Post-pill irregular cycles support thread!!

Hey ladies!

I've been MIA lately because I decided I needed to take a little break from the forums. We have been waiting to get our final tests done and I didn't want to stress out, but just relax and see where things went.

I got my final blood work done and it confirmed that I am not ovulating on my own at all. I figured but still kinda sucks to hear your body is broken. I have a visit with my dr. on Thursday and we will be going on Clomid at the end of this month.

I wanted to thank you ladies for all your support, I don't know if I'll be around much or not, I haven't really decided. I wish all the best for you guys and hopefully when I get back there will be a lot of BFP announcements in here!
Good luck Trish! Glad you found out now rather then months and months down the road! Excited for you to get your BFP with clomid!!!!!!
Yes - good luck Trish. Sorry to hear that you are not ovulating but I am sure that the clomid will bring about your bfp...
Hya ladies,

Going a bit mad here, I am CD40.... no sign whatsoever of AF coming.... breast still ready to burst.
Not had sex for 2 weeks (i know we should keep BD but it's almost like if we do and my period don't come for another 2 months, I will constantly think I might be pregnant and I should not do the gardening, or pet the cat or drink a glass of wine and it's driving me nuts because I am not pregnant!
So peed on a digital this morning... I AM DEFINITELY NOT PREGNANT....and i am £6 poorer!
I know it sounds stupid because at the end of the day there is plenty of women with normal cycle that still don't get pregnant but I read about everybody going mad about the limbo of waiting for their O or during their 2ww... I have none of that.... I am in CONSTANT limbo.... and as far as I know right now... I am probably completely infertile.... I doubt I even ovulated this cycle.... I might never have a child and I am starting to hate everyone here that complains about not being able to conceive the second one, are waiting for O (but know it will be there in a few days) and are going nuts because they are in the 2ww (but they know at least when their AF is due!!!).....
It is sad... and sorry to all these women reading me today... I don't really hate you... it's just desperation of not having any of that to complain about!
I don't know what to do.... I can't possibly wait another month for AF ... I can't even feel like we are doing something to get pregnant... we are just wasting our time....
I decided this morning to start soy... 40mg... for 5 days.... maybe it will spark up a late ovulation and send the witch my way so I can start over again....or it will mess up things even more!
I think I will call my GP today as this is really doing my head in now... she was almost ready to offer me clomid last time... maybe I should just go for it...
Any remedy to get your periods, ladies???
Hi Hun,

Sorry you are having such a low day, we all have them on this thread lol.

I was 5 months off the pill and no sign of AF, finally came last week and I definitely think it was the acupuncture and the herbs she gave me that did the trick. I also cut out all high sugar carbs like white bread, white rice, non egg pasta and cut out as much sugar as I could no more drumsticks for me boo.

If your bb's are really sore it could be you have high estrogen, maybe try progesterone cream. My bb's where soooo swollen (popping out of my bras) and sooooo sore for 2 weeks before AF came so you never know you might come on soon. Are you cramping, I was also cramping for 2 weeks before.

I would gp back to the doctor and see about your hormone levels and if you don't want to try clomid get her to refer you for acupuncture and nutrition advice (all free on NHS if referred).

Hope you feel better soon hun.
Thanks.... just feeling completely lost.... no cramping, no sign of AF at all... i normally know... last cycle was 9 weeks.... i just hoped it was a one-off as before that it was more 5-6 weeks
I know how you feel I was like that for 5 months and it really is devastating when you just have no idea where your at and what your body is doing!

I would give accupuncture a go and see if they can get you into a shorter cycle, there a few threads on here about it and how it has really helped loads of people.
Sorry to hear that you are feeling so down Euronova - I can empathise to a certain degree. My first cycle off the pill was 55 days, then I had a 28 day one and thought I might be getting regular - however, I'm now on cd32 with no O and no AF...

How long have you been off the pill? Has it been a while? I would definitely go back to the drs if I were you. I'm thinking of heading there myself.

Do you temp or use opks? I do both - it can be really disheartening using opks every day and not getting lines BUT I find it helps as I know whether I have O'd or not and so I know not to expect AF yet. Although it is not a great consolation, when I know I am pre-O I know that I cannot be pregnant and that I can have a glass of wine, lift heavy things, etc, etc... I guess I just feel better when I know more about where I am in my cycle. Would that help you?

A friend of mine has also just started acupuncture - and she loves it! Apart from generally being more relaxed, her other half has told her that she looks younger and refreshed and I can tell that she is more chilled out in herself. Whether it will help her cycle or not, I'm not sure but I seeing as just being relaxed and chilled out can help balance things then it is likely.

Keep your head up honey - I understand where you are coming from. We're all here if you want to rant - and you are not alone :hugs:
Thanks so much.... feeling a bit better tonight....
I used OPK.... they got darker and fainter all the time but never had a positive... i went to the length of testing 3 times a day..... just had to stop at CD32 it was driving me nuts. I know I can still ovulate much later but it's just having to monitor daily is so disheartening...
I have been off the pill for 7 months now... at first my cycle were 5-6 weeks, but last one before this one was a massive 9 weeks and I thought I was going out of my mind.
My GP nearly offered me clomid a month ago, but we were not really trying then just not preventing so we decided to give it more time.
I just want the witch to come. I really want to try Soy Isoflavones next cycle as I think it could really help my problem... but until AF shows... I am just wasting time.
I need to temp... but same thing i am almost too scared that like the OPK it will turn to be more confusing than helpful!:dohh:
Thanks so much.... feeling a bit better tonight....
I used OPK.... they got darker and fainter all the time but never had a positive... i went to the length of testing 3 times a day..... just had to stop at CD32 it was driving me nuts. I know I can still ovulate much later but it's just having to monitor daily is so disheartening...
I have been off the pill for 7 months now... at first my cycle were 5-6 weeks, but last one before this one was a massive 9 weeks and I thought I was going out of my mind.
My GP nearly offered me clomid a month ago, but we were not really trying then just not preventing so we decided to give it more time.
I just want the witch to come. I really want to try Soy Isoflavones next cycle as I think it could really help my problem... but until AF shows... I am just wasting time.
I need to temp... but same thing i am almost too scared that like the OPK it will turn to be more confusing than helpful!:dohh:

I know what you mean about the opks - they can become a bit addictive and can be completely disheartening. I've been so down over my opks recently - worse even than when peeing on hpts!

It also seems that they don't always work either - I took my temp this morning, put it into FF and low and behold I apparently O'd on Monday. The odd thing is though that I have been testing with opks twice a day and I haven't had a positive (or anywhere near positive one). Hmmmm.... they worked last cycle. Odd.

I guess what I am trying to say is that if I wasn't temping I wouldn't know that I have O'd. I know that temping is not for some people but it really helps me - for example, it lets me know that I have definitely O'd - if I was only using opks this cycle when AF turned up I would have thought that I hadn't O'd as I hadn't had a positive opk. It does have its downsides though and I know some people can get stressed out with it (which we know is not good for us when TTC).

I hope that your AF arrives soon and that the soy helps. FX'd for you :flower:
AF came!!!! I am so so happy!!! I was basically SUPER PMS yesterday!!! I cried all day, that's some crazy hormones! My mum mentioned temping too... can I start tomorrow? I need to sort a thermometer quick!
Feeling all positive again! and 40 days is not quite as bad a cycle as I was expecting!
Hello ladies! I was in this thread back a while ago but have been having a break from Bnb for a while! Anyways I'm back here again! My update is that's I'm currently on day 40 or 41 of cycle 3 and getting really annoyed! This cycle I have not been paying much attention to ttc partly because I've been so heart broken the previous 2 cycles that I felt like giving up but also that I got married so I've had a bit on my plate! :) anyways I stopped temping because they never changed last cycle so I figured I was either doing it wrong or I'm not ovulating which is too depressing to think about so I just gave up.. Lol i feel so cheated though it's not fair we have been ttc for 5 months but we have only had 3 cycles and I don't even know if I ovulate. I'm guessing I would because I get af but who knows! Anyways I'm still hopefull I might get my BFP this cycle which would mean it was a honeymoon baby which is super cute! would like to hear everyone elses updates :)
Hello ladies! I was in this thread back a while ago but have been having a break from Bnb for a while! Anyways I'm back here again! My update is that's I'm currently on day 40 or 41 of cycle 3 and getting really annoyed! This cycle I have not been paying much attention to ttc partly because I've been so heart broken the previous 2 cycles that I felt like giving up but also that I got married so I've had a bit on my plate! :) anyways I stopped temping because they never changed last cycle so I figured I was either doing it wrong or I'm not ovulating which is too depressing to think about so I just gave up.. Lol i feel so cheated though it's not fair we have been ttc for 5 months but we have only had 3 cycles and I don't even know if I ovulate. I'm guessing I would because I get af but who knows! Anyways I'm still hopefull I might get my BFP this cycle which would mean it was a honeymoon baby which is super cute! would like to hear everyone elses updates :)

Congrats on the wedding!!! I complitely understand how you feel I have had cycle between 6 weeks and 9 weeks.... and as my GP said... at best I am ovulating 6 times a year instead of 12.... IF I OVULATE.
I am trying soy isoflavones this time round. Will post some update on my journal.
I felt so depressed yesterday... and in fact i was PMS... cried all day and got my period this morning (without any cramping in the previous days... really random!) I hope AF is round the corner and you can start a new cycle fresh!
Hello ladies! I was in this thread back a while ago but have been having a break from Bnb for a while! Anyways I'm back here again! My update is that's I'm currently on day 40 or 41 of cycle 3 and getting really annoyed! This cycle I have not been paying much attention to ttc partly because I've been so heart broken the previous 2 cycles that I felt like giving up but also that I got married so I've had a bit on my plate! :) anyways I stopped temping because they never changed last cycle so I figured I was either doing it wrong or I'm not ovulating which is too depressing to think about so I just gave up.. Lol i feel so cheated though it's not fair we have been ttc for 5 months but we have only had 3 cycles and I don't even know if I ovulate. I'm guessing I would because I get af but who knows! Anyways I'm still hopefull I might get my BFP this cycle which would mean it was a honeymoon baby which is super cute! would like to hear everyone elses updates :)

Congrats on the wedding!!! I complitely understand how you feel I have had cycle between 6 weeks and 9 weeks.... and as my GP said... at best I am ovulating 6 times a year instead of 12.... IF I OVULATE.
I am trying soy isoflavones this time round. Will post some update on my journal.
I felt so depressed yesterday... and in fact i was PMS... cried all day and got my period this morning (without any cramping in the previous days... really random!) I hope AF is round the corner and you can start a new cycle fresh!

Thanks the wedding was beautiful! :) yeah I was like that last cycle the week before af I could not stop myself from eating anything that was bad for me... Like literally I was looking at chocolate going I'm not hungry and I don't want that but before I knew it I'd eaten a whole block.. Then the depression kicked in and before you knew it af had arrived.. I was lik ohh it all makes sense now ha ha!!! This time though no stuffing my face.. No cramps.. Not even a bad mood yet anyways lol.. Just a huge oil break out lol.. oily face and hair with pimples galour which NEVER happens to me :( not loving it one bit!!! I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing...
I am going through all of that.... bloody pill and getting off of it.... I've had spots on my back!!! I feel like a creepy teenager.... right now i have one in the middle of my forehead... I've given up conditioner otherwise I can wash my hair twice a day!
I has nothing apart from really sore and big boob, then yesterday it was like hell unleashed... I litterally could not stop crying it was quite something... anything was getting me to sob... I was a right mess...
last cycle i had cramps for almost 2 weeks before AF finally showed.... it doesn't seem to be the same ever at the mo... I just hope the soy will help!
AF came!!!! I am so so happy!!! I was basically SUPER PMS yesterday!!! I cried all day, that's some crazy hormones! My mum mentioned temping too... can I start tomorrow? I need to sort a thermometer quick!
Feeling all positive again! and 40 days is not quite as bad a cycle as I was expecting!

Woo hoo!! :happydance:!!! So so so so so so glad for you! :happydance:

So you got AF and I got O! How funny!

As for temping - I think boots does a BBT but you can get them online much cheaper - I think do some and they post things out really quickly. You start your chart from today but you can miss a couple of days temping at the beginning if you don't have a thermometer. Some women don't bother temping during AF so you have a bit of time to get sorted if you plan to do it this cycle!

Yippee - your body has reset and you now have another chance. So pleased!
I am going through all of that.... bloody pill and getting off of it.... I've had spots on my back!!! I feel like a creepy teenager.... right now i have one in the middle of my forehead... I've given up conditioner otherwise I can wash my hair twice a day!
I has nothing apart from really sore and big boob, then yesterday it was like hell unleashed... I litterally could not stop crying it was quite something... anything was getting me to sob... I was a right mess...
last cycle i had cramps for almost 2 weeks before AF finally showed.... it doesn't seem to be the same ever at the mo... I just hope the soy will help!

Same here - spots at my age! What is going on.

And I'd do anything for just some regularity! I just want to be normal!! LOL!
Hi, just wanted to pop in to see how others are getting on.

I came off the pill in the new year, and so far my periods are all over the place. A week late one month, a couple of days early the next, then late again. It's frustrating!

I hate the fact that i am now covered in spots, when on the pill I had lovely clear skin! I am getting sore boobs, and stabbing pains/twinges when I didn't used to. I'm not enjoying it so far.

I wish my cycle would hurry up and sort itself out!

Hi, just wanted to pop in to see how others are getting on.

I came off the pill in the new year, and so far my periods are all over the place. A week late one month, a couple of days early the next, then late again. It's frustrating!

I hate the fact that i am now covered in spots, when on the pill I had lovely clear skin! I am getting sore boobs, and stabbing pains/twinges when I didn't used to. I'm not enjoying it so far.

I wish my cycle would hurry up and sort itself out!


You're certainly not alone! I came of the pill in December and my cycle is all over the place - 55 days, 28 days, 40+ days.... spots like you wouldn't believe, twinges and the rest! Still it will all be worth up if we all end up with what we want in the end! Hold in there - I'm sure you will get there!

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