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Real- I bet you do have a bump Hun, i know it took me ages to think I had one! Oooh 4d scan would be amazing. I'd love to have one but they cost a fortune here and I just can't justify the money!

AFM ladies I think my GD is suddenly getting worse. Seems to be my evening meals that I'm struggling with at the min. My last 2 out of three readings have been high, despite sticking to the same dinners that I have been eating and getting low readings from. I've just had a dinner that's never read over 6 for me and gotten 9.4! Wtf. And there was barely any carbs either, I guess my dinners are going to have to be meat only. How awful.
Going to call the diabetic nurse tomorrow and ask to start my metaformin. LO is going crazy in there and I can't help but think the poor thing is going crazy cuz I've just loaded her with sugar :( I feel so guilty.
Sorry ladies. im reading and skipping pages lol

Just seen the posts on nappies lol ive got few of little angels from asda stocked up i even bought maternity pads and breastpads in the brand to lol they are a good price aint they lol.

I had my whooping cough jag today and oh my god lol my arm has been hurting all day lol x
hey ladies just a quick one tonight.. im so tired i could just fall asleep at they keyboard

:hi: Jen welcome hun and congratulations on your pregnancy hun and im glad you have decided to join us :)

realbeauty - i am so jelous! 4D scan for free would be AMAZING! I wanted one but just couldnt afford it :( I am sure you do have a lovely bump hun :thumbup: I dont think i do but everyone else says different lol.

Cherry - asda nipple pads and maternity pads are great :thumbup: Thats what i used when i had seth.. but i dont have an asda near me now :cry: Your arm will prob hurt for a few days hun. If your lucky thats all that you will get. I ended up with a lump and an over itchy arm for 3/4 weeks as i was already immune.. or thats what the midwife said caused the itching anyway.

Miwi - lots of love hunny and just repeat what i said in the pm <3

Night Night ladies.. i think i will be asleep before my head hits the pillow tonight. Just one more day to go before i can have a lie in :happydance::happydance: And am i buggery getting up before 10am!! I refuse point blank lol

xxxx :hugs: xxxx :hugs: xxxx :hugs: xxxx
Miwi- thanks for the congrats :flower: We are very excited, as it was difficult for us to conceive. Sorry to read that you are having issued with GD, a friend of mine struggled with that during her pregnancy a few days ago. Hope that you're able to get everything sorted out... On a plus note, you are getting closer to the finish line and getting to hold your beautiful baby!

Sethsmummy- Thanks for the warm welcome. You ladies seem wonderful and I am really looking forward to getting to know all of you. Try to get some rest :) I know I am always exhausted, I haven't gotten the second trimester energy boost yet.
Thanks Jen, I hope so too :) I'm so glad I've only 7 weeks to go, dieting while pregnant is just wrong haha. Hope you get your energy back soon :) xxx
I'm in a really bad way tonight ladies, feels like just as soon as I get some reassurance about LO something else comes up to drive me insane with worry. I'm really not sure how much longer I can do this for. I honestly think this may be my first and last baby, it's just too hard emotionally. Am I the only one that feels like a raving lunatic? I sound like such a brat but I just want to be able to eat what I want and not worry. I've spent the last 8 months mad with worry about this little girl (the start of my pregnancy was very difficult) and I just can't do it anymore. The pressure is immense. I feel like any day now everything is going to come crashing down around me like some kind of cruel joke and I'll have let my baby and everyone else down.
Miwi hun :hugs::hugs: you are doing great. You are not the only one to struggle with pregnancy hun don't worry. A lot of women feel like you do at this late stage hun... I think you need to speak to your midwife again about the anxiety.. it may be prenatal depression hun :hugs: It happens to a lot of ladies and there is nothing wrong with you.. its just something that happens with the emotions being all over the place during pregnancy. Positive thinking huni.. in 7 weeks roughly you are going to be holding your gorgeous little lady in your arms and wondering why you were worrying so much.

Jen your very welcome :D I cant wait for you to share your journey with us! Just noticed your ticker.. you were TTC for just a little longer than I was :D you must have been so happy to see your BFP I know i was after 15 months of trying and seeing BFNs xxx
Thanks seths :hugs: I always appreciate your replies. Yea, I think you could be right about the depression tbh. I've battled with it in the past. I think it's time to start taking better care of myself <3 And you're right, not long now! (Thank god, haha!) xxx
Your welcome hun :) Its definitely worth mentioning especially with fighting depression before. Its one of those things that is best to tackle sooner rather than later and that way you could be able to avoid it developing into postnatal :thumbup: You need to take good care of yourself and then you can take good care of baby when she comes without worrying about yourself since you have tackled it already :hugs: :hugs:

Miwi, I think you are doing great. I do know some other ladies who have struggled with anxiety and depression during pregnancy. It's especially hard because there are just so many hormonal changes within us when we are pregnant. I would definitely see if there is a midwife/doctor that you can talk to about this. She will be here before you know it, and you will be so happy to finally be holding her. That's what I'm going to try to look at as my "finish line" so to speak in getting through the harder parts of my pregnancy. At least, that's what I'm telling myself now!

Just hang in there hun, and know that we're always here to listen :hugs:

Sethsmummy- We were so happy. We ended up going to a FS, and that was a very emotionally draining process. I was so sure that the first positive was a mistake that I had to take a digital right away. I was totally in awe, and still am... I think I worry myself a bit because it seems to good to be true, after all of this struggling it's finally happening. Trying to stay positive for the little one. I totally get how hard it is trying for so long and thinking it will never happen. But we are here. :happydance:
oh my gosh hun you remind me of me :haha: It took me 11 tests and a blood test before i even slightly believed it was true. Then I didn't fully believe it was going to go ok until after my 20 week scan :dohh: I thought constantly that after 14 months of seeing bfn's that all my tests were flukes or something was going to happen. But here we are now at 32 weeks :thumbup:
I'm so happy for you though, knowing how disappointing it is to see only one line month after month. xx
Seths- we do sound quite similar! I also didn’t really start to believe it until after several blood tests. I think it’s just the length of time that you struggle, and you get so used to the stark white of the negative test! On the days that I have been physically struggling with migraines, etc this pregnancy… I am trying to remind myself of the long road to get here and how lucky I am. Even if my body doesn’t always agree! You must be so excited that baby is almost here!
Im excited but nervous lol need to finish getting things sorted and my hospital bag sorted out too!

hehe hun no matter how hard the struggle was.. you are allowed to moan on the crappy days! hehe we want the baby not the migraines, sickness, hip pains, pressure etc that comes with it :haha: I am so thankful to have finally fallen pregnant but at the same time i cant wait for it to be over lol.. this pregnancy is doing me in lol. I had wanted my 2nd by the time DS1 was 2.. but 3 years is not a bad gap either :thumbup:

how has everyones day been? xxx
Thanks seths and Jen, I feel a lot better today hopefully I'll feel even better after a good nights sleep and the weekend to look forward to :) Going to spend some quality time with my OH which will be nice. I will mention how I'm feeling to the midwife though definately, I don't want to loose any of this time feeling so hopeless.

Jen I agree with Seths - moan away! Lol. I often feel like this baby is just too good to be true, and I'm so over the moon to be pregnant - but as you've seen being pregnant is really not all its cracked up to be ;) Doesn't mean we want our LOs any less :hugs:
Im excited but nervous lol need to finish getting things sorted and my hospital bag sorted out too!

hehe hun no matter how hard the struggle was.. you are allowed to moan on the crappy days! hehe we want the baby not the migraines, sickness, hip pains, pressure etc that comes with it :haha: I am so thankful to have finally fallen pregnant but at the same time i cant wait for it to be over lol.. this pregnancy is doing me in lol. I had wanted my 2nd by the time DS1 was 2.. but 3 years is not a bad gap either :thumbup:

how has everyones day been? xxx

3 years isn't a bad gap at all, we would like for ours to be about 2 years apart as we'd like to have two. I'm in my late 20's and DH is in his mid thirties, sooo... I want us to still be able to enjoy our kids! DH said to me last night maybe we'll just have one because he barely sees me. I come home from work, we have dinner, hang out a couple of hours and off to bed! So true about wanting the baby just not all the bad side affects lol

Thanks seths and Jen, I feel a lot better today hopefully I'll feel even better after a good nights sleep and the weekend to look forward to :) Going to spend some quality time with my OH which will be nice. I will mention how I'm feeling to the midwife though definately, I don't want to loose any of this time feeling so hopeless.

Jen I agree with Seths - moan away! Lol. I often feel like this baby is just too good to be true, and I'm so over the moon to be pregnant - but as you've seen being pregnant is really not all its cracked up to be ;) Doesn't mean we want our LOs any less :hugs:

I am so glad that you are feeling better today. I have been struggling emotionally this week and have been so looking forward to the weekend. It's Friday afternoon, only a few more hours of work to go and I couldn't be happier. Thanks for being here to listen if I need to moan and groan, I just have this guilt complex over it... ;) I know it doesnt mean that I want LO any less. I will be ready to have a party when they arrive into the world, because maybe I will feel a bit more human. Though I will be tired LOL

I actually called and changed my chiropractor appointment to Monday because my low back has been sore, and my neck has been all locked up which may be part of the reason for my chronic headaches. Hopefully it'll give me some relief. I love going to the chiropractor, he's such a nice guy. Even sent us a congrats card about baby after I told him :baby:
Jen- It's definately very hard emotionally, I think physically we are all a lot tougher than we give ourselves credit for, but emotional issues in pregnancy seem to be talked about so little! It's all back ache etc, but no one tells you that there will be days you can't stop crying lol. It's a big adjustment but so worth it and I can't believe how close I am already, believe me the time flys! I just can't wait :)

I think 2-3 years between LOs is a great gap! I have always wanted at least two, but with my issues of GD during this pregnancy I'm just not sure about doing it all over again! But, maybe if I loose the weight that'll make things easier, and I'm sure I'll be itching for another just as soon as all this is forgotten ;)

I hope the rest of your day flys Hun :) And Yey for the chiropractor!! I hope he can help, he definitely sounds lovely. I know it's not the same but my friend went to a spa today and I'm so so jealous! I wonder if anyone wants to buy me a massage haha xxx
Evening ladies! How r u all?
I'm so tired in my body now :( sore back and feel sickish.
We r at my partners this weekend which should help as he can look after our son n I can rest.

I feel a bit bad about saying this as I know some of you had a long journey to get pregnant but my son was conceived while on the pill and bump was conceived the only time ever we didn't use protection. This scares me alot and I spoke to OH today that after our daughter is born there can not be more surprises. I'm over the moon to have two, but my body can not go trough another pregnancy and especially not being on my own. I cried when we spoke about it cuz it terrifies me the thought of going trough another pregnancy. (Thank good we get the most precious reward in the end)

This is today's bump pic, I'm 35+1 an I've def lost weight (I've put on but it's all baby and I know in my body I've lost)
But feel so heavy, she's sunk back and down n bump is alot smaller then few weeks ago
Oh man, speaking of being itchy lol My arm was fine yesterday until i had hour left of my shift it started to hurt again and today its mega inchy and there is a lump to. Also is red around that red to :(. did you put any cream on it to help the itchy-ness. (ps i just realised ive been spelling itching as inchy hahaha what a blondied lol x

Jealous of the free 4d scan lol would love to have got one to but cost to much money for me aswell :(.
Jen and Miwi im glad you guys are feeling a bit better :D And your right Miwi there isnt enough talk about the emotional side of things.. and there should be as i think thats the hardest thing to cope with. Jen i hope the chiropracter does some good for your aches and pains hun :thumbup:

ooo miwi you will forget all the troubles .. trust me. lol it wasnt till i got pregnant again i thought oh shit i went through such and such last time hahah what have i got myself in for :dohh: But its worth it!

Isobel - you deff look smaller hun. I'm glad you get to have some rest this weekend ... I think you really needed it. With my first i fell pregnant the first time i let DH finish inside (sorry tmi) .. this time took 15 months though. Awww hun :hugs: I hope you can work something out so yuou feel safe about not getting pregnant again.

Cherry - I didnt use anything for my itching to be honest. Try some E45 or some moisturiser hun. The lump is normal i think everyone gets a little red lump to start with.

So far today, I have cleaned the living room, cleaned the kitchen and done the dishes and 2 loads of washing, helped DH clean our bedroom and finished putting babies things away and set up the swinging crib properly. Then i stripped the beds so i can wash the bedding. Then i went into the bathroom and scrubbed it all to within an inch of its life including the floor.. hehe but i stupidly sat crossed legs on the floor and bent over a bit too much... Ethan rammed himself up under my ribs.. OUCH is all i can say about that one lol. Then i cleaned the skirting boards in the hallway and cleaned all the doors and the big chocolate handprint off the wall thats been there for a while as i didnt know i could wash my walls without the paint coming off :haha:
Now I am sat doing this and then going to go make Seth some dinner and hunt out my friends birthday card before she gets here. I am just waiting for her to start about when she WANTS to see baby and how she has to be first bla bla bla. But im telling her my section is on the 12th of March so she will know nothing until 8pm on the 5th when i post on facebook that Ethan was born. Im not having her trying to barge into my room. I'm gonna put on FB too that if any1 wants to visit they have to text me first and ask whether i am up for visiting or not or whether someone else is already coming in. Then when i get to come home i will be putting on FB that NOBODY is allowed to come and visit until we say so. We want the first 4 days to ourselves with Seth so he can get used to baby being at home.

sorry that was so long lol was only meant to be a quick update :haha: oopsy! xxx
My life you have been busy, iv done eef all lol, I wanted to deep clean the kitchen, all the cupbords inside and out, cooker etc....but today, im just too tired, waiting for oh to come home so i can sleep.

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