Possible Late Preterm - advice and hope please


Jan 28, 2011
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Hello ladies. I'm going through a stressful time, and was hoping you could share some stories and spread some hope.

I'm 33.5 weeks pregnant with my first LO and at high risk for preterm labor. I've already been to the hospital twice to stop labor and it's looking like I'll be going back again in the near future.
The first time I was 30.2 weeks and was given both steroid shots. The second time I was 33.3 weeks.

As of Saturday I'm almost 3cm dilated, -1 station, and 70% effaced (if not more). My little boy is doing great, no distress at all, moving and kicking like a lil trooper.

The doctor's say that if I go into labor again after 35 weeks (Sept 14th), they will not stop it.
If I deliver then, what should I expect? How long will he be in the NICU? What kind of problems will he face?

35 weeks is a good gestation to reach. Sophie was born at 27 weeks so I don't have any experience of a later preemie, but I know that your LO will have a lot more time to develop inside you. Sophie's main issues were breathing, holding her own temperature, feeding and gaining weight, as well as the risk of infections but she only had 2 little infections, and was jaundiced at the beginning.

She spent 12 weeks in neonatal - 7 in intensive care, 3 in high dependency and 2 in special care. Normally they say to aim for around your due date as an expected date for getting LO home, but I've had a few friends who've had preemies at 34 or 35 weeks and have only been in for one or two weeks. All babies are different and they can all face different issues.

Compared to what we were told we could expect, Sophie had a relatively "smooth" neonatal journey, even though it was still a scary time - but she did really well considering she was 13 weeks early and just 1lb 13oz.

I hope this has helped a bit - if you have any more questions there are lots of lovely ladies on here who would be able to give you more advice.

35 weeks is fab. There's no set outcome but generally a quick stint in neonatal may be all is required. Or maybe not at all!! It depends how heavy baby is, development etc.

I know, where me n Katy are, they don't generally do steroids after 34 weeks... So there's a good sign!
My hospital dont give steroids after 33 weeks.

Niamh was born at 35+4 and was perfectly fine. She struggled with BF but could feed from a bottle fine, had a little oxygen when first born but that was not due to her being prem and had no problems maintaining her temp.

We spent 6 days in hospital but they were due to problems that can happen to a term baby, had she not needed antibiotics or developed jaundice then we would have been home after 24 hours. She only went into special care because she was too sleepy to feed because of the jaundice, before then she was with me on the ward.

Developmentally she is developing at the rate of her adjusted age but since all babys are different there isent a big difference between her and a baby the same actual age.

Size wise most 35 week babys tend to be around the 5lb mark.
I had a late preemie too (35+6) and apart from feeding/sucking problems, low blood sugar and minor jaundice, he was totally fine! One of his playgroup buddies was a week earlier and had a few issues, but still was only in the NICU for just under 2 weeks. There can always be complications of course, and the longer they are inside the better, but once you are 35 weeks chances are good your LO will be totally fine! xx
35 weeks is a good gestation. My son was born at 33 and he had/has no major complications. Just had to stay in the hospital til he could put some weight on.
My DS1 was born at 33+5, DS2 was born at 34+5, both spent a week in SCBU, slight feeding problems, had to be tube fed for a couple of days before establishing BF.

Both developed Jaundice & spent a couple of days on the lights.

Had steriod injections with both, only one though as never made it until next one was due. With DS2, I was told he was just past the cut off for not needing it, however I choose to have it just incase.

With regards to milestones, DS1 was a bit behind (but normal for adjusted age), DS2 so far is spot on with milestones for his actual age.
I had my LO at 33+5 and he weighed in at 5lb 1oz. I got one steroid injection when I was in labour but everything happened so fast, it didn't really have a chance to work. He had some breathing difficulties at first and had to be on antibiotics as they were concerns about infection. He also suffered from jaundice and it took a while to get him feeding and putting on weight. He was in neonatal for nearly 3 weeks (10 days in NICU).

He is now a perfectly normal 13 month old and has suffered no long term effects of being premature. I hope your baby stays put a little while longer and that everything goes smoothly for you. xxx
hi i just wanted to give u lots of hope and share my story ...... i started having pains and braxton and hicks contractions so i thought for about a month from about 25 weeks and pains through my cervix ext and i felt like i was going to go into labour very soon for some strange reason but my midwifes tld me it was normal i then lost a little of my plus kind od egg white with a little pink in and i called hospital this was at 29 + 6 weeks they said just come in to be on the safe side so i did and when i was examed they told me i was 3-4 cm dilated and they could see my waters bulging i broke into tears as i was on my own and didnt know what it all ment they told me i woudnt be going anywhere and they admitted me they gave me steriod shots and tablets to stop labour and they wanted me to rest and to be observed well they then did a scan and found my lil monster was footling breech and where my waters were bulging they couldnt send me home because if my wateres went his cord could slip down and cut of his oxygen supply i was terrified they said i would be staying in hospital until either my waters broke or untill i was about 37 weeks OMG i was in limbo land but just so scrarred and wanted my precious baby to be ok.......any way 6 days passed and i had a few contractions nothing mad and i then had a bloody show with bright red in and jelly like so i told them and they seemed a lil concerned tey said if i feel wet let them know i was then sat there on monitor and felt a trickle i thought ohh my god it cant be....... and i went to the loo and the water wouldnt stop dripping i was so worried coz if the cors slipped i would have to be put under general to have my baby i was rushed down to labour and my waters went fully i went in for csection and my lil miracle baby boy was born on the 24.7.2011 6 weeks ago and he went straight to nicu where they were brill he was on oxygn for a while and in incubator wiht lots of wires in him but 4 weeks later we got to take our miracle home he did that well :) :) :) im sat here now with him and he is doing great eyes fine ears fine just a bit of reflux problems had him home 2 weeks now and loving it...its a hard emotional road wiht good and bad days but all i want to say is its amazing what they can do these days ure lil one will be just fine :)sorry long story lol xxxxx

wanted to add he had jaundice probs keeping temp but all thats quite standard for premmies 35 weeks is brill to get to my lil one weighed a really good weight of 3pound 13 he is now pushing on for 6 lol xxx

My little girl was born @ 33 +4 weeks and weighed 5lb 4oz

I just went into spontaneous labour waters broke then 3 hours later she was born no pain relief as it was too fast

I got one steroid injection but it wouldnt have had time to work

She went into SCBU but didnt need any help with her breathing and was allowed to go home after 3 weeks, she was tube fed then when she could regulate her own temperature went into a cot
She had a bit of jaundice on and off but 24 hours under the lamps used to do the trick
She is developing absolutely fine now she is 14 1/2 months old and is running round the house causing havoc
My first child was born at 35 wks. Thats the time that the lungs are finishing growing. My boy's lungs were just a touch underdeveloped and had to be flown to a big city hospital to be taken care of in the NICU.

Luckily, my MIL lives in that city so I was able to go and be with my boy. He was in an incubator for 7 days, and his heart rate dropped really low for some reason. He was going to go home that day too.. but, had to stay for an extra 5 days.

But I was able to pump breast milk for him, and at 7 days was able to feed him naturally. He latched on perfectly (has been my best feeder of the bunch too! lol).

He is now 17yrs old....6'3" tall, and doesn't have a problem in the world, physically or mentally.

Good luck lasting till week 35!!!
Thank you sooo much ladies!! I feel so relieved that my little guy will be ok if he decides to come out soon.

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