Happy 3 months Penny!!!! xx
DG hope everything goes well with the blood taking, i dont particularly like needles either they not much fun...so excited for you too TTC! August isnt too far away and you have a vacation too take firstly, are you going anywhere nice? xx
Rach i think your doing the right thing WTT as it is quite stressful, but very fun, planning a wedding....are you NTNP or going back on BC? xx
Well as for me girls no AF as yet, not tested and decided im not going too until after im a week late so if no af by then i will test, am so nervous as i havent got a clue what too do if i am, im trying not too think about it right now, ive had intermittent af pains a few days ago but nothing now just keep feeling a bit dizzy every now & then but my boobs are fine and i feel ok. C'mon AF rear you ugly head then im DEFO getting back on BC!!!!! x