USAF - how did it go at the doctors hun?? I hope everything is ok
Sparkle - I love you bump and i love what you do with your pictures!

And deffo braxton hicks by the sound of it
Miwi - Yeah you can drop now as baby should be head down and possible engaged!

I think with seth i dropped at 33 weeks. Dont think i have yet this time. Can't wait to see pics of your nursery

Thanks for the info on the cream, ill check with consultant though before i get anything incase its not BV
Cherry - good luck at the midwife hun

I had my whooping cough and had a reaction to it.. apparently thats very rare though. Its led to the injection area being really itchy all the time, It's only just starting to calm down now after 4 weeks. Lol im lick that.. always feel like im going to burst whether i have just been or not

My nipples have stopped leaking now, i didn't leak at all with seth so i wouldnt worry.. some women dont until after baby is born. And its deffo worth claiming it even if you only get a couple weeks of it hun
AFM - I think i have hit breaking point. I had a complete melt down today. Woke up in a good mood.. then got a letter through the post saying we hadnt paid the council tax and it needs paid by the 24th. I thought oh great... so after paying that and the gas and electric i was left with a whole £9 to get food

And it means we don't have enough money for dh to come to the hospital on thursday so i have to go by myself. We have no more money till next tuesday but that has to pay the damn phone bill which is £40 (we get £56) and pay for dh's bus to the job centre. stupid phone bill is so high from having to phone damn premium rate number to the bank. On top of that i had yet another shit night sleep which included dh throwing himself over in his sleep and ramming me straight in the stomach with his elbow then laughing and turning over (all in his sleep). So que the stomach pains and constant braxton hicks that I have been having all darn day. Then when we headed off to the nursery to take seth we had to goto the shop to get some change for seth to pay for his nursery snack.. I stood in the que to get the gas and electric and pay the council tax and gave DH £10 and asked him to go with seth and let him pick a sweet then ask for some 10p and 20p peices in the change.... what did he do.. gave me a dirty look and refused to do it. Then when i had a go at him for it he fucked off home and left me to take seth to nursery by myself. So when i got home i put the Gas and electric on the meter and went into the bedroom, slammed the door on the way then just broke down. I was that bad i was hyperventilating. DH eventually came in and gave me a cuddle asking what was wrong. am i just fed up?! I couldnt be bothered explaining so just told him about the stomach pains. Then later when we were in the shop trying to get stuff with the whole £9 he got in a mood AGAIN because i was trying to work out what we could actually get.
SO now i feel like a dead end waste of space because there is hardly any food in the house and thinking why the hell am i bringing another child into this home when he have times like this where we cant even afford food. I am a good for nothing piece of crap. I just don't know how the hell im supposed to manage. Add in all the cleaning and i just can't cope, dh isn't helping me in the slightest in getting sorted and it just seems to get messed up as soon as i am finished

Im sick of hurting, im sick of peeing all the time. Doctor phoned this morning to tell me the antibiotics iv been taking are no good for the infection i have so iv took a weeks worth for nothing! Have to walk the 30 mins out to the doctors to get yet more antibiotics to get rid of the UTI. I just want it all to end
So sorry for such a long long post I just dont know what to do with myself.