Plus sized in the second trimester!

Bselck, he looks great!! Are they still thinking may for him to come home?

Mod, 3 weeks is so close!! I'm so happy that your levels have held steady! Even if they did drop now, you'd be at a safe gestation!:)

Dini, I would have declined too! I have had 2 checks and I had tears in my eyes for my last one! I feel like he's trying to reach my heart! Lol yesterday I had my 38 week check and I was 3cm and 60% effaced and my dr kept saying "wow" lol I guess he was impressed by my progress or something? I never progressed past a 1 with DD on my own until I was induced at 39 weeks due to my blood pressure. My next appointment is Thursday the 9th and my last day of work is the 10th and I'm with dini, I hope to go soon so I don't just sit around and be miserable and can have time with my babies before going back to work!
Mod, I get nervous about that too! But right now that is outweighed by wanting him to come out! The last two days I've been miserable and today is worse than yesterday. My hips and tailbone area hurt so bad and when I stand my belly hurts. He's getting so big it's worrying me but my fundal height was actually 36 at 37w3d so that doesn't show he's big but I'm telling you he's hetting huge!

Mcwhmm, I'm a little scared about being checked but I am curious. My appt is Tuesday so a few days to go but I can't even reachy cervix now so I'm doubting anything is going on. I know I need to be up walking but today I'm in so much pain I just don't want to. I did some dishes and laundry and that was enough for now.

I've been religious with the rlt and started the EPO over a week ago so I can only hope it's doing something. I know I still have two weeks but one can hope!
I feel so bad that you guys are in do much pain. I get lightening crotch, but that's it. They did measurements on her last week and she was measuring under at 5lbs 7oz, so I don't think I'll be having a big baby. I hope the RLT and epo are helping you!
I have done a bunch of nothing all day and even took a nap this afternoon but have still been feeling crummy and realized when I was laying down that I could hear my heartbeat in my head so I got up and checked my BP and it was 144/90. Paired with Tuesday's reading of 138/88 I'd be lying if i said I wasn't concerned. I'm going to check it again later and again in the morning and if it's still high I might page the MW on call but I'm sure they will say just rest. What do you all think?
I would check again in the am, maybe right when you wake up so you're nice and relaxed, and if it's still high definitely call. A phone call won't hurt anyone.
Hey ladies!! I'm sorry to copy and paste this story everywhere! Dini has probably seen it 3 times by now, lol! But just wanted to make sure to keep everyone updated :p

So today I took my blood pressure on my grandma's automatic cuff and it was 156/110. I called my doctor right away as I have been having so many headaches and a reading that high is unheard of for me. They had me go up to triage where my readings varied from 160/115-167/99 and the came down to 141/77. Dr was going to induce me TONIGHT, but everything with baby's heart rate and all of my lab work came back fine, so he let me go home after 6 hours of monitoring! I have to go back in Thursday for a check and then he has me scheduled for induction Friday morning at 8am!!
Oh so exciting! You get to meet your little peanut this week! Sorry you went through so much to get to that point though. Just two more days now though! Ahh I'm so excited for you!
^^yup lol. People keep asking me if I'm excited and I respond with "I'm terrified" lol
Can't wait to hear all about it!

My bp was up again yesterday but today has been great. I'm just praying to be dilated enough Friday to get a sweep.

Funny how different docs are. Mine won't induce for BP all unless baby is in distress or there are large amounts of protein in your urine. Had and drawn today so we will see but I doubt I have high amounts of any. She just wants to try to help me get things moving with a sweep but I've heard they rarely do anything.
I'm still not dilated at all. Zero. Zilch. I'm ok with that though. I want her to cook as long as possible and gain some more weight as she's a little on the small side. Got monitored today for weird heart rate readings, but all turned out to be ok.

Good luck on Friday with your sweep. Bp is one thing I haven't had to deal with this pregnancy lol.
I hadn't had to deal with it either until 37+4 and it's so strange. Some days it's high and i feel awful and others it's decent and I feel okay. We are just watching it closely for now and of course checking my labs.

So tonight, after the walk we took, I am getting more crampy and have this almost constant pain in the very bottom of my bump but no tightening really. Feeling a bit more pressure as well so hopefully that does something.

Mod, I'm sure she is gonna do nothing but grow from here on out! Can't wait for us to have our babies. :)
Ah I just commented on this for you in another thread but today the nurse told me that the period like cramps are contractions. She said nothing about any tightening. So I'm having little contractions that I didn't even know we're happening. The nst confirmed them as well as the monitor in l & d.
Mod, I was never dilated with Kinley and always got frustrated and then one day I was 1 cm! Lol, I was sooo excited :p You've got less than two more weeks at most before you'll meet your baby girl :) Hopefully you're body will progress on it's own some before then!

Dini, I think that if my BP was just high with no other symptoms, he would just monitor me closely until I went into labor or induce if anything changed, but I have been having severe migraines for two weeks to the point where I get dizzy and just have to lay down. I have taken the MAX dose of extra strength tylenol for those two weeks everyday and I hate doing that! Even though all of my labs have come back good, he thinks I'm definitely on the verge of something and doesn't want to take any chances.

Also, definitely agree with what Mod said about contractions! When I was in triage on Tuesday, they had me hooked up as well even though I said I was having no contractions. I in fact was and they were just crampy feelings that were almost covered up by baby girl moving. When I was induced with DD, I was having full on contractions when they hooked the monitors up and I didn't even know it because I was expecting a tightening feeling and I wasn't having that.

I have my appointment today at 345pm and I'm hoping everything checks out okay. He's thinking of doing an ultrasound just to be sure of position. He said if my BP is high today, he will send me to the hospital and keep me there over night until my induction, which I realllllllly don't want to do! I'm already panicking, Lol, which won't help my BP!
Well then I must've been having contractions! None this morning yet though.

Mcwhmm, mine said they still wouldn't induce even with symptoms which I have whenever it gets about 140 I get nauseated, headache, dizzy, overall fatigue and my whole body aches and Tylenol doesn't touch it. They say to just rest, easy for them to say!! The MW said she thinks something is "brewing" so we need to be careful but induction has a whole other host of potential complications. My docs office is very very low intervention. I'm okay with that and just glad my BP has been down the last day or so. I swear I think it's due to whatever position he is in and where his head is pressing. When they laid me on my left the BP dropped drastically! I hope yours is okay today and an ultrasound would be nice! Keep us posted! Can't believe you are going to have that little one in your arms soon!
How did the dr visit go today? I hope they didnt keep you overnight... But tomorrow is the big day! I'm so excited for you! It seems like yesterday that we were 8 weeks pregnant lol.

My contractions were also masked by her moving, but now that I know what they are I can feel them. Some more painful than others, but still mild.

My fluid level was up to 15 yesterday! So they may not induce as early as we originally thought. It was a different tech that did it though, and she measured the space that the umbilical cord was in, while the tech I usually see won't. So I'm sure that made a difference. How are you feeling today Dini? Any more contractions? I hadn't noticed them until I got home and sat down. Now I'm feeling them!
My appointment went good! bp was still high, but my headache has gone away for now. I'm dilated 5cm now and her head is really really low. They did an ultrasound and estimate she weighs between 6.7 and 7.7lbs. DD was 7.5lbs so that's a good size, I was hoping for not much bigger as she felt like a baby elephant to push out! Lol

That's awesome about your fluid! It's crazy that you keep getting so many different readings though! At least they are closet monitoring it!
Mcwhmm how did everything go? Been anxiously awaiting an update on your little girl. Hope everything went ok and you have a beautiful baby in your arms!
Omg!! Sorry I didn't update! Kyra Ann was born at 6:47pm on April 10th weighing in at 7lbs 3oz and 19 1/2 in long. We came home on Sunday (the 12th) and it has been a busy week getting used to having a 3 year old and a newborn! Kinley is adjusting great to being a big sister and is such a little helper! Poor Kyra (or I should say poor us lol) has her days and nights completely turned around :p but we are all doing good!:)

Happy 39 weeks mod! Any new news? How are things going?
So happy you are all home and healthy! Love the name choice too, I k of you were debating on that till the bitter end.

No new news on me. Last week I was maybe 1/2cm dilated, so I'll find out Wednesday if I've progressed any. Now that my fluid level is so good she will not induce till after my due date, which is fine, I'm just ready to be done with work lol.

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