Hi girls!
Seths- Oh my word I would have gone mental. At his mate and at the reaction from yor parents. Yes, it's a job, but not all jobs are worth taking!! Good god. And his mate sounds like a complete dozer when it comes to understand anything to do with family life! Ugh. I'm mad for you lol. I hope your DH told him where to go! How did Seth like his car?
Kalyrra- I'm so sorry you are STILL at work. You are amazing for sticking it out! I hope the time flies for you, I know there's not really any ideal solution for you right now other than LO coming! Not long now, it's so exciting!!
Cottles- How are you doing hun?
I'm doing ok. I had my second appointment at the diabetes clinic yesterday, and everything is looking good. I saw a different doctor and he looked back at my last scan and the plotted graph of size and the last dr was wrong - LO is not measuring big at all. She's actually a few days behind. He said it must have been crossed wires but I clealy remember her telling me she was big! Lol. Anyway shes now measuring fine, has a good amount of fluid and the flow of blood to the placenta is great

So I'm a happy camper. And still no drugs for me
The Dr also said that my test results were odd. So I have a feeling I really have been misdiagnosed. But hey, I'm quite enjoying the two weekly scans!
I have suddenly started having terrible pains at night when I lift one leg up (like to get changed) or climb the stairs. I feel like my lower back and hips are going to just spilt open. OH had to help me out of bed this morning . . . I'm a cripple lol. And it came on so suddenly! Weird!
Anyways, I'm spending the next few days finally sorting the last of Little Miss's room and unpacking the rest of our stuff from storage. Then it's time to veg and be officially on maternity! Xx