hehe i also have 2 Miwi. Your best asking the midwife i think Miwi for the test. Hmm if i remember right they sent a copy of the results to your consultant or Midwife. You can ask for your results via text and they either send red (positive) or green (negative).
Jenny - they can pick it up if your urine is sent away if they think you have an infection. You wont have heard of it as over here the midwives dont tell you anything about it, which i think is completely wrong. I read you should still get tested when having a section BUT with a section the risks are greatly reduced and you have antibiotics either before or during a section anyway. When ihad my booking in app i asked them about strep b and she said they dont normally test but if i want it done they will do it since i was positive with Seth.
You are right about the discharge, the further on you are the more you get but it gets thinner and watery.
Hey ladies, just checking in with you. Hope you don't mind me still popping in, though I'm not pregnant anymore! I'm totally stalking you guys.
Things are...stressful here. I found out this week that my job is being eliminated. My options are to either take a different position at a 50% cut in pay, or to accept a severance package and be laid off. Unfortunately, my husband may end up in the same boat... Very seriously cutting our income.
On top of it, I developed mastitis ... *sigh* lol. On the bright side, I have lost almost 30 lbs, leaving me with only 20 to go to hit pre-pregnancy weight. If only I hadn't gained so much to begin with!
How's things for you all?
Evening ladies! How r u all?
I'm so tired in my body nowsore back and feel sickish.
We r at my partners this weekend which should help as he can look after our son n I can rest.
I feel a bit bad about saying this as I know some of you had a long journey to get pregnant but my son was conceived while on the pill and bump was conceived the only time ever we didn't use protection. This scares me alot and I spoke to OH today that after our daughter is born there can not be more surprises. I'm over the moon to have two, but my body can not go trough another pregnancy and especially not being on my own. I cried when we spoke about it cuz it terrifies me the thought of going trough another pregnancy. (Thank good we get the most precious reward in the end)
This is today's bump pic, I'm 35+1 an I've def lost weight (I've put on but it's all baby and I know in my body I've lost)
But feel so heavy, she's sunk back and down n bump is alot smaller then few weeks ago
ooo good luck with your 1st consultant app jellycatalthough there nothing to worry about.
USAF Fallon has probably just changed position, either gone head down or moved further towards your back resulting in your bump looking smaller hun.I wouldn't worry at all.
hehe Jenny - I did the kitchen cupboards last week, now need to get a tip run sorted for all the junk i pulled out that we dont use or is broken.
Urgh my friend was as bad as i thought she would be! Moaning yet again how she took 2 weeks off, why cant she be my birth parnter, why cant she visit the day he is born, im stupid not letting any1 come round when i get home since she took the two weeks off. I told her point blank if she wants to visit while i am in hospital she has to text and ask first incase a) im not upto visitors or b)some1 else is aready coming in at that time. Or seth is going to be there. Then i told her point blank if she shows up at the flat before i say people can visit then she wont make it past the door. Oh yeah and add on the "im stupid" for not wanting to breast feed in front of her because she has seen my boobs countless times etc. urm.. its a totally different situation. I am so glad im not telling her my proper section date.. i just hope her other half doesn't see us when i go in on the Monday night since he works in the hospital.I can feel a big fall out coming though. If the next time they visit they are the same as they were yesterday i am just going to tell her to stay away for a while until she realises this birth etc is not about her in any way or form. Same as she needs to realise when ethan comes along i will have midwife over every day and then the health visitor on top of taking seth to and from nursery and other doctors appointments like seths 3year injections and ethans 6 week check up. And also the fact that shes not picking him up all the time or feeding him.
Urgh sorry ladies i got out the wrong side of the bed this morninghad a banging headache since my friend left yesterday and when i went to the toilet last night i had excrutiating pain in the bottom of my stomach that i had to physically breathe through and couldnt move. Then when i got back into bed and settled i started breathing funny :S So its not been the best of sleeps then Seth decided 6:20am was wake up time! So thats now over a week of constant early wake ups with no sleep in. Since yesterday was my turn to sleep in.. but i had to goto the toilet.. then Seth wanted his breakfast but DH was "too cold" to move off the sofa and make it so i had to go make it.. then i just couldnt get back to sleep. So another 6 days before i get even the chance of a decent sleep
I only sleep well when DH isnt in the bed with me and i can spread.
Sorry again...
i must have overdid it yesterday and its made me an emotional mess... i even cried last night because i overheated seths bottle at 3am!
dont worry Jenny, if DH is not there you can always call an ambulance and get him to meet you at the hospital hun.
I wish it was just excitement that was causing her to be like this. She is like this ALL the time about everything. She thinks that things should be done her way and to her schedule. She is such a self centered person who thinks about no one but herself. She has always been like that since she was young.. but she never tried to be like that with me until recently. And I'm afraid im at the end of my tether with her. Everyone else has accepted how i want things to be and not moaning .. well at least not to my face. Its just her that can't seem to get it in her head that his whole thing is not about her and what she wants.
you have the exact same wants as me hun. The first people in to see baby will be my mum with ds1, and later on at night hopefully mum will be back with dad and my sister. The next day is when i will allow friend in but only for one of the visiting hours as my sister will prob come back for the night time one with her dh and her 4 children. The 3rd day no one will be allowed as DH might be bringing ds1 back in although i will allow my parents to come whenever they want. and the friday no1 will be allowed again because thats the day i should hopefully be going home.. and that time is solely for ds1 to bond with his little brother and adjust to having him in the house. I also want to breastfeed but only the first few days.. and i dont want people around when i do it.. i wouldn't feel comfortable with that at all.
AND ill be same as you.. needing to recover from the section and not running round after guests and making sure my house is clean for them to visit. All of my visitors except my mum expect me to make them cups of coffee etc and that just wont be happening.
Can i please have some of your sharp tongue?? lol I think im going to need it![]()
im very jelous you have snow.. we still have none. It tried yesterday but didnt come to anything.
My life, she sounds very frustrating, sounds like you have told her how your having things, don't worry about her response, just repeat how you are having it, and if she kicks up a fuss ignore her, till she understands lol. Seems she wants to be treated like a naughty 3 year old.
Im sure you will tell people to naff off if you have to hun, don't you let people make demands on you, you will have enough do to. How they react to your wants and needs, is not your problem hun, you just enjoy baby and your family, and get well and rested, balls to everyone who wants to be an ass.
Each to their own with how everyone chooses to feed their babies, I fed my son for 3 days from the breast, when he went onto forumla, as I was just too tired and ill to keep it up. I didn't even try to breast feed my daughter, as I had such a rough time with my son. This time im hoping to exclusivly breast feed though, if I don't get ill, fingers crossed. Im not the shy type though, will be a bit weird breast feeding around my dad and brother, but they can just leave the room if it bothers them.
Im looking forward to someone in public to tell me I can't breastfeed in their establishment, as I can sue them for it, plus il squirt them with boob milk too haha.
The snow is very pretty, but it's a pain in the ass.
This is a website that tells you all about it. Basically its a bacteria that all women carry but its not always active. Its not routinely tested for in the uk and they only come across it if its in your urine or they are swabbing for other things. They test at around 37 weeks as it comes and goes, you can have it one week.. but then a few weeks later it could be gone. There is only a low risk of it effecting baby but it can be fatal so women who are found to be strep B positive usually have antibiotics throughout labour to stop the infection transferring to the baby.
hmm my recovery was long and hard. Still to this day i have trouble holding bowel movements & peeing. When i have to go, i have to go theres no holding on to it. I get vaginal pains and sex can be very very painful. I had a little "nodule" which was burned off when ds1 was 1 year old from where they had stitched me up and caught a bit of skin. But it was the emotional side that i found hard. I found it very hard to bond With Seth and had a bit of baby blues which i put down to not getting my skin to skin etc and being constantly put down in the hospital about how i was doing with feeding etc.. which i later found out i was right and they were wrong.
I have been assured that it will be a lot nicer this time and i will have 1 midwife who stays with me all the time from start to finish. I am looking forward to this birth and getting to see ds2 as soon as he is born and my skin to skinThat is something i really cant wait for!
Cherry im so sorry your having such a horrid time just nowSeriously hun if he gets too much for you just kick his ass out. I know you want a new flat but the less stress you are under the better. And no hunni it doesnt sound wrong. When my ex and I split we had been together 3 and a half years and id cared for him and his 3 kids including providing for them. When we split i lived with him for another month before moving into a hostel at which point he started seeing other women and i felt so down and rotten. You just need to concentrate on why you guys are not together anymore and every time you feel bad just think that poor so and so will have to deal with it when he does move on! And you when you are ready are going to find a decent man! It takes a long time to get used to an ex moving on especially when you live together still ... but just give it time huni and you know we are always here if you need us
i have been a freaking egg plant for like 3 weekswhen does my fruit change
im officially in my last lap ladies![]()
Im so stressed, work have still not paid me, called them up, and im waiting or a phone call from them to let me know what the hell is going on, iv been waiting 2 weeks now, and all I have is £20 in my bank, and my midwife says im to avoid stress, I could cry.
On the bright side.... yay for 99 days to go, even though it will be less, still, double digits![]()
Hi ladies, sorry for being MIA... Had a bad week. DS has been very trying. Definitely hitting the terrible twos. I've also had a decrease in movement so I've been silently freaking out and it's made my mood terrible. Luckily playing in the snow has been a kind of distraction but in the back of my mind I'm stupidly worried. I have my anomoly scan in a week but I'm wondering if I should call/pop into the hospital earlier if it's worrying me. I'm terrified to pick up the doppler.
Anyways... Kalyrra, I'm sorry about your job. What is it that you do?
Sparkle, congrats on 3rd tri!