No the only kind of dark one was cd 9 all the other test have been in your face neg im at my moms ill jump on her pc and put a pic up first photo is yesterdays test the 2nd with the red in the back is todays test and that is how all of them have been as you see i gave in a did a test today lmao
Fngrs, If CD10 was O day are you completely out?
Stacey, Did you change from temping orally to temping vaginally? Your temps are so much higher than last month!
Heck yea i was watching it ugh why did she have to make it out of the car in time my opks dont go much lighter then that and i was always lucky before that i use to get the in the face pos i really hope my body isnt trying to go back to long cycles its only been the last 2 years that i started having 28 day cycles
Out of the blue tonight at bedtime, DS said "if we ever get a baby, I'm going to hold it every day!" awwww....DS loves babies. I really hopes he gets a baby brother or sister in the next year! Ok going to try to fall asleep again. Didn't work well the first time...
That man is so fine i would rape him in a heartbeat yummy i hope so
so far another a bfn
my test for today 2pm now that is what im talking about and wouldnt you know i jumped dh last night thinking we were still in the safe zonetcoyf gave me an egg for tomorrow