Fngrs, I bet you wanted to throw your thermometer this morning!
MzSwizz, looks like you will likely get AF like you wanted, though you're still a little bit above cover line.
Looks like you're going to O today or tomorrow from your temps. You're trying not to catch the eggy this time, but start trying next month, right?
For me, I'm down to some version of spotting... was very little but last trip was more, so we'll see, but I'm hoping today is my last day. I dropped my thermometer behind the bed and had to dig for it before I could temp... plus slept poorly and maybe barely got the 3 hrs of sleep since I couldn't fall asleep last night... Soo I don't know how accurate my temp is, but I doubt it matters much at this point anyway. It doesn't look out of place yet, so I assume it's fine.