Post-pill irregular cycles support thread!!

Absolutely fine! I can definitely recommend this pregnancy lark lol :haha:

Bit of backache now and again, sore boobs now and again and a little bit more tired than usual. But otherwise fine. Which probably means morning sickness is going to hit me like a train any day now :winkwink:

Hope FF confirms your ov soon - just keep BDing until it does xxx

Glad to hear that you are feeling good. You really are my beacon of hope at the moment. I remember following you through your mammoth cycle and really feeling for you. And then.... a couple of months later you have had two normal length cycles and you are pregnant! It is news like that that keeps me going - really.

I know it has only been 5 months but these long cycles are hard. If it had been 5 months and 5 cycles I wouldn't feel so bad but it has been 5 months and only 2 whole cycles.

Had a little weep about our situation with the OH tonight. He has been difficult to talk to about it all until I explained to him a couple of weeks ago that I have no-one else to turn to as we have made the decision to not tell anyone that we are trying. Since then he has been better about talking about things.

Tonight we spoke about BDing - historically my sex drive has been low in comparison to his but recently he is complaining about me wanting it more often! I explained to him that with such long cycles and with not knowing when I am going to O I would be gutted if we missed it and then had to wait another 60+ days for the next one. I think he understood and took it on board - I told him it was drs orders to do it as much as possible!

Anyway, roll on tomorrow...
Hi everybody!

Been reading some of this thread and would love some help and support please!

I'm new to BnB and using it through my IPhone at the moment!

My story so far.....

*Regular normal cycles
*Was on BC (Overnette) for 7 years.
*Came off BC 7th Feb 2011
*Withdrawal bleed 10th Feb 2011 - 15th Feb 2011
*No AF since

So, It's now cd88 since coming off BC without AF and needless to say I'm upset!!
Me and OH are going to TTC start of June. I came off BC early Feb as I thought my cycles may become irregular for a while but I never knew that they would be absent!!

Went to the doctors 3rd May 2011 and he has booked me in for blood tests on the 10th May 2011 and then I'll have a week wait for the results.

I've noticed some of you have talked about AC, I think I will purchase some today!
Do you ladies know if it will work since my AF hasn't returned at all?

Also OPKs! Shall I give these ago? Is there any point since I have no idea when I'm ovulating! I bought 20 sticks in preparation to TTC in June but don't know whether to buy a bulk and just test everyday!?
Temping looks really confusing! Is it easy?

'Struth' I see your last post and can completely relate to you! Had a cry to OH last night (and most days) and even though he's lovely he just doesn't understand and says that things will work out!
It's hard because like you no one knows we're TTC so I have no one to talk to other than him and like you I have a lower BD then him and know June time it will be higher!! Lol!

I'd love to join this thread, already I feel inspired my some stories and also relate to others! Sorry to ramble, just a bit of back ground info!
Hello Lemonflower and welcome to the thread! It sounds like you have the dreaded post pill screwy cycles too!

I'm afraid that I can't help on the AC question as I haven't tried it myself. I have been trying to be as natural as possible (other than pregnacare conception and vit B complex) but I might have to resort to something else if things don't improve soon. I know that some ladies have got on really well with it - I think, like everything else, you have to give it a few months to kick in though.

As for opks - you can buy these quite cheaply on the web (ebay, amazon, babymad, etc). I get mine for about £9 for 30! I do use these as otherwise I would forever be thinking 'am I pregnant' and would be wanting to test all the time! I also temp - I get on with ok but it is not for some people - I am keen to know that I am O'ing, when to time BD'ing and when to expect AF. As I said it is not for everyone but I find it helpful (if sometimes stressful, if I am honest!).

Temping is not too complicated when you get used to it. Most people use Fertilityfriend - click on my ticker below to get there - and it does all the work for you. You just have to take your temp everyday at the same time and after at least 3 hours sleep and then enter it into the computer.

You should let me know how you get on with your bloods. I'm having mine done on the 12th May so we could compare notes!
Hi :)

Yeah I think I'll buy some AC tomorrow! I'll try anything at the moment!
I'll also look at Amazon for OPKs! Am I crazy for buying 60? It's only 2 months worth though isn't it!! I'll test everyday just to see!
For the moment I won't Temp, it does sound stressful but maybe in the future, not ruling it out.

We've got our bloods in the same week, we'll def have to compare notes! I'll be asking my poor nurse lots of questions! Lol.

I've been having slight crampings on and off since coming off BC but then nothing....
They're not painful though I get excited that it's my AF.
Anyone else get this?
Hi :)

Yeah I think I'll buy some AC tomorrow! I'll try anything at the moment!
I'll also look at Amazon for OPKs! Am I crazy for buying 60? It's only 2 months worth though isn't it!! I'll test everyday just to see!
For the moment I won't Temp, it does sound stressful but maybe in the future, not ruling it out.

We've got our bloods in the same week, we'll def have to compare notes! I'll be asking my poor nurse lots of questions! Lol.

I've been having slight crampings on and off since coming off BC but then nothing....
They're not painful though I get excited that it's my AF.
Anyone else get this?

You might as well buy them if you are using them to understand your cycle until you TTC in June. I tend to buy 30 at a time but then end up using 2 (sometimes 3!) a day. You do have to be careful as sometimes you can miss your surge so I tend to do a second one if my first one is quite dark. I did this last cycle - I got a darker then usual one (but not positive) at lunchtime so did one in the evening and it was positive. By morning it was negative again. Also, I find that because I have irregular cycles I use more - I start early in the cycle as I don't want to miss it but then seem to be using them for weeks when I have a long cycle. I think 60 is fine!

Definitely have to compare not with the bloods - although I have been told that it could take up to 2 weeks to get the results?! Hmmm...

As for cramping - yes. I get all sorts. For the last week I have had a dull ache in my right side of my abdomen - it is tender too and gets worse if I prod it. I was hoping it might be O but I'm not sure!
Got diagnosed with pcos.. Really upset. I knew something was wrong but to have it confirmed is just hard. I'm so confused as I'm not overweight. The doctor said to try healthy eating and regular excersize. If I'm not pregnant in 6 months I have to go back. I'm so angry, upset, depressed and down right confused. Why me :cry:
Hi ladies, I'm CD108 today, and possibly will be 3DPO. Once I go to bed and wake up, if my temp is high, FF will give me crosshairs.

I went to the dr, had labs, was told I was ovulating normally about two weeks ago. This past week, I started 2 capsules red raspberry tea leaves and 3 vitex and I got a pos opk and my temps seem to confirm O.

My BD schedule wasn't great but FX I manage to get a BFP this cycle...I just wanted to post and let you know my *possible* success with those capsules.

GL all, I will continue to follow your stories and post my own!
Got diagnosed with pcos.. Really upset. I knew something was wrong but to have it confirmed is just hard. I'm so confused as I'm not overweight. The doctor said to try healthy eating and regular excersize. If I'm not pregnant in 6 months I have to go back. I'm so angry, upset, depressed and down right confused. Why me :cry:

There are many women who are not overweight and have PCOS. There is a book called living with PCOS that is a very helpful simple-explanation book. Don't get too discouraged because there are so many options still to help you and many women get pregnant on their own with PCOS, some need help but it is most definitely possible!

Got diagnosed with pcos.. Really upset. I knew something was wrong but to have it confirmed is just hard. I'm so confused as I'm not overweight. The doctor said to try healthy eating and regular excersize. If I'm not pregnant in 6 months I have to go back. I'm so angry, upset, depressed and down right confused. Why me :cry:

There are many women who are not overweight and have PCOS. There is a book called living with PCOS that is a very helpful simple-explanation book. Don't get too discouraged because there are so many options still to help you and many women get pregnant on their own with PCOS, some need help but it is most definitely possible!


Wouldluvabub I'm sorry about your diagnoses, big hugsss!
I know ladies who have pcos and become pregnant without help so yes it's def possible!

Ceb8109 please read my post above, I have my bloods this Tues 10th May and hoping that they come back normal too! Were your bloods the same as mine?
Can I ask a question? If the doctor says you're ovulating how can you not have a AF? That's what I don't understand about 'normal' bloods! Also have you been doing OPKs like I mentioned to Struth above and have you had any positive ones during your cd108s
FX for you my lovely and for everybody!
Got diagnosed with pcos.. Really upset. I knew something was wrong but to have it confirmed is just hard. I'm so confused as I'm not overweight. The doctor said to try healthy eating and regular excersize. If I'm not pregnant in 6 months I have to go back. I'm so angry, upset, depressed and down right confused. Why me :cry:

There are many women who are not overweight and have PCOS. There is a book called living with PCOS that is a very helpful simple-explanation book. Don't get too discouraged because there are so many options still to help you and many women get pregnant on their own with PCOS, some need help but it is most definitely possible!


Wouldluvabub I'm sorry about your diagnoses, big hugsss!
I know ladies who have pcos and become pregnant without help so yes it's def possible!

Ceb8109 please read my post above, I have my bloods this Tues 10th May and hoping that they come back normal too! Were your bloods the same as mine?
Can I ask a question? If the doctor says you're ovulating how can you not have a AF? That's what I don't understand about 'normal' bloods! Also have you been doing OPKs like I mentioned to Struth above and have you had any positive ones during your cd108s
FX for you my lovely and for everybody!

I am not convinced my bloodwork was normal. I had my lh fsh and prolactin checked.

Fsh was 7.1 and that's within normal. That's an indicator of ovarian reserve, how many eggies you have, from my understanding.

Lh was 20.4 and that seemed high to me. My primary care dr (not a specialist) said that was normal. From my research, not having ovulated this cycle, I should have had a 1:1 ratio of fsh:lh to be normal. Otherwise the high ratio could indicate pcos.

I started taking red raspberry tea leaf capsules and vitex and finally got my fourth positive group of opks, this time with a temp shift confirmation of ovulation. If you look at my sight, my chart is there.

I am still going to see a specialist on tuesday as well, so we will see what they say.

I did get my crosshairs for confirmed O!
Got diagnosed with pcos.. Really upset. I knew something was wrong but to have it confirmed is just hard. I'm so confused as I'm not overweight. The doctor said to try healthy eating and regular excersize. If I'm not pregnant in 6 months I have to go back. I'm so angry, upset, depressed and down right confused. Why me :cry:

Sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with PCOS.... I can empathise with you being upset. However, you now know what you are working with and the drs can also now help you specifically knowing what you have. I think women of any weights can have it - didn't they say that Victoria Beckham has PCOS and she certainly isn't large! I have also seen women with PCOS getting pregnant on here so try to keep the hope up :hugs:

ceb8109 - glad to hear that FF confirmed O for you! I can't get on your chart as your ticker is not displaying properly but read in your post that you did O! :happydance: Let us know how you get on with the specialist tomorrow.

Lemonflower - as I understand it when you are O'ing normally but have long or irregular cycles what they mean is that you still O about 10-16 days before AF but that each cycle it either takes your body a long time to gear up to O (long cycles) or that you O at different times each cycle (irregular cycles). Some people just do not O at all and so it might seem like they are regular (they have AF and so on) but they just don't O. From charting and using opks I have worked out that I am O'ing (phew!) but that exactly when I O is all over the place rather than on cd14 each cycle like some women.

I guess there is a big different medically - for example my cycles are likely to be as they are due to a hormone imbalance since coming off the pill (at least I hope that is all it is). My hormones just need to regulate to sort themselves out. However, someone that isn't O'ing might have something else wrong which needs sorting out in a different way.

Does that all make sense? It does in my head but when I try to write it down......:shrug:
Lemonflower - as I understand it when you are O'ing normally but have long or irregular cycles what they mean is that you still O about 10-16 days before AF but that each cycle it either takes your body a long time to gear up to O (long cycles) or that you O at different times each cycle (irregular cycles). Some people just do not O at all and so it might seem like they are regular (they have AF and so on) but they just don't O. From charting and using opks I have worked out that I am O'ing (phew!) but that exactly when I O is all over the place rather than on cd14 each cycle like some women.

I guess there is a big different medically - for example my cycles are likely to be as they are due to a hormone imbalance since coming off the pill (at least I hope that is all it is). My hormones just need to regulate to sort themselves out. However, someone that isn't O'ing might have something else wrong which needs sorting out in a different way.

Does that all make sense? It does in my head but when I try to write it down......:shrug:

Hi struth :flower:
We've chatted before on here - we seem to be mirroring each other as I've been off bcp since August 2010 and am still nowhere near experiencing 'normal' cycles :dohh:

Recently I seem to have fallen into a little pattern though - for the last couple of months my cycles have lasted on average 36-38 days, and I seem to be O-ing on CD27 or CD28. I feel exactly the same as you - I'm confident that I am O-ing (got a good run of positive OPKs this time round) but it's just the length of my cycles that are the problem. In the last 9 months since coming off bcp, I've only had 5 or 6 rounds of AF (which in itself is not really 'normal' - five days of spotting followed by two days of 'proper' AF). and I am pretty confident also that it's not necessarily true that there's something 'wrong'...more like it is just taking me longer than normal for my hormones to regulate after 10 years on bcp.

remind me struth - have you O'd this cycle yet? I think I read you had - really got FX'd for us both (I'm on 3dpo today) xxx:hugs:
P.S wouldluvabub - really sorry to hear of the diagnosis. Hugs to you hun. But at least you have some answers to work from now rather than being left in the dark. and millions of women give birth every day despite their PCOS. I am positive it will be fine for you.
Lemonflower - as I understand it when you are O'ing normally but have long or irregular cycles what they mean is that you still O about 10-16 days before AF but that each cycle it either takes your body a long time to gear up to O (long cycles) or that you O at different times each cycle (irregular cycles). Some people just do not O at all and so it might seem like they are regular (they have AF and so on) but they just don't O. From charting and using opks I have worked out that I am O'ing (phew!) but that exactly when I O is all over the place rather than on cd14 each cycle like some women.

I guess there is a big different medically - for example my cycles are likely to be as they are due to a hormone imbalance since coming off the pill (at least I hope that is all it is). My hormones just need to regulate to sort themselves out. However, someone that isn't O'ing might have something else wrong which needs sorting out in a different way.

Does that all make sense? It does in my head but when I try to write it down......:shrug:

Hi struth :flower:
We've chatted before on here - we seem to be mirroring each other as I've been off bcp since August 2010 and am still nowhere near experiencing 'normal' cycles :dohh:

Recently I seem to have fallen into a little pattern though - for the last couple of months my cycles have lasted on average 36-38 days, and I seem to be O-ing on CD27 or CD28. I feel exactly the same as you - I'm confident that I am O-ing (got a good run of positive OPKs this time round) but it's just the length of my cycles that are the problem. In the last 9 months since coming off bcp, I've only had 5 or 6 rounds of AF (which in itself is not really 'normal' - five days of spotting followed by two days of 'proper' AF). and I am pretty confident also that it's not necessarily true that there's something 'wrong'...more like it is just taking me longer than normal for my hormones to regulate after 10 years on bcp.

remind me struth - have you O'd this cycle yet? I think I read you had - really got FX'd for us both (I'm on 3dpo today) xxx:hugs:
P.S wouldluvabub - really sorry to hear of the diagnosis. Hugs to you hun. But at least you have some answers to work from now rather than being left in the dark. and millions of women give birth every day despite their PCOS. I am positive it will be fine for you.

Hi Morticia :wave: Good to hear from you and good to hear that you seem to have fallen into a pattern (even if it is a long one!).

I'm still waiting to O - I thought that I had a week or so ago (I had a dark opk which I thought was positive) but it turned out not to be O and so I am still waiting. I'm currently on cd58 so I'm sure it wil happen soon.

I'm having my bloods drawn on Thursday to have a look at my hormone levels so I'm hoping that I might have a few more answers once I get the results back but I'm trying to stay calm for now as I'm sure that my wonky cycles are due to the pill. I've only been off it for 5 months so it could still take a but more time.

I've also got very light AFs - I have only have 2 so far but both have comprised of 3-4 days of spotting and then 1/2days of red flow. From what I have read this can all be due to hormone imbalances after the pill so until I have anything else to say that I should worry, I'm trying not too!

Keep me posted as to how you get on Morticia - it is good to hear the stories of people returning to 'normal'!

My Chart, if this works.
Thanks guys.. It is good to know what's wrong but I just feel like I'm a failure of a women. Ill get my head around it eventually, but I just feel so down about it right now, I think I've excepted the fact that I won't be having a baby anytime soon, I'm trying to work on me for the moment, eat healthy and excersize and hopefully start to like myself again as at the moment I truly hate my body for letting me down. I find it hard to even look at myself at the moment, I just feel betrayed by my body.
Got diagnosed with pcos.. Really upset. I knew something was wrong but to have it confirmed is just hard. I'm so confused as I'm not overweight. The doctor said to try healthy eating and regular excersize. If I'm not pregnant in 6 months I have to go back. I'm so angry, upset, depressed and down right confused. Why me :cry:

Hey sweetie :hugs: I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I was diagnosed with PCOS in March and just got done with my first cycle on clomid. Symptoms can range all over the place, I myself am not over weight either. I just never had periods.

When you were diagnosed did your doctor run blood tests? Did they check to see if you are ovulating at all? Because that is the first thing you have to figure out. Obviously if you are not ovulating on your own you aren't gonna get pregnant. If you doctor is unwilling to run tests then I recommend getting a new doctor. If you ever need to talk feel free to message me. I was really upset when I first found out as well, but at least now I know what the problem is and we are working hard to figure out what we can do to get that little baby. :hugs:
Got diagnosed with pcos.. Really upset. I knew something was wrong but to have it confirmed is just hard. I'm so confused as I'm not overweight. The doctor said to try healthy eating and regular excersize. If I'm not pregnant in 6 months I have to go back. I'm so angry, upset, depressed and down right confused. Why me :cry:

Hey sweetie :hugs: I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I was diagnosed with PCOS in March and just got done with my first cycle on clomid. Symptoms can range all over the place, I myself am not over weight either. I just never had periods.

When you were diagnosed did your doctor run blood tests? Did they check to see if you are ovulating at all? Because that is the first thing you have to figure out. Obviously if you are not ovulating on your own you aren't gonna get pregnant. If you doctor is unwilling to run tests then I recommend getting a new doctor. If you ever need to talk feel free to message me. I was really upset when I first found out as well, but at least now I know what the problem is and we are working hard to figure out what we can do to get that little baby. :hugs:

Thanks! I am coping better now! Yeah the doctor did run tests but didn't tell me if I was ovulating, just confirmed the PCOS I'm on my 3rd cycle since November and this one is now my longest. I'm currently CD72 I think, I think I'll go back this week and tell the doctor that I need help cause nothing is happening, I've heard of a few medications but he only suggested one metaformin I think.. If I suggest a few maybe he will take more notice.
Well here I am. Still not had a period since February. Still in limbo - lots of BFNs which don't really mean much as I didn't get a BFP until 15 weeks with DS. So not really got any answers.... sigh. I'm fed up.
Hi guys - just thought I would update you. I've been to get my blood test results this morning and I have suspected PCOS. :-( I am being booked in for a scan to confirm but the bloods indicate that I have a high LH/FSH ratio with no corresponding increase in oestrogen which is apparently indicative of PCOS.

Can I ask a question of you PCOS women out there - do you get pain in your ovaries. I have had a dull ache off and on for years. I guess I just put it down to ovulation (although I can't remember whether I was on the pill or not at the time...). Anyway, the last week or so it has got worse - the pain is quite bad and it radiates to my back as well. Is this a symptom of PCOS or something else do you think? I did mention it to the dr but I'm not sure whether she took it on board.

Wouldluvabub - am glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better. It seems we are in similar places! I am on my third cycle since December - currently on cd 67 (I think). I too am not large (could do with loosing half a stone but eat healthly and exercise regualrly) but am going to try and get more healthy and do more exercise to shift this half a stone. Hopefully that will help.
Hi girlies :flower:

Just wanted to send some love :kiss: and a quick update.
Wouldluvabub - really hope you're doing ok hun and feeling a bit more positive. same to you Struth - at least you're being really proactive and doing the right thing in getting checked out, regardless of the consequences there will be steps to help you. Hugs. :hugs:

As for me...I'm on 12dpo and currently no sign of AF - so I can't help admitting I'm just the teensiest bit hopeful - not going to throw any wild parties yet though as I'm so afraid of being disappointed. If the witch stays away I will be testing on Saturday morning at 15dpo so will of course keep you all posted. I literally thought it was never going to happen to someone with such long cycles - I've only had 4 or 5 AFs in the past 9 months - and relatively late O compared to lots of people - CD28/29. so if anything has changed miraculously this month I will be sharing all my secrets, tips and symptoms with you all.

Lots of love and hugs (and nerves) Morticia xxx:kiss:

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