soon
I was doing some research looking for maternity bras and I found 3 sites so far. Idk how much shipping would be for outside the U.S but its worth checking.

Bare necessities
Just my size

Prepregnancy im like 48 DD
Im suppose to be triple D lol but I refused.
So a couple of these sites sell my size and bigger so I know it may help some of u.

Ppl needing maternity pants... im noticing plus size clothing stores are trying to get maternity. I saw some on woman within & avenue. There may be more

I just hope this is helpful for anyone looking
awww cottleston :hugs: what a bitch she is for doing that after your specifically asked them all not to!! or she could have at least kept her mouth shut and not told you that she had bought them. :hugs: families can really suck sometimes. MIL did it to me with seth.. and do you know what she bought me... a breast pump! lol of all the things to buy someone at 12 weeks pregnant :S

Sounds like we are gonna be a bunch of cripples (no offence meant to anyone) by the end of our pregnancies lol.

I hope when you get your jag hun it doesn't effect you like it has with me and the other ladies i know. Today i feel really bad.. i had stomach pains all night last night and had to goto the toilet loads... so either its the jag doing it.. or im coming down with something. My arm is still really sore to the point whenever i move it, it really hurts.. i coulnt lay on it last night.

Thanks Realbeauty :) Although i think if they did do shipping it would probably be too expensive for me :(

kraftykoala i hope your morning levels come back down hun! whens your next appointment? xxx

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