blimey u lot were quiet lol. back....for now lol.
so muych has happened in the last 4 days or so....tears, laughter some good some bad.
i cant even recall what i have told u guys already so forgive me if i repeat anything....
tues last week - leaving do for work, next to noo0ne turned up

not good. also got home to find the electrics had blown but wanst sure what. over the next few days this is what waas revealed....
amongst bangs in the night some with the fuse tripping others not explained we established we had a serious problem. we are lucky to be alive to be quite honest.
thursday night was the worst night or was it weds? i cant recall now but we were woken several times in the night with these bangs....imagine for one moment, the still and silence of the night, to be woken with a large bang like someone smaking the side of a filing cabinet.

not good.
anyway...we called a leccy guy round and told him that the immersion was not working as good as it usually is but he said the electrics going wouldnt cause that to trip off too....there is a fuse in cupboard sep to others that says immersion. (remember this ok)
when the power went, we discovered that the upstairs, kitchen and conservatory had all gone off. this means.....1 fridge freezer, 1 fridge in built, 1 freezer in built, washing machine, dishwasher, tumble dryer, all the small electrics all on the upstairs ring main, with the lounge on the downstairs ring main.

we thought maybe the immersion going was enough to blow this lot being the most overloaded (which we hadnt known until then) so how we are alive is beyond me. anyway.......
hubby takes day off friday to sort out the immersion. buys a new element for it and proceeds to change it. massive blown hole in the element (explains one of the bangs we heard) and to be hoinest we are lucky the immersion heater still exists.
so yes, im sitting in the room with larry and it comes round eventually to him fining the last of the electrics to get this thing working. i say" are u sure u have turned it off" he said thing, he has been thrown into the middle of the bedroom at the bottom of my feet with a big bang.

(yes he is ok thankfully)
remember the fuse that says immersion

it was for the central heating that isnt even turned on......guess where this immersion was linked to???? yes u got it. it was also on the upstairs ring main with the kitchen and conservatory, which explains why the whole lot blew.

i hasten to add that hubby has now changed this to its own fuse and plans to rewire the whole house over the coming months, makinf sure that all the appliances have their own fuse. so......thats the nightmare out of the way. u still with me?
I had my baby shower on saturday and had a wonderful time. nice atmos, nice food, nice company, some fun games, and lots of lovely gifts. i hope to get some pics on here over the next few days when i get hold of them. I have a few.... the pic with 2 people in it, my sister is the one in the white t-shirt, the one on the right is my best friend Vicki - Baby Deacon