Nothing interesting here. Sounds like you all are in the tww together. I'm thinking it won't be too long til I'm asking for Provera again and starting a new cycle, but we'll see. I finally figured exactly when I ovulated/conceived with DS... well based on my early ultrasound with him anyway.... According to the U/S I O'd around CD73. I knew it was around CD70, but specifically it would be CD73. I know it's give or take a day or two, but anyway. So yesterday was CD73 and today my spotting hasn't been around. The day is still early, so I could see spotting still, but the other days I saw it right away. I'm not saying at all that I O'd yesterday, but the fact that I conceived him so late in my cycle is why I have a hard time giving up before day 80 lol. So, anyway, there's nothing really new here. I see my family doc on Friday to see how I'm doing after being on the increased thyroid dose and the mega doses of Vitamin D and iron. I don't feel much of a difference at all.