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POAS Club for 18th-28th November![update: 14 bfp's so far]

can you put me down for the 18th please but i will no doubt poas before then as i have no control :rofl: but i will set that date as a target to reach anyway!

good luck everyone
congrats again tinybutterfly :D

well after the faint lines on the tests at the weekend i got a plain neg today so im guessing they were evaps!!! :( did an ov test tonite tho as i *shud* be oving this weekend and it has a faint second line...soooo looks like were off again xxx
Can you put me down for testing on the 18th please sweetpea :o)
Congrats on your BFP tinybutterfly, hope it rubs off on all of us this month!

Good luck ladies :flower:
Hey Tinabutterfly firstly CONGRATS on the BFP!!! What a great start to the thread!!! This is about cycle 9 for me and OH so we're really hoping that it happens soon for us! My cycles are irregular in length but put me down for 19th, AF should have come by then!!! But I'm REALLY hoping she doesn't show!
Good luck to you all
hi there, hope you don't mind me popping in, just wanted to see how everyone is getting on and had to say congrats to you tinybutterfly! i still don't want to be added, though, even though everyone was so great last month - my cycles are a little long and after last month i will not test until af is very late, so will be into december. but good luck and :dust: to everyone else x
I dont know what day that I will test but count me in. As soon as I tell I will let everyone know.
CONGRATS TINYBUTTERFLY!! soooooo excited for you!!

i'm new to this but put me down for 25th, thats when i'm due on, i've NEVER EVER beeb late. haha. x
Hi i would love to join!!!! my AF is due Nov.26th plz put me down also!:hugs:

You are really pretty far along, sickness be darned! I'm sure you'll be feeling better soon and I don't blame you for not going in to work next week. Take care of yourself and your little bean.

I think I ovulated the last day or two so the 2WW begins. Hopefully, we BD'd at the right time. I had a dream last night that I was at a pharmacy with my mom and I was trying to sneak doing a pregnancy test. It must not have been a POAS kind because I took the test right there in the aisle (that would be another kind of dream altogether, haha. "Clean up on aisle three!") and it was a BFP. I was so excited I just had to show my mom right then and there.

My DH and my anniversary was yesterday. We both thought conceiving would be the best anniversary gift we could possibly give each other so maybe we'll get lucky, huh?
could you put me down for nov 21st?


will this be 14 dpo for your girls too???

eeeeek, excited!

yes Im testing then too unless I get caught out by the painters! :) seems light years away.
thankyou thankyou thankyou...

i experienced a first glimpse of morning sickness today,
puked right after i got off work, i've had been heaving a few times during work
but once i was done i felt something was up, so went to the toilet and..*ew*
i must admit i was kinda happy lol!
AF got me :( booo hoo... I am listed under November 11th...Good Luck to those who are still waiting for their BFP...
I am soooooo FRUSTRATED!!! thr past two days now iv been getting very dark opks but NOT darker than the control line! So close but yet so far. hurry up and ovulate body so I can start my 2ww!!!!
Just being patient here in the TWW... :witch: is due next Wednesday, but I'm going to try to wait until the following Sunday to test (unless :witch: gets me first).

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