Post-pill irregular cycles support thread!!

Hi girlies :flower:

Just wanted to send some love :kiss: and a quick update.
Wouldluvabub - really hope you're doing ok hun and feeling a bit more positive. same to you Struth - at least you're being really proactive and doing the right thing in getting checked out, regardless of the consequences there will be steps to help you. Hugs. :hugs:

As for me...I'm on 12dpo and currently no sign of AF - so I can't help admitting I'm just the teensiest bit hopeful - not going to throw any wild parties yet though as I'm so afraid of being disappointed. If the witch stays away I will be testing on Saturday morning at 15dpo so will of course keep you all posted. I literally thought it was never going to happen to someone with such long cycles - I've only had 4 or 5 AFs in the past 9 months - and relatively late O compared to lots of people - CD28/29. so if anything has changed miraculously this month I will be sharing all my secrets, tips and symptoms with you all.

Lots of love and hugs (and nerves) Morticia xxx:kiss:

GL Morticia - keep us posted. I have my FX'd for you x
Hi guys - just thought I would update you. I've been to get my blood test results this morning and I have suspected PCOS. :-( I am being booked in for a scan to confirm but the bloods indicate that I have a high LH/FSH ratio with no corresponding increase in oestrogen which is apparently indicative of PCOS.

Can I ask a question of you PCOS women out there - do you get pain in your ovaries. I have had a dull ache off and on for years. I guess I just put it down to ovulation (although I can't remember whether I was on the pill or not at the time...). Anyway, the last week or so it has got worse - the pain is quite bad and it radiates to my back as well. Is this a symptom of PCOS or something else do you think? I did mention it to the dr but I'm not sure whether she took it on board.

I never had any pain, which actually made me think that the doctor was wrong in suspecting it, but when I went in for my pelvic ultrasound I had more than 15 follicles on each ovary! Really the only symptoms I had were long irregular periods and slightly oily skin.

Good luck and let us know how it turns out. :hugs: When I was diagnosed I actually looked at it as a positive thing, because then I at least knew what was going on and that we could do something about it. When I was just waiting for my cycles to even out I didn't even realize I was not ovulating at all. At least now with Clomid I have a chance.
Hi guys - just thought I would update you. I've been to get my blood test results this morning and I have suspected PCOS. :-( I am being booked in for a scan to confirm but the bloods indicate that I have a high LH/FSH ratio with no corresponding increase in oestrogen which is apparently indicative of PCOS.

Can I ask a question of you PCOS women out there - do you get pain in your ovaries. I have had a dull ache off and on for years. I guess I just put it down to ovulation (although I can't remember whether I was on the pill or not at the time...). Anyway, the last week or so it has got worse - the pain is quite bad and it radiates to my back as well. Is this a symptom of PCOS or something else do you think? I did mention it to the dr but I'm not sure whether she took it on board.

I never had any pain, which actually made me think that the doctor was wrong in suspecting it, but when I went in for my pelvic ultrasound I had more than 15 follicles on each ovary! Really the only symptoms I had were long irregular periods and slightly oily skin.

Good luck and let us know how it turns out. :hugs: When I was diagnosed I actually looked at it as a positive thing, because then I at least knew what was going on and that we could do something about it. When I was just waiting for my cycles to even out I didn't even realize I was not ovulating at all. At least now with Clomid I have a chance.

Thanks Trishg21 - I feel okay about it today. I indulged yesterday and had a bit of a cry last night with the OH (he was lovely) but today I feel quite calm. My OH said that if it is confirmed then we just need to treat it in a business-like way and get on with it (he's not a very emotional person!)! From my charting/temping I think I am ovulating so that in itself is good - just very irregularly at the moment.

I actually feel quite empowered as it is no longer a matter of just waiting it out and hoping that I O soon, something is happening and I can focus on that. Hopefully that whatever happens means that the likelihood of conceiving is increased.
fingers crossed you get some answers!!! We can be PCOS TTCers together and support each other, I am going to the doctors again tomorrow and I will be asking more questions and stuff about it. And asking him to help me.. Maybe give me some medication as he said last time to give it 6 months and I have decided I don't wanna wait that long so I am going back to demand some help!
fingers crossed you get some answers!!! We can be PCOS TTCers together and support each other, I am going to the doctors again tomorrow and I will be asking more questions and stuff about it. And asking him to help me.. Maybe give me some medication as he said last time to give it 6 months and I have decided I don't wanna wait that long so I am going back to demand some help!

Sounds good wouldluvabub. So your dr has said to go away and try for 6 months? Have you seen a FS or is it just the GP? Do you know what medication you are likely to get? I hope you get some answers and some help. Let us know how you get on.
fingers crossed you get some answers!!! We can be PCOS TTCers together and support each other, I am going to the doctors again tomorrow and I will be asking more questions and stuff about it. And asking him to help me.. Maybe give me some medication as he said last time to give it 6 months and I have decided I don't wanna wait that long so I am going back to demand some help!

Yes, sadly I have heard from many of my friends who have had trouble conceiving that most doctor's won't take you seriously if you haven't been trying for a year. Which is such bull! Just because someone hasn't been trying that long does not mean they don't deserve help, especially in the case of many PCOS women where conception may not be able to happen at all on their own.

I got lucky with my doctor and so far she has been great. But I would have done the same thing in your situation. I would demand help and if he wasn't willing to give it I would be finding a different doctor.

We can start our own PCOS crew :haha: and then we can all get our BFPs! :happydance:
STRUTH- If you are ovulating that is encouraging! Sometimes they can still give you some medication to regulate you cycles so you have better timing, but if you are ovulating that is great! I'm jealous :haha: What CD are you on? Have you O'd yet this cycle?
STRUTH- If you are ovulating that is encouraging! Sometimes they can still give you some medication to regulate you cycles so you have better timing, but if you are ovulating that is great! I'm jealous :haha: What CD are you on? Have you O'd yet this cycle?

I know - if I do have PCOS (still need to have the scan to confirm) and I am ovulating then I am really lucky - although I have read that the quality of the eggs can be poor and I suspect mine are as my LP has been short. I guess I'm kind of hoping that (if it is confirmed with the scan) that I respond to metformin and become more regular. Actually thinking about it, I don't mind the irregular so much as I can monitor with opks and temping - it is the long cycles that I would like to eradicate!

I'm on cd69 today - no O as yet! This is my longest cycle since coming off the pill (previously 55 and 28) so I'm hoping that one of the blighters pop out soon! I did wonder whether the pain that I have had was them gearing up to O (but then in darker moments wondering if it is a cyst!) but I haven't had a positive opk or temp shift yet...

And I agree with you about the dr thing.... Mine kept talking of having to wait two years to be referred to a FS "unless I can find something wrong with you". Well, I've read the NICE guidelines (this is what drs in the NHS use to guide their decisions) and it actually says one year but less if you are 35+ (I'm 35 next month). I've not taken her on yet as she may have indeed found something wrong with me (lol!) - I figure that you have to pick your battles. If my scan was to show no PCOS and she refused to refer me, though, I would definite take her on and if she wasn't willing to abide by the guidelines I would be changing drs!
Hey guys! Had my appointment this morning and I said to the doctor that I wanted to talk things over again because I didn't really understand what was wrong with me. Like if I just has polycystic ovaries or the actual syndrome.. I have the syndrome. My Insulin levels are fine and my testosterone levels are fine too. He said that the only indicator in my blood work are my LH & FSH levels.. He said that If they were different by over 2 then that was an indicator, mine were different by about 10.. He referred me to a FS and I rang to make the appointment.. Can't get in till July the 22nd so I will keep on trying untill then.. :) Fingers crossed I get some Magic happening! I have had 3 TTC readings done by 3 different psychics and they all said I'd get my BFP in July or concieve then. SOOOOO... Lets hope I need to cancel my appointment before then ;) I dunno if you ladies believe in that stuff but I was just bored lol!
I don't believe or know if I have pcos, but I am on cycle 2 after getting off the pill in december and think I may have gotten my bfp today, cd121 - 16dpo. Just wanted to post to let you all know not to give up. I was able to o after red raspberry tea leaf capsules and vitex for a week. I don't know if they did it or just it was finally time. I will repost later with a frer and or digi, if positive!
I don't believe or know if I have pcos, but I am on cycle 2 after getting off the pill in december and think I may have gotten my bfp today, cd121 - 16dpo. Just wanted to post to let you all know not to give up. I was able to o after red raspberry tea leaf capsules and vitex for a week. I don't know if they did it or just it was finally time. I will repost later with a frer and or digi, if positive!

:loopy::wohoo::headspin::yipee:\\:D/=D> CONGRATS!!
I don't believe or know if I have pcos, but I am on cycle 2 after getting off the pill in december and think I may have gotten my bfp today, cd121 - 16dpo. Just wanted to post to let you all know not to give up. I was able to o after red raspberry tea leaf capsules and vitex for a week. I don't know if they did it or just it was finally time. I will repost later with a frer and or digi, if positive!

Wow - I was looking at your chart just yesterday thinking it looked good. Congrats! Hope that you have a very sticky bean!
So - two things have happened to me today. The first was that I got my scan appointment which is for next Thursday - I couldn't believe it! It is only two days since I went to the drs and the scan will be just 8 days from then too! Wow - the NHS is impressing me for once!

The second thing is that I am spotting. Not sure why - I have no O'd so I wonder whether this is going to be an annovulatory cycle? Not sure. It is not an O bleed as my opks are not positive. I guess I just wait and see. TBH if it is AF then I'll be glad - at least it will be end to this cycle and on to another....(although I would rather have had O first! lol!).

Wouldluvabub - glad you got on well at the drs. I had that ratio things too in my bloods (mine was almost 4) and my testosterone was at the high end of 'normal'. They are sending me for the scan to confirm - will you be getting one too? Or does the dr just diagnose off the LH/FSH ratio?
I don't believe or know if I have pcos, but I am on cycle 2 after getting off the pill in december and think I may have gotten my bfp today, cd121 - 16dpo. Just wanted to post to let you all know not to give up. I was able to o after red raspberry tea leaf capsules and vitex for a week. I don't know if they did it or just it was finally time. I will repost later with a frer and or digi, if positive!

WOW! After such a long cycle! That is awesome, congratulations! :happydance::thumbup:
wouldluvabub - That is interesting that he sent he straight over to a FS but also very good news. They have a lot more tricks up their sleeves then OB's :thumbup:

Struth- glad they are moving along quickly to get things sorted out. That feeling of wanting to move on the the next cycle can be so frustrating! Feels like wasted time.

I just called my Dr. to get the results of my blood work and I am so upset! I was calling to see if I had ovulated or not on my first cycle of clomid. Well I talked to the nurse and first thing she tells me is that my blood work is consistent with PCOS and that the Dr. would like to confirm with an I already did that! 2 months ago! She asked if it was with the same Dr. and I told her that it was. So now it sounds like the don't even know what is going on! Plus I just asked her for my progesterone results to tell if I O'd or not and she said she couldn't find them! She said she would send a message over to the Dr. and see if she had them and they would call me back.

But what if they didn't run them! It is too late into my cycle now, and if I didn't O we won't know and they won't put me on a higher dosage of Clomid next cycle. I don't want to waste a clomid cycle on a low dosage where I don't even ovulate! I am so frustrated :( Sorry I just needed to vent.
I've already had my ultrasound with showed that I do have pcos. I actually got in straight after my doctors appointment so that was good! He didn't give me a ratio he just showed me the actual figures of my LH and FSH but I don't know how you work out the ratio...

Trish I am sorry they have stuffed up! That must be so annoying!
They never called me back. So I called around 4pm and they had closed at 2pm for the day! So now I have to wait till Monday. Tomorrow is CD 28 so I think I am going to test first thing tomorrow morning. But I am so scared! Especially not knowing if I for sure ovulated or not.
Trish - did you test??? How did you go??? I am actually going to an OB I think.. But from what I understand he is also a FS..?? I dunno.. But basically he does everything..

Struth - Thats great about your scan hope it goes well!!! How is your spotting going? Did it turn into AF??

Good news I have started spotting so cycle 3 officially was 78 days! Longest yet but I am SO glad it is finally over!!

Do you guys believe in psychics? I got 3 different readings done that all said I will conceive or get my BFP in July so I am hoping that cycle 4 is my lucky cycle! And maybe I'll get my BFP and won't need any help! Oh what an amazing dream! :) I follow a few girls pregnancy journals and they are talking about doing up babies room.. Oh How much fun would that be!! I can't wait to do all that. DH and I built a house and have nearly been in for a year. As you can imagine being our first house we don't have all the room's furnished! I have a really big room at the front of our house and I really want to have that as babies room so I don't want to furnish it untill I have a LO on the way! I can't WAIT till I get to go shopping for a cot and change table and deck it all out!!! Ahhh... Sorry I have gotten lost in a little day dream!

Can't wait to hear how you ladies are holding up :)
Trish - that is shocking. How annoying. I would be livid. Have you tested yet? Keep us posted!

Wouldluvabub - great news about AF arriving! On to the next one....! Hopefully this one will be short to O but lets hope AF doesn't turn up for 9 months and you can decorate that room of yours!

As for me - AF didn't show. I just had spotting for a day and then nothing.... Not sure what that was about?! I had some spotting near the start of the last two cycles (like at cd9) but none at any other time. Odd - but just another odd thing on this odd journey! So I'm on cd71 and still waiting. Looking forward to Thursday though so I can know for definite and then start planning....
Struth - Have you O'd yet? Maybe it was ovulation spotting? Or Implantation spotting????

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