Buckley the best thing to do is not to stress about it

I did nothing but stress because it wasn't happening.. then the month we gave up and i actually stopped thinking about it.. it happened

Plus your body may need time to get back to normal after having the coil or you might be lucky and get caught the very first month
I hope your appointment with the neurologist goes well, will they have to adapt your medication once you become pregnant??
Thanks MIWI

I tried to find one without the stitches on his head but his facial expression just wasn't the same

Oh no, i don't think i could have someone stay in my home that i dont know. i'm the same hun.. when i don't know people i am quiet as a mouse. When i first met dh i only knew one person in the house so was very quiet until we were all legless lol. Then took dh home

and he never left. Urgh also annoying when people run late

im a stickler for being on time with things.
I have just enjoyed a really nice hot bath with imperial leather bubbles. I think my pains were caused by a possible infection. MW asked me if i had handed in a sample to be sent away, told her consultant had sent one away at 28 weeks but iv heard nothing back. Iv just tested uring and iv got 2* protein, nitrite, leukocytes and a bit of blood and a little glucose in there too (that will be the M&Ms i ate not long ago). If it continues i will have to make a doctors appointment.
I cant believe a midwife said that to you

talk about a quick way to make people worry lol. I really hope you have a good night hun and dh's friends gf is really nice
