POAS Club for 18th-28th November![update: 14 bfp's so far]

Tentative congrats, MrsP! :hugs:

TB - So sorry about your cat! I'd be a puddle of human uselessness! My pets have to be immortal! :( Big :hugs: to you!
Thanks tinybutterfly and sorry to hear about your cat. We get so attached eh, they are like part of the family.

I went back 10 minutes later and much clearer although still faint. Just showed DH and he can see it.
Now one of the BFNs is showing a pink line. It's waaaaaaaay beyond the test time so logically, it has to be an evap, right? But I definitely see pink.

Sorry for the drama, ladies. I'm totally grasping at whatever I can while cramping.

I keep wanting to cry but then console myself with the thought that, hey, if AF does show up, at least I can have a glass of Bailey's at Thanksgiving.

And I'm going to want a LOT of it after this.

But here's a funny joke someone just e-mailed me. Question: What do you get when mix PMS with GPS? Answer: A crazy bitch that WILL find you.
^^ lol @ the joke!!

but i have to disappoint, IC's have a tendency to show pinkish evaps after the time limit,
been there so sooo many times. with those it's really pee - check - throw away
otherwise you drive yourself mad!!!

thankyou girls for the symphaties regarding my kitteh... we sure get attached and
he sure was part of the family, it's like i lost my little brother or something, we were
always together when i was in elementary, he was my comfort during high school hell
and my relax buddy when i got home from uni in the weekends...
he was just a sure thing ya know, no matter what, kitteh was always there, year after year,
i knew i'd have to give him up someday and we knew his time was coming closer and closer
yet we didn't expect it to be this soon ya know...

sorry...emo babble...
i'll update asap (maybe quickly add the bfp's).... but right now... sigh...
my mom just called, they had to put my cat to sleep... he was nearly 19
(had him since i was 6)... needless to say, i'm... a crying wreck
sorry girls

Just wanted to post and say really sorry to hear about that tinybutterfly. Same happened for us last month with our 18 yo cat. It's sooo upsetting. I was an absolute mess and totally sympathise. :hug: Take care xoxox
thankyou, really, it means alot
sorry for your loss, unfortunatly i know how you feel
(((hugs))) to you too
sorry...emo babble...

Babble away, tinybutterfly. Those bonds are strong. We lost our 17yo sweet, little Jezebel in February and I cried for two days straight. I even made myself sick, catching a cold on the second day. Shivered and wept uncontrollably all day long. I have collected her fallen whiskers over the years and want to make a totem/remembrance icon with them. She was a real lap kitty. Loved to hang on my husband's left thigh and could sleep through anything except on my lap because I'm just way too antsy. I will always miss that sweet, little ball of black and white fluffy love.
Hi Tinybutterfly

I'm so sorry for your loss.

It's when you go back "home" as you expect everything to remain just as it was when you left. My dad is 6ft 2in and when our Yorkshire Terrior died my Dad went into a depression and wouldn't get out of bed for 3 months!

I'm expecting AF to arrive tomorrow and if I could do a wicked :witch: stay away dance I would right now.

It's kind of cool to see my name on the list just hope I can get a :bfp: next to it. Tee hee xx

:dust: to all
^^ so true, and i can understand your dad, when i was 15 i went on holiday and told
my mom "take good care of Brit bc i feel he's not going to be here anymore when i get back"
when i got back, it turned out i was right, kitty died in a car crash shortly after i left.
i cried for days, obviously had to go to school but cried myself to sleep for 3 months,
talked to his picture every day.

kitkat, that tribute thingy is a wonderful idea! so cute you collected all the whiskers.
and sorry for your loss, i'm sure she had the life of a queen and could look back on a
very very nice life
Sorry to hear about your cat tinybutterfly... My cat died at 14 years old when I was 17 and we got her when I was 3 so I understand how it feels.... :hugs:
BFN for me at 9/10 dpo - I actually snuck away from work at lunch and bought two OneStep tests...even though I have two tests at home...serious moment of weakness ](*,) aaaggggh disappointed now :-(
I'm out. The :witch: got me. That bottle of Bailey's just might get opened a tad earlier than Thanksgiving. Oh, yeah.

Congrats to all the BFP girls. 18 so far - that's fantastic! I wish you all sticky beans and a happy, healthy nine months.

To those who got the :witch:, I raise my glass to a better outcome next month. :thumbup:
AF is a week late now, had what i thought was period pains for 3 weeks all seem to have gone now, did 2 tesco hpt on the first missed day but both neg so VVV confused but hoping for the best, babydust to us all
im due on tomorrow (well today) or thursday. i just hope the :witch: stays away xxxx

think i will explode by friday but i must must wait!!!
I'm out as AF arrived like an alarm clock at 6am this morning! :cry:

I am so upset as I had so many weird symptoms. That's it no more symptom spotting for me as I can't go through this every month. Ok if someone could just tell me how I'm supposed to forget I'm ttc then I'll be sorted.

Congratulations to the BFP's and for all of those still ttc wishing you all sticky little eggys in time for Christmas.

Congrats to all the BFP girls. 18 so far - that's fantastic! I wish you all sticky beans and a happy, healthy nine months.
11 so far... last month we had 18 ;)
this month we want MOOOORE lol

mmm baileys, have one for me too!
AF is a week late now, had what i thought was period pains for 3 weeks all seem to have gone now, did 2 tesco hpt on the first missed day but both neg so VVV confused but hoping for the best, babydust to us all
whoaaaaw!!! test!!!!!!
AF is a week late now, had what i thought was period pains for 3 weeks all seem to have gone now, did 2 tesco hpt on the first missed day but both neg so VVV confused but hoping for the best, babydust to us all

i know exactly how you feel. im 22DPO and ive had 3BFNs in the space of 5days. im going nuts. not had cramps or spots....nothing to indicate that AF is on its way.

hope you get your answer soon.....fingers crossed that its a BFP next time. x
Hey gals, an update and a bit of a question.

Super hungry, extremely tired all the time, super happy then extremely aggitated, lots of CM, light spotting on and off, dry irritated skin, can't stand or sit long, sore lower back, stretching in lower abdomen, super sense of smell and morning, noon and night sickness.

I am still feeling pregnant, just waiting to get confirmation. For the past two days at least once with wiping I got a spot of light pink bleeding and then nothing more. Could that have been IB even after what I perceived to be an abnormal flow, or could it be a sign of possible MC. I am a little nervous, I don't want to lose this baby.
it would be a bit weird to have IB now, it would have taken baby weeks to implant then right?
maybe that abnormal flow was a flow after all and the spotting you have now is the IB from this cycle

hope you know for sure soon!!!

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