I’m guessing girl still as the top of the head right after the forehead is rounded up and not as straight. When will you know the gender?
The shape of the skull. I don't know much about it, but boys seem to have a more flat forehead and sort of angled head. Your babies looks very rounded so I'd guess girl
The shape of the skull. I don't know much about it, but boys seem to have a more flat forehead and sort of angled head. Your babies looks very rounded so I'd guess girl
On your first pic iam seeing the nub and it is looking very girlyalso I agree with other ladies the skull is very round from fore head also indicating girl xx
Haha I've bought some stuff but kept it neutral even though I'm sure it's going to be a boy. I can't wait for you to find out to see if my guess was right haha!Yeah well find out definitely, was gonna book at early scan at 16 weeks, but as it's going really quick and I cant have any time off right now I think I'll just wait for the 20 week scan, if they cant tell at that point ill book a scan for just afterso excited to find out... everyone thinks I'm crazy, where I work in h&m there was loads of girly sleep suits which I loved.. so I bought them without even knowing the gender! Hahaha I'm a mental woman! At least I can exchange them if baby is a boy