That's fantastic news! I'm so glad the seminogram went well. Yes, for ICSI, they really only need a few good mobile sperm. Two weeks will go by so fast and you will be starting stims before you know it! I'm so excited for you@Megan0625 congratulations!! I'm so happy to hear that, and she has a beautiful name I hope you get the results soon, I'm sure they'll be great!
@WinterBub I'm sorry I know the feeling, last month I had a terrible intermenstrual bleeding and I ovulated late and my period ended up coming 8 days late, it was all very annoying and like why does my body have to fail me and mess with me just about to start the IVF?? I hope you ovulate very soon and of course that you can continue with the process without any more problems. Please keep us posted
@Nima im sorry you're feeling stressed, to be honest I would probably be worried sick every day if I was pregnant, I see people talking about bleeding, and reduced fetal movement and all that and I honestly think I'd be crying everyday lol, but I think your pregnancy is going to go really well, hope you have your next scan soon! How many weeks along are you??
AFM, my husband had another seminogram, and it went great! I mean, it's still a lot worse than last year's, but it had by far enough good sperm as to have ICSI done. Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties it couldn't be frozen, but if all goes well we'll be freezing sperm in a few days. I hope this new seminogram is also enough, but anyway we are sooo relieved he does have still some mobile and normal sperm!! If all goes well I'll start the ovarian stimulation in 2 weeks!! I can't believe it.
Thank you, that is so reassuring to read. I think I am only comparing to my pregnancy with my daughter and I had nausea from week 5 till birth so I was expecting the same, but it doesn't have to be that way.Hi everybody! I actually don't have the NIPT results yet, but I did go in for a 3D gender ultrasound over the weekend and I did find out we are having a little girl . We are so excited . Her name is Clarke Christine (CC). She was so active during our ultrasound and she sure loves to be upside down lol. We have pictures of her little legs completely stretched out, she was punching and kicking like crazy. We got a recording of her heartbeat and put it in a stuffed bunny so we can listen to her heartbeat any time we want . I'm hoping to have the NIPT results today or tomorrow so we can have information about any potential chromosomal abnormalities.
@WinterBub I'm sorry, I know how frustrating it is when it feels like your body is failing you. I totally understand how hard it is when things feel out of control. I've felt like that so many times throughout the fertility journey. I hope you ovulate soon!
@Nima I totally understand the anxiety. I'm in the second trimester now and still feel full of anxiety and question every little pain or symptom that I feel. I have to keep myself from calling my OB constantly. Early on in pregnancy, I actually had almost no symptoms, just sore boobs and I felt a little more tired than normal. I also had a little spotting off and on which completely panicked me (I think I had delayed implantation bleeding and then bled from my early ultrasounds). Then I started getting morning sickness around 9 weeks and that hasn't gone away. My mom had absolutely no symptoms during 3/4 of her pregnancies, so it can be totally normal! I know it's easier said than done, but try not to worry about the symptoms. Even with the fatigue and bloating, I never really felt pregnant early on, if I didn't have the ultrasounds I wouldn't have believed I was pregnant.
This is amazing! So so happy for you, my heart is jumping in joy!@Megan0625 congratulations!! I'm so happy to hear that, and she has a beautiful name I hope you get the results soon, I'm sure they'll be great!
@WinterBub I'm sorry I know the feeling, last month I had a terrible intermenstrual bleeding and I ovulated late and my period ended up coming 8 days late, it was all very annoying and like why does my body have to fail me and mess with me just about to start the IVF?? I hope you ovulate very soon and of course that you can continue with the process without any more problems. Please keep us posted
@Nima im sorry you're feeling stressed, to be honest I would probably be worried sick every day if I was pregnant, I see people talking about bleeding, and reduced fetal movement and all that and I honestly think I'd be crying everyday lol, but I think your pregnancy is going to go really well, hope you have your next scan soon! How many weeks along are you??
AFM, my husband had another seminogram, and it went great! I mean, it's still a lot worse than last year's, but it had by far enough good sperm as to have ICSI done. Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties it couldn't be frozen, but if all goes well we'll be freezing sperm in a few days. I hope this new seminogram is also enough, but anyway we are sooo relieved he does have still some mobile and normal sperm!! If all goes well I'll start the ovarian stimulation in 2 weeks!! I can't believe it.
So great! What a relief.Update: just got my NIPT results back and I'm low risk for all the chromosomal abnormalities tested for, included Down Syndrome . And of course, it also confirmed we are having a little girl