oh my gosh Kalyrra!! Take your bags.. you wont be coming back home hun. You need to have the antibiotics straight away and then you will get them every 4 hours until baby arrives. So excited for you

Well that is unless your like me... my forewaters went but hindones were intact and my levels built back up so i was sent home. but that was at 36 weeks so they may just keep you going as its safter where strep b is concerned. Also please dont worry too much! I had strep B with Seth, as long as you get the anti biotics your good

hahaha sounds like dh is doing your nesting! i wish mine would do mine

ooooo wishing you so much good luck hun
Hey TAMI - My pants are from evans. not in maternity ones yet as these ones have always been too big for me so im just growing into them as i go lol.
Cottleston- id have shook dh awake and made him take him! How rude! He is going to have to get used to pulling his weight through the night sooner or later as you cant manage twins and Toby by yourself!!!

feeling very mad for you atm. silly dh.
MIWI - dont worry hun, it is possible. Ethan does the same thing.. iv not felt him move yet this morning but i only got up at half 10 (to the sound of dh telling seth hes a clever boy for doing his first poop in the potty!!

I'm also real paranoid about movements i hate when he doesnt move.
Also may be since you didn't get a good sleep hun. I had a rubbish sleep too... down the street was having a house party till 8am! and we could hear the music clear as day... then DH woke me 3 times in his sleep ... shaking me telling me i was "going the wrong way"

bloody weird man. Iv no pains yet this morning

but iv not done anything yet. Need to tidy up now though as my sister has just said she is coming which means i need to run round getting all seths toys together out of the living room and shutting them away in his bedroom otherwise his cousins will fight over them and break them.
If you get real worried about her movements try lying on your left side for 2 hours (thats the recommended time), drink ice cold water, eat something cold, something chocolatey or try putting something ice cold on your tummy. If you still get nothing then give the midwife a ring and they may ask you to go in and get checked out hun x