Today's temp was low... I did wake up and temp a million times but I went right back to sleep so my temp shouldn't have been affected much. 6 or 7 a.m. I think it was about 97.4 and once I saw a 96.9 I think, but at my normal time it was 97.17, so I'm going with that. I never fully woke up or got out of bed... which is why I don't remember exactly what temps I saw... was too tired lol. I just took a Wondfo OPK and it looks good, but so have most of my other ones. Plus it's still negative. For a minute I thought maybe it would be equal to the control (still negative for me), but it is a little lighter. Hoping O is just a couple days away. We didn't BD the last 3 nights, so maybe we'll be ready to BD every other day for the next week or so. Oh and I only have 2 Wondfos left. I think I'm going to have to go ahead and buy some more Dollar Tree OPKs tomorrow.
Here is the OPK I took a few mins ago...