Hi ladies!! So glad all of you are doing so well!! Hang in there with all the swelling- I never got to the point to experience that! I love the baby shower photos and I LOVE the maternity photos!! I don't even notice any swollen hands!! Just such a cute baby bump and to be big sis!
As for me, Zackary will be 33 weeks tomorrow if he were still in my belly, and will be 10 weeks old already!! He now weighs 3lbs 3oz (more than double his birth weight) and is starting to look more and more like a little baby rather than a baby that should still be growing in my tummy!
He is now on a nasal cannula which is great so he doesn't have a tube down his throat! This means he can now cry and suck on his pacifier! He is very active and is now receiving eye exams every two weeks. They have to keep checking them when they are this early since their eyes are not supposed to be seeing light this soon!
I am still breast pumping every 3-4 hours and he is now eating an ounce of breast milk every 3 hours through his feeding tube. In a couple of weeks he should be able to start trying a bottle and sucking (not yet drinking) out of my boob!! Woo hoo!
Can't wait for your little munchkins to arrive, but with this experience, I definitely wish a full term pregnancy for all of you!
Here are a couple of recent pics of Zackary, as well as my wedding dress I just bought last week for my wedding in September!!