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ladies are you ready for my jelly belly :haha:???? i dare to bare my plus size bump:blush::dohh:
Going in to the doctors this morning ive been having extreme lower back cramps and lower right side on and off. They want to make sure everything is ok I think its just my fluids but this has happened 3 times I am getting scared.
sparkle lovely bump :)

usaf wife: Ive not had no problems so far so im sorry i cant help you :( I hope it doesnt last to long for you though.

I had midwife today and everything is right on track even got dvd and a book to do with breastfeeding. Ill have to give it a read lol and i wanna watch dvd as i really wanna breastfeed:)
USAF - how did it go at the doctors hun?? I hope everything is ok :hugs:

Sparkle - I love you bump and i love what you do with your pictures! <3 And deffo braxton hicks by the sound of it :thumbup:

Miwi - Yeah you can drop now as baby should be head down and possible engaged! :) I think with seth i dropped at 33 weeks. Dont think i have yet this time. Can't wait to see pics of your nursery :D Thanks for the info on the cream, ill check with consultant though before i get anything incase its not BV

Cherry - good luck at the midwife hun :) I had my whooping cough and had a reaction to it.. apparently thats very rare though. Its led to the injection area being really itchy all the time, It's only just starting to calm down now after 4 weeks. Lol im lick that.. always feel like im going to burst whether i have just been or not :haha: My nipples have stopped leaking now, i didn't leak at all with seth so i wouldnt worry.. some women dont until after baby is born. And its deffo worth claiming it even if you only get a couple weeks of it hun :thumbup:

AFM - I think i have hit breaking point. I had a complete melt down today. Woke up in a good mood.. then got a letter through the post saying we hadnt paid the council tax and it needs paid by the 24th. I thought oh great... so after paying that and the gas and electric i was left with a whole £9 to get food :nope: And it means we don't have enough money for dh to come to the hospital on thursday so i have to go by myself. We have no more money till next tuesday but that has to pay the damn phone bill which is £40 (we get £56) and pay for dh's bus to the job centre. stupid phone bill is so high from having to phone damn premium rate number to the bank. On top of that i had yet another shit night sleep which included dh throwing himself over in his sleep and ramming me straight in the stomach with his elbow then laughing and turning over (all in his sleep). So que the stomach pains and constant braxton hicks that I have been having all darn day. Then when we headed off to the nursery to take seth we had to goto the shop to get some change for seth to pay for his nursery snack.. I stood in the que to get the gas and electric and pay the council tax and gave DH £10 and asked him to go with seth and let him pick a sweet then ask for some 10p and 20p peices in the change.... what did he do.. gave me a dirty look and refused to do it. Then when i had a go at him for it he fucked off home and left me to take seth to nursery by myself. So when i got home i put the Gas and electric on the meter and went into the bedroom, slammed the door on the way then just broke down. I was that bad i was hyperventilating. DH eventually came in and gave me a cuddle asking what was wrong. am i just fed up?! I couldnt be bothered explaining so just told him about the stomach pains. Then later when we were in the shop trying to get stuff with the whole £9 he got in a mood AGAIN because i was trying to work out what we could actually get.
SO now i feel like a dead end waste of space because there is hardly any food in the house and thinking why the hell am i bringing another child into this home when he have times like this where we cant even afford food. I am a good for nothing piece of crap. I just don't know how the hell im supposed to manage. Add in all the cleaning and i just can't cope, dh isn't helping me in the slightest in getting sorted and it just seems to get messed up as soon as i am finished :cry: :cry: Im sick of hurting, im sick of peeing all the time. Doctor phoned this morning to tell me the antibiotics iv been taking are no good for the infection i have so iv took a weeks worth for nothing! Have to walk the 30 mins out to the doctors to get yet more antibiotics to get rid of the UTI. I just want it all to end :cry:

So sorry for such a long long post I just dont know what to do with myself.
I went in and they pretty much did nothing and just checked her hb was fine. Gave me BS reasons as to why this is happening and take it easy... OK! With two kids and a house to keep up on LEMME DO THAT! Either way I have a scan on the 28th so I hope my baby girl is ok in there truely.

Seths- Aww hunny *HUGS* I am so sorry you are going through a rough bout! I hope things look up soon! You are doing your best and that is good enough!

I know how you feel. apart from bh i aint had them yet. Council are right nut jobs. Im still waiting for them to get my housing benfit fix and let me know what the heck it is. I got another ltter today after me phoning last week about over paid housing benfit fromaug to sep because Ryan moved in even though he never started his job until the 3rd of sep they still want the money back and it say on the letter i have 14 days to pay it back and if i dont they passing it on to someone else. I was told to ring them back to work out a payment method but im not going to waste my time ill just wait for this person so i can tell them that im still waiting on the coucnil dealing with my case/claim.. plus when i was in few weeks ago i was told to pay extra ten pound on top of my rent and i was told how much to pay the next day from the lady helping us. which has helped me out a bit. If she has my rent correct there so be a back log of housing benfit there due to me which should credit my account and this over payment should vanish i hope.

Has for men Ryan is the same. I ask for help and he doesnt bother his ass. I clean the house and within seconds he dump his jacket or shoes on the floor. Or if he ask bought cans of juice crisps (snacks) leaves them in teh middle of the floor. ive told him he cant keep doing them when the baby comes along. Im now having to save money to buy a single seat for living room so when Paige is here ive got a seat for me to sit on with her. Im ready for her to come but i dont think ryan is at all. I do the dishes i hoover, made his tea/coffee. I pay for rent/tax electris all out my wages to and he pays nout because he has his own bills(debt) which i get but the odd cash he does have spare he could have out. (like when he finds money at work on the floor) could use that for gas as we dont have enough cash for the heating to be on.

I feel your pain so much and its so tiring. I cant wait until i can get another flat and leave him here trying to do it all himself. see how long he last without any help from me. xxx
Thank you USAF :hugs: They always seem to fob us off with bs reasons. Im glad you have a scan coming up though to make sure everything is ok.

Cherry - the council suck. I mean i know its my fault for forgetting to pay the council tax but they could give you a little longer instead of 7 days. We had all that trouble when DH lost his job and had to start JSA again. They took ages to sort out claim out and we were threatened with being kicked out if we didnt pay the rent. Impossible with no money! We have £70 arrears on our rent account from that mess up but will sort that out after ethan comes along. Fingers crossed when they get you sorted out the backdated payments clear your debt with them. Its funny they are quick enough to get on at you about what you owe them... but they are slow in sorting out your housing/council tax benefit.
Men are just useless. my DH goes through faxes of helping then big fazes of doing nothing and then moaning at me because things are getting messy. does he take up all the room on the seat you have? We have a 3 seater sofa and a single chair in our living room. I'm afriad debt or not (dh and i both have debt ourselves) he should still be helping you out with bills! I wouldnt stand for that crap. yeah the heating is a sore point in our house too and the prices rise at the end of the month :S Does he know you are applying for another flat by yourself?

Sounds like everyone is having a rough day :hugs: I hate money. I had a panic today thinking we won't qualify for tax credits, OH called them and they're sending us a pack out, so I guess we do, but not as much as I thought. I hate applying for things and filling in forms stresses me right out, it's ridiculous. I really panic about forms and official things. OH thinks I'm nuts, but I've always been the same. We need to do the paperwork now so we can change our circumstances when LO is born. We can't afford to go without money when she's born. Anyway, sorry for blabbing, I hope tomorrow is better for everyone xxx
USAF - how did it go at the doctors hun?? I hope everything is ok :hugs:

Sparkle - I love you bump and i love what you do with your pictures! <3 And deffo braxton hicks by the sound of it :thumbup:

Miwi - Yeah you can drop now as baby should be head down and possible engaged! :) I think with seth i dropped at 33 weeks. Dont think i have yet this time. Can't wait to see pics of your nursery :D Thanks for the info on the cream, ill check with consultant though before i get anything incase its not BV

Cherry - good luck at the midwife hun :) I had my whooping cough and had a reaction to it.. apparently thats very rare though. Its led to the injection area being really itchy all the time, It's only just starting to calm down now after 4 weeks. Lol im lick that.. always feel like im going to burst whether i have just been or not :haha: My nipples have stopped leaking now, i didn't leak at all with seth so i wouldnt worry.. some women dont until after baby is born. And its deffo worth claiming it even if you only get a couple weeks of it hun :thumbup:

AFM - I think i have hit breaking point. I had a complete melt down today. Woke up in a good mood.. then got a letter through the post saying we hadnt paid the council tax and it needs paid by the 24th. I thought oh great... so after paying that and the gas and electric i was left with a whole £9 to get food :nope: And it means we don't have enough money for dh to come to the hospital on thursday so i have to go by myself. We have no more money till next tuesday but that has to pay the damn phone bill which is £40 (we get £56) and pay for dh's bus to the job centre. stupid phone bill is so high from having to phone damn premium rate number to the bank. On top of that i had yet another shit night sleep which included dh throwing himself over in his sleep and ramming me straight in the stomach with his elbow then laughing and turning over (all in his sleep). So que the stomach pains and constant braxton hicks that I have been having all darn day. Then when we headed off to the nursery to take seth we had to goto the shop to get some change for seth to pay for his nursery snack.. I stood in the que to get the gas and electric and pay the council tax and gave DH £10 and asked him to go with seth and let him pick a sweet then ask for some 10p and 20p peices in the change.... what did he do.. gave me a dirty look and refused to do it. Then when i had a go at him for it he fucked off home and left me to take seth to nursery by myself. So when i got home i put the Gas and electric on the meter and went into the bedroom, slammed the door on the way then just broke down. I was that bad i was hyperventilating. DH eventually came in and gave me a cuddle asking what was wrong. am i just fed up?! I couldnt be bothered explaining so just told him about the stomach pains. Then later when we were in the shop trying to get stuff with the whole £9 he got in a mood AGAIN because i was trying to work out what we could actually get.
SO now i feel like a dead end waste of space because there is hardly any food in the house and thinking why the hell am i bringing another child into this home when he have times like this where we cant even afford food. I am a good for nothing piece of crap. I just don't know how the hell im supposed to manage. Add in all the cleaning and i just can't cope, dh isn't helping me in the slightest in getting sorted and it just seems to get messed up as soon as i am finished :cry: :cry: Im sick of hurting, im sick of peeing all the time. Doctor phoned this morning to tell me the antibiotics iv been taking are no good for the infection i have so iv took a weeks worth for nothing! Have to walk the 30 mins out to the doctors to get yet more antibiotics to get rid of the UTI. I just want it all to end :cry:

So sorry for such a long long post I just dont know what to do with myself.

seth sweety :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: i cant believe ur dh is being such an ASS!! sorry, but it just pisses me off when men are so freakin selfish :growlmad: im sorry u r having such a tough time hun :hugs: hope you feel better soon & dh steps up :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

if you have some pics i will be hapy to make them for you to or even cute pics of seth :hugs:
Oh no Miwi, but at least you qualify for something. You shouldnt go without when LO arrives, if you are already claiming tax credits then your details just get updated overnight on the system :) I get stressed about fillingi n forms too hun so dont worry. I think its the pressure of making sure you have filled them in properly! The only thing that takes ages with tax credits is your initial claim which can take a few weeks to come though. With Seth ours took around 5 weeks to come through.. but it was a nice back payment of around £300 which came in really handy at the time since i was kicked off the sick without being told.

Thanks Sparkle <3 Hopefully he is going to realize soon that he needs to help me out more for me to not be so stressed. I hate it when he goes through these fazes of doing nothing to help me. I had even stopped nagging him about helping me and was just getting on with it myself.. so it annoyed me even more that hes still being moody with me. I will try get a decent bump picture in the next few days :D xx
Aw that's good to know seths thank you! They told him to phone up and change the details too so I guess we get the long wait out of the way now while we can semi afford it. I hope it all goes smoothly cuz in 5 weeks time I'm not going to be enjoying the stress of getting this sorted! Lol. And yea I think it is the pressure of getting it right! Bloody hell lol xxx
yeah you just phone them :) Thats what we did when dh got his job and when dh lost his job. If i remember right you have to send off the birth certificate though so register little miss as soon as you can once she is born. I'v told DH hes doing Ethan while in still in hospital lol will have to write down the exact name and how to spell it. :haha: xx
yeah you just phone them :) Thats what we did when dh got his job and when dh lost his job. If i remember right you have to send off the birth certificate though so register little miss as soon as you can once she is born. I'v told DH hes doing Ethan while in still in hospital lol will have to write down the exact name and how to spell it. :haha: xx

Ah I was wondering about this! I'll have to go with OH to register her as we're not married but we can do that quickly enough I'm sure! I so wish OH earned a load so we didn't have to mess around with forms and rubbish like this lol. Wish we all did :thumbup:
ooo i wish my dh did too.. would be nice for him just to find a great job that paid lots and lots. Either that or a nice lottery win would be lovely :D

I need to find out marriage certificate as dh has to take that with him when he goes to register him. Heres hoping he doesnt change his name lol :haha:

Yeah hun he knows ive applied for another house. We had applied for it together but he then took his name off because we broke up. he applied for one for himself but makes sense for him to just take over this one.

Do you council not pay your rent in full including your tax because none of you work? If they dont it doesnt seem right they paid all mines when i lost my job :(. I agree there quick to snap up money but when it comes to them fixing out what your entitled to they take forever. Apparently they have a back log.. Like they always seem to do.
They have me at 300 pound in arrears because they havent been given me no help at all since sep :(.

Do you not get income support and another benfits either. Ive been trying to look in things im entitled to so im no missing out on help. Not sure what child will be but it will give me little extra cash and im hoping to get this heating back on as i know you need it for the babies.

We only have a 3 seater sofa that i had since i got my first flat lol someone i was with at the time his friends was getting rid of them lol.

How early can you applied for all those things. I mean like child benfit and child tax credit? Ill be going back to see this lady at coucnil in march hopefully to get help filling them in. I know they take a while to come back to us to :( lol. i hate phoning up these places to and im usless at filling in forms lol x
Thats not so bad hun. Maybe give him the kick up the ass he needs to realise you need financial help and its not all down to you to pay everything! We get the rent paid for in full at the moment, but we have to pay £20 towards the council tax a month.. which isn't a lot. But when you haven't got a lot of money it is a lot.

No DH claims Jobseekers allowance hun. Im not a single parent so cant claim income support. When you are on your own if your not working you should be able to claim income support hun. Child Tax and Child benefit you need the birth certificate for so you can't claim till after baby is born. If your on income support you will also be entitled to Healthy start vouchers hun. Your child benefit will be £81.20 every 4 weeks and your child tax credits will be around £65 a week if you're on income support. It may have changed though but thats what i got for seth until he was 1 year old. I now get £56 a week.
Fingers crossed by the time we have our little ones it will be nice and warm! And the heating will only be needed at bath time. xxx
Thanks hun that was super helpful. Just seem such a pain to go hunting for all this info. And when your struggling your really do struggle. I hope to both fine our feet soon for the little ones coming along xxx
I had a fetal echo done or heart echo... something like that. Babies heart is fine. It took a minute for them to see certain things because of my weight of course.
I didn't like that I wasn't able to see the baby, because it was just about the heart.

Question: if the babies head is pointed down, will they stay that way or is that just him moving a lot
Huuuuuuge :hugs: to everyone who needs them today. Seths, I'm so sorry you're so stressed out at the moment. I wish I could bang our OHs heads together and explain that by making things stressful they risk the health of their wife and child. It's so infuriating that men can't see further than their own personal wants and needs :hugs:

We sold our car yesterday. Bought a bigger one so we have room for 3 car seats. Insurance is more, tax is more, fuel economy is worse..... More expense but needs must I guess.

I think we've also agreed on names!
We already have Toby Edward and we are thinking Eddie David and Dylan Stephen. I wasn't sure about having an Eddie when Tobys middle name is already Edward but its literally the ONLY other name DH and I agreed on. (Before that he had his heart set on Kenny which I'm not keen on.)
We're keeping them secret from everyone though because people turned their noses up at Toby last time and upset me so much... I'm not having that again.
Those names are lovely cottleston :) Stuff what anybody else things.. they are your babies not theirs. If they wanna be picky about names they can go have their own child :hugs:

oooo a new car..which kind did you get? Yeah it would be nice if the men realised they are doing more harm than good by stressing us out more.

Realbeauty - I'm glad the echo went well hun. At 25 weeks baby still has lots of room to move so it could either stay head down or turn again. They don't usually stay head down till later on in pregnancy.

Cherry - your welcome hun. I hope things get better for all of us too. It sucks in this current financial climate. I wish dh had never lost his job because we would have been fine then.

urgh my phone was set an hour early!! so the alarm went off and i dragged my ass out of bed and seth got up thinking it was 7:30. Sat for a while feeling like i cant be assed... looked at the clock on the wall and the tv and realised it had only just hit 7:30! So we got up at 6:30 :S Gutted lol i feel like iv had no sleep at all. I know one mummy who will be napping while little one is at pre-school lol

hope your all ok today xx

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