positive opk @ 8dpo...HELP!!!

test is negative again oh well...


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:-k hmm...well :shrug: I dunno' what's going on anymore. Is it possible that you OV'ed later that what you thought was later? If that makes any sense. I would definitely get those bloods on Saturday now...:grr::?

I have been in here finally putting away all of the baby stuff in our bedroom. i need to go get boxes to box it up. With all that has happened from the second-tri loss and this chemical, I think that it's best for me not to get my hopes up:nope: about a baby. And looking at all of the baby stuff :cry:gets my hopes up to only be let down to the max :sadangel:. DH is going to have things to say :shy:and questions to ask when he sees it boxed up #-oand ready to be stored or sold or kept for later or given away:-(. It just all depends on how this goes; possibly the next couple of cycles only; and then I may just give up and get on BC:neutral:. Thought about getting my IUD back :-=if this turns out to be a waste of time:growlmad:.

DH may end up being :growlmad:, but I fell like I am doing this -->](*,) and this :-({|= all the time. It's like I am singing another sad song all the time and it's getting me upset. Like God is saying no you can't have this, other women can but you can't. And it sucks!! If I were 16 and in high school that's when I would get a bfp. Likewise for you and all of the other stable couples that are able to provide love, and a good life to a child.:growlmad:

I am don't ranting I guess :thumbup:...(feeling like blaaaaah today)#-o
i totally understand where you coming from. im just fed up and ready to move on with the next cycle. i am going to do the digi opks so there would be no guessing there. This whole journey is driving me insane now. I guess its just down to patience for us now. I believe we will get our rainbow babies realll soon. Well atleast that's what im praying for.
AFM, today sucks for me. I am tired to the max. Been dozing off at work, hungry, thirsty, irritable and just want to SCREAM at someone. Today just isnt my day. I am ready to go home NOW. Ugh i just want to sleep all day with no worries. I feel like crap and now i have a headache..just when i thought things couldnt get worse. And my nipples still hurt and keep randomly getting erect ugh. What a day.
I am so hoping that this bleeding stops soon. I think I am on to the next cycle now; (for lack of better words) Your cycle needs to poop or get of the pot...I know it is aggravating, the not knowing and just lingering in freaking limbo. I think if I was still getting faint lines and AF was late I would be ready to scream at someone too...You have a right to feel the way you do.

DH saw the stuff half packed up, he just thought that I was cleaning and organizing the room. He has no idea that I am thinking about just letting this TTC thing go. Like I said, I may give it 2 cycles, this one and one more an then I am not going to go through this anymore. He doesn't know this info yet. But it is what it is!!

I have been thinking about the dreaded TWW already and I haven't even got to ovulation yet. I am going to map out 14 days worth of things to do. So that should be a big help to me. Especially if I map out at least the first 10 days I should be good to not test until 10dpo. I shouldn't buy any FRER's either until 10dpo<--That statement I just made should be taken with a grain of salt. :haha: I am however in better spirits today Bored out of my mind though, so I am going to therapy (SHOPPING) to make my day brighter.
Today is my DH's birthday and he doesn't want a family gathering. I don't think he wants to do anything. I need to ask though. Maybe a little dinner and a movie would be a good thing for both of us. He isn't a big fanatic of birthday parties for himself..Why? I don't know.
Happy birthday to your DH. And i know the feeling you are going through. Its like month after month of no bfp can be really frustrating. I really dont know whats going on but i still think its a possibility that I am pregnant. If im wrong..then im just going to walk into walmart and get the cb digi daily opks and test every cycle until i get a bfp. Im soo tired of my AF not acting right but for now i dont have a clue whats going on. Im just going to give it 2 more weeks and see what happens. I still take my vitamins so if i am pregnant..i am getting the vitamins my body needs. Im thinking that DH and I are going to go from TTC to NTNP if this cycle doesnt result in pregnancy. I have noticed that I have been rather hot lately and for breakfast I had...mcdonalds' hot cakes with sausage AND a bacon, egg, and cheese bagel :shock: I never eat that much. And the crazy thing is I dont even feel completely full :rofl: All i got to say is I pray that both of us will get our BFPs soon. So atleast we can be bump buddies and talk our way all into the labor and delivery process and be like how's the contractions...im using the breathing technique..my baby head is out what about yours :rofl:
the package arrived today of the opk and ics :happydance: Cant wait to start testing :haha:
I got a pos opk and what looks like a neg hpt. Hmm maybe im o'ing now oorrrr maybe i am pregnant but it can only register on an opk :shrug: Thw lines came up instantly on the opk.


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I got a pos opk and what looks like a neg hpt. Hmm maybe im o'ing now oorrrr maybe i am pregnant but it can only register on an opk :shrug: Thw lines came up instantly on the opk.

:shock: What in heaven's to betsie is going on with your body?!?! I am lost for words. The opk is positive, so why would the hpt be negative, especially this late in the cycle? :shrug: I dunno', once again, I dunno'. :shrug:

Sheesh...did you take a blood test yet? :shrug: How long are your cycles usually? I would def. see a doctor about getting on clomid, just to OV earlier than cd forty-something or so, and regulate my cycles. :shrug: I am lost for words on this one, really I am. :shrug:
Well as far as the CB digi goes...I have done that just today...We will see how that one goes. Hopefully it will lead to a + that will stick! All I can say is oohhh bother, in the great words of winnie the pooh!!! Also got EPO at GNC today. I haven't gotten EWCM since I was like early 20's. And at that time I had no idea what it was, just thought it was something gross. I laugh at that now. :rofl: So I am still temping, and i am thinking about adding Mucinex into the mix. My thing is, all of the water that you have to drink...it's not a problem in general, but when it comes time to use the digi with all the water required to make the EWCM while using the EPO and Mucinex, my urine just might be very dialuted. So I am wondering how to pull that one off and not waste those test sticks...They are expensive! I am just so tired of trying to decipher lines that I think I am going line crazy...
Taking bloods tomorrow. And i dont usually ov this late its probably im either pregnant or due to the 20 day bleeding this cycle...im o'ing late.

AFM, im currently cd46/19dpo. DH and I dtd this morning. He is off today but im not. My temp this morning was 99.2F and i got a bold positive on the opk this morning. Nothing else to report.


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20 days of bleeding?! What is that about?! Did you check on that with your Dr.? That isn't normal at all...How long are your cycles?
Normally my cycles are 35 days and yes i went to the doctor but all my levels and everything checked out fine and the bleeding stopped by the time i saw my ob/gyn
Fngrs-how are you?

AFM, well im currently cd47/20dpo. AF still hasnt arrived yet so im still feeling hopeful. I have to go to a class for work today and wont be back on until 12pm which would be in 3-4 hours from now. Also, this morning my temp is 99.5F :shock: so it is rising. So i can rule out late ov i guess :shrug: Here are the test pics..first one is today's tests and the next ones are all the tests put together from oldest (top) to newest (bottom)


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I am doing ok:thumbup:...Just waiting for :sex: time...:thumbup:

I just have no idea what your body is doing at all...If you have a chart I can check it out for you. That temps sounds like a post-O temp or the beginning of the first 3 post-O temps. My temp this morning was 97.42, I think it was 97.3-something yesterday morning, which is not my usual pre-o temps. My temps are usually lowSeems as though they are higher:

I have been trying the figure out why they are higher :shrug: They should be even higher when I take the progesterone after OV. Maybe this cycle is going to be my "dark :bfp:" that's going to stick...or maybe I just might OV earlier than usual. By last months chart FF predicts that I will OV either cd11 12 (12 is the usual) or cd13, my chart last month looks like I could have OV on either one of those days. That's how I know that my hormones were out of wack. Plus I had a fallback rise...Never did that one before.

So how did the bloods go today? I hope its good news. :happydance:


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these are the temps i had 98.5, 98.6 and today 99.5 so i dont know whats going on.

update so i called the urgent care center by my house and i got an automated system saying they are closed for 2 weeks due to rennovations :dohh: which would make since on why they were closed when i wanted to go last week. And i called my ob/gyn and the earliest they can schedule me in is march 15th :shock: I guess patience is a virtue. I got to put money aside now because it costs $50 copay just to see him :shock: My dh said i should wait until im officially a month late and then go get my bloodwork so he can not only do bloods but he can probably do u/s etc and i was thinking hmm maybe i should do that? What do you ladies think?
Well update for me. I just went to an urgent care center to get my blood drawn. They said that i should be getting the results tomorrow :happydance: And if they're negative...i give it until march 15th which would've been my doc appt date and its also mark 1 month of no AF. Then either go back for bloods or take an hpt. I had to pay $40 there which sucked but hey its $10 less than what i would've paid to see my ob/gyn. Now all i can do is wait. The woman asked me questions and said ummm i think you're pregnant and then the doc came in and said what do you think pregnant or not...i told him i feel like im pregnant but the bloods will say. And explained everything and said if they come back negative then i can come back but i'll go to the one closer to me around that time and see what happens. But thats if AF doesnt show up.
Oh goodie!! I am over here biting my nails. The anticipation is sooo killing me!!! :happydance: Did they say what time they would be calling with your results today??:happydance: This is so awsome!! I think it might be a :bfp:!!!

That is a high copay to see your ob/gyn...sheesh, you would think it would be a little lower than that! My copay is $25, I wish it was lower than that. But that was the best insurance plan that they offered, 80/20. I was thinking about supplementing ours with another plan. Although we have awesome insurance, it would be nice to actually pay nothing out of pocket at all. We have dental,vision, ADD&D, Life, & Medical. Plus we bought life insurance policies on the side and DH's job has him insured for me too. :thumbup: hmmm, when I think about that one, DH is worth a small fortune!!:haha: Gotta keep him safe at all costs!!! :rofl:

Heyyyy, I tried out the CB digi yesterday...They say you can't read the test sticks. But honestly the look just like any other opk. Of course I didn't get any smilies, but I wasn't expecting any. Not time yet. It's a neat little contraption. And it displays the results for 8 minutes after you eject the test stick. It does take the whole 3 minutes to get a reading though...so I guess it's best to walk away from it and come back 5 minutes later.

I thought about ordering ic's but I didn't want to fight with deciphering those lines again. I had hell on wheels trying to figure out the dip-strips I got at Walgreens last cycle. All of them looked positive to me or at least equal in color. Its bad when you have to back up a opk with FR opk's...I might go get some of those to confirm my digi opk results.

Do you know the sensitivity of CB digi opk's? :shrug:
No they didnt say the time unfortunately but i will be calling at 12 if i dont get a call :haha: Also the cb digi opks sensitivity is 40mIu. And yes that copay is high. I use to only pay $35 with blue cross but now since we got insurance with dh's job..we have avmed and geez when i say affordable insurance but they copay for the ob/gyn is not...i mean it :rofl: And fxed for you this cycle.

AFM, today im cd48/21dpo. Well not sure about the dpo but i know for a fact that im on cd48 today. Today i suppose to get my blood results so just awaiting for that. They open at 8am so i will give them until 12pm before i start calling about it. I didnt test with the ic today because i am awaiting the results. Even when i get the blood results back..im still going to be in the middle because the only thing that can let me know whats going on is AF. So if the test comes back negative then im waiting for march 15th before i start testing again and thats if AF doesnt show between that time. DH and I dtd last night so if i am o'ing super late in my cycle then we should've caught the egg. My temp today is 99.2F so its still high up there. Now speaking of temps, when i talked to the student nurse about my temperatures..she was lost. She asked why do i take my temperature and I said i do the basal body temperature to check and confirm when ov occurs. And she looked lost. But then i explained to her that my temp for 3 days were 98.5F, 98.6F and then 99.5F and she said well it would spike up when you ov. And then i thought what is she talking about. The temp will have a dip and then 3 higher temps CONFIRM ov which is the low temp. You think I could tell her that :dohh: If she asked me why im taking my temp..then obviously she wouldnt know. Just had to say that :haha: Now, im off today so im going to clean up and schedule doc appts for my dh to see a specialist and to also take a test at the doctor. But for now im just going to relax a little :haha:

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