positive opk @ 8dpo...HELP!!!

well ladies...women on another thread kept saying they can see lines on the bottom hcg ic which was yesterday's test so i inverted the pic and also tweaked it. Here's the original, the invert and the tweaked


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Here's where i THINK i see a line :shrug:


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Nurses, jeez..what are they actually learning in school these days. That makes 2 nurses that have no idea about bbt... smh woooow...I guess if you aren't TTC then bbt means nothing and there is no need in knowing what the benefits of it are. :shrug:

That goes back to what I said about everyone should know how their body works. My 9 year old knows what ovulation is ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and what a menstrual cycle is all about and the reason for having one. She also knows I take my temp every morning and why I am taking it. I don't see the point in telling her she is going to have a period when she is about 12 and on until she is in her 50's and not telling her how or why it happens.

It's almost 12 :happydance:!! I bet you are excited! Keep me posted lady. I will be stalking.
Fngrs-Yes most definately its best to know your body. And glad that your daughter knows all of the information. I know my mom didnt do that so when i started bleeding i freaked at 10 yrs old. And im waiting for dh to get off the phone so i can call the people. And your tweak is much better. I see lines!!!
and the verdict is the test came back negative...so now we got to wait until march 15th. All this waiting and no process :haha: Atleast on the good side i know that.....dh and i still have time to dtd until we know SOMETHING :haha:
Been stalking...sorry for you negative but hoping those positive opks lead to a bfp for you!
thanks L.E. im still thinking that i am though and that blood test is wrong because they did qualitative which means depending on what the lab's cut off rate to being pregnant is which could be 25, 50 or higher mIu, that is higher they determine not pregnant or pregnant. So if im under that then it will be negative which i feel isnt accurate.

AFM, im currently on cd49. Today, my temp is at 98.9F so still up there :thumbup: Also my temp did a .3 dip today from 99.2F yesterday. Im feeling good today because DH and I both went and bought new phones and we both love them :cloud9: We also bought his mom a new phone too because she's on our plan and was eligible for an upgrade. She likes it even though its going to take her some time to get use to the advanced technology of an android phone :blush: She had a blackberry previously. DH has went to work today and Im off today yay. DH has his echo 2d test at the diagnostic center this Saturday and then its onto seeing the specialist next thursday so we are getting stuff done for him health wise which is good because we both want to know whats going on with him. Well nothing new. My nipples still hurt, the sides of my bbs still hurt, my bbs still feel heavy, still no AF, mild on and off cramping, and lots of cm. So same ol same.
Awe shucks!!! :growlmad: Negative?!:hugs: I know I see a line on that bottom test...Maybe you are O'ing late then...:shrug: Well its a good thing y'all are still bd'ing, because only God knows whats going on:shrug:. DH and I BD last night, well more like this morning at 1 a.m. Today starts my fertile days...So here we go :happydance:. Plus he is going back on nights, starting tonight, so that means instead of BD'ing at night (which hasn't help us get preggers in the past) we will BD in the morning. That's how I have actually been successful in getting pregnant thus far. So I will be attacking him before he leaves this afternoon. :happydance: This is the best news I have had since my faint positive!!! :happydance:

The EPO has been doing it job also. :thumbup: EWCM in production!!! It's just my temps have been looking really weird...they have been higher than what I am used to. I usually have lower pre-o temps :shrug:
Fngrs-Yay for you. Now get busy :haha: And the urgent care center did a qualitative blood test not a quantitative blood test which means i dont know my numbers and depending on what lab they took it to, their criteria could be that the bloods have to be 25mIu or higher in order to be labeled as positive due to the risk of chemical pregnancies which i think isnt an accurate test because from seeing an obvious line on the last ic..it looks like the start of a bfp so that could mean that my hcg is very low so therefore i could be pregnant but because its not high enough for "them" then im not. If AF doesnt arrive by March 15th..im going to my ob/gyn.
sooo i have any hot moment. Im sitting down on the computer and all of a sudden...i feel very hot like feverish level again. So, like normal i go and take my temp just to make sure but now my temp went from 98.9 to 99.2F So my body is hotter by .3 degrees :shrug: I dont know whats going on. I get these random hot flash moments where im hot and i got to turn on the a/c. And once i start feeling hot...i get a headache. I dont know its just like i feel sooooo hot right now.
Fngrs-Yay for you. Now get busy :haha: And the urgent care center did a qualitative blood test not a quantitative blood test which means i dont know my numbers and depending on what lab they took it to, their criteria could be that the bloods have to be 25mIu or higher in order to be labeled as positive due to the risk of chemical pregnancies which i think isnt an accurate test because from seeing an obvious line on the last ic..it looks like the start of a bfp so that could mean that my hcg is very low so therefore i could be pregnant but because its not high enough for "them" then im not. If AF doesnt arrive by March 15th..im going to my ob/gyn.

Well I have given DH the heads up on the BD'ing. :haha:

Mission Baby making: His orders should he choose them:
(whispering) "Ovulation is right around the corner, we can't afford to have any tap-outs on the situation at hand. You are my only covert operations guy. I need you on this mission. When you come in from work remove all clothing at the hamper, shower thoroughly, go to bedroom and await further orders. This is the way you will do it every morning for the next 6 mornings... Good Luck." :rofl: :rofl:

He of course laughed at me and nodded ok...:dohh: Well I would hope that lab wouldn't set it at 25...that would be just plain silly. For all of that a home hpt would suffice. The lowest that i know they can go is 5, when they are going by numbers, other than that what's the point? I don't know why they just don't give you numbers anyway? :shrug: That would be the common sense thing to do. :dohh: If you were having a chemical I think that AF would have started already. By now implantation should have happened and your numbers should be higher and giving you stronger positives if you were preggers a couple of weeks ago when we both were seeing lines on FRER. I think that's the test you should do instead of the ic's. FRER detects as little as 6.3 hcg, to ic's may be 25 or so right?

So you probably were just getting evaps back then and OV'ed later this cycle. I was even thinking that all of the positive opk's could be from the cyst's on your ovaries. A CL cyst will do that, did your Dr. tell you what kind your cysts are?:shrug:
Fngrs- :rofl: Now thats funny. Now as far as baby making goes...i tell dh i want to dtd and he's ready to drop the pants :rofl: Men :haha: And my doc told me i have simple cysts and told me their normal and nothing to worry about. I took the results of the blood tests AND u/s to my ob/gyn and he told me that all looks perfect and didnt say there is a problem with the cysts or an issue etc. He said through the results everything is perfect and im normal. And im thinking I DID ov later than cd27 so now i have no clue exactly when because i keep getting positive opks. Now i think thats weird because usually i get a positive then negative for ov but i have been getting positive after positive so who knows. Maybe i am pregnant but im wayy earlier than i think. I have missed a february AF so lets see what happens in March.

AFM, today im on cd50. My temp this morning is 98.8F. DH and I dtd this morning also and it was amazing :blush: I have bought prenatals this morning so will start taking them today atleast Im helping my body during the whole ttc process. The most funniest thing happened after dh and i dtd. So after we dtd, i just laid down and didnt put my legs up and dh was getting ready for work and we were just carrying on a conversation. Then he walked by the bed and said, "How come you dont have your legs up?" :haha: So as you can tell DH wants kids also so he is like do what helps. So I did it and we just started laughing. Today is pretty good. Last night, I was VERY tired. Couldnt keep my eyes open for nothing. Im going to try and clean off the table and try to straighten up a little downstairs today. DH and I go to work tomorrow and then we both off on Saturday. Also, he has his echo 2d test at the diagnostics center on Saturday at 2:45pm so we are going through the process to figure out whats going on. Hope all is well with him though and there is nothing seriously wrong with him or anything major. Pray for him please. Oh and im going to start charting my temps on FF and include it on my signature so you ladies can have a look. Since i charted i think 5 days worth already.
AFM, i finally did the chart on FF and got it in my signature. I have only been charting for a few days but this is how the chart looks so far.
:rofl: Only a man would drop the pants...lol DH was antsy this morning. I kinda' lingered after he took a shower. lol He looked at the clock oh so unsmooth or subtle, and said "um, babe?" I said Oh, ok, (sigh). I guess he is serious about the mission at hand...:rofl:

Your temps are pretty high. Mine seem to be higher than they used to be. I think the EPO has been doing some regulating on both estrogen and progesterone levels. I am going to not take it today and see if my temps stay in the normal range, or will go down to "my normal". It's nice to see my temps looking like everyone else for a change. I just hope nothing goes wrong with me an the EPO, for now we are good friends...lol I am glad that you decided to go full throttle with your charting. Its so helpful, and then you will most def. know exactly what your body is up to, and if a little bean in secretly sneaking in.

I will keep your DH in my prayers. I am sure that everything is going to go well with him and he will be the picture of good health. :)
Fngrs- :rofl: well atleast your DH is ready to roll :rofl: And yes i know my temps are pretty high. A woman said it looked like i o'dand now in the tww but i dont know :shrug: Also, today i started taking the prenatal vitamins :thumbup: So hope that helps with whatever is going on. My chart looks pretty normal compared to the chart i used in april of last year i think. Usually my temps are all over the place. So hopefully this is also a good sign.
Well it's hard to tell without the other temps..but it could be on the 25th. Maybe you geared up a few times and the egg just failed to launch, and then a follicle had to mature again and then you Ov'ed on the 25th...That's what I think could have happened.

So it is quite possible that you are in the TWW now. Oh God, I still need to make my list for the TWW. Bless your soul if you are there...Well hey, at least you can go POAS crazy!!! :happydance: I don't feel so bad because I can go POAS crazy too!!! :happydance: I have to take opk's so I won't be without fun!!! And then I get to tweak your hpt's!! yay!! go me, go me...it's my birthday :hapydance:!!! Well at least it feels like it :doh:

BTW where did you get your ic's from? I was looking at those 10 miu/mlu and I got a little excited about it, but thought I haven't heard any reviews about them so maybe not...Needless to say, FRER has done a pretty good job detecting hcg in small amounts for me. I sooo wish they would make 5 miu!! I would pay for those def. :rofl:
Fngrs-Yeah im thinking on the 25th too which will be put me in with a chance still because i dtd 3 times on the 22nd, then dtd on the 23rd-25th so we covered our bases :happydance: And it is a .6 degree difference from the 25th to the 26th :shock: My temp never shot up like that. And if i did ov on the 25th..that would put me at 5dpo today.
5dpo?!?!? It's almost time to :test:!!! yesss! Oh sorry I have trouble maintaining my composure at times. I sometimes get a two line gleam in my eye, but I snap back :rofl:
:rofl: We are just alike. When i said 5dpo...i could've did backflips :rofl: That means af is due march 10th in 9 days :shock: And how about i looked up edd based on ov day and they said my edd would be nov. 17th :shock: Thats the day after my edd for my 1st pregnancy that ended in m/c....omg i hope this is it for us :thumbup:

And its earlypregnancytests.com

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