Post-pill irregular cycles support thread!!

Hey guys I have a question! Can temps be wrong??? Or are they 100% accurate if your doing it correctly? I have been temping and it ranged from 35.8-36.3 it's never been higher then that. Even before my last af! I presume I ovulated because I got af and because I had ewcm about 2 weeks before af but they never went up. Maybe my temp taker is faulty! Maybe I just didn't ov I'm so confused! And annoyed!! I want a baby so bad and it's been 3 months trying, but it doesn't even feel like we have tried in the 3 months cause I don't think my body even works. First I was looking for my af thinking that ment things were gettin back to normal. Now I'm looking for ov. I wish things were more simple!
So...I am happy to report that my period came over the weekend:happydance:

On Friday afternoon I had some thick CM that was slightly tinted with blood. No flow really started, but it was something. On Friday night hubby and I :sex: and I bleed a bit after.

Saturday all day & afternoon nothing was "comming down" but the TP was stained when I wiped after urinating (sorry if TMI). On Saturday night around 11:30 or so I finally started bleed. I had a moderate flow all day Sunday, then just a light flow Monday morning. Mon & Tues was just light spotting.

This wasn't much...but it was something and I am happy. I am going to test for OV this month and see what happens.
hey .... so I came off the pill first week of august 2010.. had withdrawl bleed as norm then first normal period on 17th sept ... thought great everything back to normal but no .... nothing since then. Weird cos i get sore boobs and EWCM and pains sometimes but no AF comes :wacko:so its been 6 months since i came off pill and only had one AF. i know i gotta go docs but im scared :nope:
hey .... so I came off the pill first week of august 2010.. had withdrawl bleed as norm then first normal period on 17th sept ... thought great everything back to normal but no .... nothing since then. Weird cos i get sore boobs and EWCM and pains sometimes but no AF comes :wacko:so its been 6 months since i came off pill and only had one AF. i know i gotta go docs but im scared :nope:

:hugs: I totally understand how scary it can be but I would really suggest you go see your doctor. Everyone I have talked to has said that if you haven't had a period within 3 months of your withdrawl bleed after getting off BC then you should see a doctor.

Don't think of it as a negative thing, just think it is your first step towards a BFP! :baby:
Hey all.......I've got nothing to report....No AF!!!!!!!! So lame! Guess I'm back to the waiting game. Stupid irregular cycles.
Hi ladies, I'm very new to all this & have been trying to read up but it's jus so confusing & a little intimidating! I only came off the pill microgynon at the beginning of Jan. My last period was 40 days ago. How will I know when I ovulate & when my fertile days are if I'm not getting my period & don't know when it will arrive? Also- do you only ovulate after you have had a period? Thanks in advance for any replies!!

I'm at work at the moment trying to read as many posts as I can on my iPhone hehe :winkwink:
Hi ladies! Have just finishing reading all of your posts and thought I would join you. reading your posts has scared me and comforted me in equal measures.

I came off Cileste BCP in mid December. Had a withdrawal bleed 20th-27th Dec and nothing since. I was watchng my signs and thought that I O'd in early Jan (EWCM) but didn't. I then thought I had later in Jan (+ve opk) but hadn't.

I then started charting and FF seems to think that I O'd on the 1st which takes me to 9dpo today on CD53.

Am so hoping that I get either a bfp or AF next week.
Hi ladies, I'm very new to all this & have been trying to read up but it's jus so confusing & a little intimidating! I only came off the pill microgynon at the beginning of Jan. My last period was 40 days ago. How will I know when I ovulate & when my fertile days are if I'm not getting my period & don't know when it will arrive? Also- do you only ovulate after you have had a period? Thanks in advance for any replies!!

I'm at work at the moment trying to read as many posts as I can on my iPhone hehe :winkwink:
It really is confusing. After a few months, you'll get the hang of it, if it takes you that long. :)
So 40 days ago you had your withdrawal bleed from the pill, right? So you should ovulate any day now and then get your AF around 14 days after that. The most reliable ways (although not perfect) to know when you're going to ovulate and when AF is coming are ovulation predictor kits (OPK's) and charting. OPK's, you pee on a stick and it will tell you when you're ovulating. Charting involves taking your temperature and watching other signs (cervical mucus and position, pms symptoms, etc). A lot of the ladies here, myself included, use fertility friend (FF). It's easy once you get used to it.
Welcome to the group, and feel free to ask any questions you might have. Everyone is really nice and supportive.
And probably while I've been writing this, someone else has already answered your question.
Sorry I maybe didn't make myself very clear..... My last AF while on the pill was 1st Jan for 6 days. I then stopped taking the pill & believe I had a withdrawal bleed from 14th - 18th Jan. I have had no bleed since other than a few days of spotting. I have just ordered some OPKs, hubby keeps telling me to stop thinking about it as it will stress me out & be even harder! I'm really trying to relax but he jus doesn't understand how frustrating it is not knowing when my AF will come & therefore not knowing when I will ovulate. I know we have only been trying for a few weeks so I do need to chill & jus let nature take it's course I guess!! It will all work out if I stop worrying I'm sure! It is really nice though reading all the different posts & getting help/advise from ladies in similar situations! :) xx
Hi Ladies-

I thought I would join you...hope that is ok. I have been off BCP since October...have had 2 periods since, and they were both really short cycles (24 days each). We were TTC then, but not really tracking or anything. This month I started using OPKs and temping. My cycle is already on CD37, and I don't think I've O'ed at all yet. I'm starting to get frustrated and worried because it seems like this cycle is taking FOREVER. I originally thought I had Oed back on CD19, due to CM and temps, but then FF took away my O and I now agree. I'm hoping maybe I'm gearing up this week but who knows...I'm considering a trip to my GP if AF doesn't come soon, but I'm not really sure she'll be able to do anything anyway since it hasn't been that long...who knows. :cry:
Hi ladies, I'm very new to all this & have been trying to read up but it's jus so confusing & a little intimidating! I only came off the pill microgynon at the beginning of Jan. My last period was 40 days ago. How will I know when I ovulate & when my fertile days are if I'm not getting my period & don't know when it will arrive? Also- do you only ovulate after you have had a period? Thanks in advance for any replies!!

I'm at work at the moment trying to read as many posts as I can on my iPhone hehe :winkwink:

Knowing when you ovulate can be a bit tricky, especially if you are irregular. The best way to do it is by using OPK's but like I said if you have really long or irregular cycles (like me CD 72) it is hard to know when you should even start testing for ovulation, also you can go through a bout a million of those sticks in one cycle and it can get costly.

As of right now the way that I am trying to detect ovulation is by watching my CM (EWCM is the usually present during ovulation) and by temping. I use fertility friend to chart my temps. The thing is you have to kind of watch your CM in addition to temping because usually by the time your temp rises you have already O'd and might have missed your chance. So if you start BD'ing a few days before when you first notice EWCM you have a better chance of catching the eggy!

Hope this helps, please feel free to ask more questions and good luck!
Watch out, crazy lady with the long posts coming through!! :haha: Hi all, how are you ladies?

Plutosblue - Firstly, happy birthday for yesterday!! Did you test? Any news?

Monkeymonkey - YAY for AF, I know it's not a BFP but it's something. Hopefully the next one is not quite as long :hugs:

Trishg21 - I'm sure I'm right in saying that your temp in celsius increases by .1 for every 1/2 hour so I'd estimate on say .2, and therefore it would be approx 97.2 if adjusted therefore within your normal range. If you google BBT adjuster there's loads of sites where you can put it in and it will adjust it for you :thumbup: I would try and not let the low temps worry you (easier said than done I know), I have looked at so many charts in the past I had convinced myself were too low at one point, but I generally think that you can't determine that after coming off BCP, just look for a pattern. I'm really sure everything will start sorting itself out soon hun :hugs:

qwk - You know we're always here if ever you do need a chat/ rant/ advice etc

MrsBucko - Any news yet??? BFP??? Even AF as a last resort??? How's things?

Staceyw10 - Good luck with the exams! What accountancy exams are you doing? Keep us posted on any cycle news hunni!

Winniemoo1 - YAY for AF!!! A 12day LP is good :thumbsup: I have also started AC this cycle (with a special thanks to staceyw10!!) so let's hope it is lucky for us both!!

Wouldluvabub - I would say that if you are sure that you are taking the temps accurately, then it is quite accurate (sorry if that was the wrong answer :hugs: ). Maybe your body just needs a little extra time to get going. I know it is so frustrating though, we're always here!

Zodiac - YAY for AF!!! (lots of AF seem to have arrived lately on here, hopefully good news). GL with the OPK's, here's hoping they help you pin-point that special window!!! Let us know how this cycle goes.

Coopfairy - Oh dear, no AF in that long is surely doing your nut in!! Maybe a trip to the docs is in order, don't be scared though we are all here for support :hugs:

Finallyready - All I can say is "booooooooo" to nothing happening! Hopefully something is just round the corner. I have everything crossed that at least AF comes for you, but preferably a BFP!

TTC2011 - Welcome to the tread! You could potentially O at any point when you don't know what your cycles are like (unfortunately)! Or you could have already O'ed and now be in the 2ww. The bad news is that without tracking (OPK's, CP, CM, BBT etc) you won't know when until your cycles become regular. Maybe you could start tracking things on the low-down and maybe put a relaxed mask on for DH?! Any advice you need on tracking etc we're all here!

Struth - Welcome to the thread! Sorry for the scare, but great news that it was encouraging at the same time! I wish you loads of luck that your 9dpo is correct and the next 5 days or so sheds some light on your cycles (BFP or AF). Keep us posted!

Yogababy - Welcome to the thread, of course we don't mind, the more the merrier! The 2 cycles of 24 seemed so hopeful, how confusing to dangle the carrot in front of you and then snap it away!! :( I wish for you that something happens very soon, we're all here for you!

C'mon ladies, we really need our first :bfp: who's going to be the lucky winner???

No news from me, on CD14 and been taking AC since CD2or3, so fingers crossed it gives me a miracle!!

Hope you are all well xxxxx
Thanksyou for the birthday wishes MrsH!

I took a test and was sooo faint - I think I have line eye :wacko: So testing again tomorrow with a FRER :thumbup:
Hi all,

Just checking in to say hi :)

No news from me really, just getting nervous about the scan on Momday which is totally ridiculous as its external and wont hurt! Im just apprehensive about what they will find but then equally will be upset if they dont find anything as i still wont be any the wiser about my body :( Still doing OPK's and tonight i think the lines were of equal colour so that would mean im O'ing right?

Plutosblue - any news yet hun?

Welcome to all the newbies on this thread, you have picked a good one to join :)

MrsH -Good luck with the AC, hope it works its magic for you :) Im sitting the last few AAT exams which will make me qualified to assistant accountant level, i then plan to go on to ACCA to become a chartered accountant :) Means i can do my hubbies books and save the accountancy fees lool
Has anyone ever done acupuncture after BCP here? I'm considering it...I know it's only been a few cycles for me, but I'd like to do whatever I can naturally to try to regulate myself and get back on track. Until then I am hoping for :witch:!
Hi again ladies - can anyone tell me if they have had a short LP after coming off the pill?

I am 9dpo and spotting and its got me all worried - I already have stupidly long cycles (CD53 today) and if I have a short LP too I think I wil cry!

I have read somewhere that the BCP can cause a short LP - has anyone had this but then straightened themselves out?
Has anyone ever done acupuncture after BCP here? I'm considering it...I know it's only been a few cycles for me, but I'd like to do whatever I can naturally to try to regulate myself and get back on track. Until then I am hoping for :witch:!

I did acupuncute for almost 3 months. no changes. It was relaxing and nice but my goal was to start my period and it didnt happen. At my very last acupuncture session I was give some chinese herbs and almost 3 weeks later I had my period (the first one after my withdrawal bleed) So maybe it was the herbs? So my advice would be to do herbs with the acupuncture if you try it!
C'mon plutosblue you can do it, you can be the first preggy one of our thread!!! Please please please keep us posted on today's test! Be thinking about that now all day at work :haha: xxx

Hi struth, I wouldn't worry too much about spotting, it only goes on when you have full red flow. You may spot on and off for a couple of days and if you get at least a 10-12 day lp that will be ok. Hopefully it will right itself soon. Really is frustrating though isn't it this ttc stuff!? Hugs coming your way xxx

Hey staceyw10, i know its scary but at least you will know one way or another. Let us know how monday goes. When do u sit them? I've done aat too! :thumbup: I did wonder (was being nosey) which route you had gone down (ACCA/ CIMA)... I take it you work in practice? Good luck for the exams anyway xxx
Sorry yogababy, missed your post, sorry Hun never tried acupuncture. I know it's hard waiting for your body, hopefully it does the trick for you!! Xxx
C'mon plutosblue you can do it, you can be the first preggy one of our thread!!! Please please please keep us posted on today's test! Be thinking about that now all day at work :haha: xxx

Hi struth, I wouldn't worry too much about spotting, it only goes on when you have full red flow. You may spot on and off for a couple of days and if you get at least a 10-12 day lp that will be ok. Hopefully it will right itself soon. Really is frustrating though isn't it this ttc stuff!? Hugs coming your way xxx

Hey staceyw10, i know its scary but at least you will know one way or another. Let us know how monday goes. When do u sit them? I've done aat too! :thumbup: I did wonder (was being nosey) which route you had gone down (ACCA/ CIMA)... I take it you work in practice? Good luck for the exams anyway xxx

Thanks MrsH1984 - that makes me feel better. I'm now 10dpo and still spotting but also have cramps and feel as if AF is round the corner.

If this does develop into AF do I count the spotting as day 1 of AF (CD1) or is it only when she comes on with true force?!!!

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